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Social Melee Social Thread and stuff


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
wtf is all this choking business and who is this gea character telling people they can't talk about it

this is a free country come on autists let's have it, inbox

lol sweet *****es talk **** get hit #unknown5222013

aggression is the only way to scare little neckbeard shrimps most of the time

kid was trying to act bad, he just doesn't understand that no matter how bad you think you are, there will always be someone out there badder than you

hope i can post about topics i want to post about and not be silenced by little **** mods who think that certain issues have a discussion time limit

the people should say what they want to say when they want to say it, stifling the mind is a crime that deserves death

much love to the man with the balls to teach that kid a real lesson. he'll probably be more careful in the future. unknown saved the kid's life

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
idk man

On one hand, letting people talk about what they want is nice and st00f

On the other hand, what the ****, there was so much more drama then there needed to be. I don't know how so much is created just from one event like that where there shouldn't even really be that much to talk about. It just happened. Same with ROM. These boards are weird sometimes. *****s need to calm down


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Well is rudolph considered a reboot of the Santa franchise or a non-canon one off like bojack? He isn't an original reindeer.

I'm being super serious here btw


BTW happy Dec 21


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
So Ontario is undergoing a huge Melee revival.

Niagara has at least 20 players, we're hosting weekly casuals at a game store and monthlies.

These types of communities exist all over the place like Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge, Vaughan, Oshawa/Whitby/Ajax/Pickering, Ottawa and everywhere inbetween.

We need to continue to focus on expanding the scene and introducing new players to the game as is happening here.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
so sometimes i sit down on my wobbufett and think

"hey maybe i'll just spout nonsense just because anime"

society today is really something else

back in the day 31 ivs stacked was one of those pipe dreams

although i guess pipe dreams are out of style now

but for me half-moon style is forever

the new gen pokemon can all yolo all they want

my meter management and auto-heat are sugoku yolo desu yo

but yeah the world is a scary place

you know i'm walking down the street thinking "hey you know i'm gonna grab some sort of foreign food today because food"

then bam

two-button DP

can't frame trap it

you just gotta accept it

move on

gotta move out

katanagatari is a pretty legit animeshon. the style is definitely a departure from the accepted norm. its cleanliness is pretty stellar

but we all know psi magnet shine is cooler than all that

yeah i mean i love just completely rewriting a character by giving him/her the most notoriously busted move in the series

yeah no regrets

that is the true yolo way

says the man with 4 stocks

but w/e

that's like saying one cannot yolo because medical insurance

or because in the land of the free and dinosaur riding poseidons

we don't do single elimination tournaments

now that's just silly

if you truly believed in the power of love and justice

friendship and magic

choice scarf kyogre and banned weather teams

swift swim marth dash dance pivot forward smashes

then it really doesn't matter now does it?

so for christmas one of my most treasured gifts i didn't buy myself was this little plush

called tuxedo sam

here's tuxedo sam because he's legit:

i mean look at him

sailor hat AND bowtie? where's the tuxedo

oh right, he's a penguin. broken.

to top it off, his name is sam. SANRIO are money-laundering geniuses

now to say a multi-national corporation launders money is an outrageous claim

"how do you plan to verify this claim?"

well children, i don't. think of it in fighting game terms:

it's a mix-up. you're the one that has to block.

zero lightning loops and i'm gonna cross you up so well i don't even know where i'm going.


and so marvel vs capcom 3 fate of two shines has unveiled the golden road to stardom and universal truth and understanding and araya-shiki

all by telling you how fraudulent the internet is

but it's okay

there's always chocolate

obv :012:


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
VietGeek, I want the honor of meeting you in real life one day. Your posts are a wonder to read and try to decipher.

Top 3 on this entire website, imo (that I'm part of only 30 percent of, if not less).


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2012
long island
vietgeek poster of the year all years
[COLLAPSE="here's a good one"] falco is a bird

a big bird that cannot fly

he's a sad bird ------------------

so one day i was thinking maybe shadow should be in smash

cuz like if spacies can have space then why not right? we all need more furries but not because we like them but 'cause variety is the wasabi of life and sometimes you need to shed a few tiers or so and see how good you got it which you cant when you on the top shining

so like shadow would be a pretty cool guy cuz he's already prepackaged super so when he collects the 7 chaos emeralds he becomes hyper shadow which is like ss3 super sonic 3 or something idk

so i went to class then slept for 2 more hours and realized the yolowind sandy is piling on us ain't so bad cuz you only live once and because people die when they are killed there's anime to be watched and buttons to be mashed

sometimes you look into the tv and think

yo man i need to get in that tv and grind it out

but then you realize yukiko isn't waifu material

so you squeeze and leave

2a hit confirm and airdash out

arcana heart 3 is getting rebalanced

but i hope that doesnt mean akane aint becoming houkage

cuz i didn't avoid 9 bajillion episodes of narutu just so aka-nee-nee cant shadow clone sexy legs jutsu her way into victory light spear

yeah i mean if there are stairs then you should climb them

typical rpg mindset

apply it to real life

get lost

get mugged

get exposed

nothing is more fraudulent than losing to falco cuz your shiny tiara attracts trouble

you know blocking in melee is a 50/50 mix-up on yourself?

