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MLG - Smashboards purchase discussion

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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
fucking sellouts.

Hopefully nothing will change in the way smashboards operates and funding and support is all we get from MLG. But we'll see.
Says the kid with 25 posts.

this is totally different. im sure halo 2 & 3 had their own AT's. brawl has none. and dont name all the little stupid ones. brawl is basically a kids game. a kids game that bigger kids with the experience can dominate. comparing the move from halo 1 to halo 2 is nothing close compared to going from melee to brawl. everyone knows that with the way they made brawl, theres no way there can ever be high-level competition. itll just be a competition. thats what makes melee a totally different game. i dont see brawl as the next series of smash. i see it just as brawl. melee is melee. brawl is brawl. there is no number like 1, 2 or 3. its just a totally different game. the mechanics from melee were deleted for totally new ones.
This is the worst post so far. Get lost, kid. Brawl has no ATs? none? You can't name any?

And it's not halo1 to halo2. It's halo2 to halo3.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
is there a certain "AT" that has taken you more then a month to use during a match with success? if you said yes, you are a noob. how long did it take you to get good at melee? oh thats right probably around a year.
How long did I take you? Oh, right. I'll keep the clock running.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
is there a certain "AT" that has taken you more then a month to use during a match with success? if you said yes, you are a noob. how long did it take you to get good at melee? oh thats right probably around a year.

let's see you fully implement DR with yoshi within a months time. I'll be here ready to laugh at you when you fail.

at any rate, that isn't what this thread is about, so let's shut up about it, eh? =)


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
is there a certain "AT" that has taken you more then a month to use during a match with success? if you said yes, you are a noob. how long did it take you to get good at melee? oh thats right probably around a year.
6 months and i'm still kinda bad lol, but ima just keep working and working until im a BEAST! lol

but on a serious note, you can't really compare melee and brawl because they are COMPLETELY different games
the only similarity i see is that they both have super smash bros in the beginning of their titles.
most ppl play brawl because its new and popular rite now, and yes i am a die hard melee fan even tho i just got into it competitively.....but the brawl ppl are right, us begging MLG to hold melee won't help anything

until ppl realize that melee is on a completely different level than brawl, all we melee players can do is stand on the sidelines and maybe wait for our chance to shine again =)

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Jona, I like Melee. A lot. Just like you and Prince.

But face facts: MLG is not going to pick up Melee. It's picking up Brawl and that is that. Show your support of Melee by hosting tourneys and smashfests on the side.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Dragon Kick you into the Milky Way!
Oh boy....DR = Dragonic Reverse. Basically it's Yoshi's wavedash where you take advantage of the beginning frames of his second jump since it has a downward curve to it and perform an aerial IMMEDIATELY.

So it's like Jump -> Double Jump -> 1 millisecond later -> Aerial (Preferably Nair)

The timing of this technique is pretty tight and crucial so I would like to see JonaDiaper and Shroomed mastering and applying this technique since they think Brawl has kiddy ATs.

Jack Kieser

Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2008
Seattle, WA
Jona, I like Melee. A lot. Just like you and Prince.

But face facts: MLG is not going to pick up Melee. It's picking up Brawl and that is that. Show your support of Melee by hosting tourneys and smashfests on the side.

Smooth Criminal
Smooth Criminal, you've always been a good dude. +1 Rep.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Oh boy....DR = Dragonic Reverse. Basically it's Yoshi's wavedash where you take advantage of the beginning frames of his second jump since it has a downward curve to it and perform an aerial IMMEDIATELY.

So it's like Jump -> Double Jump -> 1 millisecond later -> Aerial (Preferably Nair)

The timing of this technique is pretty tight and crucial so I would like to see JonaDiaper and Shroomed mastering and applying this technique since they think Brawl has kiddy ATs.
Ok, Im doing it right now and I sort of don't see the use to it. It gives me a bit of slide and im sure it would be ok for spacing, but im not sure how exactly its supposed to be useful.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2006
Somewhere in texas
Brawl was intended not to be competive miyamoto musashi even stated that the game proves a point i do agree that mlg won't pick up melee but the funny thing is i practice in melee and beat brawl peeps who actullay practice the game. that makes me lol alil bit.

Brawl has put a bad taste in many smashers mouth (causing them to quit) but when i can beat someone by spamming a single move or chain grabbing to obliteration then the game is not skillful and not meant for mlg.

