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MBR Application Process is Closed


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
It's true, I don't. Every post in this thread that isn't an application just gets ignored, so it doesn't matter either way. I think I said this before at some point when that moron metalreflectslime became a mod and tried to get me infracted for double posting accidentally. It is absolutely okay for this thread to be a social one around the application submissions.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Cactus I love you and all but don't make a 2nd social thread >:[

Im not gonna infract you for going a little off track but for social conversations use the social thread.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
Lol. Natural conversation progression includes drifting from the conversation. This thread does not have a natural conversation present. It is purely a depository for MBR applications. All of the other posts in this thread that aren't questions about the application are technically off-topic.

There is no reason to not allow it to be a pseudo-social thread, as that functionality does nothing to inhibit application submission or viewing of applications other than by spacing out their location.

Having a second social thread just allows there to be two trending social topics that will likely be relevant to melee for the majority of the conversation. To dismiss this argument by saying "Then go to the social boards," would be a foolish approach.


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2012
Mount Vernon, Ny


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Ive been playing Melee since 2001.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I don't attend tournments, but i want to though :( i sometimes play with friends

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. High Level, i have alot of experience.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. Yes, i know alot about the game.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. No, i don't talk much.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. No i am not, if i was i would give away free stuff to winner.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Yes because people always master the fastest people, that's why all of the fast people are first.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. I guess, its pretty fair. but they should allow Mushroom Kingdom II

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Yes

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. I say Strategy, beacuse you have to be smart when you play against Pro Melee Players.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. Combos, Because you have to get Combos to beat your Opponent

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. Yeah, I know people who still play Melee

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Improve the site, Put Advertisements on Facebook And YouTube

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. If there were a bigger importance attributed to the ongoings of the MBR Then it would improve by alot.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I have alot of skill and i am very creative :)


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
Smashboards Username: Sinji
Region: Central and South America (Jamaica)
Primary Character(s): Fox
Secondary Character(s): Sheik, Falco


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Two and a half years

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I attend tournaments every month (it depends on the local scene). I'm am very adapted with my local scene in terms of teaching new players, organizing tourneys, sharing my passion for Melee to inspire newcomers in Jamaica. Their are a number of players Iv'e been keeping my eye on with talent. My first international tournament is Apex 2012. A great experience, both playing other players from around the world and sharing knowledge about regions, match ups e.t.c.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. average

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. Yes, most definitely. They see my determination, my way of adapting to match ups I'm not fully familiar with, organization skills in tourneys, my experience and my knowledge about Melee physics.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. It depends on the circumstances. I'm a discussion leader in my region. I discuss mainly with my peers about their character main and what they should work on to improve. I also
discuss my personal opinions on the fox question and answer thread about a particular topic.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. Yes. I am an active Tournament Organizer.
Tournaments I've conducted includes,
Cool Runnings (September 2010)
Cool Runnings 2 (October 2010)
Cool Runnings 3 (November 2010)

If I may add, I will be hosting a tournament May 4, 2012 named Battle City.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. My answer would be both. Yes because the the MBR is a well organized social group that has experienced players for all characters in the game that can give their views in a very informative way and produce accurate data. No because my opinion on the tier list is mainly match ups and how they perform in tournaments.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. Yes, most definitely. The reason for this is because its sets a balanced and well adapted field of practice of learning stage control. Also it creates a "quick start up" to learn appropriate stages (especially for newcomers in the community).

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Yes. I believe that over the years of organizing rule sets, it is fair for everyone to cope to.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Tech Skill, because it presents an upper hand in gaining a frame advantage.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. Maximizing Punishments (Combos), because it can create a huge advantage in both gaining adrenaline and maintaining your train of thought.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. No. I think a supporting player in each region can expose how beautiful this game is by showing an individual a number of tournament videos.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. Advertise the game in large tournaments and collaborate with well known fighting games that has a huge attendance rate. (Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom 3)

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. Provide a monthly questionnaire for the member of SWF to answer to gain their feedback on certain rule sets.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I would use my match up knowledge for fox about new ideas and express fox important fundamentals.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=309044
i. Description: A thread I produced after talking with many Street Fighter players in my region. I did a short interview and asked each one of them, "What do you think about SSBM as a competitive fighting game and received positive answers.
2. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=313707
i. Description: A thread I made on the Melee Workshop section to share ideas with Lanceinthepants to discuss about team colors. I'm very interested in hacks for SSBM and believe it can be taken further.
3. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=319632
i. Description: An active thread and is also a featured topic on the top of the SWF page. It is a thread about how players use their secondary character(s) to help their performance with their main.
4. Link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=308267
i. Description: This is a thread to determine if peach should be top tier or not.
5. Link:
i. Description:

