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Social Melee Social Thread and stuff


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Pretty good. Tomorrow I have to be a tour guide for open house

On the flip side I get out early and have Friday off.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Teczero nooooooooo!
Must have good day NEOW!

You have a test or something? lol


My song of the day...
LOL good guess xD.

Yea, I took an exam I had confidence I would do okay in. But after I took it my friends were giving me different responses in what they did.

So I'm not sure how I feel how I did =/

And the exam is worth 45% of my grade.

If I fail it I fail the course, and the drop date was over a week ago D=


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
No, Joe I'm literally the most ******** kid there.

I'm not even saying that to try to null your compliment like literally the class consists of:

4 - full time graduate students with BS degrees in EE

2 - full time workers who worked in industry with experience IN antennas (because my class is on antennas) also with BS degrees

1 - Undergraduate student (Me)

I'm sooooooooooo ****ed

Man, why am I telling everyone something boring I feel bad now LOL


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Here's the part of the thread where y'all fools pretend to be smart

Recommend me books that will change my outlook on things & stuff

Not looking for comedy

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Someone give me a topic for a persuasive paper

Teczero8 12:35 am
(00:35:57): antenna radiation
SveetX 12:36 am
(00:36:08): a persuasive topic
Teczero8 12:36 am
(00:36:35): why you shouldnt try to study antennas
SveetX 12:38 am
(00:38:20): my prof would flip the first cover and see this *insert picture of haley from the RoM3 thread*
(00:38:24): and that would be my paper
Teczero8 12:38 am
(00:38:52): man
(00:38:54): MAN
(00:38:59): I hate you right now LOL
SveetX 12:39 am
(00:39:05): <33333

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
while an interesting topic, im not sure if i would be happy with myself as a human being after writing the paper. I am all for banning cigarettes but i am currently a smoker XD

... what a **** hypocrite


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
I can't wrap my head around why someone would smoke (I've got friends/co-workers who smoke and I can't even bring myself to try and understand what drives them)
Try to explain to me


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Thats it,

I'm avoiding everything involving a camera.

**** all you guys.

Also, smoking is supposed to give you some warm feeling that I don't know about cuz I can't stand smoking either. That and its supposed to calm you supposedly.

I think its sort of a disgusting habit though tbh.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
my favorite part is the appetite suppressant. Its also good for minor stress relief and (at least in my area) helps form some social bonds.

other than that, the main reason to smoke would be because you are addicted. Before i smoked i always wondered what nicotine addiction felt like, and i tried thinking of it in terms of being hungry. Like, where do you feel the "desire" from? Most if it is mental, or at least from my experiences, in that you find yourself thinking about smoking or its hard to keep your mind focused on something else if you have just thought about smoking. For me, the physical reminders are usually a feeling in my throat (usually get this when i wake up as thats the longest time i go without a smoke during the day) but then theres actually a pull from the lungs (where the nicotine is absorbed).

I'm lucky though, when i make up my mind I can usually stick to it. I quit cold turkey before and i was happy to be a non-smoker. Then i bummed one off a friend in order to somehow help motivate another friend to quit (idk how i figured that, i was drunk at the time) and after that my addiction was back. I'm just waiting for my desire to quit to reaches its peak again, and that'll be when i quit.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
The main thing I can't understand is, despite the 'good' feelings associated with smoking, the camaraderie felt between fellow smokers, the time filler aspect, the nicotine drive, the 'look' of being a smoker, any 'positive' thing you could associate with smoking...

is it not bad for you? Like...pretty **** bad for you?

For me...I have never smoked cigarettes, and have no desire to, for the sole reason that such dire health ailments have been associated with smoking.

Is it not so easy for you to think about that and say 'hey...this is bad for my health, I'm not going to do this any more.'

And despite how I may have just come across, I mean no offense, nor am I wanting to come across as arrogant, I am overwhelmingly curious.

I've always prided myself on my ability to emphasize/sympathize with people, but this issue has always been one that I could never understand.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I can tell you that a lot of people had that thought.

The thought as this **** is awful for me let me stop. My friend was an avid smoker and told me the hardest thing to do is to quit.

I can't tell you why as I've never done it but I know that from watching my friends genuinely try to stop smoking, its not an easy process.

Which is why its something many parents, people that care try to stop you before you think about it.

My parents if they did one thing good is they scared the holy **** outta me about cigarettes. Throughout the course of my entire life, and I have to say I'm pretty grateful.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
I would have to think that the thought 'well...it's not actually so bad for me' would have to be prevalent for one to keep doing it.

Or they would have to just...not care about the health risks...?

And I've always been one to try and experience something before I speak out against/about it.

