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MLG x Australia


Oct 29, 2004
Recently, there have been discussions with MLG regarding its outreach programs and building Australia's smash community. They have made it clear they want us to grow, as they are currently in the process of organizing a spending budget for us; however, we do not know how much this will be, nor does MLG know what we require from them. It is up to us to do our research, and come back with a convincing case for growth and our strategies to get there; involving the right people is critical to having MLG take us more seriously. I proposed to establish and lead a committee of important contributors to the Australian Smash Community (CAOTIC/Mic_128/Shaya/Vyse/SD -- pending their approval), to develop a plan for Australia and I encourage other respected contributors to be a part of this process. A private forum will be created for this soon, and Skype will be necessary (for trans-continental communication).

It is hoped Australia can encourage MLG to invest in events with a high degree of public exposure, as well as guide us in developing an effective marketing strategy to boost our profile in the thick of it.

If people have any ideas on how we can boost our public profile and our community, suggest them in proper writing here in this thread; think big, think small. It doesn't matter.

Special thanks to Mic_128 for his initiative in getting this outreach program off the ground!

- Aussie Ambassador of the East: CAOTIC
- Aussie ambassador of the West: Mic_128
- Committee members invited: Shaya, Vyse, SD


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
I think there are two problems, shared with (almost) all of the community.

Size of events. Frequency of events.

Everything else can be worked on through practice and experience, such as tournament organisation, location, skill levels. But I believe that we are being held back by these two factors.

While I am no marketing major, I think that advertising and projecting ourselves onto the gaming culture would have a drastic effect on our tournament community. We need to actively advertise at our universities, at anime and nerd culture events, at gaming stores (tabletop and electronic alike). Posters designed to catch the eye and to invoke interest in competitive Smash within Australia. Engaging montages of Australia players on "official" community youtube channels to capture web audiences. The newsletter website will definitely be good at involving members of our community. But what about involving potential members? An Australian Smash website, used as a hub of information; tournament dates, results, other things, would be much better than pointing people towards a directory of a not-so-friendly forum interface. Instead of "smashboards.com > regional zones > Australia", where new members are then confronted with a database of threaded posts, a simple WordPress or other site that conveyed the most basic information would be a lot less intimidating.

I feel that to show our worth as a competitive scene, we definitely need to increase the frequency of our events. Two tournaments a month at minimum, with breaks during university exam period. Two tournaments a month with large (comparitively) turnouts demonstrates that we are actively trying to encourage competition within our community. We provide the medium of competition, often enough for developments to be seen over a quick period of time (right now NSW is limiting PR updates to once every 3 months. How much do you think you have improved in that time? Right now you only have 3 tournaments to demonstrate this, if that.). I think if our community committed to providing a better medium of competition, then we would deserve MLG's funding.

There's some poorly constructed thoughts. I would like to say that it's amazing that MLG is considering this and it would be absolutely fantastic for them to branch out.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
I think there are two problems, shared with (almost) all of the community.

Size of events. Frequency of events.

Everything else can be worked on through practice and experience, such as tournament organisation, location, skill levels. But I believe that we are being held back by these two factors.

While I am no marketing major, I think that advertising and projecting ourselves onto the gaming culture would have a drastic effect on our tournament community. We need to actively advertise at our universities, at anime and nerd culture events, at gaming stores (tabletop and electronic alike). Posters designed to catch the eye and to invoke interest in competitive Smash within Australia. Engaging montages of Australia players on "official" community youtube channels to capture web audiences. The newsletter website will definitely be good at involving members of our community. But what about involving potential members? An Australian Smash website, used as a hub of information; tournament dates, results, other things, would be much better than pointing people towards a directory of a not-so-friendly forum interface. Instead of "smashboards.com > regional zones > Australia", where new members are then confronted with a database of threaded posts, a simple WordPress or other site that conveyed the most basic information would be a lot less intimidating.

I feel that to show our worth as a competitive scene, we definitely need to increase the frequency of our events. Two tournaments a month at minimum, with breaks during university exam period. Two tournaments a month with large (comparitively) turnouts demonstrates that we are actively trying to encourage competition within our community. We provide the medium of competition, often enough for developments to be seen over a quick period of time (right now NSW is limiting PR updates to once every 3 months. How much do you think you have improved in that time? Right now you only have 3 tournaments to demonstrate this, if that.). I think if our community committed to providing a better medium of competition, then we would deserve MLG's funding.

