I just managed to sneak that watcher promise in before the deadline and actually didn't know you'd posted until I came to check on the lynch flavor, Mac. However, it's a good thing I didn't, as I'll explain in a moment when I explain my claim in full.
I won't nameclaim, as I wanted to do something similar to Spidey where we prioritize our suspicions and have the order of claiming go that way, according to the collective suspicions of the town. The odds of catching mafia in a counterclaim are obviously astronomically against us, but we have to play every card we have if we want to win this game, even they are longshots.
Now, although I am watcher, I am sure that some or most of you felt some considerable suspicion. After all, a watcher has serious potential to be a "bingo night action" power role, and we already had an Investigator. Well, in true Scav-ish fashion, my power has been vastly scaled back to the point that it is merely an interesting lead gatherer, not a bingo power.
Let me elaborate. Essentially when I use my Robot Master's power at night, I watch them to learn what projectiles hit them at night. I do not receive the identity of the player that visited them, nor do I obtain the precise name of the projectile -- merely the type of projectile.
However, the type of projectile is enough to narrow down what character it came from to a "category" of abilities. For example, in the Megaman games there would be guys who could form a shield out of various things, and I might see "shield" or "barrier" or something in the case of watching someone who had such an ability active on them.
As such, instead of being what I think of the watcher as typically (a cop on a stakeout), my role becomes more investigative in terms of being able to verify the truthfulness of claims. For example, if I at some point watched someone and saw that a "shuriken" or "ninja star" was active on them, then we claimed today and Marshy claimed Shadow Man, I would be able to provide his claim with some validity, because I had seen evidence that Shadow Man could be in the game.
However it could also help me clear people, as mafia could have ended up with, say, the Bomber's ability, or another ability they'd be very likely to use. Depending on what our Investigator was capable of, he may be used at night as well. Anyway, if I was to watch someone and saw that a "missile" was active on them, they would almost definitely be cleared, because as we know now, no one could have Search Man's ability
but the mafia. I was really hoping I'd have a thick stack of these almost-clears by endgame, but I sadly do not.
Before I go on to my results, I want to indicate now that I have yet to predict the mafia's kill target, so I don't know what would happen if I did so. It's possible, I suppose, that I might get something more substantial than usual, but I assume that by design Scav meant for this role to be used in the supplementary fashion I posited above.
Here are my investigations from each night:
Night Zero - Because Macman is a huge night action target, I decided it would be a good idea to watch him. He seemed like a strong candidate for either town PRs or a mafia kill, arguably the most likely person in the game to be a recipient of night powers.
Result: I saw two projectiles active on Macman - A "barrier" and a "grenade". The barrier made me think that Macman was one of many Robot Masters that are able to conjure up a shield as I mentioned earlier, so I thought for quite a while that Macman was a bulletproof. When he said that "if a BP was hit, they should claim", I waffled for a while on whether I thought he was breadcrumbing that he was one to call back to, or legitimately asking the question. I ultimately decided on the latter, as being hit by mafia as BP is the most productive thing you can do. I also considered him being the recipient of doc protection/defender action/whatever.
Obviously, seeing the "grenade" active on Macman made me believe his posting restriction immediately, which is why I was willing to defend him sooner than most. I was dam
ningly certain that Warlord had fired the posting-restriction-inducing grenade, and such actions clicked all to well with either ballsy-but-stupid scum or a lyncher, or a generally ballsy and stupid other type of indy. His claim as Grenade Man, when Iggy took over, did zero to convince me, because it was not new information and didn't conflict with the possibility of his being indy at all.
After a while I started to consider that Mac may be the doc, as the way he played really abrasively and brash, as is often his achilles heel in these games, was actually a good way to keep the mafia from killing him. If you look suspicious, you're not going to get killed, after all. It wasn't exactly something I was taking for granted, but I was considering it seriously enough that I believed him when he claimed.
As a related sidebar, when I asked Mac to elaborate on how certain he was that Wiki could be defeated without endangering what he knows, I actually wasn't referring to the doublevoter. I was considering the "barrier" I observed over him and that he might be a bulletproof after all, silently goading Wiki to shoot at him.