MLG is a honorable company and has always been good to the gaming comnmunity but Brawl just does not stack up to such a great company...

i have fortold the end of smash once before


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2006
the real black sheep
He's not bashing Melee, he's saying will you guys for the love of Goombas, stop going on about how super special awesome Melee is in any thread that has the hint of including both Melee and Brawl in it's discussion? Because it's annoying as hell and doesn't do a damn thing.

And yeah, you're going to have to get used to Brawl being in the spotlight and Melee being a bit off to the side. Melee isn't dead but it's no longer the lord of the dance that Brawl now is.
thanks for reinforcing what I already thought, I guess
AZ's post made me angry because it was ridiculously condescending and slightly hypocritical.

I myself didn't even mention melee being a "superior" game in that part of the post, yet so many people automatically go on the defensive when the word "melee" is mentioned in a brawl post that they start reciprocating even when nothing has been done to them. Give good, rational posters the respect and attention they deserve, without presuming to know their motives.

When did I say that MLG should be 100% melee, or give the impression that I "wasn't used" to brawl being more popular? I absolutely recognize that running brawl is the more lucrative idea, despite my personal preferences. This is exactly what I mean, though; a lot of moderators and pro-brawl posters read into melee posts like there's always some hidden aggression for "ruining" the "better" game.

It's condescending, it's riduculous, and it nullifies any actions you try to take to "equalize" the two games when you treat each side of the spectrum so differently.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I cant believe i just heard what i did. This thread is ridiculous. Brawl has no ATs? I always hear how easy brawl is but yet these same ppl arent winning ANYTHING. Then they john saying i didnt practice it EVEN THOUGH THEY JUST SAID THEY DONT NEED PRACTICE. IF u look at tourney placings, all the winners have been good in melee. I never seen someone who hasnt played melee completely sweep everyone.

The game didnt even get a chance yet but u ppl are automatically sayin 'it doesnt deserve it yet'. Ppl tend to forget about the transition to 64 to melee. Ppl didnt like it. Ken didnt like melee when it came out....but u see where he is now. Isai STILL plays 64 but he still played melee in the beginning. Stop bytching about the game especially since u dont know every little detail about the game to begin with. ITS NOT THE SAME GAME.

I have no problem with either game. If mlg had both, i'd definitely practice both games. But face facts. Its not gonna look good business wise. It'll be a poor turnout for both, especially if players wanted to do both tourneys. U'll sooner or later get disqualified because ur in a match and u HAVE to participate in the other. They have to focus on one. If u think melee is the better game, sure. We understand that but STOP RESTATING IT. WE GET THE POINT.

This thread isnt about what is gonna be hosted by mlg. its about mlg being a bigger part of smash period. Its not even guaranteed there's gonna be a circuit in the first place. It could be just one tourney and thats it. Maybe MLG could host a random melee tourney during brawl. WHO KNOWS?!

All im saying is, do not bash a game ur not 100% sure about. If u didnt even make the effort to learn the stuff, u really cant comment much on it. I'm not saying everyone here hates melee from the ones who support brawl. Think about Isai who loves 64. He still plays online and such. He doesnt expect to see a random smash64 tourney anytime soon but since he loves the game he plays it anyway. No need to stop playing melee if thats what u love. No one is stopping u. Just dont kill the fun of others.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
well there's one step, now you've gotta apply it =P
Yeah, once again, i dont see any real applications for it. Like sure its moderately difficult tech wise and im sure with yoshi's unique turn around jump abilities it could be sort of interesting, but im not seeing a huge amount of use for it.

Edit: Going to In'n'out then off to melee, so I wont be practicing that tech anymore tonight. Before I go though, I would like to point something out. This tech falls in with one of Kirby's in melee. You can dash attack off a platform and when you land instantly cancel it into a grab. It's semi useful, but in reality pulling it off is so ******** hard that any use it has is sort of nullified. Im not saying DR can't be useful, I'm just saying that it doesn't seem useful enough to actually require learning, which is something a good AT should be.


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
wavedashing is not difficult at all, for most players it becomes like tilting the joystick
i wouldn't consider yoshi getting a little further with his aerial an advanced technique
and how is running off the edge and caping with mario to go a little further off the stage an AT? lol

besides all that, i've been wondering what are MLG tourneys even like?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
There's NO WAY he's gonna DR properly. PRiDE took a solid 2 weeks to get it down, only after changing his controls. And he's like the best Yoshi there is.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Yeah, good work guys. Way to make MLG think they just bought a kindergarten.
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