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Meowth for SSBB


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
That wasn't me. I actually was agreeing with you about the gadgets debate.
hats why I said nvm if thats the case.

The TR Meowth isn't the only Meowth that can walk on hind legs. In the games, all the Meowth can do that/

RSE. . . . GSC?
Like I said, it STANDS on 2 legs like pika.

Also, just because meowth is a normal type pokemon doesn't mean he has to always do normal type attacks. Pikachu and Pichu both use Quick attack which is a normal move even though they are electric types. mewtwo uses Disable, a normal attack, and shadow ball, a ghost attack. Meowth not using a dark type attack just because he's a normal type is absurd. It doesn't matter if he's not a villain, he learns the attack by leveling up.
I was talking about attacks that imbody that character. The other's attacks imbody their character well Meowth is not known for Faint or any other dark attacks.

Meowth would still use his guitar. Even if it wasn't a game, he still utilizes it in promo art. What don't you understand about this?
WTH is with you and that guitar? He doesn't use it in ANY game other than a demo and is not known for using it as a attack/ tool in any game.

I understand that it was used in a demo of a game that never came out and that he doesn't use it in any pokemon game. WHY should he use it in brawl if the game were he used it wasn't even good enuff for Nintendo to do anything more than a demo for?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
I was talking about attacks that imbody that character. The other's attacks imbody their character well Meowth is not known for Faint or any other dark attacks.
Meowth is known for his guitar but you don't want that...

WTH is with you and that guitar? He doesn't use it in ANY game other than a demo and is not known for using it as a attack/ tool in any game.

I understand that it was used in a demo of a game that never came out and that he doesn't use it in any pokemon game. WHY should he use it in brawl if the game were he used it wasn't even good enuff for Nintendo to do anything more than a demo for?
I think we have to agree to disagree with this. You think that because it was never in a full game it shouldn't be an attack, while I think that since it was in a demo, promo art, and trophy, it should be added. Neitther of us are changing each other's opinion, so I see no point in continuing this argument.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Meowth is known for his guitar but you don't want that...
I agreed on F-S and Payday which are the only attacks he is truely known for on your move-set but that wasn't enuff for you. . .

I think we have to agree to disagree with this. You think that because it was never in a full game it shouldn't be an attack, while I think that since it was in a demo, promo art, and trophy, it should be added. Neitther of us are changing each other's opinion, so I see no point in continuing this argument.
I guess we are going to have to agree to dissagree seeing as if I see a character like say Wario in his Warioware fit I say " Thats Wario from Warioware" but when I see a meowth with a guitar I say "WT F, what game then he have a guitar in?".

I think that characters from GAMEs should get in and you think they should use things some characters had in promo art/ trophies/ dropped game demos in. . . I guess we has 2 different veiws. . .


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
I guess we are going to have to agree to dissagree seeing as if I see a character like say Wario in his Warioware fit I say " Thats Wario from Warioware" but when I see a meowth with a guitar I say "WT F, what game then he have a guitar in?".
in what game did wario fart? and in what game did captain falcon falcon punch? in what game did zamus use a whip? exactly.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
in what game did wario fart? and in what game did captain falcon falcon punch? in what game did zamus use a whip? exactly.
1. Thats something he is known for doing in Warioware from my understanding.

2. SSB/ SSbM. Thats were they gave him, a character with NO attacks, attacks.

3. In w/e game Zero comes from she had a shock gun thing that worked like that from what people say.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
1. Thats something he is known for doing in Warioware from my understanding.

2. SSB/ SSbM. Thats were they gave him, a character with NO attacks, attacks.

3. In w/e game Zero comes from she had a shock gun thing that worked like that from what people say.
1. wario never did any atomic farting in wario ware.

2. meh

3. but that is not the lazer whip. she only had a tazer. a TAZER.

also, where in the rulebook does it say that all of the characters moves HAVE to come from thier games? I'll tell you: NOWHERE!!!!111oneshift+1!


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
1. wario never did any atomic farting in wario ware.

2. meh

3. but that is not the lazer whip. she only had a tazer. a TAZER.

also, where in the rulebook does it say that all of the characters moves HAVE to come from thier games? I'll tell you: NOWHERE!!!!111oneshift+1!
1. His attack came from his farting.

