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Meowth for SSBB


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
same here red. people only want blaziken in cause he looks cool and lucario is the new legendary on the block, oh wait hes not even legendary...


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
Heres my Moveset.

-> Special, Night Slash: Kinda like Fox's Phantom, but has a moderate recovery and is red.

Up special, Payday: Meowth throws three coins in 3 directions. Each coin does 1% damage, but its chargable up to 12 coins.

Down special, Dig: He digs down (quick, about 1 second) and pops up depending where you stick your analog stick.

Neutral Special, Hypnosis: Same thing as Jiggly's Sing, but it leaves Meowth's back wide open, as hes pointing his head straight at the target.

Final Smash: Fury Swipes.

Meowth jumps in the air, and disappears from the screen. He quickly swipes everyone on the FIELD. They all get about 5% damage or so each swipe. Actually, He will give 5 swipes to everyone on the screen, BUT!

He will be quickly turning to the next opponent, which gives you a chance to avoid while Meowth swipes at the next Swipe victim.

Biggie Smalls

Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
Don't hit me! Hear me out.

You might not like it, but I think it's safe to assume we'll be getting at least one Pokemon newcomer in Brawl. Unfortunately, there aren't many central character Pokemon in the games (at least I don't think so... I really didn't play anything beyong Pokemon Yellow). Jigglypuff and Mewtwo were probably selected based on their significance in the TV show and the movies.

Now, Meowth is a character with some personality and some traits that make him unique (like being able to talk...). He would be a fine addition to Smash, I think. The only knock against him is that he's one of the original 151, and they'd probably be looking to add one of the newer Pokemon.

Thoughts on Meowth's chances?
*Smack* Anyways, Since Meowth is becomming a popular character in the anime, he could be a playable character. We'd just need Lucario and Mewtwo to join. Mewtwo never lost a fight, and is the most badass character. He's the most inportant figure in Those Two Movies as well.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
Aww, why hasn't anyone in the recent pages mentioned Guitar Meowth? He's sooo cute! xD
It could be his Final Smash. No, nothing like Donkey Kongs. Rather he could play a rift so powerful that it stuns everyone within an area. From there Meowth can either slash the stunned victims or whack them with the guitar. It's not only an awesome Final Smash concept but quite comical.

Anyhoo, I'm definately pro Meowth and anti fourth gen. (Keep in mind, Deoxys was unlockable with various promotions in Ruby and Saphire, making it a 3rd gen Pokémon so that doesn't mean 4th gen has a green light.)

Really, I'd much rather have Meowth over Pichu or Jiggs. More options and diversity. =(


Smash Cadet
Aug 9, 2007
Granada Hills, CA
Meowth should be in to replace pichu. new pokemon should only be in the pokeballs. Meowth had more to do with the success of pokemon than any of the weird new ones. Lets face it, Pokemon is getting ridiculous! the vast amount of legendaries are like greek gods that have control over certian aspects of their world.... stupid. anyway,
I thought meowth would have been in melee. Jiggly was popular in Japan as meowth was popular in the US. But now it might be too late for meowth since the shows basically gone. still, it wouldnt hurt. his final smash could be like team rocket or something.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2006
I thought you just said you wanted him in.:ohwell: Pkmn Trainer is representing pokemon fire red. the only thing I think is going against Meowth is that he's yet another pokemon from the great 151 series. And unfortunately Sakurai might wanna spread it out. I would like all the new pokemon to be in pokeballs because none are really that significant to me. but I doubt that's gonna happen. Meowth is popular enough. he got his own game at least so it just comes down to whether Sakurai finds him fit for Brawl.

The Brawler

Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2007
Atlanta Ga
no please he is so gay i mean i already hate pokemon because its for like 2 year olds i stoped watching that show when i was like 7. Please they already put in some freaking Version of ASH wich i really got mad about... no more POKEMON!

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
no please he is so gay i mean i already hate pokemon because its for like 2 year olds i stoped watching that show when i was like 7. Please they already put in some freaking Version of ASH wich i really got mad about... no more POKEMON!
It's the show that gives pokemon a "kiddy" look/appeal however the games are quite deep and fun. Red is not Ash. Ash is based off of Red; the character you can name at the begining of your quest in RBY.

-_- I guess people will always judge the show first and not the games.



The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
no please he is so gay i mean i already hate pokemon because its for like 2 year olds i stoped watching that show when i was like 7. Please they already put in some freaking Version of ASH wich i really got mad about... no more POKEMON!
So you shoot down Meowth because his incarnation of the horrible American dub anime isn't to your liking?

Without reading any of the ideas?
Without any actual thought into how the character could work?
Are people really getting this bad?

I mean come on. I don't even like Pokémon beyond Red and Blue, but even I think Meowth has great potential simply because I gave it some thought. All it takes is to read the first post, think about it, and provide a real response.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
no please he is so gay i mean i already hate pokemon because its for like 2 year olds i stoped watching that show when i was like 7. Please they already put in some freaking Version of ASH wich i really got mad about... no more POKEMON!
Every time you make posts like this, my IQ drops. Please stop.

