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Miiverse Daily Pic Thread: 2nd Edition (Updated 9/19)

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Just Another Sword User
Jan 22, 2014
Probably at work.
Switch FC
I'm glad that Sakurai has decided to start showing new moves for the veteran characters, I was worried that they would be carbon copies from Brawl. It's near enough confirmed that each character is receiving a new final smash and at least one retooled move.
I don't know what's really to suggest the Final Smash thing, but yeah, I'm sure everyone will be getting at least one or two moves tweaked in a meaningful way, and that excites me.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
You complain about his marketing strategies like you not gon keep checkin for the updates tho. Please. If Sakurai decided to stop PotD til release everyone including you would still want game.
So abusing your fans will always be OK because they'll buy the game anyways? Are you EA's marketing manager or something?

And yes, get this through your hard, competitive skulls, CHARACTERS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SMASH, and skipping a major release date SHOULD BE FROWNED UPON. Sakurai skipped like three on March, that's absolutely and positively unnacceptable, if he reveals a character tomorrow or if there's a Direct soon, then he'll be forgiven, but if he keeps this going without characters, just boring Zelda items and move tweaks, then the hype wears off slowly, we either need:

B.- A long-overdue stage like Gateway Colosseum or Bowser's Castle.

I don't care about gameplay mechanics right now, I'll care about the mechanics when I actually get to playing the game, now I want content, things to get excited about, representation, stages, trophies, MUSIC. And I'm really surprised by the fact that no Melee fantards overthought Sakurai's "But you can dodge" statement and assumed there was not hitstun. I'm ****ing sick of these gameplay updates, he can continue doing them AFTER he reveals a new character, just reveal some random character out of the blue without any major significance, it doesn't matter, SOMETHING to get people a little hyped!
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Well, I must like being abused then because I love this pic of the day.

I've been waiting a long time to hear info on my main, and I'm glad to see they are making some changes. It will make my experience different from previous games which is always good to hear.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2012
Buffalo, NY
Pikachu thunder changes(no more crazy spam it seems) and Luigi getting his Poltergust in the same week?! This is literally like a dream come true. Keep this info rolling. Let's get some music tomorrow. That would be amazing. I'm actually kind of surprised we haven't seen any on the site yet. Though we do have some from the trailers and its all pretty sweet so far.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Also, has anyone considered the fact that this game seems to have a ridiculous speed in regards to the ending lag of moves? I mean, both on Melee and Brawl it would seem pretty impossible to hit a Pikachu U-Smash after a character being meteor'd towards you. And, forget the comment on my earlieer post, some Melee fantards did get their panties in a bunch.

Deleted member

So abusing your fans will always be OK because they'll buy the game anyways? Are you EA's marketing manager or something?

And yes, get this through your hard, competitive skulls, CHARACTERS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SMASH, and skipping a major release date SHOULD BE FROWNED UPON. Sakurai skipped like three on March, that's absolutely and positively unnacceptable, if he reveals a character tomorrow or if there's a Direct soon, then he'll be forgiven, but if he keeps this going without characters, just boring Zelda items and move tweaks, then the hype wears off slowly, we either need:

B.- A long-overdue stage like Gateway Colosseum or Bowser's Castle.

I don't care about gameplay mechanics right now, I'll care about the mechanics when I actually get to playing the game, now I want content, things to get excited about, representation, stages, trophies, MUSIC. And I'm really surprised by the fact that no Melee fantards overthought Sakurai's "But you can dodge" statement and assumed there was not hitstun. I'm ****ing sick of these gameplay updates, he can continue doing them AFTER he reveals a new character, just reveal some random character out of the blue without any major significance, it doesn't matter, SOMETHING to get people a little hyped!
"My opinion is the only one that matters and the rest of you are all wrong!"
Yeah that's all I'm getting from this. Stop flinging around your opinion like it's fact, because it just makes you look like a tool, frankly. You act like Sakurai has done something to wrong you as well, even though he owes you absolutely nothing at all and you're just acting like an entitled child who isn't getting what he wants, all the time.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Wario Time! I wanna see him showing off his new B move since the bite had absolutely nothing to do with Wario.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
And, forget the comment on my earlieer post, some Melee fantards did get their panties in a bunch.
Then how about thinking twice before posting? Also, I seriously advise you to stop using the term "Melee fantards" because you're clearly trying to instigate something.

