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Social Melee Social Thread and stuff


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Zeldas are usually good

I actually really liked SS

But yeah the WiiU is probably gonna be garbz

Guess another 5 years with Gamecube and N64

Doesn't sound so bad tbh


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
^nothing to lose but I was hoping to gain. I saved my money on the 3ds but nowthat fire emblem is coming out I almost want one. Almost. When Zelda u comes out I'll buy it. Pikmin 3 is somewhat tempting but it doesn't warrant the console price.



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Zeldas are usually good

I actually really liked SS

But yeah the WiiU is probably gonna be garbz

Guess another 5 years with Gamecube and N64

Doesn't sound so bad tbh
What makes you say that? I think you are just being pessimistic now. I actually played on it and it has great potential.. and also the game line up looks sick too.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Is it common to use the C-stick for aerials such as down-air to avoid fastfalling? I use the control stick for everything so this is surprising to me o___o

It came to my attention when I saw the video "How fast is Melee?" (or something like that) where it shows all the inputs made in the video and the point where it shows fox down-airing after wavelanding onto the platform showed the C-stick and I was like "what?" Haha.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Thanks man. Winds within 3 miles of me have hit 94mph. No clue how we have power here. A lot of people don't.
Well if anything floods then you can always go into boat mode

Anyways, I want to get back to Kage. What did you play and what looks interesting. I want a reason to buy it, NintendoLand actually looks fun but I don't see anyone coming over to play that so unless it has online I don't think I'll get to experience half of it and even if I do I feel like its more a showing of what the next Mario PArty would be like.

Nothing else stood out too me, I keep hearing about ZombiU but the trailer I saw didn't show much, the Wii u looks like it has potential but not a single game has interested me so I'd be happy to hear about somehting I missed.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Jeez, I really am an anomaly when it comes to playing, haha. I don't use X or Y to wavedash and I don't use the C-stick at all except for grounded moves. Wonder what else I don't do that everyone does. XD


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
C-stick isn't necessary, it just helps. It's still possible to fastfall or avoid fastfalling without the c-stick. I found that forcing myelf to use one or the other actually hurt me so I mix them up depending on what I need to do.

You think your an anomaly? HBox uses up to jump...with jiggs and Z to attack and l-cancel. 80% of his tech skill is in his left thumb and its harder than people give him credit for.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2011
4S Ranch, San Diego, CA
Is it common to use the C-stick for aerials such as down-air to avoid fastfalling? I use the control stick for everything so this is surprising to me o___o

It came to my attention when I saw the video "How fast is Melee?" (or something like that) where it shows all the inputs made in the video and the point where it shows fox down-airing after wavelanding onto the platform showed the C-stick and I was like "what?" Haha.
Yeah I'm almost certain that it is common usage for aerials, since you have more control on your DI that way, and of course more easily control whether you fastfall or not.



Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I wish Pandora's Tower had been released over here. That game looked like something new and different.

I have next to no faith in the WiiU. I actually welcome change, but Nintendo will do it horribly, of that I have little doubt.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Pandora's Tower has a set release date of April of 2013 iirc which is hilarious really. That said I also remember hearing it was the weakest of the 3 Rainfall games.

I actually just started Xenoblade Chronicles(and by just started I mean am 35 hours into) and have The Last Story waiting for me afterwords.

I also feel the need to ask, what exactly do you people want out of the Wii U?


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
Outside the obvious answer of a nice amount of good games (both retail and online), I hope for the Wii-U to really make use of the tablet controls.

One aspect where the Wii failed was really implementing the motion controls; there weren't many games that really did anything interesting with them, from what I've played anyways.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I just want more games. I mean I have a PS3 since there are a lot of great games not on the Wii. I'm glad the upped the power so there will be more third party support, I've actually saved AC3 to see if there's anything interesting done with the Wii U version.