Also, Red is not Ash. Red >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ash


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2007
Hickville, Wisconsin
I've always been a fan of pokemon but it is my opinion that pokemon has enough representation for SSB. I believe Meowth could be unique and all but with Pikachu/Jiggly/Mewtwo/Red (which is like 3 pokemon :p) that is enough. No Meowth for brawl


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
I like Pokemon, but I still don't think Meowth really has what it takes to be the new playable Pokemon. And to be quite honest, I don't believe we're going to get another playable Pokemon. At least, one that's stand-alone. We've got Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard now. Meowth as playable? I don't see that happening, but it's not to say the ideas aren't good, or the movelists, or the character. I just can't see Meowth getting in. You can blame Red on that one.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
So you shoot down Meowth because his incarnation of the horrible American dub anime isn't to your liking?

Without reading any of the ideas?
Without any actual thought into how the character could work?
Are people really getting this bad?

I mean come on. I don't even like Pokémon beyond Red and Blue, but even I think Meowth has great potential simply because I gave it some thought. All it takes is to read the first post, think about it, and provide a real response.
Sir Lunadis, I hope you realize you are trying to argue sensibly with a juvenile troll.
Just calling that to your attention. *tips hat*
I like Pokemon, but I still don't think Meowth really has what it takes to be the new playable Pokemon. And to be quite honest, I don't believe we're going to get another playable Pokemon. At least, one that's stand-alone.
Hmm, a lot of people see the PT as an indicator that we'll get no more playable Pokemon. I disagree.

In my eyes, the PT is one representative with three half-playable-characters within. He won't take "spots" from any other characters ( that is, if there even are "spots" ), and if anything, I think Sakurai's readiness to include a character consisting of four and possibly more character models just indicates how easy it is now to design and produce playable characters.

The way I see it, besides the unique moveset, Sakurai probably used the PT four-in-one-rep to properly represent the series in more than one way:
-The trainer being the silent protagonist, making him an important hero who shouldn't be ignored and the team of Pokemon being true to the games.
-Representing a series with an absurdly large amount of possible characters without giving it a lot more "spots" than the big purely Nintendo series Mario and Zelda.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
well ever since Lucario and the mystery of the mew,people are intrested in Lucario,and japan sells alot of plushies,plus the new Pokemon game for the arcade commercial had a guy wearing a lucario suit,he is one of the 493 pokemon,i mean they only used pokemon from the 151 pokedex,now they start using ones as playble characters from this era,just like they used from the first era,put something for the new kids


Smash Cadet
Sep 16, 2003
Hmm, a lot of people see the PT as an indicator that we'll get no more playable Pokemon. I disagree.

In my eyes, the PT is one representative with three half-playable-characters within. He won't take "spots" from any other characters ( that is, if there even are "spots" ), and if anything, I think Sakurai's readiness to include a character consisting of four and possibly more character models just indicates how easy it is now to design and produce playable characters.

The way I see it, besides the unique moveset, Sakurai probably used the PT four-in-one-rep to properly represent the series in more than one way:
-The trainer being the silent protagonist, making him an important hero who shouldn't be ignored and the team of Pokemon being true to the games.
-Representing a series with an absurdly large amount of possible characters without giving it a lot more "spots" than the big purely Nintendo series Mario and Zelda.
Good arguments. But since we're all pretty sure that Pikachu and Jigglypuff will be in, that leaves us with five Pokemon (I consider Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard to be fully unique, playable characters, because they'll all have completely unique movelists). Really, though, I think Sakurai decided on PT simply because it made the most sense. Stand-alone Pokemon are easy to come across, but PT was a unique idea with semi-unique execution.

So with five Pokemon characters, do you really think that we need a sixth? If we do get a sixth, that slot is likely to go to a revamped Mewtwo, or if they axe Mewtwo completely, perhaps Lucario. But you said it yourself, Pokemon is a series with an absurdly large amount of possible characters. Predicting WHO will be the new stand-alone Pokemon would be more accurate if you just lined up pictures of all four hundred some-odd Pokemon and threw a dart.

In this case, Meowth's odds don't immediately seem particularly good, especially compared to Lucario, who's at least moderately popular and was in a movie practically centered around it, and if, once again, we 'follow the money', Lucario's a safe bet, since that's free advertising for Diamond/Pearl. Lots of people who've never picked up DP before will play Lucario and say, 'Hey, Lucario is pretty cool. What game is he from?'. CHA-CHING. Diamond/Pearl Sale Get!

With all seriousness, I'm reluctant to say that Meowth even has a reasonable chance to get in as a playable character. Not to say, once more, that he'd be a bad idea. Heck, I like the movelists I've seen for Meowth. But I can't say he has a reasonable chance with a straight face.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Personally, I hope Jigglypuff leaves... I have no idea what its chances are. Sakurai supposedly wanted to get rid of her in Melee...

But wow, I think I forgot back there that this thread was about Meowth.
That kid has no chance at all. :p
For SSB4, maybe, but now... too many other, more interesting choices.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I don't want Meowth

B) Pay Day - Shoots Coins in every direction
FB) Fury Swipes - Lunges forward with Powerful Slashes
UB) Aerial Ace - Which I don't know why Meowth CAN learn...Since he can it could be a recovery
DB) Double Team - Creates an illusionary double that acts on its own...can attack but doesn't do any damage...disperses after receiving X Damage


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
I'm not going to read the 2 through to 24 pages so... Unless someone get suggest a meowth moveset that I like I would come to the Meowth 4 Brawl side ;)
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