marth knows

roy knows

game and watch dont know cuz it's more akin to a follow-up on him

falco would know but stupid bird has that windows ME on him crashing everybody's computers and booting into safe mode follow-ups

sometimes i feel bitter about sd remix

not cuz it's niche and hipster

but cuz i feel like there's no room for her in my make-believe-obligatory-anime-waifu-harem

but whatevs

project m is hella fun drunk guys

ike it up shake it up

oh i remember when burger king had that cheese-powder you'd shake up into your fries and it was pretty cool

like norcal cool

then they stopped doing it

once i was in vietnam and there was a similar thing going on but it was soy powder flavored

oddly delicious like fish sauce and kimchi

it's like a mindgame on your senses

it's like your senses all over your mindgames

anyway if there's a cat running across the street it means that calc test is good as dead and you best be watching k-on and crying over azusa's first-world-problems in gloriousu hd

speaking of hd

i had expectations for hd remix

like it actually existing

some says it does

i say it doesnt

sometimes you just want a waifu

but all you got is this hella sharp naifu

strong bad promised me pokemon emoticons but it never happened

man is a chronic liar not to be trusted plays dk and wears a tie salaryman doesnt afraid of tax collectors

obv :048: [/COLLAPSE]


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2012
long island
founded it
jesus it's so vivid i can just see it happening as i read it
[COLLAPSE="vietgeek on shields"]
i like yellow shield

sephirothken does too

ill tell you why

marth with a yellow shield is a beautiful metaphor for the intricate nuances of smash hoes

think of a yellow shield as an orange

when the falco is pillaring your shield

it is like peeling an orange

the orange lies there

almost defenseless

yet you can feel resistance



tangy sticky goo

if you shieldpoke the yellow shield

it is like puncturing the orange too deeply

when one is peeling an orange

one cannot penetrate so harshly

it must be delicate



full of trust and respect

love and admiration

if you apply too much force onto the orange

it will drop and roll away

which means you cannot peel it until you catch it in grasp again

it is very unfortunate

if falco shine grabs

it is like puncturing the surface, the peel

seeing it cringe in fear, uncertainty, its face full of cynicism and despair

like a marth main

and grasping its exposed innards

juicy, tangy, sticky, kawaii

and throwing it

high into the sky

no regrets

no sorrow

only lasers

as you pierce the heavens with your gun

you pierce the orange with your hands

never forget

never mistake

that yellow shield

is like an orange

and you

want orange juice

and marth

wants to be relevant beyond theory bros hd remix turbo console edition 2027 fate of two shines for matchmaking service

obv :049:


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
founded it
jesus it's so vivid i can just see it happening as i read it
[COLLAPSE="vietgeek on shields"]...

never forget

never mistake

that yellow shield

is like an orange

and you

want orange juice

Oh god I lost it at that rofl

I would so sig that if I didn't like my sig so much


Smash Cadet
Jun 20, 2012
I finally got the Diskun trophy today after a long ordeal of missing the same bonus on the list over the course of five or six go-throughs. Boy was I aggravated when I was sure I couldn't have missed one and had all of 'em!

It capped off my "get all of the 289 SSBM trophies attainable from means only within the SSBM game" quest. I don't wish to hack the promo trophies or Tamagon as I feel it would cheapen the accomplishment of getting the rest through game play, and I'm content to wait until I can find a copy of Pikmin to borrow for Captain Olimar, instead of paying twenty bucks for a copy. As far as I'm concerned, I got 'em all.

I just had to post about it somewhere, I'm proud to have finished something I wanted to do those twelve long years ago when this great game was released.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2011
Los Angeles
So it seems like armada is gonna quit smash. I feel like now mango would quit too :( and then maybe its just gonna be m2k vs hbox vs drpp :(

any thoughts?


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
So it seems like armada is gonna quit smash. I feel like now mango would quit too :( and then maybe its just gonna be m2k vs hbox vs drpp :(

any thoughts?
M2K is more likely to quit then Mango since he is really sad Armada is gone now.

Regardless, it is still interesting to see who is the best now since the four players are all on the same level and all.


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2012
Athens, GA
Axe could then win an international

Come to think of it smash might be more fun (from an observers standpoint) if the top five all quit



Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
Activity in this thread, like many threads in Melee Discussion / Character Discussion, fluctuates. It can go days at a time with no activity then suddenly experience a flurry of posts.

Speaking of a flurry of posts how in the heck do you already have so many posts my man

If you consider entering Melee at Evo I'll consider entering Skullgirls even though I have almost no experience whatsoever with traditional fighters.
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