lol the 08 posts things is a joke but you two only prove that all stereotypes hold some truth. Anyways....
I'm with Dryn, what stereotype is that?
Yes I know graphics don't make a game. I play melee still and think Brawl is one of the worst fighting games ever conceived and it doesn't take a genius to realize that Brawl is gorgeous compared to melee. Anywho...
I personally like Melee's character models better than Brawl's, actually, so...
There is no reason to get all defensive about this issue. As for the character models I understand that prime never had to deal with that sort of issues but the environment were lush and extremely nice to look at which greatly helped with the immersion. I looked at the trailer for this and gave nothing but an "eh..." when I saw the environments. They looked boring and stale compared to Prime (notice I don't say Prime 2 or 3) and this is supposed to be a sequel which is supposed to improve upon itself?
Okay...well if you don't care about graphics, why is it that "improve upon itself" is only about the graphics?
I'm sorry that I am oppressing you 08 posters... oh wait I'm not. Get over yourself and learn what a joke is.
Look, a LOT of people bashing '08ers aren't/weren't kidding. You can't accuse us of any sort of failure to sense a joke especially since it's the can't even detect sarcasm most of the time, much less a joke.
I never claimed to be unique or cool because I am complaining about the graphics it's just as time progress I expect my games to do the same. You know make progress?
You said "does anyone else", whereas if you had looked a page back you would see that there was at least one other person who did.
And if it makes progress in gameplay and isn't NES-like in graphics, I'd say that's progress.
You say you don't like Brawl despite having better graphics? Yeah, well, that goes to show you that games can regress in gameplay even if they progress in graphics.
Since many of you seem to already be deepthroating this game
Ignorance like this annoys me, if you would look back a page or two you would see that I've actually been skeptical about it. I am by no means expecting the game to be perfect, but all of the graphics complaints are just pissing me off. It's repetitive, it's not a big deal, and it's not coming out in a week.
Let us look at the Metroid series for example. Metroid Prime was a breath of fresh air but what came after that? Echo's and Corruption? Basically Metroid Prime repacked and resold but with slightly updated graphics and more bs wii controls.
You didn't play Prime 2, did you?
I'll give you a hint; it's not for Wii. So uh, yeah, it can't be updated with BS Wii controls.
Prime 2 and 3 were actually fairly different from Prime 1. Plus, Prime 3 is one of the very few Wii games that have implemented good motion sensor. And I'm a big hater of the Wii and motion sensor, ask anyone.
I won't even get started on the Zelda franchise and the Mario franchise. (LOL when I saw the trailer for Galaxy 2 I could of sworn they were playing Galaxy 1) It's the same game every time and people eat that **** up for some reason.
I second it as far as Galaxy 2 goes (but please let's not bring that argument into here), but it's not really true about most of their games. Most of the games are just waggle-fests.
I don't mean to sound cynical or anything but really how can I not be when Nintendo just constantly pumps out the same thing?
Mmhm, not improving in graphics definitely means it's the same game.
And did you even watch this trailer? It looks NOTHING like any previous Metroid game.
And still, you complain about the graphics, even though you acknowledge that the graphics do not make the game. Whether you mention Prime, Prime 2 or 3, I really don't care. You're already judging the game off of a two minute trailer. The game is going to be released in 2010. There's a Metroid Prime trailer you can find on YouTube that shows what Samus' Arm Cannon was originally going to look like. It was shown in 2001. Metroid Prime was released in 2002. Feel free to check the images in the link.
Metroid Prime [GC - Beta]
Please, do look at the environment, as well as Samus herself. My attitude on that right now, just looking back is what you're saying: "Eh..."
You make a very good point with this...