Of course you have what your parents have told you, what commercials have showed you, opinions you've heard/read about. But very very rarely (in my experiences) has what I've been told/shown been accurate to what actually happens. Which only serves to reinforce my hesitance to speak out against harmful drugs/activities that I've yet to try.

So in most cases, even now, I have a hard time trying to...'convert' smokers into non-smokers, because I have absolutely no clue what they are going through. The only thing I have to fall back on, is the health risks, and maybe the financial gain of quitting, which I'm pretty sure they're already aware of. So how...like...how do you talk a smoker out of smoking without having been a smoker yourself?

I mean look at how unknowns are treated here on smashboards, if nobody has heard of you more likely than not unless your post is structured in an impressive format, your opinions are going to be tossed aside before they're even given a chance.
'He's never been a pro/placed well, he doesn't know what it takes/what he's talking about'
But to be honest in most cases it's true.
I just can't find a proper way to approach the subject with a high success rate...
What do you say to your friend who smokes to get him to not smoke...
'I've never smoked, but it's bad for you and it costs too much money, you shouldn't do it'
'lol I know...I been trying to quit'
'no, seriously, stop smoking dude, I care about you and your health and would hate for something to happen to you because of this stupid habit'
so what...they quit for a month or two, situations come up where there are readily available cigarettes, and they have one.

Nothing is accomplished.

I just don't understand.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Well, you can't possibly think its not that bad for you.

I think there was research showing that about an average you lose about 5 mins of your life per smoke or something.

Which is ridiculous.

So I'm gonna opt and say its not that you don't think its not bad for you. I think at this age even 8 year olds understand that its awful for you.

I don't mean that as an insult btw, I like literally mean they try to teach it to kids at an incredibly young age.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
yeah its really tough to quit. It literally becomes ingrained in your daily life. Wake up, have "breakfast". Loose a rough game, take a "break". After dinner, go enjoy a "walk". Not even talking about the chemical addiction, the act of breaking something comforting out of your daily routine is tough.

Personally, I find the best way to deal with addiction is to be honest with it. I had a friend who just stayed in denial about it for a long time. He said he would quit "when he stopped liking the flavors". I've always hated the taste of tobacco (except certain cigars, but thats pretty much irrelevant). Every time I go out to smoke, I tell whoever I'm with "Brb gotta go give myself some cancer". I remind myself daily how bad it is for me.

Dealing with the physical withdraw is the hardest part. That first few weeks your stress boils up, you eat everything in sight, you snap at everyone around you, ect. Think about having a horrible headache constantly, or having a really rough day, and how you feel then, but thats just your normal days. I don't remember my crabbiness after smoking, but i'm sure it was rough. I just remember i gained about 20 pounds after quitting. Since smoking again i've pretty much lost the weight, which is relieving.

I'm going to be quitting soon enough, once my life is at a more stable point.


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
I tell whoever I'm with "Brb gotta go give myself some cancer". I remind myself daily how bad it is for me.
To me that sounds more like trivializing it than a reminder.

Granted there's no guarantee that you'll get cancer, but there are guaranteed permanent immediate ailments associated with smoking (right?).

And because I'm going to be going to bed here shortly, after you've read & responded (if you so choose to) to my post(s). Read this spoilers text:
Do the benefits of stopping smoking not greatly outweigh the difficulty?
And don't agree & do nothing. That is meaningless.
That is saying sorry and not truly finding fault in what you've done.

I should stop posting after 2am...

[Edit] Take that happy go lucky social thread!!

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Oh i agree. Its just difficult. It took me 3 or 4 months of building up my will power and desire to quit last time. I figure it will take a similar amount of time now. The only immediate side effects are low lung capacity which isn't much of an issue for a student gamer.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
One of the main reasons why i never tried smoke (took a puff once while drunk, it hurt and a coughed a lot bleh) is that I know if I started I couldn't stop. I'm absolutely horrible with addictions.

That compounds with every other bad thing about it (health problems, monetary costs, etc.) and would basically just make me miserable / feel cornered. It's just not for me man.


Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2009
...making interesting maneuvers in the Okanagan...
I've made people quit through conversation on multiple occasions. Once I was talking with my hockey team about it and 2 of them quit for good the next day and haven't gone back, that over a year ago. Once I was talking to friends during lunch at school and 3 of them quit over the rest of the course period.

I'll give my spill on the details later maybe, it's like anything that 'has been, is., and always will be'
One of the natural and acceptable things that almost became standard and is now stuck.
It can actually be directly compared to everything from alcohol to religions to cell phones... >_>
Subconcious vices, not only in the form of what happens in plain sight, but the part that's really to difficult for most to put to words.

Mushrooms, MDMA and DMT is where it's at for drugs.
hahahah too good
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