I'm sure everyone here would absolutely love seeing another character revealed, but you don't see anyone having the same entitled behavior as you're having. It's unpleasant and paves way to unnecessary flame wars.
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That Smash Guy
Aug 11, 2013
What does Sakurai, let alone, the team creating Smash owe us? Oh, you're gonna buy it. You'd buy it anyways! He doesn't need to commit all he does to smash, but he does. He's a great developer, as I doubt most people don't really remember the head of Mario Kart or Zelda (MOST, I mean, most of us know but Miiverse probably not). Get your acts together and simply wait. It's not "unacceptable" that there's no character reveal, and that entitlement is just embarrassing to me as a fan and member of this community. Besides, when there is an amazing character/gameplay trailer in the next direct all you same people complaining right now will go, "WOW that was so worth it! Man, Sakurai is a genius!"

Guarantee you.
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Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
So abusing your fans will always be OK because they'll buy the game anyways? Are you EA's marketing manager or something?

And yes, get this through your hard, competitive skulls, CHARACTERS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SMASH, and skipping a major release date SHOULD BE FROWNED UPON. Sakurai skipped like three on March, that's absolutely and positively unnacceptable, if he reveals a character tomorrow or if there's a Direct soon, then he'll be forgiven, but if he keeps this going without characters, just boring Zelda items and move tweaks, then the hype wears off slowly, we either need:

B.- A long-overdue stage like Gateway Colosseum or Bowser's Castle.

I don't care about gameplay mechanics right now, I'll care about the mechanics when I actually get to playing the game, now I want content, things to get excited about, representation, stages, trophies, MUSIC. And I'm really surprised by the fact that no Melee fantards overthought Sakurai's "But you can dodge" statement and assumed there was not hitstun. I'm ****ing sick of these gameplay updates, he can continue doing them AFTER he reveals a new character, just reveal some random character out of the blue without any major significance, it doesn't matter, SOMETHING to get people a little hyped!
Hey, cool yourself down. First is that Sakurai knows what is best for us. If Sakurai released the whole roster at e3 2013 where would we be. The hype would all die after about a month. So what we haven't had a character released, we are getting stages and new info on characters. Also the dodging reference is most likely just di'ing, and don't use foul language like that. Sure people are a little tired of people who are fans of Melee bash brawl, which in my opinion is still a solid game, but just because people have different opinions doesn't mean you can call them names. Melee was the game I grew up with and one of the first Nintendo games I have ever owned (I was raised a sony kid first with a ps1, who knew I would be such a Nintendo fanboy now.) just because a person likes Melee doesn't mean you can be a jerk them. Also I know you haven't gotten bodily pleasure from character reveals, man I know I haven't. So that's just part of the fun, wondering whether we will get a character reveal, and sometimes you strike out, and sometimes you find your dream character. Now that I think about it, it's a lot like women. So I'm going to end off this tangent here. I predict a character reveal tomorrow, I'm going all in.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2014
I'd agree that characters are important and it's fun to see them, but it's still not the same to just have pictures than to have footage/play the game yourself. Ike is from my favorite Fire Emblem game, so I was really excited when he was revealed for Brawl...but I barely end up playing as Ike because I don't like how slow he is (which, by the way, doesn't fit his character in game at all). Because of that, while I love when we get new characters/confirmed vets, other updates are still entertaining as they reveal more about how a character will play than the initial announcement.

As for a prediction for tomorrow, I'd love music, but I know that is very unlikely to happen without the Dojo, so I'm hoping we'll finish up the week with a Pokeball or AT. We have next to no Pokeballs revealed, so it'd be nice to start seeing more.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
Here are some numbers for you to chew on for the next 8 hours or so...

- Every character reveal in 2014 has been on a Friday.
- Excluding the first week of 2014, when Sakurai was on vacation, there have been 12 previous Fridays in 2014.
- That's an average of a character reveal every 3 weeks, which was about what it was in 2013 as well.
- It has been 6 weeks since Diddy was revealed, or 42 days come tomorrow.
- The longest previous character draught was between Marth and Rosalina, which lasted 41 days.
- The two longest draughts before that were Luigi to Peach (36 days) and Sonic to Marth (37 days)
- Each draught was only one day longer than the previous one, with the exception of Marth to Rosalina, with the next day (day 38) falling on a weekend.
- Though the pattern was broken, Rosalina was revealed in a Direct in the following week.


