Yawn. Heard it all before, each and every time, and nothing changes.
That's cool. We'll just win the tournament anyways, like last time.
*cough* chu chillin *cough*
Did you know that saying Atomsk carries me implies that MD/VA is horrendous beyond words in doubles?
It means that a single person is winning doubles with a weak and exploitable player on his team. That is horrible.
So you basically just said you and your 100% lose rate to us in teams and everyone else in MD/VA is bad.
GJ. Atomsk >>> two people combined in your region, I guess, LMAO!
i mean, atomsk has always been my weakness. think about it.
you....get ***** by me. whether your playing me in singles or doubles, you just cant handle me
no "AHH HES SNAKE" johns...you play the easiest character in the game...get over it
last time i played you in teams i ***** you so0o0o0o0o0o hard with no lube it wasnt even funny...and your partner was the alighty CHU!!!!!!! chu has ***** me in teams with forte (someone you beat pretty bad before) and with omni (someone who is extremely rusty and just now is getting back to his good old self), but when he teams with inui, he gets 3-0'd
atomsk does **** md/va in teams...inui does not....well at least not me for one
but i am glad you not saying anything to my singles comment, admitting that you wont do good there...at least you admit something....im proud of you
So, Atomsk teams with someone better than me in singles, but gets 5th in teams in your region, right?
Hmm, so like, maybe, like...I'm not carried and really am super good in doubles and Inui and Atomsk together is better than pretty much any combination of us apart?
Wow, imagine that...
thats b/c atomsk had to run into candy chu for the first time since candy learned to be good in doubles...you'll feel the wrath next time you play us