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MATCH UPS....throw anything you got.....

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Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Here's a list of some obvious pros and cons.


+R.O.B. is very easy to juggle

+Cape neutralizes R.O.B.'s projectile spam and such

+FIHL affects all his aerials

+Mario is much faster in the air than R.O.B.


-Beastly recovery

-More priority

-Better reach

-More KO power


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
More KO power? The only thing I really die from against ROB is Nair, and that's usually at 120% and up. And Usmash I guess?


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Fireballs help a a lot to create openings for easy juggles. Also you can just force Rob to approach. Power sheild his Ftilt or Fair and counter attack. Watch out for his Dtilts. Aerial approaches are good for Rob's Dtilts.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
I wanna know how exactly this is a 70:30...

I know the advantage is pretty solid. We **** his camp game, and we're one of the few who can gimp him effectively... but what how does that end up to make it a 70:30?

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
I wanna know how exactly this is a 70:30...

I know the advantage is pretty solid. We **** his camp game, and we're one of the few who can gimp him effectively... but what how does that end up to make it a 70:30?
Not exactly sure, I've always seen this match-up as more like 60:40 in our favor.

Edit: double post


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2008
VS. Rob

Learn how not to get hit by his Nair. And you'l do fine.

Fireballs, cape, & FIHL are all equally useful onstage an off. (As always)

The only major problem I ever had was constant laser/Gyro spam & Spotdodge Dsmash. Which I semi solved them by avoiding the Nair at all cost. He has other KO options but those are too obvious looking for me. Rarely get hit by them.

Long range tilts of his can batt you up early on if you let yourself be open for the puishment.

Above all. I'd say let him approach you by initiating the first move 'Always' if he's grounded. Not the other way around. Unless you feel confident on what it is you are doing at that time.

Aerially. Once you get on him, he's screwed. Like alot of characters, even if they do evade a Uair, You can just connect with a Bair right after. So stay on em & keep applying pressure.

You can't 'Outright' gimp his recovery. But it's a probability that you possibly could. Cape/Bair/Fireball/Fludd. You'd have him restricted like aw hell. Like when your againt every character as Mario. Even if its unlikely that you'l gimp em. Go for it, dont make it easy for them to come back by all means.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
ROB mains tend to suffer from the Jigglypuff Syndrome in that they forget that their recovery is not invincible and waste it. If you simply keep them offstage long enough (something Mario can do better than the majority of the cast), they'll eventually run out of gas.

Up-B OoS doesn't work on his dsmash, so don't try that every time and get hit like I do.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
One thing that get's me a few times, is ROB's Wall of Pain f-airs for an easy K.O.

Did someone post that we were discussing them for our character match-up thread yet?


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
ROB mains tend to suffer from the Jigglypuff Syndrome in that they forget that their recovery is not invincible and waste it. If you simply keep them offstage long enough (something Mario can do better than the majority of the cast), they'll eventually run out of gas.

Up-B OoS doesn't work on his dsmash, so don't try that every time and get hit like I do.
Or you can just block the whole Dsmash, then punish him quickly. Or you can just DI out of the dsmash.

One thing that get's me a few times, is ROB's Wall of Pain f-airs for an easy K.O.
This can be a threat if this was melee but, because of lack of hitstun, the fairs shouldn't really be a problem for a WoP, unless you are off stage.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2008
Full hopped fireball approaches, man, seriously, will screw up a rob, as well as a 'grounded' dair to ftilt/dsmash or rising dair.

Many robs take an advantage of his sidestep dodge, and we as mario mainers shouldn't be afraid to do a little SH dairs, and oos dairs.

Rob's arials have obvious large movements, if you watch them carefully you can easily dodge and or counter his attacks. And like previously stated, he's ridiculously easy to combo the s*#@ out of him, uair juggles work perfectly with him.

I have a replay against a decent rob that I ***** completely not too long ago, but unfortunately I don't have a capture card...
Is anyone interested in uploading it? PM me if your interested...


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
ROB is like only 6/4 ROB at worst. It's not that bad of a matchup at all.

