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Social Melee Social Thread and stuff

Eclectic Echo

Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2012
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
Well, seeing as this thread is about anything. Can someone help me figure out what my problem is? Lol. So I have trouble going to school to get work done. I need 6 more credits, plus 30 hours of community hours. Three months left of school. Twenty lessons for 1 credit. I know I have to go, I want to go, I have get my education, but I just can't motivate myself to go. I'm 19, not in high school, should have graduated 2 years ago. Now I do my schooling through a place where teens get kicked out for a semester or where you're just too old for high school. I would just like some help from someone who has some advice so I can just move on and get high school out of my life. Would like to know if anyone has gone through something like this and has overcame this kind of obstacle.

Thought I'd post it here cuz everyone goes through tough times and we're all different and age is roughly the same.

Pleas help me out. And if you don't have anything nice to say please don't. Appreciate it.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Well, living in Ontario I know the community service hours are a *****. I got mine from a teacher I helped out mostly but you could honestly just go somewhere, ask to do some stuff for them in exchange for the hours and try to find someone cool enough to give you 10 hours if you only work seven and a half. I know a guy who did his at a quiznos but somehting like a library is probably the best and easiest option if you can't just ask a teacher.

As for no motivation...I dunno. I just go. Maybe force yourself? It's probably hard knowing you can just skip the day but with 3 months left you might as well pick and choose your days off. GL

just getting someone to sign the sheet is always an option for service hours :awesome:


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Well, seeing as this thread is about anything. Can someone help me figure out what my problem is? Lol. So I have trouble going to school to get work done. I need 6 more credits, plus 30 hours of community hours. Three months left of school. Twenty lessons for 1 credit. I know I have to go, I want to go, I have get my education, but I just can't motivate myself to go. I'm 19, not in high school, should have graduated 2 years ago. Now I do my schooling through a place where teens get kicked out for a semester or where you're just too old for high school. I would just like some help from someone who has some advice so I can just move on and get high school out of my life. Would like to know if anyone has gone through something like this and has overcame this kind of obstacle.

Thought I'd post it here cuz everyone goes through tough times and we're all different and age is roughly the same.

Pleas help me out. And if you don't have anything nice to say please don't. Appreciate it.
I face the same struggles. I'd like some advice as well!


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
For Community service, I just did school events, helped out at events, look for stuff in the paper that looks interesting and attend that, and request ours for your service.

For motivation, I find that might require an entire lifestyle change, I used to be very unmotivated until I found direction in my life. Instead of looking at a short term goal(Finishing high school) Look long term, mine was wanting to be able to have a nice home, be able to take care of my family, and not be like my douchebag father.

Find your drive, Find your Motive. Its all on you.

Eclectic Echo

Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2012
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
Thanks guys. I really appreciate this. I'm not a downer or anything, like depressed every day of my life. I just waste time on other things when I should be focusing on my future before it's too late. And just think what I should do than actually do it. Yeah, I know it's on me, always has been. Let's hope I get it together.


Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
I went to community college for a few years and worked part time but mostly was just a total bum. I smoked a lot of weed, drank, played video games, failed some classes but did alright when i tried. I quit my first job of two years (almost to the day) because I found the environment very depressing. I took 2 semesters off and played a lot of smash and somehow managed to find money for cigarettes, weed and gas (thanks mom).

By spring my parents were utterly annoyed with me, and I was bored too so I got a job at menards. I actually really liked the place, I liked building things and helping people build things. My mom convinced me to take independent study classes that fall. I took a math class, an english class and a physics class independently and needed an elective so i took this game development class that met one night a week.

Menards happens to be an extremely paperwork driven company. In order to do anything you have to fill out a sheet and have half the store sign it. At that time, my department was going through a transition and only had 1 manager, and so they were relying on me to do a lot of the tasks assigned to the closing manager. Needless to say, I was going above and beyond for them. I filled out this sheet of paper to request mondays off, but I didn't get the first one off. No big deal, just fill out another piece of paper.

I fill out the paper and my department manager signs his approval. I had talked to him and wrote it with him, so it makes sense. The store manager has to sign it as a technicality before filing it away, but he sent it back to me as declined for no reason except to be a ****. He was one of those kinds of guys who never smiled, never said anything nice to anyone and frankly didn't even know my name even though we spent the better part of 3 months working 10 feet beside each other.

I took the sheet of paper back to him and told him that I wont be there on that monday and not to expect me back after that, left the paper there and walked back to do my job. I think that really got under his skin, which makes me smile to this day. He called me back to the conference room about 10 minutes later and we sat down with the HR rep and he opened with a question, "Do you want to work here?" to which I responded immediately, "yes". His next sentence was the beginning of a huge firey rant, but I cut it off short when he said something about disrespecting him. I mean, I did, but at that time I didn't think so, and really he deserved it. I told him I deserve respect as well and the way he had been treating me was wrong, to which he asked for my badge and I left.