There's some poorly constructed thoughts. I would like to say that it's amazing that MLG is considering this and it would be absolutely fantastic for them to branch out.

I need to motivate myself to bring sunshine coast into the scene. Time for more poster advertising.


Oct 29, 2004
I think there are two problems, shared with (almost) all of the community.

Size of events. Frequency of events.

Everything else can be worked on through practice and experience, such as tournament organisation, location, skill levels. But I believe that we are being held back by these two factors.

While I am no marketing major, I think that advertising and projecting ourselves onto the gaming culture would have a drastic effect on our tournament community. We need to actively advertise at our universities, at anime and nerd culture events, at gaming stores (tabletop and electronic alike). Posters designed to catch the eye and to invoke interest in competitive Smash within Australia. Engaging montages of Australia players on "official" community youtube channels to capture web audiences. The newsletter website will definitely be good at involving members of our community. But what about involving potential members? An Australian Smash website, used as a hub of information; tournament dates, results, other things, would be much better than pointing people towards a directory of a not-so-friendly forum interface. Instead of "smashboards.com > regional zones > Australia", where new members are then confronted with a database of threaded posts, a simple WordPress or other site that conveyed the most basic information would be a lot less intimidating.

I feel that to show our worth as a competitive scene, we definitely need to increase the frequency of our events. Two tournaments a month at minimum, with breaks during university exam period. Two tournaments a month with large (comparitively) turnouts demonstrates that we are actively trying to encourage competition within our community. We provide the medium of competition, often enough for developments to be seen over a quick period of time (right now NSW is limiting PR updates to once every 3 months. How much do you think you have improved in that time? Right now you only have 3 tournaments to demonstrate this, if that.). I think if our community committed to providing a better medium of competition, then we would deserve MLG's funding.

There's some poorly constructed thoughts. I would like to say that it's amazing that MLG is considering this and it would be absolutely fantastic for them to branch out.
Agreed, although I believe successful advertising and large turnouts precedes more events.

The Smash Community has had many attempts in trying to reach out to the mainstream. Events such as "Smash," "Manifest" and Nintendo's Connection Tours have brought few of us here. I know we are able to position ourselves where we need to to get exposure, but the benefits reaped from our investments has been extremely low. It's likely to be that people don't really see this as a competitive game, whereas it's common-knowledge that a game like Street-Fighter IV is very competitive. Conversely, it could just be that we appear to be a grassroots group of Smash fanatics that is involved in activities that don't look very lucrative to an outsider. Presentation and professional profile is something we're lacking in these big events - also a name to back us up like Nintendo -- these are all things we need to work on as well.

I do think a bottom-up approach to advertising is necessary, but we need to find a way to really reach out to people. Or figure out if we're doing anything wrong.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
the biggest problem we have, and have always had, its that we are an underground community, people simply dont know about us, mainstream advestising is simple and effective, and easily obtainable by a big company like mlg and will work wonders.

tv adds (if possible?), adds in gaming mags, advestising in other gaming communitys and circles, stuff like that.

also I dont suppose you could add a spot on that commitee for me, it'd be a shame if canberra missed out having their say and all of canberra can easily speak through me since I see them all at least once a week.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
I agree with everyone's comments for the most part, but I believe the biggest hurdle is the fact that Brawl is on the Wii, which was by nature a console designed for casual gaming... Hence, a lot of competitive (potential or actual) gamers would have either bypassed getting a Wii entirely, or not spent any time on it in favour of a more profitable venture (as CAO mentioned)... Thus, I don't think making tournaments more profitable will draw in more potential smashers (unless we can completely overshadow the prizes offered for other fighting games, but this is unlikely to happen I think)... If we're to advertise we need to put across the perks of being in this community, and the fun associated with competitive Smash; of which, SD's magazine idea is an amazing idea :D... In response to the Australian Smash website, this could be incorporated with SD's magazine website to create a news hub that could feature a small tournament calender as well...

