Smashboards Username: brawlchick308
Region: michigan, U.S
Primary Character(s): fox, young link, peach
Secondary Character(s):zelda, falco
1. Q. How long have you been playing competitive melee?
A. about 6 or 7 years total
2. Q. How often do you attend tournaments? How familiar are you with your local scene? Your regional scene? The national/international scene?
A. i have never once attended a tounament but i want to and they look amazing and filled with heated battles everywhere!
3. Q. How would you classify yourself as a player relative to the current metagame? (beginner, average, high level, pro, etc.)
A. i classify myself as a high level player. i have been playing smash bros. ever since i was 5 or 6.
4. Q. Do you think the other individuals in your region would support you being a member of the MBR? Why?
A. probably because ive had quite the experience with Melee, n64, and brawl. plus ive taught many of my friends how to brawl.
5. Q. Do you consider yourself a discussion leader? Why?
A. yes because i have MANY topics that i come up with.
6. Q. Are you an active Tournament Organizer? If Yes, what are some recent tournaments you have hosted? If No, what are some ways you feel you contribute to your local scene despite not being a TO?
A. no. mabey the player match ups, depending on skill level.
7. Q. Do you feel that the current tier list is accurate? Why?
A. No because jigglypuff is the lightest character and can be KO'ed easily while captain falcon should be in her place due to the strength and agility.
8. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended stage list is fair? Why?
A.idk i havent seen it yet.
9. Q. Do you feel that the current MBR recommended rule set is fair? Why?
A.havent seen it yet
10. Q. What is more important to you: Tech Skill or Strategy? Why?
A. strategy because you can always have a plan and a backup plan.
11. Q. What is more important to you: Maximizing Punishments (Combos) or Initiating Punishments (First Hits)? Why?
A. combos because it deals more damage at one time than first hits
12. Q. Does SSBM have a limited lifespan as a competitive community due to its age or any other factor? Why or why not?
A. no because people LOVE this game some more than brawl.
13. Q. What do you think could be done to expand our community?
A. have a chat room or an online tounament
14. Q. What do you think the MBR could do to stimulate the community?
A. i really dont know
15. Q. How do you think the MBR would benefit from your input?
A. if you had a chat room people could get to know others better and an online tournament would just show who's the best fighter!
1. Please provide up to 5 examples of contributions you have made to the melee community. Links to exceptional, informative posts are highly valued here.
1. Link:
i. Description:
2. Link:
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5. Link:
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2. List up to three players you feel demonstrate good discussion ability or have outstanding contributions to the community and explain why you think they are a good example.
1. Player:
i. Reason:
2. Player:
i. Reason:
3. Player:
i. Reason:
3. Have you read Sirlin's theories regarding "Play to Win"? Do you agree or disagree? Why? How do you think these theories affect and apply to the Melee community?
1. Answer: no i have not but i did watch his video's :3
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/FINAL WORDS: i REALLY want to know when a tounament is close to michigan! so if u can tell me that would be great!