At that point, my friend Dave offered me a job at Starbucks (which he just lost today, sadly). I was back working again and had my first paycheck within a month of leaving menards and have been there since. During my time working at starbucks, I have learned many things. I have stopped looking at work as just a job. My store has meaning and value to me. It has given me motivation and a whole new outlook on the world. But I have also learned that it isn't the place I want to spend the rest of my life working, so I have decided to take school as seriously as Starbucks has taught me to take my work.

Looking back at myself 4 or 5 years ago, I see a totally different man. Not even a man, a boy. You would not think that the boy with long hair, raggy clothes, smelled like pot and didn't do anything but play video games would be the same man who is now sitting at his university, top of his class, dual majoring in Math and Computer Science. Take what you will from my story, but don't be afraid of the future. Time is limited, but life has no rules. If you die tomorrow or die in a hundred years, it is the same to the universe at large. The only goal to life is to be happy, and if you are happy just living day to day never knowing what will come next, then good on you. Don't live by anyone else's rules but your own.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Yeah sorry for the long rant. I didn't expect it to be like that, but I ended up kinda spilling my heart and taking way too long to get to the point. I'm sure nobody even read the whole thing

Eclectic Echo

Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2012
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
Yeah sorry for the long rant. I didn't expect it to be like that, but I ended up kinda spilling my heart and taking way too long to get to the point. I'm sure nobody even read the whole thing
I'll read right after my shower. All sweaty. :p

I agree with Krisp. I wouldn't get these kind of responses at MLG website. Nor do I see it. Been there for 5 years and i already see the difference. A lot of douchebags there. Lol, not all obviously.

P.S. You guys are my heroes.

EDIT/ I read it, and good for you. And I'll take whatever I can from it!

I think we were meant to have struggles in our lives in order for us to overcome them. Otherwise it wouldn't be life. - Brent/Eclectic Echo.



Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
I think I might write my story like Sveet, I sort of have an interesting (thats keeps undating too - See gta thread lmfao)

Also why is he ****ting a brick? Shes pretty cute lol

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007

who is that girl kissing mew2king
"Level 80 Warlock". Mad misinformation up in the hizzouse.

I remember when this first came around and was like front page of Digg or whatever a few years ago. That was ****ing hilarious.


From Digg: "The girl is Amber, a girlfriend of someone else at the tournament (RX), I don't know why she kissed him but it was probably pity. :-P The reason he gave for his facial expression is that he was taken by surprise."

All the old comments are gone though, they were hilarious.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Nervous about posting this but whatever.

So my story goes back about 6 years. At this time, I was 13 years old, my parents had just divorced, so I'm sure you can see where this is going. I lived with my mother after the first two years of their split, but after that I moved in with my father. At first it was fine, we didnt have any major issues. But my father was an angry person, and an alcoholic. He would get home from work, drunk, and regardless of what shape the house was in(When my parents split, I became the house maid, I've been cooking and cleaning since I was 12). He would sometimes get so angry, that he even hit me, and all that Jazz.

Now I suppose you're wondering where I am going with this, well, this carried on for a long time, infact it didnt stop until I was 17. I had always enjoyed playing Smash with my friends casually, so when I could, I played Smash as a way to vent, it calmed me down, made me forget about the problems at hand(which didnt help long term XD). But It was still a way to forget the monster that was standing upstairs.

Now moving forward about 5 years to when I was 17, my social life was lacking because I was terrified that if everything wasnt perfect at home, **** was gunna go down, for lack of a better term. So once everything was "said and done" for the evening, I would settle into the "Dungeon" to calm myself. The older I got the more and more it seemed that my nightly smash times were needed. I was a 16-17 year old who hated life, had a lacking social life due a fear of getting screamed at/beaten for not having dinner made, homework done and the house clean. But I had smash, my vent. I had always been better then my friends, I had a "****" Marth and Jigglypuff(who everyone that was a terrible character) and this gave me confidence.

Move forward to November of 2009, I met a girl named Dana. I had already started watching pro's on youtube and had always wanted to take part in a tournament. Its weird I didnt have confidence, I had good grades, was an athlete, infact I played regional soccer and almost made the Canadian Junior Team. But none of this could surpass the **** I had dealt with, with my father.

Now at the age of 17 something clicked and the fear I had was gone. Its odd I still feared him, Im 2 inches taller and have 20 pounds on him. anyways. At this time I started having a social life, and my father didnt like that, so he kicked me out. So I went to stay with my best friend Catherine. I had decided I wanted to become a pro smasher at this time, I wasnt just playing the game out of rage as opposed to Joy and as a goal.

When college came me and my girlfriend Dana moved to the town**** I mean Township of Etobicoke, the outskirts of Toronto. We were both going to be attending Humber College in Media Related courses(aww how cute). Now that I had moved closer to Toronto, while also having full knowledge that Canadian greats Unknown, KirbyKaze, Raynex and others were so close. I had already began speaking with them on the boards.