Someone mentioned TV ads??? I don't think these would be necessary, as we could probably get a plug on TV from Good Game (other gaming TV shows :S?) possibly even for free and still capture most of our target audience... On top of that, as others have mentioned most of the potential smashers out there would be on the internet, so online links are a good thing to invest time into placing wisely :D

Regarding tournaments, the only thing I feel strongly about is keeping the costs of local tournaments down... $20 is a lot of money to a person to try something out, so we definitely shouldn't exceed this (optimally knock it down to $15, but I know in Perth it's hard to do that without significant cost to the TO :p)... As long as the cost is kept down, people won't feel as though they are being ripped off after playing two matches in a tournament :p

End-repeating-what-everyone-else-has-said :p The more people we get as regulars, the easier it'll become to get more regulars I hope :D


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Things like approaching websites (ie, Kotaku) or Good Game (tv) for some exposure on the scene would be a boost to the community_

Ruby puts up good ideas such as a community website and YouTube page_ Having a youtube account that holds all Australian videos acting as an archive in a sense would be good for accessibility_ A general website for all community info or a better used Facebook page are also good starts_

Promoting that we are an MLG sponsored game would also help push some notice in the scene if we are looking at using posters etc_

EDIT: Sorry just to refer to MTGod's comment_ Although smash bros is on the wii, i have encountered numerous amounts of people who have actively played melee or brawl in their own time and are amazed that it has a competitive scene, even interested in it_ The people are out there, they just need to be better informed_


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2006
This is a tricky issue and Smash faces some unique challenges in the already challenging goal of expanding a competitive gaming community. I think presentation is a very important aspect that we need to think about. A significant part of the strength competitive games run by e-sport organizations like MLG have lies in how they engage with their audience.

Say I'm some new guy. I wonder what tournaments between the best players in the country are like. In the USA, I can go to MLG's website, check out results, ladder standings, photos, player profiles and histories, interviews and all kinds of good **** about the game in a professional layout. How do we engage new players here?

Telling people to check out x and y Smashboards threads and come to an upcoming meet works for already enthusiastic players, but the fact is that's a small pool of people that won't feed the kind of growth we're looking for. The audience we really want to aim to bring in are those players who don't yet realize they want to play competitive Smash, the ones who like Smash but wouldn't actively seek out the scene on their own initiative. We need to get these people excited about the idea of competitive Smash.

In my opinion we need an easily accessible website that actively engages new players, excites them about competitive Smash, encourages them to and explains how to get into the scene. I'm not exactly sure what kind of website SD's newsletter project will be but it's absolutely a fantastic step in the right direction. Thumbs up to everyone involved with that, I'm eagerly anticipating the first edition :)

Also, if we want people to get excited about participating in competitive Smash, we need to make competitive Smash exciting. This is just from the POV of the Melbourne Melee scene but right now it's slumping despite some great emerging talent. There's a lot of negativity, there's zero hype around any tournament except the BAM series, which happens only once a year. Who can be bothered to start competing in a game that provides such little reward for your efforts?

I think it would help if we had greater recognition for players' accomplishments. MLG winners see themselves put on the front page, rise in the points ladder, have wins added to their histories etc. We have no season ladder, our results for event x are on page 147 of the 14th thread down on page 2 of the Australia subforum of Smashboards. No one is going to find that ****. Power rankings can be good but they're also in many ways inadequate, as they're just a form of editorial - great for a newsletter column, but we should encourage the drive to win with objective results. This is just one example I'm trying to use to illustrate a more important point: we can't expect other people to take us seriously until we take ourselves seriously, and if we want to expand the first people we have to get out of the 'underground mindset' are ourselves.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
I dunno - I think I prefer having different accounts for each state tbh... But maybe having a name like PerthSmash on Youtube rather than just under someone's actual account might give it more credibility, maybe...

EDIT: Directed towards Bsrk :p


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
so u like smash huh?
what do we have in common??
we like smash,
we bought the game at a store...
advertise at gaming stores.

i dont know what else we have in common with potential smashers... advertise at uni or school...

cant really think of a magazine i read that most smashers read,
cant really think of a website other than google that smashers go to (other than smash boards)

maybe we should ask those Halo guys.. where the people come from.


Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2009
For print magazines, Nintendo Australia would be a good start... Hyper and other X-console magazines would maybe work, but I have a feeling most people buy those magazines for the reviews, not so much for the latest news on competitive scenes...