Night 1 - I watched Marshy, because he'd come into the game gangbusters, really aggressive and pushy. I knew if he wasn't mafia, he was a **** likely mafia target. It was returned to me that there were no projectiles active on him.
Night 2 - This is when I sucked, so I admit my decision was a less than informed one. However, I resolved to get back into this game just in time to send in a night action and didn't have tiem for a reread, so I went with Chaco. Chaco, you may recall, was one of the three arguers I found suspicious on D2. Between Rockin, Wiki, and himself, he was the one that I had felt was the most townie, and with the most consistent D2 behavior, based on what I had skimmed before rushing in the night action.
I really regret that I dropped off the face of the earth, because if a doc save prevented a kill on N2 and I watched the target, I might have gotten a real plethora of information.
Night 3 - I watched Mac. It should be pretty obvious why I would do that -- I bought his doc claim, and a dead doc would be a complete and utter disaster this close to endgame. I really felt like Mac forced my hand on that one by claiming, and I wish to hell he hadn't.
Now, you may be wondering why I would claim at all rather than simply watch him. Well, for starters, I felt that the Doc was very important, and with all three mafiats still alive getting a bingo (if that were how my ability works) on one of three isn't going to cut it.
But more importantly, as you can now see, a "bingo" was not assured at all. I essentially bluffed my power a bit in the hopes of scaring the mafia away from what I saw as a valuable asset. With six people alive, and Mac the most cleared in my eyes, a second townie, and then the anonymous doublevoter (who, yes, should stay as such if it's possible). That's four townies, and I had reasoned that I have the least useful ability of the three I knew of. It wasn't much of a stretch to reason that it'd be worth losing me to protect those two, or at least to put my neck out to scare kills away from Dr. Mac.
At any rate, it seems to have worked in at least the latter regard, as Mac is still alive Although I wish it wasn't at the expense of Marshy, as he was almost a nonentity on D3 and could have been very helpful toDay.
V/LA this weekend but I should be able to get on a couple of times regardless. In the meantime:
Moving forward - Hando has rocketed to the top of my suspects with his outlandishly inane behavior toward the end of D3 in addition to the fact that he hasn't sat well with me for a long time to begin with. Rockin trails after him, with smashy and mentos wrangling with each other for the middle and Macman being clear barring some unforeseen
damning evidence.
As such if I had to prioritize a nameclaim, it would go in that order (most desired to least desired).
I'd like to reiterate a query I directed to Hando. Incidentally, that post was made to beseech someone to unvote him so he couldn't be quickhammered by scum -- and sure enough, Handorin ninjas the post I was making to hammer him. Terrific.
Hando hasn't answered it, so I'll go ahead and repeat it word for word:
@Hando: I'm going to go right ahead and assume that your stupid macro post means that you were on during this incident and didn't do anything to act toward it. I might just take things a step farther and call the picture you posted a scumslip. The tone of it is pretty **** jovial considering the situation, and you posted absolutely nothing of substance given the multitude of things to discuss opened up by what transpired. Answer for this. In the meantime enjoy an FoS
This was before he posted the second one, which proclaims that "tonight, people will die". It's almost like his objective on D3 was to look scummy because his behavior has been absolutely ridiculous.
Also, I absolutely don't support quicklynching because in a lylo situation we should be going into night with as much productive discussion as humanly possible and quicklynching gives us nothing, it just sends us into night no more enlightened than we were before and lets mafia make their next kill.
People shouldn't be voting in general until we agree on a lynch, because one vote out of place and mafia can alpha strike to win. To the doublevoter: Are you completely out of your ****ing mind? Even if you don't buy mac's claim or think his pushing to quicklynch is scummy he's still a hell of a lot less scummy than most others. If Mac is town, you bent over for a mafia win with that move. Seriously, use your head. Jesus.
@Mentos: What I find suspicious about your actions on D3 is not that you ultimately decided not to go after Wiki. Obviously that would be hypocritical, as I expressed the same concerns. My point is that your immediate reaction was to push his lynch, and then you came to this decision and backed away. You expressed one opinion and then shapeshifted to the other, and it didn't come across to me as organic at all. It came across to me like you wanted an excuse to not vote for Wiki and it backfired, instead making you look like a fencesitter. As such, I'm not satisfied with your answer.