- There's a One In Three chance we'll see a character reveal tomorrow or...
- We may get a reveal in a Direct next week, which a lot of people are speculating is going to happen anyway.

Either way, we've got four relevant updates this week already, so there's an 80% chance that tomorrow will be relevant too.
And there's a 100% chance of a pic of the day that we're all going to end up checking.

Chew away, and remember that there's always hope for the future in the next pic.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
Once again, we've reached a Friday, and once again, I want a character.

Please Sakurai, I'd take a week of throwaway pics for a character.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
I want Pokémon Trainer! Seeing the Pokémon trio would make up for a lack of a character reveal in March!
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2004
Bossier City, LA
So abusing your fans will always be OK because they'll buy the game anyways? Are you EA's marketing manager or something?

And yes, get this through your hard, competitive skulls, CHARACTERS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SMASH, and skipping a major release date SHOULD BE FROWNED UPON. Sakurai skipped like three on March, that's absolutely and positively unnacceptable, if he reveals a character tomorrow or if there's a Direct soon, then he'll be forgiven, but if he keeps this going without characters, just boring Zelda items and move tweaks, then the hype wears off slowly, we either need:

B.- A long-overdue stage like Gateway Colosseum or Bowser's Castle.

I don't care about gameplay mechanics right now, I'll care about the mechanics when I actually get to playing the game, now I want content, things to get excited about, representation, stages, trophies, MUSIC. And I'm really surprised by the fact that no Melee fantards overthought Sakurai's "But you can dodge" statement and assumed there was not hitstun. I'm ****ing sick of these gameplay updates, he can continue doing them AFTER he reveals a new character, just reveal some random character out of the blue without any major significance, it doesn't matter, SOMETHING to get people a little hyped!
Lol ABUSING! Are you hurt?

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I feel that if we don't get a vet reveal tonight, there will definitely be a Direct next week ft. a newcomer.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
And now we're getting to the stage in the drought where people get pissy and argumentative... Every time I try to predict a Direct or a character I usually end up eating my words so I think I'm just going to save myself from further embarrassment by sitting on my duff, enjoying the PoDs as they are, and only predicting certain characters if and only if a Direct is announced.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I think Di-dara makes a good point. I mean, we're here because we're Smash fanatics, but the majority of people who will buy this game are not die hard fans who need to keep hyped with character reveals.

Personally I love every little update, but there are many who would see Pikachu's thunder and not care.

It's hard, and Sakurai doesn't technically owe us anything, however he did make the commitment to us with the PotDs.

Anyway, seems like a silly thing to argue about, everyone plays Smash for different reasons.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
I wonder what the criteria is for the reveal of a character before launch. Are all the ones we've seen available from the start? I can't imagine that being the case; Luigi, Toon Link and the 3rd parties especially are likely to be unlockable. In which case, we've probably got about 20 starting characters so far (Brawl had 21). It would make sense to me if we saw another 5 or 6 before release.

If Smash 4 is coming out in about 5 or 6 months as most people expect, it makes sense the character reveals would slow down.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I wonder what the criteria is for the reveal of a character before launch. Are all the ones we've seen available from the start? I can't imagine that being the case; Luigi, Toon Link and the 3rd parties especially are likely to be unlockable. In which case, we've probably got about 20 starting characters so far (Brawl had 21). It would make sense to me if we saw another 5 or 6 before release.

If Smash 4 is coming out in about 5 or 6 months as most people expect, it makes sense the character reveals would slow down.
I completely agree. We were spoilt with our sudden rush but I expect this speed to be the norm. 5-6 plus ZSS and Sheik.

Deleted member

I think Di-dara makes a good point. I mean, we're here because we're Smash fanatics, but the majority of people who will buy this game are not die hard fans who need to keep hyped with character reveals.

Personally I love every little update, but there are many who would see Pikachu's thunder and not care.

It's hard, and Sakurai doesn't technically owe us anything, however he did make the commitment to us with the PotDs.

Anyway, seems like a silly thing to argue about, everyone plays Smash for different reasons.
He does make some good points, true, but he would get them across much better if he didn't go around calling us thick-skulled and insulting people who prefer Melee. Also if he stopped acting so entitled people would be more inclined to listen.

Anyway let's stop arguing about it and get back on topic.
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Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
So abusing your fans will always be OK because they'll buy the game anyways? Are you EA's marketing manager or something?

