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MD/VA BTDT -Next- Xanadu, 8/27/11


Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2010
Manassas, VA
I was just at that mall, and walked by the gamepad and saw the whiteboard. I thought it was interesting to see in person.


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
We need more events in this region, our next one is really June 12th which is cool but what about after? Gamepad yeah but even thats looking so so at the moment. I'm not saying we need one every week cause we don't but it seems like we actually getting lazy. We've lost Chus bi weeklies(no room) n c3(held on weekdays) in the last few months which really isn't that big of a deal but we should have solid replacements. I'm speaking mainly for the up coming months here cause nothing is planned but I just wanna say something to a few people and bring this thread back to life.

Deez your venue is literally amazing, plenty of space for set ups and in a great location, you should def consider hosting a large scale event there again, like something to bring in more OOS. You just need the right people working together to help set it up + run it the best way possible, and keep the venue fee 7 dollars, thats def a plus. Plan something with like a month and a half to two months notice, it would be huge, short notice events aren't as hyped.

VG ButtBuddies(LOL jk), step up your hosting too, one of the best events I've ever been to was BTYF at that fighting dojo, bring back that **** hosting. You could have large local events I'm sure, Players bowl was cool but do something for the locals too.

Tant, steal that venue Plank had for Pound 4 and do something huge, you're the best guy for the job and we could run it together like a dream team lol.

Hat - Stop drinking for a day and get your hands on that Catonsville venue again.

K9 - Your **** is awesome plain n simple, plan another big one.

//random rant


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I agree

Since I'm the best TO in MD/VA, I think I'll have to plan a large scale event. Also you left out the amazing venue we have with K9, that should be one of our premier venues.

I'll work on finding something big in the baltimore area. The Hagerstown Community College venue was way outta the way but an AMAZING venue. I really would love to use that venue again.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Well tbh everyone need to step it up

Kenny: Host more tourneys. You know we all love your venue and the fact that we can stay Friday nights brings in a lot of people

Tant: Lets host something big, ATHF the best TO team ever. Also the venue I have right now if they let me keep using it I am going to try and host monthlies there and try and pull huge attendance once a month.

Phil: We da bes

Deez: host something that is not short notice for once. And make sure people respect your venue and don't break chairs and ****.

VG***Camp: First @ Aposl: I have talked to you about you ideas about running tourneys and the stuff you wanna apply but, I wanna see some of that stuff happen. Step it up and host a local for your MD/Va Peepz. Secondly @ all of VGbootCamp: Keep bringing setups/sometimes multiple setups to every tourney and make the every tourney worth wild and have lots of time for friendlies because of lots of setups. All new smashers love friendlies and will be more likely to come again if there is a lot of setups for friendlies, if time allows.

C3: Lol Failure

Gamepad: Step it up and start doing what others are doing and get your schedule and venue fee right. So people become returning customers.

GameHaven: Lower the venue fee or my presence will be no more. I love you bolt but if there is really nothing you can do to lower that venue fee I cannot support you tourney anymore.

HAT: 09 was good year to host something again lol

Travis: host a brawl tourney

Hagers: Location sucks nothing you can do about that

SOVA: Lol***s.

Columbia Crew: go to more events and maybe get a tourney going closer to bmore.

FNB: host some tourneys

Everyone else: Keep coming to events, maybe you guys should try getting your own events started up sometime.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2008

Everyone else: Keep coming to events, maybe you guys should try getting your own events started up sometime.
To add on to this.

Remember that any place with tables, chairs, and space could be a possible venue for tourneys. If any players want to start hosting there own events do not limit yourself to just LAN centers when looking for venues. There are plenty opportunities for new venues in MD/VA, just get creative.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2009
I have a venue that can be used. It's at a rec center out in Landover, MD. I tlked to SOVA about it before and he said it sounded cool, however I'm really new to the tourney thing and lack the know how and respect of the MD/VA area to take hosting a tourney seriously. The person who owns the place said we could do it once every few months, so it's def. something to be looked into if you need a location.


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005

I'm thinking of hosting something on the July 4th weekend. Good or bad idea? The 3rd is on Saturday.
I dunno man, I'd avoid it simply because of all the other cook outs and parties that could be going down that weekend >.<


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
Well tbh everyone need to step it up

Kenny: Host more tourneys. You know we all love your venue and the fact that we can stay Friday nights brings in a lot of people

Tant: Lets host something big, ATHF the best TO team ever. Also the venue I have right now if they let me keep using it I am going to try and host monthlies there and try and pull huge attendance once a month.