What do I really want? More Zelda(or fire emblem or pokemon or any RPG), less NSMB.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
Is it normal to not feel ready until a few hours of playing? Usually when I start I'm really sloppy and disoriented and I don't feel like I'm playing like I should be until a few hours in. Maybe it's because I'm not that good yet or something so it takes a newbie to warm up that long or don't play consistently enough to be able to warm up in a short time x_x



Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
What have you guys done to get reluctant friends to play more, like not forcing or anything but just get them more intrested in the game (btw, they aren't total noobs, well one is and the other not so much, but he still isn't too intrested)

Btw luv(sic) i just wanted to say......nice name, i don't know why i feel so good to see other people likeing nujabes too (or underground hip-hop in general) i guess i'm just used to everybody hearing the most popular crap that comes out.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I've tried and failed and that was the reason it took me so long to get in myself, I couldn't get anyone interested and therefore lacked practice and anyone to help me get to tournaments. I felt awkward asking my dad to drive 40 minutes out every other weekend and pick me up at night when I was all alone, not that he'd be scared but that it just felt weird asking to go to a videogame tournament alone. I didn't embrace my nerdom.

What really got me hooked though was when a friend took me to a smashfest, he invited me out of the blue and the idea of playing smash all day with a bunch of guys sounded fun. I suggest if you can't get them out there hold one yourself; even if you can't have an overnight one, 2 set ups and 6 people can get them interested. They'll get destroyed(assuming you get some decent players to come) but they'll enjoy playing much more when there's that social interaction with people who can help them get better. You could do it yourself but a group of smashers can get them interested in the community and since they already enjoy the game,, showing them a community of people who play the game could be what you need.

I know your pain, its an uphill road alone and having a friend is always infinitely better to plain have fun and get much better.


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
I've tried and failed and that was the reason it took me so long to get in myself, I couldn't get anyone interested and therefore lacked practice and anyone to help me get to tournaments. I felt awkward asking my dad to drive 40 minutes out every other weekend and pick me up at night when I was all alone, not that he'd be scared but that it just felt weird asking to go to a videogame tournament alone. I didn't embrace my nerdom.

What really got me hooked though was when a friend took me to a smashfest, he invited me out of the blue and the idea of playing smash all day with a bunch of guys sounded fun. I suggest if you can't get them out there hold one yourself; even if you can't have an overnight one, 2 set ups and 6 people can get them interested. They'll get destroyed(assuming you get some decent players to come) but they'll enjoy playing much more when there's that social interaction with people who can help them get better. You could do it yourself but a group of smashers can get them interested in the community and since they already enjoy the game,, showing them a community of people who play the game could be what you need.

I know your pain, its an uphill road alone and having a friend is always infinitely better to plain have fun and get much better.
Yeah, i know what you mean, i live in Venezuela so the community here is realllyyyyyyyy small, and all the tournaments they do (like 2 or 3 a year from what i've seen) are somewhere else in the country and i can't go because i'm underage :c, but i consider myself really lucky to have a younger brother that i usually play with everyday, and he's getting alot better too, i even lose matches, but the truth is i really think i would've not been as in to the game if he doesn't play with me. Although tommorow i'm going to a videogame convention, some friends invited me and told me there could be a small melee tournament, so i'm really excited, although i'm pretty sure it'll just be a bunch of random people that don't know anything about the game at all. Whatever, maybe i'll meet someone who can play :awesome:


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Even if you don't meet someone who's any good you can **** face, give tips and advertise this site. Tell them your username here and direct them to the regional board and BAM, new members for your community somewhat close to you. I know this'll be hard since throwing a tourney or a huge smashfest might not be possible but see if anyone good in your region is willing to come out to your house for the day and play with you and maybe get your friends interested. At the very least don't give up, I'm sad I waited 6 years to actually get into this, I could have had 6 years f practice and still only be younger than most smashers but now at least I can get myself out there...or soon I will be able too once I get a license. What was my point? Oh yeah, at the very least eventually you'll be able to go out to the tournies with ease.