Come to think of it, there's a major gap in the market for a print magazine on e-sports :S I guess 'cos all the news is online nowadays...


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
This is certainly an exciting venture and one I am grateful to be involved with. Cao we have already discussed this to some degree and as you know I am committed to being part of this panel.

Many people are pointing to the need for a centralised source of news and information as a good starting point for our community to build upward. Luckily, I've been working diligently on the Ausmash project which should be able to act in a manner as outlined by Atticus and Zero. The site itself is for all intensive purposes ready and functional, and once people have had a look I encourage feedback as to how it can be applied to fill out the needs of the community with regards to this project. I am confident it will be able to serve this purpose. Watch this space I am intending to unveil the site very soon. Clearly there will be need to explain the nature of our community to 'outsiders' in a way that will attract them to competitive smash... if anyone has a spiel they'd like me to put up on the site to this effect let me know. Some sort of ladder system would be interesting also... and a tournament calendar is a great idea, I'll set up a tab for that. NB: atm the site is a wordpress thing - very clean, presentable and suited to our current needs, but in future we may be looking at a complete custom site :)

I ENCOURAGE feedback from everyone, this needs to be a community project.

and god****, atticus just has a way of saying what everyone else is too inarticulate to express


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Everyone seems to agree that the Australian Smash Scene's size, professional look, profitability and competitive appearance to other gaming communities seem to be the biggest hitches here, but wouldn't MLG's contributions help with all the things our scene is lacking in?

/small input - it just seemed like some people (not all) overlooked the fact MLG is looking to HELP grow our scene, not just start a professional scene here. I'm not saying we shouldn't contribute obviously, that would get us nowhere. However rather than going out of our way to fix the aforementioned problems, you identify what the problems are, and formulate a solution WITH MLG. I'm sure having the backing of MLG could really boost attendance if we approach everything properly...

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Aus population - 22mill
U.S population - 300mill

Aus Largest tourney attendance - approx 100
U.S Largest tourney attendance - approx 400

If Aus had the same pop as the U.S rocky could have had over 1000 people lol. MLG is kewl and all if they bring halo with them ololol but really, how much more can the scene grow? Take everything in moderation.

Sponsorships would be nice tho.. get me some of those mlg headphones yeaahz c:


Smash Ace
Mar 4, 2009
Luke makes a good point. I had no idea there was a competitive smash community in Australia until I was referred to this website. The community is definitely too underground. Also put Luke on the panel or Canberra will sadface.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2009
Making it Rain in Perth!
Well at least in Wa i can hit up the eb i work and talk with the area manager and maybe state manager about posters/flyers but everything put up in an eb store needs head office approval. However im sure if we mentioned mlg i think we can get some tongues waggling. Agreeing with Scoot here having mlg behind us could allow us opportunities for expansion we otherwise would struggle for. That being said smashers its time to get your hustle on start pimpin out that smash community even if her says her legs are sore keep dat hoe walking !

The best advice i can give if people are serious about this is get organized start advertising and DON'T BE ****


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
Sponsorship for tournaments_ Getting some backing from gaming stores such as EB Games and Gametraders who are willing to not only advertise for our scene, but be advertised as sponsors, would immediately make a boost to the scene_ How about making the Melbourne nationals a largely advertised MLG sponsored event also_?

Purely by having some form of sponsorship, even if it is by name only, immediately shows people that we are serious as a competitive community_ If somebody sees a poster and it has MLG, EB Games etc as listed sponsors, then people will begin to take notice_ Also getting these stores to help with perhaps 2 large scale tournaments a year_ One could be a national and one could be a large state tournament, both offering cash and physical prizes_ This would help expand not only our state wide community, but also our national one_

If you want to have a ladder of sorts, then perhaps we should get people talking to each other and organising bi weekly tournaments as Ruby mentioned_ Also starting a tournament rankings list as some sort of competitive ladder for each state which MLG could 'sponsor' or fly the top player in each ladder to the Melbourne national each year_ This would boost competitiveness and create some sort of yearly large scale event that people are competing for within their state so as to get the placings_

Perhaps you could even look at holding a seperate MLG certified tournament_ So basically each state creates it's ladders through tournament points and rankings_ An allocated number of people (say top 5 for example) from each state will be sent over to Melbourne which will hold noty only a community wide tournament, but also an MLG pro circuit of sorts, for which the top 5 from each state will vs each other for the number 1 title_ Something sort of similar to what MLG has going in US_