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: KirbyKaze
i. Reason: His versatility and knowledge of match ups impact on a lot of new comers and myself.
2. Player: Dr.Pee Pee
i. Reason: His knowledge for Falco helps me apply ideas for fox. And as similar characters, I tend to learn quickly from him.
3. Player: Strong Bad
i. Reason: His knowledge in frame data helps me create ideas for fox to gain the upper hand in many match ups.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I agree with his quote "Play to Win". Although he didn't play SSBM much his knowledge in fighting games are clear.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/FINAL WORDS: I am very hopeful about the success of the MBR and would really enjoy to be a part of continuing to develop Melee as a game and community through the MBR if possible.

Thank you for those reading this application.



Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
All I can say is that I am so happy there is a tournament series called Cool Runnings in Jamaica.

I really wanna go.


Smash Bash
Nov 22, 2009
El Paso, Texas
Since you can beat all your friends. Maybe we should stop talking in this thread.
Well Cactuar basically said that he doesnt give a **** and we can do whatever in this thread soooooooooo.

Please let Sinji in the MBR. He is a lot of knowledge with match ups and is a great organizer :) .
You heard it here folks.
Sinji is the embodiment of knowledge

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
This is an application thread, not a bash thread. I'm not gonna threaten global rules or anything, i'm just going to say knock it off.


Smash Master
Oct 27, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
Smashboards Username: PINKIEPIE_WEED_GOKU[69]
Region: marthland alberta
Primary Character(s): mARTH
Secondary Character(s): FOX?
ps: tripleinary charactur: c raptor

1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. On and off since 05.

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. I attend ****ty brawl tournaments every month. I know all their names!!!!!!!!! ...most of them!!!!! Yeah, those guys who play ness and young link and stuff.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. um, last time I played melee was...at apex sorta...then before that I don't even know, so I guess ultra god tier beginner.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. Sure? cause marth is a coolo guy ya hear

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. I'm in another backroom :troll:

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. nah. I'd probably give my $10 to the pot to be a good filly chicky

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Hold on, let me check what the current tier list is.
I actually had to look LOL
dafuq, fox is still first? you nerds rarely have a top placing fox, no one is TAS worthy.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A. Yeah actually! They use all the skill stages!

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. cause that's what top level players play on and they're rpoo with derr hitboxes n comboz

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. Strategy. Tech skill isn't going to get you da hitzzzz

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. ur not gna get a combooooo if you don't get a hit namsaiyan

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. All your memory cards will fail and you'll no longer be able to play falco or pichu.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. rewind time to mlg

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. give mlg an ultimatum between smash or DOOM

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. o_________________o


2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player:ken
i. Reason:he wuz good and guidedded the masses
2. Player:ken's bro
i. Reason:wasn't he a magician or somethoing
3. Player:isai
i. Reason:he aint afraiddd
don't get hit

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: I read like 2 paragraphs YEARS ago. I assume he knows what he talks about so I agree with his um blessings.

thxxx 4 reading and I hope I get in!!!!


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
I met him at apex. he is a very legit fox player. I hope when he applies, he gets excepted. :)

I hope I get excepted as well. My application is on the previous page.


Smash Master
Nov 8, 2010
St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Well here goes.

Smashboards Username: Bing
Region: Niagara Region, Ontario,Canada
Primary Character(s):Fox
Secondary Character(s):Falco,Peach,Falcon,Pikachu, Marth.


1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. Year and a Half

2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A.I attend all the local tournaments and am looking to attend more Out of country tournaments within the near future.
We dont have much of a local scene, I've been trying to build it up since before I truly got started in competitive smash.
As to the regional scene, I attend every GTA monthly that we have and I feel that I am pretty familiar with the scene.
For the national/International scene, I've only attended Apex thus far, but I am looking to branch out further. I am also one of the hosts for this years Nationals, Impulse.

3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. Average and moving up.

4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A.I feel that they would be on the fence about this. Truthfully speaking, I am lacking knowledge in some departments, but I do have a decent knowledge about many characters and MU's. I also am always looking to expand my knowledge and read everything possible. So I feel that some would support this, the ones who truly understand how adamant I am in becoming better.

5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. In discussions that I truly feel "connected" with yes I can be.