Getting in his range is a chore and you can't afford to take a hit from his F-air offstage most of the time. However yu KO him earlier than he can KO you, and can get in some nice combos before he can react, also Jab outspeeds all of his attacks, which is awesome.

His shieldgrab is ultra lame though. Not as lame as DDD or Olimar's, but it's definitely gay.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2008
Norfolk, VA
The Rob I fight is a campy one. Full hop fireballs tend to knock him off his rocker.
A lot of Rob's do that st00pid flailing arms spot dodge into a d-smash, that's
something to watch out for. I usually either sheild grab or just block all the way
through and punish with down smash. Don't get into spot dodge wars with
Rob, he's got too many quick attacks that have decent power. Cape is your friend
against his face lasers and spinny tops of doom. Rob can outrange Mario, so it's
a good idea to get inside his range and use u-tilts into combo's. Playing a campy
range game'll get yo *** ownd. And Cape is good for exhausting Rob's fuel on
return to the stage, FLUDD, not so much.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
I thought Rob's Ftilt shuts down all SH approach/ground approach options? As well as his Fsmash since it can be tilted. Always thought ftilt = his big ground range. I'm leaning on 60/40 at worst here. Mario can definitly punish some of Rob's blind spots espically from bottom. We do have a few tricks in gimping rob which does take some intelligence really. Cape/fludd to force him to use gas, aerials to keep him off stage, a spike if they aren't careful, and sometimes stage spikes really.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
I will post this at the R.O.B boards, right now. Unless it's already been done.
It was done a long time ago; this was when the Mario boards were at "war" with the R.O.B. boards. Chozen and Boss argued a lot on this and eventually had a match with each other, and after playing Boss, Chozen pretty much conceded defeat. It was a while ago though, so they might want to discuss the match-up again.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I thought Rob's Ftilt shuts down all SH approach/ground approach options? As well as his Fsmash since it can be tilted. Always thought ftilt = his big ground range. I'm leaning on 60/40 at worst here. Mario can definitly punish some of Rob's blind spots espically from bottom. We do have a few tricks in gimping rob which does take some intelligence really. Cape/fludd to force him to use gas, aerials to keep him off stage, a spike if they aren't careful, and sometimes stage spikes really.
F-tilt is unsafe on block. I can tell you that from actually using ROB. If you block it, you can quickly jump out of shield and retaliate with an aerial if you're a fast character like Mario.

F-smash btw has bad range.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
My friend likes to angle it a lot, so he tends to hit... unexpectedly. x.x

It was done a long time ago; in a galaxy far, far away. this was when the Mario boards were at "war" with the R.O.B. boards. Chozen and Boss argued a lot on this and eventually had a match with each other, and after playing Boss, Chozen pretty much conceded defeat. It was a while ago though, so they might want to discuss the match-up again.
Lol, that makes sense.

Let's keep the 70:30. We don't want Boss' hard work going to waste!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2008
Rob's upB is very punishable use the fireballs to keep canceling it. if he gets close to the stage Bair him away. eventually he will die. you might need to use F.L.U.D on him. if he goes high enough that it requires 2 jumps with Mario then just fair him back down. (Rob can't air dodge while using upB)

As for his for Rob's spinning disc you can cape that but don't count on it hitting him or him even doing the move out in the open. it's better to just hit him when he is charging it. If he shoots it while your off stage just cape it back at him (more then likely won't hit though).

Due to Rob's generally slowness Mario can get easy hits on him. Try grabbing him or knock him into the air. you can probably out predict any of his airs (maybe not fair or uair). use fireballs a lot, chances are you wont get punished by Rob just keep a distance.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
The R.O.B boards are pretty quite it seems. They haven't posted on our thread yet. Hmm...strange I thought the R.O.B boards were really active.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
The R.O.B boards are pretty quite it seems. They haven't posted on our thread yet. Hmm...strange I thought the R.O.B boards were really active.
ROB is a robot, so he is only programmed to give responses in certain situations, maybe we havent triggered the right command?



Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
what's up in this here mario forum

Let's clear up some misconceptions first:

Fireballs LOL. Don't get me wrong, they're a generally good move, but they're not creating any sort of amazing opening in this matchup. ROB can cancel Fireballs with his FAir... which also pretty much beats every melee attack Mario has. His range flat-out ***** Mario.

ROB is killing sooner than Mario. Mario's killing power is quite possibly even worse than ROB, he's lighter and he's gimped more easily, nowhere does Mario has the advantage in this regard.

Mario does not effectively gimp ROB; that's okay, few do. The scant possibility that he can is still more than most characters can muster but don't overrate Mario's chances here. Remember that ROB can still attack through his Up-B and beat Mario away or cancel his Fireballs. Mario can't tread far from the stage, doesn't have the vertical distance of ROB and can't challenge him directly, so there's not much hope of an outright gimp. Mario's strength here is... simply keeping him on the ledge and off solid ground. That may lead to a gimp if you play your cards right but he's likely to get back on eventually, especially since he beats Mario in direct confrontation.

So what makes this so much in favor of Mario? Personally speaking, I don't think it really is. Mario has a tough time getting inside as ROB significantly outranges him, including his best attack for cancelling out Mario's Fireballs which are an integral part of his approach game. ROB cannot projectile camp Mario but he still zones the crap out of him at melee range (i.e. like Marth) and Mario has no real answer for it. Throw in ROB's superior edgeguarding and killing power, it actually looks like it's in ROB's favor.

But I'm not stupid, I can see the flip side here. :/ ROB effectively keeps Mario at bay but will slowly rack up damage poking away, where Mario only needs to get in every 3rd or 4th approach and can equalize the percentages; Mario racks up damage very well when he does get inside. He takes very good advantage of ROB's blind spot beneath him and if he can't gimp him outright during recovery (most likely), he still makes it a struggle for ROB to get back on-stage and can rack up damage pushing him back to the ledge.

I'm not putting a number to it, but take that as you will.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
what's up in this here mario forum

Let's clear up some misconceptions first:

Fireballs LOL. Don't get me wrong, they're a generally good move, but they're not creating any sort of amazing opening in this matchup. ROB can cancel Fireballs with his FAir... which also pretty much beats every melee attack Mario has. His range flat-out ***** Mario.

ROB is killing sooner than Mario. Mario's killing power is quite possibly even worse than ROB, he's lighter and he's gimped more easily, nowhere does Mario has the advantage in this regard.

Mario does not effectively gimp ROB; that's okay, few do. The scant possibility that he can is still more than most characters can muster but don't overrate Mario's chances here. Remember that ROB can still attack through his Up-B and beat Mario away or cancel his Fireballs. Mario can't tread far from the stage, doesn't have the vertical distance of ROB and can't challenge him directly, so there's not much hope of an outright gimp. Mario's strength here is... simply keeping him on the ledge and off solid ground. That may lead to a gimp if you play your cards right but he's likely to get back on eventually, especially since he beats Mario in direct confrontation.

So what makes this so much in favor of Mario? Personally speaking, I don't think it really is. Mario has a tough time getting inside as ROB significantly outranges him, including his best attack for cancelling out Mario's Fireballs which are an integral part of his approach game. ROB cannot projectile camp Mario but he still zones the crap out of him at melee range (i.e. like Marth) and Mario has no real answer for it. Throw in ROB's superior edgeguarding and killing power, it actually looks like it's in ROB's favor.

But I'm not stupid, I can see the flip side here. :/ ROB effectively keeps Mario at bay but will slowly rack up damage poking away, where Mario only needs to get in every 3rd or 4th approach and can equalize the percentages; Mario racks up damage very well when he does get inside. He takes very good advantage of ROB's blind spot beneath him and if he can't gimp him outright during recovery (most likely), he still makes it a struggle for ROB to get back on-stage and can rack up damage pushing him back to the ledge.

I'm not putting a number to it, but take that as you will.

I can tell you never used Mario or even played a good Mario. Just because someone outranges Mario doesn't mean he doesn't have an answer to it. Guess who else outranges Mario? Almost the whole cast. But do all have huge advantages? No. Ike and DK have a ton of range. Mario has the advantage over Ike, and is even with DK. Mario has answers to range.

