I started off with just listing what I thought of a few pokes, but then it expanded into a bunch, so I'll just do a full tentative review.
First of all, I want to say that all the designs are horrible. There is not a single one I really like at all.
The starters are all ****. I hope they have move pools that are ****ing amazing because that will be the only saving grace. Oh, and you don't need to make every ****ing fire starter into a Fire/Fighting type. Do some original **** once in a while. Why not make him Fire/Ground or something. This even makes sense because it's a pig and pigs roll in the mud. I was also hoping the grass starter would be, like, a dragon type or something, and obviously I knew it wasn't going to happen but I at least hoped he wouldn't be mono grass.
Miruhoggu, Muurando, and Leperasudu have good points and bad points, but mostly bad points.
Hiyakki, Baokki, and Yanakki are all going to be good since they all have solid attacking stats an good speed. Baokki is probably going to be the worst of the bunch for the unfortunate reason of him being weak to Stealth Rock.
Musharna will be good on Trick Room teams but not much else. Get used to seeing me say that because it's going to come up a lot.
Hey Kenhourou, Pidgeot called, he wants his spot as a Fly slave back.
Zeburaika is cool only because he's the second Motor Drive pokemon ever. Of course, he already has great speed, so most sets will focus on boosting his mediocre attack. And of course scrubs will use him with Gyarados.
Gigiasu has Sturdy so there's a very good chance that he could be a great anti-lead since Sturdy now basically works like Focus Sash. Other than that, his speed is what's really holding him back.
Hey Kokoromori, Golbat called, he wants you to stop attacking him every time he goes into a cave.
Doryuuzuu's typing is both a blessing and a curse since he gets a bunch of resistances and immunities but is weak to 4 of the most common types - Fire, Water, Fighting, and Ground. We'll see if his decent attack stats combined with his abilities can make him great or just good.
I hope Taabune's abilities are enough to save it because there's no way he's gonna get past NU on stats along.
Hey Roopushin, Hariyama called, he wants his stat spread and abilities back.
Gamageroge looks like a ****ty version of Poliwrath. Get that **** outta here. You can't compare to THE HYPNOTOAD.
Nageki and Dageki are basically the same, only with one being bulky and the other being a decent sweeper, like Hitmonlee and Hitmontop.
Hahakurimo and Pendoraa look like the average ****ty bug types that Gamefreak was contractually obligated to make.
Erufuun looks weird and random. I can't see it being good unless it has a really good movepool.
Doreida could be good in UU where the grass sweepers go to be awesome.
Basurao looks bad.
Warubiaru is going to get used because of STAB EQ, STAB Crunch (which I assume it has), and Intimidate. It's basically going to be like Gyarados with more weaknesses.
Hihidaruma, Flareon called, he says you suck.
Makarachii seems like a bunch of random ****. idk if it'll be good or not, I'll need to see the moveset.
Iwaparesu, Armaldo called, he wants his place as a bulky Bug/Rock back.
Zuruzukin could be a good tank or wall, or even a very slow sweeper. Shed Skin Resttalk is fun.
Shinpora is good in theory, but I just don't know if he has the stats or the typing to be a true Magic Guard troll. Maybe if he gets a SubRoostCP build or Endeavor.
Desukan, Dusknoir called, he wants his Atk back. I mean who uses special attacks on a ghost. Seriously.
Abagoorea is basically replacing Rhyperior as Trick Room's rock type sweeper.
Aakeosu looks like a better Aerodactyl and I can see a SubRoostAncientpower version of this being hella trollin. My only concern is that his ability might actually make him unplayable.
EDIT: Nevermind. if what Dina said about Weak-kneed is true, he's already unplayable. Kinda depends on which stats are reduced though.
Dasutodasu is probably the best pokemon in Gen 5 right now. Poison STAB, an ability that doesn't do anything in combat, and overall underwhelming stats are almost an instant promotion to Ubers.
Zoroark's ability seems pointless and a good player would be able to deduce when you're using him. He has good attacking stats though and that counts for a lot.
Chirachiino, Ambipom called, he wants his stat spread back.
Goichizeru is the definition of underwhelming. He has potential as a sweeper in UU or NU but nowhere else.
I like Rankurusu. He's like Clefable with better stats and worse typing and speed. If he gets Cosmic Power, Trick Room, Taunt, and Endeavor he'll be very fun to troll people with.
Swanna looks like crap. I hope he gets some boosting moves to make up for those ****ty stats.
Baibanira, Glaceon called, he wants his spot in Hail teams back.
Mebukijka is going to be one of those "good in sun but not anywhere else" pokemon. Unfortunately, like every other Chlorophyll pokemon, he's outclassed and outsped by Jumpluff.
Shubarugo looks like if Scizor lost Technician and gained bulk. If he doesn't get priotiry moves though, he's going to suuuuuuuck.
I hope Morobaeru gets some priority moves, cause if not then he won't get played outside of NU and Trick Room.
Burunkeru, Vaporeon called, she wants her ability as a Water Absorbing special wall back.
Mamanbou has a lot of HP and Hydration. That's all you can really say about it. It'll probably end up being a typical Bulky Water who happens to be better in rain.
SubCharge Denchura could be good since Charge Beam will hit every time with Compoundeyes and Bug and Electric hits most things for neutral. Whatever he doesn't hit for neutral can hopefully be covered by a high power low accuracy TM move like Fire Blast, Seed Flare, Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Focus Blast, Draco Meteor, or whatever. High speed combined with high accuracy Thunder is going to be really good in any format, but his typing really holds him back.