2. (^_^)

3. The whip/ sword/ gun thing she has origanated from that.

And where in the rule book did it say that demo characters from games that got dropped will be choosen for brawl? NOWHERE!!!!ONE!!!!11


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2006
Hesperia CA
So mewoth in brawl, this does have a good chance becuase he is a big part of pokemon in my opnion so i say why not he can talk too unlike others


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
So mewoth in brawl, this does have a good chance becuase he is a big part of pokemon in my opnion so i say why not he can talk too unlike others
Meowth can't talk. The only one that can talk is from the Anime, so he can't be in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
Umm why would any one want Meowth? I would rather Persian. I mean how does anyone pick Meowth over a Evee lol? I mean who cares I would just want Umbreon in it. Best evolution by far. I mean he's only weakened to fighting. He has moonlight he looks awsome. I mean he has a great chance to be in the game better then Meowth. Four legs haha that wouldn't matter I can think of tons of attacks to give him plus he'd be heavy so he doesn't need to jump "high". Besides the point, Meowth would be a terrible pokemon to put in the game I mean the best pokemon in Melee was puff. I liked Pichu. Now a lot of you are saying that Meowth will make it becuase he had a big part in the anime? Right well Puff wasn't big. Pichu wasn't. Atleast Umbreon had a game based on him AND he was Gary's all star pokemon other then Blastoise. In all truth I don't know who they will add from pokemon. I would like Umbreon, maybe Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan? Why not they are fighting/teaming pokemon. Be cool, I just think it would be a waste adding Meowth over the pokemon I named up there. Just my opinion, so don't get all bent over shape I mean im sure the creaters all ready have there character picked. I'm just saying what I would like to see. Honeslty you might see Raichu..why not Pickachu, then Pichu, now Raichu.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
Umm why would any one want Meowth? I would rather Persian. I mean how does anyone pick Meowth over a Evee lol? I mean who cares I would just want Umbreon in it. Best evolution by far. I mean he's only weakened to fighting. He has moonlight he looks awsome. I mean he has a great chance to be in the game better then Meowth. Four legs haha that wouldn't matter I can think of tons of attacks to give him plus he'd be heavy so he doesn't need to jump "high". Besides the point, Meowth would be a terrible pokemon to put in the game I mean the best pokemon in Melee was puff. I liked Pichu. Now a lot of you are saying that Meowth will make it becuase he had a big part in the anime? Right well Puff wasn't big. Pichu wasn't. Atleast Umbreon had a game based on him AND he was Gary's all star pokemon other then Blastoise. In all truth I don't know who they will add from pokemon. I would like Umbreon, maybe Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan? Why not they are fighting/teaming pokemon. Be cool, I just think it would be a waste adding Meowth over the pokemon I named up there. Just my opinion, so don't get all bent over shape I mean im sure the creaters all ready have there character picked. I'm just saying what I would like to see. Honeslty you might see Raichu..why not Pickachu, then Pichu, now Raichu.
1. Meowth is more popular than Persian.

2. Jigglypuff had a big part in the Anime (following Ash around all the time singing). Pichu was added because they needed a clone of Pikachu, not because he was popular. That's why he's likely to be removed. I doubt they will put in Raichu since people didn't even request him. Pikachu will klikely be the only "chu" in Brawl. BTW, Meowth is shown more often in the Anime than Umbreon so WTF.

3. Pikachu is the only pokemon to receive a game to itself. Meowth was going to have his own game called "Meowth's Party" but it got cancelled. Umbreon NEVER had its own game so I don't know what you are talking about.

4. If anyone from the Eevee family gets in, it's gonna be Eevee (but we all know he's not ever getting in). The Hitmons aren't popular enough. Umbreon isn't popular enough. It's not gonna happen.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
In your house
Every1's trying to say that some other random pokemon should get in besides Meowth, but the fact is none of them could give any good reason. Look ppl the fact is that Nintendo is trying to run a business and in order to run it they need to make money. How do they do that? By selling games, and smash has a good following but Nintendo is trying to usher in new gamers. So they do that by putting in well-known chars such as, dare I say it, Meowth! B/C ppl are going to recognize him not only from the game but also the anime. And whether u like it or not some ppl actually like Meowth and may buy the game if he along with other Nintendo favs are in it.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Every1's trying to say that some other random pokemon should get in besides Meowth, but the fact is none of them could give any good reason.
Not every pokemon is a random choice out-side of Meowth. In fact I can give you some pretty good reasons for Blaziken to get in (But this is not the place for that). I don't think he's getting in but I don't think some completely random pokemon is getting in either.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
if meowth is in, he should be able to talk. I mean, if pikachu, jigglypuff, pichu, and mewtwo used thier voices from the anime(in the games they just make growling sounds, and the ones in the anime and smash say thier names.)