And yes, get this through your hard, competitive skulls, CHARACTERS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SMASH, and skipping a major release date SHOULD BE FROWNED UPON. Sakurai skipped like three on March, that's absolutely and positively unnacceptable, if he reveals a character tomorrow or if there's a Direct soon, then he'll be forgiven, but if he keeps this going without characters, just boring Zelda items and move tweaks, then the hype wears off slowly, we either need:

B.- A long-overdue stage like Gateway Colosseum or Bowser's Castle.

I don't care about gameplay mechanics right now, I'll care about the mechanics when I actually get to playing the game, now I want content, things to get excited about, representation, stages, trophies, MUSIC. And I'm really surprised by the fact that no Melee fantards overthought Sakurai's "But you can dodge" statement and assumed there was not hitstun. I'm ****ing sick of these gameplay updates, he can continue doing them AFTER he reveals a new character, just reveal some random character out of the blue without any major significance, it doesn't matter, SOMETHING to get people a little hyped!
I mean, a lot of the points you made here are generally true. I am getting impatient for characters, and items and mechanics aren't getting me as hyped because of this. But when I do get impatient, I just try to get hyped up with other games. For example, the Mario Kart dump today more than made up for the otherwise underwhelming picture (I'm not competitive and don't study mechanics) we got.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2014
I mean, a lot of the points you made here are generally true. I am getting impatient for characters, and items and mechanics aren't getting me as hyped because of this. But when I do get impatient, I just try to get hyped up with other games. For example, the Mario Kart dump today more than made up for the otherwise underwhelming picture (I'm not competitive and don't study mechanics) we got.
If only they would jump the fun and show Zelda Wii U early....... It could be anything, a screenshot, a little tidbit, a rumor.... Sigh........... I want it so bad. Maybe that's why Sakurai is showing off so many Zelda items on the pic of the day, because they will announce Zelda Wii U soon. Or perhaps I am just grasping to find reason for a glimpse of it....
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Lol ABUSING! Are you hurt?
No, I'm thirsty, painfully and metaphorically thirsty.
I wonder what the criteria is for the reveal of a character before launch. Are all the ones we've seen available from the start? I can't imagine that being the case; Luigi, Toon Link and the 3rd parties especially are likely to be unlockable. In which case, we've probably got about 20 starting characters so far (Brawl had 21). It would make sense to me if we saw another 5 or 6 before release.

If Smash 4 is coming out in about 5 or 6 months as most people expect, it makes sense the character reveals would slow down.
Wait...what? I think you've got things mixed up, reveals should speed up significantly the closer we are to the game's release. Just look at how much information the new Mario Kart trailer has, THAT'S how you hype up a game, we should get all Veterans before the game's release, possibly all newcomers too, I don't want anything being left to chance.
I mean, a lot of the points you made here are generally true. I am getting impatient for characters, and items and mechanics aren't getting me as hyped because of this. But when I do get impatient, I just try to get hyped up with other games. For example, the Mario Kart dump today more than made up for the otherwise underwhelming picture (I'm not competitive and don't study mechanics) we got.
Even from a competitive standpoint, this pic's dull.

And no, people who want characters quick are not entitled brats, Sakurai promised, and he's not delivering, it's not a matter of "He doesn't have to" it's a matter of "He promised to" at least give us something to be excited about, update this crappy, unorganized site, upload music, little gameplay snippets, make it like the Brawl hype, make following the game as enjoyable, or even more enjoyable than actually playing it, with Brawl, I felt comfortable waiting after the delay because we still got new information and things about the game, music to listen to, different, organized pages to browse...etc. This site is absolutely horrible, our knowledge of the things being shown on the pictures are limited to Sakurai's "I'll focus on making stupid jokes instead of actually explaining how stuff works" captions, the only PoTD that has been Brawl levels of good has been the Super Mario 3D Land one, I just don't get why every stage didn't get one of those.

And complaining about how the PoTD format SUCKS is on-topic, we're talking about the PoTD.
What does Sakurai, let alone, the team creating Smash owe us? Oh, you're gonna buy it. You'd buy it anyways! He doesn't need to commit all he does to smash, but he does. He's a great developer, as I doubt most people don't really remember the head of Mario Kart or Zelda (MOST, I mean, most of us know but Miiverse probably not). Get your acts together and simply wait. It's not "unacceptable" that there's no character reveal, and that entitlement is just embarrassing to me as a fan and member of this community. Besides, when there is an amazing character/gameplay trailer in the next direct all you same people complaining right now will go, "WOW that was so worth it! Man, Sakurai is a genius!"

