Ok lets finish this discussion soon... we need to move to more matchups...
What to do:
Spaced Ftilt, Dtilt, and Fair, sometimes use dash attack as a surprise attack and follow up with a grab if they are at low perfect, sometimes they do nair, just power shield and grab.
If they are air camping use Up, or Utilt it will work better if are on a stage with platforms, so you can juggle them... if you manage to do an up air string, finish it with up b always...
What not to do:
Don't dair camp it's kinda useless you will just get punished for that... don't do many tornado or not at all it's easily punished almost by any attack of MK.
Never do a rising fair if you make it too high you will get punished by fair o nair...
Never recover the same way... try to use different methods to make it, mk its kinda predictible when recoverying and you could get hit by Up B which puts you at a band position... still mk can recover easy.
That's all i can get out of my mind xD i barely lose this matchup... it's mostly about mind games...