Faulty assumption. If that was the case, Yun would be unbeatable in SF4.
Here...we go...
Tyhe problem is meta-game. I'm pointing out Yoshi and Sonic so much as to make a point. It has nothing to do with the character. yes, the character is good. But players can and have beaten him. So it's not impossible.
No one ever said that it's impossible to beat Meta Knight. Everyone says that it is simply too much for characters to be able to fight Meta Knight and Meta Knight has a lot more options and a very high chance at winning the game. It's no longer a game of skill or mind games or outplaying the opponent. It's whether or not your opponent knows the match up, and if they do, you're not going to win unless some random element wins you the match, like tripping. The Meta Knight, if playing smart, will win. And by playing smart, they are already outplaying their opponent.
Take a Pit vs Toon Link match. This match is so dead even, it's not even funny. Pit has to work just as hard as Toon Link to get a kill in, to get damage in, to avoid damage, and to camp successfully. This matchup relies on many elements, rather than just matchup experience; it relies on mind games, the ability of one player to outplay the opponent, and
who has better "anything" in terms of play style. If I had better spacing, or he had better control, or if I had better reads, or if he had better mix ups... The list goes on.
With Meta Knight, take ALL of that away, and you are left with "Does the Meta Knight know the match up enough to take out the opponent who DOES?" If the answer is yes, it's more than likely the Meta Knight will jog all over the opponent's face no matter what kind of development that character has gone through in the meta game.
It's more that people want the easy road rather than deal with the character. The solution is just get better and learn.
No it's more that people want to ban a character who has dominated the meta game even with other characters attempting to learn and get better, learn and get better, learn and get better. No matter what, this endless cycle will end with Meta Knight on top. It's not a question of whether Meta Knight is hard, it's an answer of the fact that Meta Knight IS on top and remains on top no matter how far we into in the meta game. We take 1 step forward, Meta Knight takes 2 steps forward, and then steps on your !@#$ing foot for even daring to step forward. And we continue to limp.
Let's take that same assumption. If Meta-Knight's meta-game can advance by him fighting other characters, that means that everyone stays even and the meta-game never changes. But here we have Marvel vs Capcom 2 where Sentinel gets better. So the meta-game advanced and a character got better. here we have Starcraft 2 where Zerg players learned to deal with early pressure and still fast expand. By yorr logic, they would never win because Terran and Protoss are still moving.
This is a faulty connection to completely different game titles with different levels of metagame development and strategy. Plus you're using an assumption, no less, and not actual data, which the pro-ban side has, not simply "oh wah, MK is too good, ban him cuz I dont want to deal with him", that's quite an ignorant viewpoint.
It's also not just the characters being played better but the game being played differently too. The game played in 2008 is not the same game as now. I know Red Ryu among others have made that point.
We made connections and evaluations of the game's development between certain periods, and have found that we as a player base have been doing WORSE and WORSE against Meta Knight. That's the only thing that I've seen being brought to the surface as far as the years being concerned.
What I'm saying is that Meta-Knight beats you not because he's good but because you don't know what to do with it. Void Rays and Mutas beat low level player too.
And what I'm saying is that Meta Knights who DO lose don't lose because we found a way to deal with him or that's actually likely (or possible) to beat him, it's because they don't know the match up yet, and as it has been proven, they learn and then the matchup is defined yet again more in his favor. There was never a question of MK's dominance over the entire cast, and now he's dominating even more because we're running out of tricks to pull out of sleeves to throw at him.
It does depend on the skill. I'm saying players need to get better to beat Meta-Knight and banning him isn't going to solve anything. I'm saying that X character can beat Meta-Knight so they need to keep working to do so. It's the same argument.
Banning him solved one thing; we will no longer have to deal with his match up, and now can focus on other match ups to further the meta game.
What I'm saying is that X character can not beat Meta Knight no matter how much the metagame of that character developes if the Meta Knight becomes aware of the character's newfound development or strategy. Hell, even Meta Knights (as has been said) that are not high level players, but simply have different strategies, playing styles, or mindsets, are able to completely dominate other characters' users who would otherwise give a high level MK trouble.