Phil: We da bes

Deez: host something that is not short notice for once. And make sure people respect your venue and don't break chairs and ****.

VG***Camp: First @ Aposl: I have talked to you about you ideas about running tourneys and the stuff you wanna apply but, I wanna see some of that stuff happen. Step it up and host a local for your MD/Va Peepz. Secondly @ all of VGbootCamp: Keep bringing setups/sometimes multiple setups to every tourney and make the every tourney worth wild and have lots of time for friendlies because of lots of setups. All new smashers love friendlies and will be more likely to come again if there is a lot of setups for friendlies, if time allows.

C3: Lol Failure

Gamepad: Step it up and start doing what others are doing and get your schedule and venue fee right. So people become returning customers.

GameHaven: Lower the venue fee or my presence will be no more. I love you bolt but if there is really nothing you can do to lower that venue fee I cannot support you tourney anymore.

HAT: 09 was good year to host something again lol

Travis: host a brawl tourney

Hagers: Location sucks nothing you can do about that

SOVA: Lol***s.

Columbia Crew: go to more events and maybe get a tourney going closer to bmore.

FNB: host some tourneys

Everyone else: Keep coming to events, maybe you guys should try getting your own events started up sometime.
To be honest everybody's idea is cool on bringing some venues in the future but you guys need to get the purpose of hosting event.

As a region we do not wanna host as many tourney's as we can, that is why nowadays we have a tourney every week. Some of them low tournout and some have high tournout's.

The main idea is to host events with purpose that will convince people to come. Like people told me md/va use to have 60+ tourneys on a daily basis but I'm guessing that is because brawl was a new game.

What we need to concentrate on as a region now is the quality of the tournament, not the quantity. We seem to be the only region that can't host a big tournament even though we are at a pretty nice location


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Like people told me md/va use to have 60+ tourneys on a daily basis but I'm guessing that is because brawl was a new game.
I don't think you meant daily, because that never happened daily.

But, yea we do need at least one big tourney a month. But hosting smaller short notice tourney shouldn't effect the one big tourney a month. If we wanna have big tourneys we just gotta plan and get a thread/the word out like 2 months in advance. Instead of planning everyone of our tourney 2 weeks before. I posted my Five Guys tourney about a month and a half in advance and got 70 people there. Now I posted my tourney coming up this weekend about a month in advance and hyped it and I can hopefully get a nice turnout.

Other TOs just need to get better at hyping there tourneys and plannin in advance.

I know Kenny does that whenever he host woodbridge tourneys but people like Gamepad and Gamehaven may post the thread in advance but they do not do a very good job of hyping it (no offense)

Too get big turnouts you just need:
-Good planning
-Good location
-Cheap Venue fee
-And Hype

If more people did that they would have bigger turnouts but a lot of people just post a thread a week or so before and hope people go, For example the last UGZ tourney.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
you forgot pools, brandon, which is pretty important to the bottom half the placers. They really hate going 2 and out or winning 1 and losing 2.

You can do pools in a way that doesn't cause "free win problems"

Here's what I'm going to be doing at my next event:

8 pools regardless of the number of entrants (unless we get 100 entrants or something, then i'd do 16 pools)

top 2 advance

This makes a 16 man bracket. So lets say you get 48 people. 8 pools = about 6 people per pool. You'll get to play 5 people each pool, and only the top two seeds advance. The only person safe is the top seed, as the 2nd seed will just squeeze by. But if the top seed gives away a "free win" to get someone in, they endanger themselves of losing their top seed. So someone like Candy who would normally be a top seed would then lose to a lower player to get them in, he'd probably lose his top seed and you could see something like Chu vs Candy round 1 and he won't want to do that, lol.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Well true YO, however, in a tournament of 32 people, 16 of them HAVE to go 0-2. We can have very stacked events around here where everyone is pretty good and you'll have mostly all good players.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2008
You find me and Brandon 12 set ups Scott and we'll do pools. After seeing it put to use there is never enough set ups to get it done on time and I personally would like 2 set ups per pool.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
I will never do pools, ever

Also I rather be in a bracket then not make it out of pools, maybe that is just me though.

Also pools takes up a lot of time. Unless they are done perfectly and efficiently, which from what I have seen in the past they aren't ran well ever.


formerly VaBengal
Apr 20, 2008
Fairfax, VA
We need some tourneys closer to me :(

they're all like an hour and a half or further.


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
Major update, we got a lot of **** coming up~!

Also, a new reason for edit has been put up. <3 Thumbs
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