Yoshi has some of the best shield pressure in the game, resets back to neutral easier than he does versus MK, has the best mobility in the game, and utilizes a single naner much better than diddy does (as well as keeps control of naners much more easily). yoshi can literally super jump and grab diddys naner as he throws it, throw it to the other side of the stage and he is in control. Throw the naner up, and you can throw an egg or just double jump and catch it again, diddy cant do ****.
I do agree its quite hard to get the lead back against diddy if he wants to time you but thats never happened to me before. We pressure diddys shield really well, because we dont have to commit to anything since we just double jump away.
Yoshi times out diddy really easily since diddy cant like jump up and hit you while you are high up, cuz if he rising uairs and misses then hes below us, and diddy doesnt like that.
Chain grab is very useful because diddy sucks ofstage
I dunno, my opinions on matchups change quick, so if i ever get ***** by a good diddy i will probably think otherwise. But so far, even medium good diddy kong players have not gotten anywhere near taking a game off me XD