Mario still has the advantage. Not 7:3 but at least 65:35 or 60:40 in Mario's favor. Mario's juggling is rob's biggest problem. Mario's Uairs can keep him airborne for so long, if the rob isn't too careful. The only thing Rob can do about it is airdodge. Nairs are too slow, and so is the dair, giving Rob a giant blindspot below him. I have you know that above Mario is where he excells.

FAir... which also pretty much beats every melee attack Mario has. His range flat-out ***** Mario.
And like i said. Rob has range but not like DK. Rob isn't as hard to get inside like you say he is. He can be difficult to get too, but not impossible. I know this because i have played rob's here in IL, and even 2nd Rob myself.

Fireballs LOL. Don't get me wrong, they're a generally good move, but they're not creating any sort of amazing opening in this matchup. ROB can cancel Fireballs with his
Everyone can cancel fireballs. If the person is occupied with fireballs, then it has done its job. Thats what i mean by creating openings.

ROB is killing sooner than Mario. Mario's killing power is quite possibly even worse than ROB, he's lighter and he's gimped more easily, nowhere does Mario has the advantage in this regard.
Rob's killing potential isn't that great. If its better than Mario's its probably not by much. Even when I angle Rob's Fsmash, they always survive with DI at high %. Other than his weak, low ranged Fsmash, his Nair and Bair is telegraphed and his Usmash's hitbox is only on the top making it hard to connect unless the oponent is above them.

Mario does not effectively gimp ROB; that's okay, few do. The scant possibility that he can is still more than most characters can muster but don't overrate Mario's chances here. Remember that ROB can still attack through his Up-B and beat Mario away or cancel his Fireballs. Mario can't tread far from the stage, doesn't have the vertical distance of ROB and can't challenge him directly, so there's not much hope of an outright gimp. Mario's strength here is... simply keeping him on the ledge and off solid ground. That may lead to a gimp if you play your cards right but he's likely to get back on eventually, especially since he beats Mario in direct confrontation.
Mario does effectively gimp Rob. When below stage fireballs will give him a hard time rising. Cape will change his momentum, probably forcing him to stop using his Up B so he can turn around. Fludd pushes him back and can force him to use more fuel than anticipated. Yes Rob can gimp Mario faster than Mario can gimp him.. but saying Mario can't gimp Rob is just ignorant.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
KO potential? The only thing ROB has over Mario when it comes to KO potential is the number of moves he can possibly use to KO. But the problem is, they are situational or must be saved, and even more problematic is some of his best KO moves are better damage dealers.

ROB is better at edgeguarding, and should try to focus on capitalizing on the fact Mario's recovery is predictable rather than actually KOing him.

Mario's U-smash is an easy attack for Mario to save and to get off when he needs to. It kills ROB at like 125% reliably off the top undiminished. ROB has a really really hard time matching that. Especially since he doesn't tack on damage very quickly to his opponents. Mario does more damage per hit on ROB usually, and he has combos.

sweetspotted up angled F-smash should KO ROB at like 100%, I can't remember that well.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
The only move that doubles as damage-racker and kill move is NAir and that's only in matchups ROB needs it to space, like MK. Pretty much everything spaces Mario, FAir being the most relevant, so that's not an issue in this fight.

NAir kills as soon or sooner than Mario's USmash, depending how high in the air the opponent is. It's also significantly easier to land with its gargantuan, lengthy hitbox. Mario's other Smashes aren't really any stronger than ROB's FSmash. (Mario FSmash kill at 100%? Maybe at the edge, against Jigglypuff...) None of his aerials are notable KO moves, so he can't chase; ROB can go basically anywhere with his Up-B and threaten an early NAir/BAir kill. ROB can also use his projectiles to edgeguard and even nab reasonable kills with a charged laser near the boundary. And then there's the weight advantage, which serves to balance out any advantage Mario may or may not have in racking up damage. No contest, ROB has better kill potential.

