...Yeeeeah I fail at this LOL );
I put the hex in the correct place in the .DAT file (30b0 wasn't it?)... I'm not sure if it has something to do with the way I exported or what... I'm a complete noob at blender, so I might've touched/moved something that I wasn't supposed to.
This is the code it spat out for me:
0000 284f 113f 0fa0 2350 0a7f 0be0 220f f29f 0fff 228f fd7f f000 228f fd7f f420 220f f29f 0000 218f edff 0000 2e4f f0df ef7f 31d0 ff5f f540 2f30 f47f 0ac0 2f30 f47f 1080 31d0 ff5f 0000 370f ffdf 0000 24af 0b5f 0d80 212f 187f 103f 22f0 08ff efc0 22f0 08ff f27f 212f 187f 0000 250f 1c7f f060 2350 0a7f f09f 32ef 083f 0000 256f 123f 0000 34cf 0cdf 0f60 32ef 083f 0c40 f9e0 18a0 103f fc20 0840 0d80 f9c0 16c0 097b ee26 18ad 0880 0060 0ebf 101f fd7f 0840 0cff fb20 165f 0580 fce0 1b60 0540 fe20 1ac0 0000 017f 1180 f314 ee41 195a f27f f9c0 16c0 efc0 fc20 0840 f420 fb3f 181f f300 fb20 165f efe0 fd7f 0840 f780 0060 0ebf 0000 fddf 07ff fa80 fce0 1b60 fac0 fe20 1ac0 0025 eecc 1cd8 0000 fd80 1be0 0fff fbe0 fcc0 0fff ffa0 fce0 0d80 0bc0 fcbf 103f fc60 0500 0fa0 fc80 09e0 10c0 0220 0460 04e0 0ebf 079f 0980 fdc0 0f00 0fa0 03df 0980 0860 0e9f 03df 0320 0f60 033f 0960 045f 0e00 0f80 0b00 08df 03e1 e904 eb58 0a00 0a7f f63f 0440 08c0 f200 0500 0480 efe0 0540 fb3f eee0 0360 0e9f fc7f 0380 0bc0 f61f 193a f06d 0b96 0f40 0cdf 037f 0dc0 0cdf 079f 0800 0d60 0b5f 08df 0b80 0cbf 0fc0 08e0 fcbf 0ac0 071f f3df 04f8 ed8e ec89 e6fe eafc e3de f27f 0bc0 fcbf f060 fc80 09e0 efc0 fc60 0500 ef3f 0220 0460 fb20 0ebf 079f 0000 0dff 0c3f f060 03df 0980 f680 fdc0 0f00 fce0 0f60 033f 0000 0f80 02ff 0000 0ebf 07ff 0000 0400 10a0 0000 fea0 119f f79f 0e9f 03df f080 0b00 08df f6a0 045f 0e00 f820 0dbf fc9f fbc0 08c0 f200 fac0 fb3f eee0 f540 071f f3df 0000 08c0 f160 fa18 eb2e e3a2 fec5 fc72 e87a fb00 0480 efe0 0000 0ebf fc7f fca0 0e9f fc7f fc80 0bc0 f61f 0a15 efca e1ff f0bf 0cdf 037f ddf6 f711 0844 f040 08e0 fcbf f23f 0cdf 079f 0000 0b40 0e5f f720 0b80 0cbf f800 0d60 0b5f f000 ffa0 fce0 f000 fbe0 fcc0 ff0a e98a f2af
In case you're wondering... I was trying to make some spikes poking down from the back of the hat, just as a drag-and-drop kind of test for it. I think I made some spikes on the front of the hat as well.
UPDATE1: Nevermind~ You're right... I should just use HxD like you said, it copy-pastes the hex in the correct order. I tried Hex Editor Neo and Hex Workshop, and neither of them could do it correctly (Hex Editor Neo put all the hex in ***-backwards, turning code "284f" into "4f28" for some stupid reason).
Unfortunately, the hex you see up there ^ that I pasted... I think I forgot to select the hat, so it looks exactly like the regular hat... Fail on my part. Could've sworn I selected it properly. ^^;;
I ran another test, and THAT one came out correctly. So I'll try this spiky hat thing again and see if it works THIS time. (=
Ah... That's much better.
Your guide really helps out, I'll be sure to keep tabs on those Pika hats, haha