Just some ideas if they make sense_ BTW, this would all give the newsletter great stories and coverage also ;) Once you get some 'sponsorship' then we can hit up websites and tv prgrams for coverage (ie, GG or Kotaku)_


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
from qld exp Game traders is superior.. since they dont need national level approval. they have been very kind to qld. giving out prizes and hosting tournaments.

eb hasn't really supported us much.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
i have often thought about syke's point, that america has over 10x the population and so in comparison our scene is already huge, how many more people can we attract?


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
Arrow's right. Max and I tried our local EB games to advertise smash but they weren't very enthusiastic about it. The poster they taped to the glass games/accessories container thing that was behind the counter, was in the bottom left hand corner where people would barely notice it. Eventually it got taken down so that was utter fail. I'm gonna try Gametraders in Maroochydore though. They seem more friendly and willing to help.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
At Uni doing Uni work so I can't say much atm.

This is amazing news. Mic, I already knew you were doing great things thanks to the outreach program but this is immense!

I'm going to call JB about it soon as well and see where LanSmash stands. LanSmash supports SF4/Smash/Halo so idk, we'll see.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
I guess ill put in some imput aswell, but in my opinion it'll probably be hard gathering people considering the gaming scene in australia in general is quite small.

But if this does actually work out and attract proper attention, then this would be a great addition for the Smash sence here. :3

Probably everything I've said here has probably been stated already in other posts but eh, thought i'd put my thought in too.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002

Many people are pointing to the need for a centralised source of news and information as a good starting point for our community to build upward. Luckily, I've been working diligently on the Ausmash project which should be able to act in a manner as outlined by Atticus and Zero. The site itself is for all intensive purposes ready and functional, and once people have had a look I encourage feedback as to how it can be applied to fill out the needs of the community with regards to this project. I am confident it will be able to serve this purpose. Watch this space I am intending to unveil the site very soon. Clearly there will be need to explain the nature of our community to 'outsiders' in a way that will attract them to competitive smash
Wow, that's awesome. when it's near completion I'll have a word with JV, see if we can get it linked to on the MLG main site.

Also, since it seems it's the time of announcements, I can finally announce that Smashboards will be running tournaments at Perth's Supanova convention later this month! The exact rulesets for it are still being tweaked since it's clear a normal style tournament wouldn't work so hot at a convention, but the important thing is that it'll be giving awareness of Smashboards to a pretty **** large amount of people who would likely be interested in it and should give us the opertunity to pass out fliers and such. Still need to check on those (think we might need to get supanova a copy to approve) but with SD mentioning that this website is nearing completion, I'll have to talk with you about it, might be able to get it on the fliers :D


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
either way, the first step is to get the scene out there and known, there are sooooo many people that would come if they only knew about it.

we need to make this known on the mainstream.


Oct 29, 2004
I have a lot to say in response to everyone's well worded contributions, but before I reply, I'd just like to mention that people beleive the market for competitive gaming in Australia is quite small. However, we have to create that market for ourselves; competitve gaming is a relatively new phonomenon.

Vyse, are you going to accept being on the committee?

Luke, I'll have a word with you about this sometime; I'd like you to be on it as well, but there's some issues I need taken care of first.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
that is true, also with every day that passes gaming becomes more and more accepted and mainstream and the chance for this to kick off gets better and better.

also no worries cao, just hit me up whenever


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I have a lot to say in response to everyone's well worded contributions, but before I reply, I'd just like to mention that people beleive the market for competitive gaming in Australia is quite small. However, we have to create that market for ourselves; competitve gaming is a relatively new phonomenon.

Vyse, are you going to accept being on the committee?

Luke, I'll have a word with you about this sometime; I'd like you to be on it as well, but there's some issues I need taken care of first.
For sure Dave.