Nattorei makes me think of if Forretress had higher Atk and SpD at the cost of now being weak to fighting. If he gets some goodies like Payback, Rapid Spin, and entry hazards he just might replace Forry entirely. I seriously doubt he will though, but even Stealth Rock and Gyro Ball would be good for him.
Gigigear has a terrible ability but could be decent overall. He basically makes me think of if Registeel traded almost half his SpD for good Atk and Speed. I gotta say though, his design is really dumb.
I like Shibirudon if only because he technically has no weakness, but his speed severely limits his usefulness. SubCharge could be cool though.
Oobemu looks bad. Like really bad. I think the only reason he was made was to give Trick Room teams more diversity.
Shanderaa is like the ******* child of Gengar and Heatran. I can see him being very, very useful, especially with a Scarf on.
Ononokusu could have been a Mence counter if his base speed were only 3 points higher. As of now he barely checks Mence. His physical attack is monstrous though and he'll likely stay in OU or BL for that reason alone. His other thats aren't very impressive - Defense is nice but he's not bulky overall and his SpA is so low that it might not even be worth having Draco Meteor as an option on him.
Tsunbeaa is just a mediocre Hail attacker. Like Mamoswine without STAB Earthquake. This doesn't sound too bad in theory until you realize that STAB Earthquake is what makes Mamo so good.
Furiijio, Regice called, he wants his failed attempt at being a special wall back. Though to be fair, Regice doesn't have Levitate, which may or may not make very little difference.
Agirudaa will be good in Ubers because Bug STAB can **** up a lot of major things in the tier (Mewtwo, Mew, Lati@s, Deoxys, Darkrai, and of course Wobbuffet) and Hydration can help a lot in sweeping. I can see him being used a little bit in other tiers just because of his base 145 speed, but I doubt that alone will be enough for him, especially since he's so frail. Time will tell I suppose.
Magyoo, Lanturn called, he wants his job back.
Kojondo has some good points to him despite his frailty. At the very least, Inner Focus combined with his attack and speed stats will make him a good anti-lead. I'm interested in knowing what his ability does though.
I liked Kurimugan until I saw his speed stat. Gamefreak, nobody likes Trick Room teams so give your pokes decent speed stats already.
Goruggo will probably be used for his immunities, bulk, and physical attack alone. He better get a full suite of elemental punches though, including Meteor Mash, or else his only good ability will be a waste.
Kirikizan is a UU anti-lead if I ever saw one.
Baffuron, Tauros called he wants his blah blah blah.
Wargle's got some nice bulk and a **** fine Atk stat. I don't know if that'll be enough to use him over Staraptor though. I guess a SubRoost build would be good, but his coverage on that would be worrisome.
Barujina is going to be good for a Sandstorm stall team and not much else.
I can't decide if Kuitaran is UU or NU material. Either way, Arcanine called, he wants his bone back.
I'm going to keep my eye on Aianto. He kind of makes me think of if Scizor had good speed instead of Technician Bullet Punch and an additional 26 attack points. He could be good, could be bad. SwarmSubLietchi could be a cool set on this guy if he gets Agility or Sock Polish, and if not then SwarmSubSalacSD.
I like Sazando. He's going to have a huge impact on Ubers since he STABs like everything in the tier. A tad slow though, which will hold him back against Mence, Palkia, and Garchomp.
Urugamosu is going to be UU for his typing alone. He'll be good in UU though like how Moltres is (or was I guess).
Kobaruon, Terakion, and Birijion look pretty sweet. Kobaru looks like a great physical wall, Birijion looks like a great physical sweeper, and Birijion looks like a great special wall (aside from her fire weakness). Stall now has access to 2 fast hard-hitting walls, but it's ok because aggro has access to a fast, bulky sweeper with STAB rock and fighting. I'm really excited about these three.
Torunerosu is certainly interesting. Finally making a mono-flying pokemon is an interesting step and one I'm sure a lot of people were waiting for. Great offensive stats and decent bulk help him out a lot too. Borutorosu is just as good, but possibly better since he'll likely replace Zapdos entirely except in stall teams where Zapdos' superior bulk and Pressure come in handy. Randorusu on the other hand seems kind of inferior to Gliscor, except for his SpD. I suppose it's better for sweeping though.
I already talked about the mascots.
Kyuremu's typing seems redundant for Ubers, but I guess he can hit Groudon harder? Anyway, high HP, really good bulk, base 130 attacking stats and slightly above average speed means he'll be played to hell and back in Ubers. Watch out for Stealth Rock though. Maybe he could be used as an Anti-lead.
Kerudio...idk, Poliwrath will always be my favorite Fighting/Water, but he seems good for his bulk and speed.
Meloia's typing seems kinf of...well I mean look at Girafarig. Unlike Girafarig though, she has the stats to actually be good offensively and defensively, so we'll se. Colbur Berry could be good on her.
Genosekuto is a combination of Porygon-Z and Scizor. If you didn't think any part of that sentence was awesome then you should hang yourself.
Victini's typing is terrible. It better have a really, really good moveset or ability to compensate or I can see it being worse than Shaymin. I doubt it will though.
So in short, a vast majority of the pokemon in this game are based off of older versions of other pokemon and then drawn to look like ****. Maybe it's time Gamefreak stopped for a while?