So, hacked melee seems awesome but I'm having a problem getting it to work. Much appreciated if anyone can help me
I hacked my wii without problems. Like, any problems at all, which is kind of eerie and suspicious. It's v3.3 and I have not updated it; it's still v3.3. I followed this guide: though I may have screwed up along the way.
I have bootmii as boot2 but renamed so it doesn't pop up everytime. My HBC is upside down. I tried fixing it, but it didn't work. Right now, I have the following programs in my HBC:
Multi-Mod Manager [MMM]
cIOS38r17 Installer
DOP-Mii (v12)
GC Backup Launcher 0.2
MIOS Patcher (Waninko's or whatever his name is)
I have used all of them, though I'm not really sure if they've all done their jobs. To the fullest extent of my knowledge, I believe I have performed everything correctly and activated the trucha bug but I'm not certain. If I could test this somehow, that would be great @__@
Okay, now, I burned sleepyk's pre-modded ssbm iso from his email onto three different dvd's.
The first one is from my friend Patch who gave me a stack of DVD's labeled DVD-R. They were in his car for a while and were really hot and smelled really bad, like melting plastic, when I got them so they may be damaged. The first ISO was burned at default speed, finished in 2 minutes, and caused my wii to crash.
The second one is from my friend Alvin who gave me unlabeled DVD's that should have no problems with them. The ISO was burned onto here at default speed, finished in 2 minutes, and caused GC Backup Launcher to go to a green screen, then restart back to the warning screen before the wii menu.
The third ISO was burnt at minimum speed onto another one of Patch's (see first ISO) DVD-R's. It caused GC Backup Launcher to go to a green screen, then restart.
I took hacks.rom from sleepyk's email, renamed it to hacks.iso, then burned it on using imgburn for all three of them.
Any help would be appreciated
