There's some really nice input here, thanks.
Another point I'd like to make-
Most of us know, generally, how game development goes..right? A bunch of **** goes on, and then you have somewhat of a game. Then you play test it, fixing things as you go along.
Melee kinda skipped this step a little bit, seeing as it was released early. That explains the multiple glitches. The problem we're seeing now is.. Melee is basically what Sakurai had to use as a beta test. (alpha, whatever..?) So what we have is a game that's actually effectively been changed and reduced.
lol, this isn't important, but i think it's funny that even considering the latter, we still have a bunch of infinite combos and glitches. I guess Brawl was released like that [EARLY?! LOL] as well.
Right. So Sakurai saw wavedashing, L-canceling and the like as glitches, and removed them.
That's stupid.
And it's been happening with the entire industry. People have been dumbing down games so they can appeal to a less intelligent, less interested audience. CS:CZ and CS:S both have larger hitboxes and less recoil on most weapons. Halo 3 is a piece of cake. Assassin's Creed is a joke.
Why doesn't the community see Brawl as another one of these ******* children?
Why doesn't the Brawl community, if they do indeed believe Brawl is a good game, admit that Melee is a better game for the same reasons?
And finally, why the hell would we stop with Melee now? ****.
It's heartbreaking.
If They do this to starcraft 2 as well I'll be furious. But yes I've noticed this trend hardcore in gaming lately. Its annoying for a competitive gamer.
A very good point; most people don't realize that -this- is the reason Brawl seems more "balanced" than Melee ever did.
And yet they tout it as the next great game while they hypocritically bash those who speak out against Brawl's supposed greatness.
One thing I've noticed is that in general not everyone, but in general the melee players who werne't improving as fast as the rest and started losing a lot and kinda given up the drive to get better in melee, are the ones who bash topics like these and promote brawl like its sex on a plate. Really good melee players who enjoy both like chillin/azen for example in your area, don't bash melee or go around parading brawl. Just seems like a trend i've noticed.
oh stfu and go to scars thread if you want to talk about this topic which has been ****ing posted to death ... you can keep going to melee tournaments but you prolly wont see the majority of people there which sucks... its just time to move on >_>
By the majority of the peple you mean the guys who quit melee for brawl cause it was too hard for them, masses of brawl just joined smashboards in 2008 scrubs, and the few good melee players who enjoy brawl and **** everyone then yeah, we won't see them as often.
By the way don't take this personally, its just in general the case in my immediate area.
The brawl community sucks right now espeically in my area. D.A is so pompous and annoying cause they can actually have a shot at tournaments again. They were mad that they were getting washed up and melee and losing to a ton of up and coming players in the smash community and couldn't keep up. Thats why like 3 months before brawl's release they started making all kinds of johns about how they were bored with the community all of a sudden and not trying etc. They were just tired of losing and didn't want to put in some effort to compete with the up and coming players.
So move onto what? Around here its very hard to want to move on. Its either play with arrogant washed up melee players who trash talk to no end, BAD melee players who went to brawl, and the few genuine cool people who like both games that play and are cool/fun to play with which are far and few between in my area like d1 and EL for example. OR I could go to scar's awesome monthlies once a month and continue on with melee. its not much of a choice I'm probably not going to "get over it and move on" what a dumb annoying statement. I'd rather have 20 real competitive melee players at the tournament each month then a bunch of whiny brawl supporters and scrubs, anyday.
you guys are idiots. Brawl is not Melee 2.0, it's a completely different game that needs a completely different approach.
Hova your mad cool I had fun hanging w/ you and playing matches at c3's, why such a dumb ignorant statement thats been tossed around time and time again? This is obvious and doesn't need to be brought up.
i don't know who you all have been playing with, but i have seen plenty of people getting two and three stocked among TA. also, you can have matches come down to the last stock without it being close
Thats cool, but once you hit a certain level of play in brawl IMO you could just flip a coin and the winner could be determined by that, because of its shalowness, the main reason I don't like this game. I mean at the very very top level of melee MAYBE you could make a similar argument, but its a MUCH higher level that it takes to get to this point and even then the better player is going to win more consistently in melee in brawl IMO.
i'm not saying that Brawl is a better tourney game, but how can you predict the depth of a game one week after its release?
Good point. This is why i'm confused as to why its already a tournament level game? And being treated as one? I can see that tournaments will help improve the game faster, but why is it the main event? It should be melee tournaments with a side of brawl, since brawl is still developing and not nearly as good as melee atm.
i could definitely understand this thread being made maybe 6 months from now, but anyone ready to go back to melee already is probably a scrub who can't figure things out and had melee spoon fed to them by better players
feel free to play melee while better players figure out Brawl for you and actually put in the effort to see how viable the game actually is for tournies
I'll call you when it's time to get *****
Eventually you will see that people will advance and the three stocks will happen.... the game is going to advance we just have to wait >_>
and yea melee was a better competitive fighter but its now time to move on :/
melee tournies will happen but they will be small considered to the brawl tournies and thats just how its gonna go...
It will happen eventually, when the same stuff happens over and over again in brawl, and people are so bored that each match comes down to a camping patience test. And people who get bored easier will get 3 stocked by running into the same campfest strategies that the other guy has perfected due to complete frustration with being bored.
Now for the record I play enjoy brawl, been to tournaments and nearly beat one of your best players without caring about the game unlocking everything or hardly practicing, simply because i'm good at smash in general and at a high level of play this game is going to be close cause theres not that much to separate really good players yet. I think this game was rushed into the tournament scene and killed the melee scene too early.
I'm still learning new advanced stuff in brawl and enjoy it more everyday. But I'm also doing the same in melee even after playing for 1.5 years I learned a new technique cactuar taught me like 2 months ago and am still trying to master it. I can't see myself learning new brawl stuff that long after playing it.. it just doesn't seem half that deep. I mean If I do great, brawl could actually be really fun/competitive at that point that would be sweet. But right now the community for it sucks in my area, and its just underdeveloped and boring in comparison to melee right now.
Quote, Azen Zagentie says, "Eggm you were my hardest match in that tournament lolz" For anyone who says I suck at brawl and thats why I don't like it as much as melee.
sorry if i came across as hash to anyone but brawl players don't seem to respond to anything else with anything but the same statements said over and over again.
And to the OP i'm with you 100% man, can't wait to see you Saturday at scar's tournament.
Its going to be epic, we got some md coming pittsburg, all of nj/pa and like 3-4 nyers. Can't wait. Melees not dead in this area by a long shot. And lol @ wanting to MM my fox but not yoshi.
Thats awesome.