I can tell you never used Mario or even played a good Mario. Just because someone outranges Mario doesn't mean he doesn't have an answer to it. Guess who else outranges Mario? Almost the whole cast. But do all have huge advantages? No. Ike and DK have a ton of range. Mario has the advantage over Ike, and is even with DK. Mario has answers to range.
Obviously, range is not the end-all of a match-up or Ike would be one of the best characters in the game and Wario would be bottom five. But there are other aspects to those matchups where Mario excels that he lacks against ROB, namely the ability to gimp them incredibly easily. Ike lacks an efficient way (read: fast attack) to cancel out Fireballs. ROB is also the only one of the three with projectiles which, if nothing else, prevents Mario from camping and forces him to be a little more prudent in his approach.

Mario still has the advantage. Not 7:3 but at least 65:35 or 60:40 in Mario's favor. Mario's juggling is rob's biggest problem. Mario's Uairs can keep him airborne for so long, if the rob isn't too careful. The only thing Rob can do about it is airdodge. Nairs are too slow, and so is the dair, giving Rob a giant blindspot below him. I have you know that above Mario is where he excells.
I already conceded that Mario is at his best here, so what's the argument? But I would argue that ROB does a fair job of keeping even in damage, via superior spacing options (i.e. ROB racks up damage more steadily, Mario does it in big chunks), and you still have to make the kill... Which Mario is weak at. Granted that ROB is weak at killing too, but he has all the advantages in this regard: he's heavier, his best kill move (NAir) is the easiest one to land between the two, and he gimps better. Even if Mario can rack up damage faster than ROB, which is not an absolute given, he's just making up the disparity in killing potential.

And like i said. Rob has range but not like DK. Rob isn't as hard to get inside like you say he is. He can be difficult to get too, but not impossible. I know this because i have played rob's here in IL, and even 2nd Rob myself.
ROB isn't quite as rangy as DK but he still significantly out-does Mario, which is the only relevant fact surrounding the comparison.

Everyone can cancel fireballs. If the person is occupied with fireballs, then it has done its job. Thats what i mean by creating openings.
If ROB properly spaces his FAir... Mario's aerials don't beat it, the only ground attack he has that does is FSmash (lol), and he avoids Mario's wussy grab range. While not impenetrable, there's not a gaping hole in his Fireball defense to exploit. He can also just punish with his own projectiles if you're not close enough while shooting them.

Rob's killing potential isn't that great. If its better than Mario's its probably not by much. Even when I angle Rob's Fsmash, they always survive with DI at high %. Other than his weak, low ranged Fsmash, his Nair and Bair is telegraphed and his Usmash's hitbox is only on the top making it hard to connect unless the oponent is above them.
Well I've made no illusions about that, everyone knows ROB has crap killing power; Mario is just worse at it. FSmash has its weaknesses, as you pointed out, but it's still fairly fast with laser priority and can be glide-tossed into. NAir is really his best KO move, slow startup or not it's still difficult to avoid because its hitbox is just so large and lengthy. It's also the strongest kill move between either character.

Mario has what... his Smashes? His FSmash and DSmash really aren't any stronger than ROB's FSmash, USmash is difficult to land mostly due to short range. Don't forget that ROB is also heavier, meaning Mario needs to rack up more damage to reach equal KO power, and he gimps Mario better than vice-versa. Heck, Mario has such poor recovery distance that sometimes he just flat-out can't make it back from low trajectories.

Mario does effectively gimp Rob. When below stage fireballs will give him a hard time rising. Cape will change his momentum, probably forcing him to stop using his Up B so he can turn around. Fludd pushes him back and can force him to use more fuel than anticipated. Yes Rob can gimp Mario faster than Mario can gimp him.. but saying Mario can't gimp Rob is just ignorant.
Fireballs never give ROB a hard time, don't forget that ROB can still attack while thrusting and can cancel or avoid Fireballs at his leisure. (Alternatively, he could just eat the Fireball and keep going if the Fireball just happens to be absolutely perfectly positioned; it racks up minor damage but doesn't really eat up fuel or set Mario up for additional punishment.) Mario can't venture very far off-stage and he's no threat vertically, ROB can pretty much just avoid him, even FLUDD for the most part, by staying below-stage or higher than jump distance.