6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. As I posted earlier, Im one of the tournament organizers of Impulse, I've also been trying to build a local scene to host more tournaments.

7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. Generally the tier list is accurate, I do feel that the mid tier do need to be shuffled around a little. I feel that a character Like Pikachu should be slotted in the C tier and that Ylink she be switched with Mario.

8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A.I do believe that the MBR stage list is fair, I mean, the only stages that are left are all relatively basic with little stage interference. I.e Dreamlands wind, Yoshi's Fly Guys + Randall. Pokemon Stadium does transform creating different strategies and a touch of intereference but regardless, its fair. I do however wish that there were more stages available, but when you look at the stages that could potentially be used, theres always something that makes each one non-viable.

9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A. Completely, I feel that the time alotted and stock amount are the right amount allowing a solid match while giving a player a chance to recover from an early mistake.

10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. At this stage in my "career" I feel it a combination of both. Tech Skill is a necessity but it can only get you so far. That is where a strong strategy comes into play. No one generally wins on strength alone in this game.

11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. I believe that Maximizing Punishments are the most important because racking up damage and eventually getting the stock is pretty difficult when you can only chip away with a few hits. Stocks can be taken in a matter of moments, so if you don't take full advantage of your opportunity to punish, you're possibly giving the opponent another chance to punish you.

12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. I do believe that Melee does have a limited lifespan as do all things. Nothing lasts forever. The factors I believe that would contribute to this would be that yes it is getting older, and as this game gets older, and the current pros begin retiring, and our "fountain of youth" eventually dries up, then one day it will become difficult to find people to play, tournaments, scenes in general. Now with that being said, I also do believe that this game has awhile before this does occur, I mean, based on tournament attendance lists, and the emergence of new, strong players all the time, we have awhile yet.

13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. An issue I've seen is that many players dont really understand what it is that competitive gaming is all about. A lot of gamers see competitive gaming as a waste of time. We need to show these people that yes, we have put in a lot of work to master our craft, yet we do it for yes the competition of something we love. But its all a friendly gathering, a place to meet new amazing people and so much more then what meets the eye.

14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. When I first began playing smash competitively, I was nervous, I had idolized these people for years and here was my chance to meet and face them. And this is where Kirbykaze comes in, he greeted me into the community first hand with open arms. This is what we need to stimulate the community. A lot of people on the fence about competitive smash are too nervous of these famous celebrities to write a post because they are afraid of the response. We need the pros to see these new people and be welcoming, as much as possible.

15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. I think the MBR would benefit from my opinions and my willingness to learn. I know for a fact that I do not know everything, and I can accept this. I do however feel that my eagerness to create new scenes and bring in new "talent" to the scene could be of the most benefit.


1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link:http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=298700&highlight=Story+of+a+noob
i. Description: These are a series of stories I wrote when I first began competitive smash. The reason why these are contributions to the melee community is that after writing these, I began receiving messages from people telling me about how reading my stories gave them the urge and hope to get involved in the community themselves instead of just lurking the boards in fear.

2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player: KirbyKaze
i. Reason: The first pro I ever spoke with, has the most general knowledge aswell as a friendly attitude. He is loved around the boards and I feel that KK is probably the most loved MBR member.
2. Player:Dr PeePee
i. Reason: PPMD is a very knowledgeable and kind smasher who is always giving and seeking advice. Has a lot of theories and is another well respected player in the community.
3. Player: Wobbles
i. Reason: Very intelligent but doesn't post as frequently as the other two I listed. Has very strong theories and is always able to back up them with a good debate.

3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer:
I agree with Sirlin's general theory on play to win,however when disected it's not really that can have all aspects applied to a competitive gaming scene like Smash. Our community is partially based on being one as a community and if everyone was to come to tournaments simply to just win. The community with shrink as it would become unenjoyable to play and tournament scene would become dull.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/FINAL WORDS: I feel that I would be a good addition to the MBR because of my eagerness to learn and my wanting to expand the community in every way possible. I have a fairly decent general knowledge of almost every character, this is good for helping out newer players who are lost with whatever situation seems to be bothering them.


Smash Bash
Nov 22, 2009
El Paso, Texas
I met him at apex. he is a very legit fox player. I hope when he applies, he gets excepted. :)

I hope I get excepted as well. My application is on the previous page.
iirc he was the top Chilean smasher before moving to Canada.

also protip: its spelled "accepted"



Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
Yea I know he was a the top Chilean player before he moved to Canada.

He told me. I actually asked him about dark and he said that he likes to have a lot of fun with his tech skill.
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