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
Even if you don't meet someone who's any good you can **** face, give tips and advertise this site. Tell them your username here and direct them to the regional board and BAM, new members for your community somewhat close to you. I know this'll be hard since throwing a tourney or a huge smashfest might not be possible but see if anyone good in your region is willing to come out to your house for the day and play with you and maybe get your friends interested. At the very least don't give up, I'm sad I waited 6 years to actually get into this, I could have had 6 years f practice and still only be younger than most smashers but now at least I can get myself out there...or soon I will be able too once I get a license. What was my point? Oh yeah, at the very least eventually you'll be able to go out to the tournies with ease.
Thing is the majority of people here don't know jack**** english, like at all, there's very few people that kind of understand it, and those are the people that spend thier entire lives trying to learn the language, and when you can't actively get in to a discussion because of a language barrier, it demoralizes them from having a serious intrest in the game, this of course is different if they had someone to play with, but this isn't the case.

And about smashfest's and whatnot, this is a big no-no mainly because my country is really ****y right now, it's really dangerous to go outside, it's so ****ed up that you (and everyone in there) could get robbed in a resturaunt, or mall, your pick, so inviting people over like that is gonna have to wait.

getting off the gloom-and-doom, i've been trying to get some other gamers from my school intrested, and your right, i really should never give up, but in my current state, i'll have to start really slow to actually build a strong mini comunnity in my city. But thanks alot man, it's reasuring that i'm not the only one having this problem:)


Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2012
Athens, GA
quick question

Why is it that so many people in the Smash community do not like having rumble turned on while playing? Personally, it really helps me with the rhythm of hitting on shield vs. off shield in terms of shffling, and also helps me "feel" wavedashes better to get as close to a perfect wd as possible.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2012
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
i use c-stick to uair when falling from platforms, and fsmash out of dash with Marth, something i really want to learn is the claw, people say it improves your tech skill with fox and falco


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
I haves a question

Where the **** is Japan in the melee community? I always see US/Europe/SA but other than that, it always seems like Japan (and korea too i guess) are never in the community, sure i can understand differences because of the language and everything, but it seems like there's no community there, does anybody have a contact or know anything about them? I also know Asia in general are kind of secretive (or just don't like socializing with other continents) but i've also tried to find some video and there's just old videos. Do they even have tournaments? Is captain Jack and Kou the only ones that play or what?


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2011
4S Ranch, San Diego, CA
I haves a question

Where the **** is Japan in the melee community? I always see US/Europe/SA but other than that, it always seems like Japan (and korea too i guess) are never in the community, sure i can understand differences because of the language and everything, but it seems like there's no community there, does anybody have a contact or know anything about them? I also know Asia in general are kind of secretive (or just don't like socializing with other continents) but i've also tried to find some video and there's just old videos. Do they even have tournaments? Is captain Jack and Kou the only ones that play or what?
That's a good question.... Europe and USA are just better. JK I dunno. Also if I remember correctly, Melee was the least popular in Japan.



Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
The Brawl scene in Japan is pretty big. There's a decent scene for 64 in Japan but I don't hear much about Melee. It used to be kind of big back when Melee was in its prime I suppose.


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2012
San Francisco, Venezuela (not the famous one)
The Brawl scene in Japan is pretty big. There's a decent scene for 64 in Japan but I don't hear much about Melee. It used to be kind of big back when Melee was in its prime I suppose.
I do know that Japan has a huge SB64 tournament every year in tokyo (150+ people show up every year) I don't know about Brawl, other than it's big there, other than that, nothing. If they don't have much activity, then how did kou and C. jack come ovver here for Apex 2012? God hopefully someone knows something:c


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
I do know that Japan has a huge SB64 tournament every year in tokyo (150+ people show up every year) I don't know about Brawl, other than it's big there, other than that, nothing. If they don't have much activity, then how did kou and C. jack come ovver here for Apex 2012? God hopefully someone knows something:c
Well, even if the Melee scene died a bit, that doesn't mean Melee veterans can't pick up the game for nostalgia's sake. Surely there is a Melee scene in Japan. I do know that there is a very small group of players in Korea.
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