Guarantee you.
Well, it'd be pretty douchy to insult the man so much and then not recognize it on the rare occassion that he decides to do something right.
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Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
So what happens if Sakurai releases all the characters, stages, info right now, and the game doesn't come out until december? Does the hype stay for the remaining 9 months? Maybe they're dragging out this long because they have less information to show and give than you think.

I remember when Brawl showed of all the cool characters first and then when the full roster got leaked, everybody was incredibly pissed because there was no final hype character.
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Aeon Hero
Feb 27, 2014
Ontario, Canada
...'-' and here I am happy as can be that my Brawl main got an awesome new trick to play with and don't care about the Mario Kart update or whatever it was because **** Mario Kart. However, I understand that everyone has different wants and hopes and expectations etc so I'll just shut my mouth all happy and patient for the next potd.


Jammin' Jammies
Feb 10, 2014
Silver's Era
Switch FC
I remember when Brawl showed of all the cool characters first and then when the full roster got leaked, everybody was incredibly pissed because there was no final hype character.

And that's what all the fuss was about?


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I don't recall Sakurai pinkie swearing with us.

Brawl Dojo was amazing, and stupid people hated it with a passion at the time.
Fixed. Following the Brawl Dojo was one of the best experiences I've ever had, I always checked with excitement and there was almost always something to quench my thirst for information, I always got what I wanted with the Brawl Dojo, and that's what made it so great, it didn't play hard to get, it was 100% dedicated to the fans and the hyping of the game.
So what happens if Sakurai releases all the characters, stages, info right now, and the game doesn't come out until december? Does the hype stay for the remaining 9 months? Maybe they're dragging out this long because they have less information to show and give than you think.

I remember when Brawl showed of all the cool characters first and then when the full roster got leaked, everybody was incredibly pissed because there was no final hype character.
I want to know if Ridley and Professor Layton are in the game, as long as that happens, I don't care for anything else, I HATE SURPRISES, especially bad surprises. Sakurai should try to make every single PoTD please the fanbase, because...why even have them in the first place?


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
We'll see what happens... I'm logging off now, but I expect the internet to have exploded with ether complaints over not having a new character, or celebration over the reveal of one.

So what happens if Sakurai releases all the characters, stages, info right now, and the game doesn't come out until december? Does the hype stay for the remaining 9 months? Maybe they're dragging out this long because they have less information to show and give than you think.

I remember when Brawl showed of all the cool characters first and then when the full roster got leaked, everybody was incredibly pissed because there was no final hype character.
It's really smart if you think about it. Every Smash fan is tuned in... waiting for news....

I don't recall Sakurai pinkie swearing with us.

Brawl Dojo was terrible, and people hated it with a passion at the time.
Everyone, listen to this woman. She's got the truth here!


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
I want to know if Ridley and Professor Layton are in the game, as long as that happens, I don't care for anything else, I HATE SURPRISES, especially bad surprises. Sakurai should try to make every single PoTD please the fanbase, because...why even have them in the first place?
Well there's the problem, you hate surprises. In your case you're completely right with how you feel towards the PoTDs. However while there are people who hate surprises, there are people who love surprises, and that's why this argument is even happening and can't ever be solved tbh. Just different opinions, sometimes we just have to agree to dissagree. You see the pic of the day, your either like it, or you hate it, nobody has to be grateful that they have the PoTD because this is the internet and anyone can do whatever. So theres no reason to get mad over how somebody else feels over a picture, regardless of what side of the argument you're on.

Just state your mind on how you feel about the picture, thats all there is to it o v o

Its not like Sakurai is going to personally check the website and start making his PoTDs different because of your opinions, so "winning" the argument doesn't even really matter. You all just lose by getting mad.

Deleted member

Fixed. Following the Brawl Dojo was one of the best experiences I've ever had, I always checked with excitement and there was almost always something to quench my thirst for information, I always got what I wanted with the Brawl Dojo, and that's what made it so great, it didn't play hard to get, it was 100% dedicated to the fans and the hyping of the game.

