do any of you guys even DISAGREE with the current list
if not then why are we trying to fix something that isnt broken
point is people are always gonna complain. cant make everyone happy. but im pretty sure the majority of the community can agree with the list
I did say the list was overall agreeable. I'm approaching an even bigger topic than that: rankings.
Not PRs. Rankings. I hope you've keyed into the bigger picture. If you haven't yet...
SEEDINGS. If it were possible to accurately assess everyone's skill level in relation to each other PER SEASON (this is key, it would be too difficult to do it overall), you could in turn create an accurate rankings list of the entire region (per season), and therefore have more accurate seedings for tournaments. A smaller reward from this process would be providing an unbias, irrefutable PR list. Honorable mentions wouldn't need to exist either; simply post the overall rankings list to see where everyone falls behind the PRs.
Before one says it's difficult, or even impossible, it isn't. There are far harder statistical problems out there (U.S. Census for example, and even the SWF current project on overall rankings of Brawl); this is easy. Just very time-consuming. I wanted to present this idea had I become a panelist, but I figure now is a good opportunity to do so anyway.
To better explain, how about I actually try to do it. Tant, could you PM me all tournament results you deem legitimate for this season?