Just don't expect to hear much out of me for the next few days, Uni presentation tomorrow =_=


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
The other thing is creating a community vibe_ Just going to throw this out there, but how about filming during large national events_ Kind of like a what's happening, chowing atmosphere, interviewing kind of thing_ I would love to do this for Robocop but don't have my own equipment (still at uni), but i will be pushing to get a small crew for the Perth national to make this happen_ Could be something interesting for people to check out if they weren't there, or even if they are interested to see what's happening_

Once i finish uni and get my production company rolling, i'd be happy to help out as much as possible_ Could even look at getting a few other people involved over east who are interested but perhaps need some advice etc first_ Obviously try and keep this for nationals though to create bigger hype_


Oct 29, 2004
I also think Australia needs to standardize its rulesets and provide a national circuit with its existing set of majors (Jan-WA/Apr-NSW/Jul-QLD/Oct-VIC). People complain that Australia has one serious major every year (Rocky/Robocop); but we do have 3 other major series that vie for similar status and we need to find ways to increase the expectations of other billed majors - money and shared support usually solves this problem.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Just throwing this out there, but I like Cao's idea of a standardised ruleset and a circuit of majors. I would be much more inclined to attend all nationals if attending them all meant something.

True Romance

Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Perth, WA
I also think Australia needs to standardize its rulesets and provide a national circuit with its existing set of majors (Jan-WA/Apr-NSW/Jul-QLD/Oct-VIC). People complain that Australia has one serious major every year (Rocky/Robocop); but we do have 3 other major series that vie for similar status and we need to find ways to increase the expectations of other billed majors - money and shared support usually solves this problem.
Yes yes yes.


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2008
How do the Americans advertise their smash community?

In my opinion 400 for largest attendance in an American major is quite small where the population is over 10 times ours.

For those that believe we will find it hard to attract a larger competitive player base, Australia has the people they just don't know where to go. Groups of people such as Mat & Jaice's group in qld are a perfect example where a group of friend get together to play a game they enjoy but didn't know where to go for tournaments (they actually held their own to fill in this gap). I was also in this catorgory till I was introduced to smashboards.
I hear it all the time when I say a play competitive smash to someone who enjoys the game and they say that's awesome I didn't even know about that.

Most of my ideas for expanding and advertising have already been mentioned. But to continue holding public style tournaments at conventions such as Vyse does at animania is a great idea, especailly if we can get the fact there is such an event at the convention advertised with the mainstream promotion campaign that the convention uses to advertise their convention.
I was also thinking if we were able to host a similar public style tournament at Nintendo connections tours where again it was mentioned as a large part of the advertising then this would attract interested players as well.

This is a nintendo product and especailly with brawl, made with the casual player in mind. There are a lot of players out there that play this game casually but think they are playing a competitve style, they just don't know any better (I was one of these people before I was introduced to competitive smash) or just have a lot of fun with it. Given the chance these players would enjoy and welcome a smash community. It is these people that attend the connection tours when a smash event is mentioned, these people also are likely to attend other nintendo events as well.

As long as we have some large scale advertising (similar to the connection tour where it targets their main audience, although nintendo do have their text message alerts) I think that public style tournaments coupled with the professional look and advertising situations that has already been mentioned would greatly increase the scenes. If the 08 connection tour which had the brawl tournament had smashboards and the smash community regularly promoted by the host and/or one of us acting as a spokesperson then we would have got a lot more into the scene then than what we did.

This game sold millions of copies in Australia didn't it!? Therefore that's our target Market, and the fact that we are already attracting a larger percentage of players to population than the American I think we are going quite well, but by doing the above we target the people who play this game casually and enjoy it but don't know about the gaming communities. This group make up the majority of nintendos Market and therefore our target market as well.

I would really like to know how the Americans promote there community outside MLG because I think 400 attendees is quite low for the American population and it seems to me that they are relying on MLG and the MLG name to promote their scene (I am probably wrong here and that's wavy I want to know what theyare doing). This will only target players who are already knowledgable and interested in competitive gaming and therefore miss the majority of the target market of those that bought the game.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
This game sold millions of copies in Australia didn't it!? Therefore that's our target Market
pretty much this hey? if we could get nintendo to endorse our tourneys that would be ideal, but failing that, mags are always a good shot, maybe we should do the ring around to all the gaming mags and find out what it costs/requirements are for advertising there.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
if money is required for something like this i could probably help out hey

also if people make some 'official' fliers, posters etc, I'd be more than willing to help out with that to by going around everywhere local and 'persuading' the stores to put em up.
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