I want to know if Ridley and Professor Layton are in the game, as long as that happens, I don't care for anything else, I HATE SURPRISES, especially bad surprises. Sakurai should try to make every single PoTD please the fanbase, because...why even have them in the first place?
And here we go again with the opinions and entitlement.
Just leave him be guys, he's obviously too stubborn to listen.

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I want to know if Ridley and Professor Layton are in the game, as long as that happens, I don't care for anything else, I HATE SURPRISES, especially bad surprises. Sakurai should try to make every single PoTD please the fanbase, because...why even have them in the first place?
Originally you were making sense but this is absurd. You do not represent the entire fanbase. If you only want to know two pieces of information and there's over 200 pictures how can you complain when some aren't of your most wanted characters. Sakurai is making this game for millions of people, and he can't please them all at once, especially of you hate surprises.

If you want that information, just wait until release.


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
Sakurai should try to make every single PoTD please the fanbase, because...why even have them in the first place?
So here's the problem. This pic DID please the fanbase. And if thats your argument, then it went right back at you.

Anyway, while I did like the Brawl Dojo, that was because I was a little 3rd grader at that time. Anything made me happy.

I like the pic of the days because it gives me something to look forward to while also not being a waste of time. For me and Sakurai. It takes a second of my day to check a pic of day, and then I go back to business. Because of that, I don't get angry with any of the pics because theres nothing to get mad at. Sakurai also doesn't have to waste time writing things for the dojo. Just a couple of sentence on his lunch break then back to work.

It's just a simple little thing that I enjoy that has a fun little thing to check back on every day. Maybe it will have some super awesome thing and maybe it won't. It always has a sense of fun to it though.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
I want to know if Ridley and Professor Layton are in the game, as long as that happens, I don't care for anything else, I HATE SURPRISES, especially bad surprises. Sakurai should try to make every single PoTD please the fanbase, because...why even have them in the first place?
I think I can answer the Ridley bit.
I am not a fan of Ridley, and over-exposure has made me dislike him. And he has the most annoying and self-righteous fan base I've seen in a while.
But the way Sakurai deliberately referenced and hinted at him multiple times, and the presence of the Pyrosphere stage, he's certainly in.
We aren't dealing with CC2 or EA, this is Sakurai. He cares too much about his fans to deliberately bait-and-switch them.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Fixed. Following the Brawl Dojo was one of the best experiences I've ever had, I always checked with excitement and there was almost always something to quench my thirst for information, I always got what I wanted with the Brawl Dojo, and that's what made it so great, it didn't play hard to get, it was 100% dedicated to the fans and the hyping of the game.
The recurring theme here being you. Just as you're not enjoying the updates now, the majority ruling was far more negative than anything here now. Was anybody dancing on the clouds when the Cracker Launcher was revealed? Sure, but not everybody.

Didn't play hard to get? So did we just imagine Norfair, the comment on it being Ridley's home, and Ridley's Boss theme? Or "up until now" ? And don't even get me started on the SSE "cryptic" updates, literally showing nothing that made sense, and eventually what just looked like the ultimate fanfic come to life. They had the little jokes back then, too. "Real Men use items," Snake's memetic ass, etc..

If anything the Brawl Dojo succeeded in making us expect far more than what was Earthly possible. Some things remained nice surprises to the very end, but for the most part it felt like we knew absolutely everything about the game. After going through that, I can definitely see why people, including myself, like surprises. Last but not least, it doesn't matter if we're entitled or not, or if anyone made any promises, or even if they're doing a terrible job of marketing. The pic of the days are based in Miiverse, bloody Miiverse. If that's not any indication that they're meant to be lighthearted, quirky conversation starters rather than an in-depth look to the game that requires over-analysis. We're not getting characters every update because it's not as big a deal to them whether or not THIS is the update that's going to win over the fanbase time and time again. No, not everyone is going to buy the game regardless, but it's sure as hell not going to be over something as frivolous as lack of pre-game speculation fodder. They'll bust out the good **** when they need it/realize that now is the time to push our hype over the limit.

If you're going to express your opinions in a volatile and immature manner, then of course people are going to give you a lot of flak. I'm only bothering to respond to this because you don't seem to get the message every time we tell you to cool down. If all else fails, write an angry letter to Sakurai or something. Don't needlessly bash competitive "standpoints" or argue that "true fans" don't care about "pointless" stuff.
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