Now I had been practicing seriously for about 3-4 months now, and in November of 2010, Kirbykaze invited me to a smashfest at his house. I wanted to go, but I was nervous, I was scared I would get my *** kicked, but thankfully my girl was there to say "Go anyways, whats the worst that could happen?". Despite the fact she turned into a *****, shes a large reason I became the person I am proud to be. So I went to KK's house. And yeah I got *****. First match we both called cold hand johns and I took a game off his Falcon with my current main, Mario. Then he ***** me, dry, no lube. Fun times.(Also we were doing teams and I went Puff, and landed a rest on all 3 other players at the same time).

Im glad she made me go, I had a fantastic time and havent really looked back since, I had a small bump when I moved back home from school, but thats been fixed since then. I attended Apex and did better than I thought I would. So its pretty good.

The moral of my story is that Smash effected my life in a way that it was a light in a dark room. I had issues, and it was always there for me as a way to get away, as a confidence booster and now a way of life.

Eclectic Echo

Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2012
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
Nervous about posting this but whatever.
The moral of my story is that Smash effected my life in a way that it was a light in a dark room. I had issues, and it was always there for me as a way to get away, as a confidence booster and now a way of life.
Deleted the rest because I don't like quoting huge posts. But I really appreciate the story, we all have one of many and you were so kind enough to share. *Bravo* I too want to become a pro smasher. Been going hard for about 8 months, only on weekends. But I hope you go to Impulse so i can meet you (no homo, haha). And hope I save enough money in time to go too. :D


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2012
Puerto Rico
Oh oh! a perfect way to troll your friends to hell and beyond is to pick Roy, walk patiently, fsmash ---> rinse repeat and **** (this is only effective for 1-3 matches lol)

Eclectic Echo

Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2012
Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada
If i finish high school once and for all. I wanna go to Toronto for college, or within that area. For a few reasons, halo tournaments/LANs and for Smash tournaments! :D Stupid high school :/

What's in Florida?


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Bing you traitorous fool. You no a part of your decision in moving to florida is because it also has a good smash community.

At wikihow. that's hilarious.
Pros tactic- 4 stock your opponent. Always try to 4 stock your opponent, this is what pros do. Also roll, a lot, people who don't roll are bad.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2012
Cupertino, CA
Sup Ya'll. Been lurking for a about a month now since i got back into melee, and have been watching about two years worth of tournaments in the last couple weeks.

I figured it was time to make an account and say hi, since the Melee Community here seems (somewhat) more civil than the brawl community.

Doc Main, play some Sheik and Marth on the side.

Anyway just thought id introduce myself.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Dang Sveet, +10 cool points from me.

I understand struggle, although from a different angle. I sadly don't have time to type up advice as I need to leave right now, but I do wish all of you the best and remember: there is always light at the end of the tunnel or a way to better improve yourself. Some people have to work harder than others, but they're the ones who appreciate it more in the end :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2012
Cupertino, CA
Dang Sveet, +10 cool points from me.

I understand struggle, although from a different angle. I sadly don't have time to type up advice as I need to leave right now, but I do wish all of you the best and remember: there is always light at the end of the tunnel or a way to better improve yourself. Some people have to work harder than others, but they're the ones who appreciate it more in the end :)
Thanks, i'll talk to you later then C:

Oh hm i suppose I should type a little bit about me. Uh, I live in cupertino(North California Area near San Jose and Sanh Francisco. Coincidentally, thats around where Shroomed Lives i think. I am a Junior in high school, and a drama student who plans on pursuing voice acting into the future(I like to think im pretty good at it too... at least so far. I might take some classes on voice acting over the summer). I've played melee with my friends casually since like second grade. My first game of melee ever was on temple where my friend and his brother were pikachu and link respectively. I was yoshi. I played it casually with friends and always liked Doc because I liked underplayed characters. When brawl came out i played that and loved pit and i wanted to play it on a tournament level, but I was pretty limited since i was young and didn't have a whole lot of money to travel.(I probably wasn't good enough anyway)

I went on hiatus from Smash Bros for about three years because i started doing drama and that ended up taking a lot of my free time. This year though some other drama kids said they wanted to start playing melee again, and since we aren't rehearsing like mad for a show right now i said i'd play with them. Ever since then, I've been pretty enthralled watching tournaments and exploring things about melee i never knew playing it casually as a kid. The concepts of wavedashing and L Cancelling were only things i heard about briefly when people complained about how bad brawl was. Now that i've opened my eyes to the competitive part of Melee, I decided i want to pursue it(or at least try too). And now i'm posting here.

I've been so enthralled by playing melee again that im holding a tournament for some kids from our school district during our spring break in two weeks. As such i'm trying to perfect things like L cancelling and shuffling and all so i can play my best.

tl;dr Gay drama kid. Casual n00b who is trying to learn how to play like a pro.

...And thats my story folks.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
Welcome Svetsunov! I'm a junior in high school too :D. I wish I mad an acount earlier, I lurked these boards a little over a year before I made an account.

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