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Maybe Meowth's game was scrapped because marketing concluded that the cat didn't have a large following. But in any case, for some reason, I think one of the 4th generation pokemon are going to get in. Maybe because both brawl and those new 4th gen. games come out in the same year.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
tirkaro, thats ANIME Meowth that can talk/ 2 leg walk so Meowth would just be a normal Meowth (which no one wants seeing as his applie comes from TR Meowth)

And Bowserlick, D/P comes out in Japan in late Sep (IMO it will most likely come to the US in Jan).
And I agree, I really do think that they scrapped Meowth's party because they saw Meowth wouldn't have a great following.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
tirkaro, thats ANIME Meowth that can talk/ 2 leg walk so Meowth would just be a normal Meowth (which no one wants seeing as his applie comes from TR Meowth)
then just put in the anime/yellow meowth. a meowth is a meowth, no matter where he/she comes from. its not like sakurai is putting a complete restraint on himself to not put in pokemon characters from the anime. he can do what he wants, and if he puts in meowth, he'll obviously put in TR meowth because he is more recognisable.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
then just put in the anime/yellow meowth. a meowth is a meowth, no matter where he/she comes from. its not like sakurai is putting a complete restraint on himself to not put in pokemon characters from the anime. he can do what he wants, and if he puts in meowth, he'll obviously put in TR meowth because he is more recognisable.
He said no Anime characters in Brawl... That includes the Pokemon Anime.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
He said no Anime characters in Brawl... That includes the Pokemon Anime.
no it does not. he meant REAL anime like naruto or DBZ. and if the smash pokemon say thier names like they did in the pokemon anime, that means they are based off of the anime pokemon. thus, meowth would be based off how he was in yellow.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
no it does not. he meant REAL anime like naruto or DBZ. and if the pokemon say thier names like they did in the pokemon anime, that means they are based off of the anime pokemon.
Pokemon is a REAL Anime. What's the difference between a real anime and a fake anime? I don't get it....

Anyways, I think the pokemon started to say their name in Hey You, Pikachu!, a game for the Nintendo 64.

EDIT: I also remember the pokemon saying their names in Pokemon Snap, another game for the Nintendo 64.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
Pokemon is a REAL Anime. What's the difference between a real anime and a fake anime? I don't get it....

Anyways, I think the pokemon started to say their name in Hey You, Pikachu!, a game for the Nintendo 64.

EDIT: I also remember the pokemon saying their names in Pokemon Snap, another game for the Nintendo 64.
I know pokemon is a real anime, but pokemon got most of its reconition from the anime, so nintendo decided to integrate the anime with the games. this is obviously supported by pokemon snap, yellow, and hey you pikachu. oh, and by REAL anime, I meant anime not belonging to nintendo. y'know, "pure" anime and manga.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
I know pokemon is a real anime, but pokemon got most of its reconition from the anime, so nintendo decided to integrate the anime with the games. this is obviously supported by pokemon snap, yellow, and hey you pikachu. oh, and by REAL anime, I meant anime not belonging to nintendo. y'know, "pure" anime and manga.
The TR Meowth is still an anime character, like it or not. It doesn't matter the show is owned by Nintendo, the TR Meowth still won't get in. Captain N won't get in even though he's owned by Nintendo, because he didn't start in a game.

Sadly, Captain N will never be in a SSB...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I don't think they would go as fare as to make a game for the Wii that wasn't even good enuff for the GC. And why would they use a character thats not from a REAL game?


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
because it could be a real game and it wasn't not good enough for the GC, not many people were asking about it and not many people were excited about it so they ignored it and left it for scraps but they may pick it up and go hmm this looks ok and release it for the wii.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2006
Did anyone by chance predicted what would Meowth's special moves would be? And by the way. How can Meowth do a third jump?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
Did anyone by chance predicted what would Meowth's special moves would be? And by the way. How can Meowth do a third jump?
Must I constantly write this moveset? People, USE YOUR IMAGINATION!

B: Pay Day [Pokemon Red and Blue] - Meowth throws coins at his opponent.
B Smash: Fury Swipes [Pokemon Red and Blue] - Meowth slashes away at his opponent like Wolverine's super attack in Marvel vs. Capcom.
B Up: Faint Attack [Pokemon Gold and Silver] - A Meowth illusion falls to the ground. The real Meowth appears upwards. If an opponent is near the real Meowth, it gets damaged.
B Down: Guitar Play [Meowth's Party] - Meowth plays on his guitar, the soundwaves hurting his opponents.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
what about the super? Lol this may sound stupid but was thinking he would take out that guitar of his, gets some speakers, puts the volume on Max. puts some headphones, swings at the guitar, at the sound damages all characters in its path...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2006
I think his super should be all the pokemon from "Meowth's Party" start dancing on the field, trampling everyone except Meowth who is playing his guitar.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Thats it, I give up. If you all what TR Meowth, a character from a game that never was/ never will be (Meowth's party), than you all can keep wanting him. It doesn't really matter to me because Im very much sure that we wont be seeing him (Meowth of ANY game) in brawl.

Peace (^_^). . . .
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