I never said Mario can't gimp ROB; in fact, I specifically stated otherwise. It's just mostly an exercise in luck. Mario is very adept at gimping one-dimensional recoveries but ROB is too mobile to fall for those simple tricks and his distance makes him resilience to minor setbacks.


Smash Champion
Jan 5, 2008
San Diego, CA
Bah, everything I wrote just disappeared. Here's the gist of what I said.

Fireball approach is only an issue for R.O.B. when it's done while he's projectiling, which a decent R.O.B. won't do if Mario is approaching. From a neutral perspective, he's got enough options to deal with Mario anyway.

Mario and R.O.B. are even in the air until you bring in platforms, where Mario will then just juggle R.O.B. to eternity.

Cape is annoying, but a R.O.B. who knows the match-up won't camp Mario anyway.

R.O.B. is obviously better off-stage.

Mario is much better at killing than R.O.B. but is much worse at gimping. R.O.B. is vice versa. Fireballs to hinder R.O.B.'s recovery won't be a large issue once R.O.B. understands that f-airs and u-airs will tear right through them while keeping himself relatively safe with large disjointed hitboxes Mario can't hit through.

I'm going to say 60:40 in favor of Mario because Mario can do terrible things to R.O.B. with the proper CPs. R.O.B. needs to focus almost exclusively on edge-guarding, which Mario isn't exactly the easiest to do on since he has enough options to make it painful. Also, Mario is much better at killing, which is a big issue.

EDIT: Chozen isn't an even match-up with boss, imo, so the 70:30 rating is more of Mario's advantage over R.O.B. + boss's advantage over Chozen.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
. ROB is also the only one of the three with projectiles which, if nothing else, prevents Mario from camping and forces him to be a little more prudent in his approach.
Rob can't camp Mario. =/

I already conceded that Mario is at his best here, so what's the argument? But I would argue that ROB does a fair job of keeping even in damage, via superior spacing options (i.e. ROB racks up damage more steadily, Mario does it in big chunks), and you still have to make the kill... Which Mario is weak at. Granted that ROB is weak at killing too, but he has all the advantages in this regard: he's heavier, his best kill move (NAir) is the easiest one to land between the two, and he gimps better. Even if Mario can rack up damage faster than ROB, which is not an absolute given, he's just making up the disparity in killing potential.
Please stop underestimating Mario's killing potential. I've killed Rob around 110% with a fresh Fsmash. Mario can kill Rob. So killing isn't really much of a problem as much as you say it is.

ROB isn't quite as rangy as DK but he still significantly out-does Mario, which is the only relevant fact surrounding the comparison.
The majority of the cast outranges Mario. This isn't new to us. We found ways around it.

If ROB properly spaces his FAir... Mario's aerials don't beat it, the only ground attack he has that does is FSmash (lol), and he avoids Mario's wussy grab range. While not impenetrable, there's not a gaping hole in his Fireball defense to exploit. He can also just punish with his own projectiles if you're not close enough while shooting them.
Hard to punish Mario when he uses his Fireballs when there is little lag after it.

Mario has what... his Smashes? His FSmash and DSmash really aren't any stronger than ROB's FSmash, USmash is difficult to land mostly due to short range. Don't forget that ROB is also heavier, meaning Mario needs to rack up more damage to reach equal KO power, and he gimps Mario better than vice-versa. Heck, Mario has such poor recovery distance that sometimes he just flat-out can't make it back from low trajectories.

Like i said before Mario's Fsmash is stronger than you think. Also if you knew more about Mario you'll know that his Fair, Bair, and even his Uair have potential to kill. I agree with you with Mario's recovery, but when above stage his recovery is less predictable. A good Mario is not going to recover low much.

Fireballs never give ROB a hard time, don't forget that ROB can still attack while thrusting and can cancel or avoid Fireballs at his leisure. (Alternatively, he could just eat the Fireball and keep going if the Fireball just happens to be absolutely perfectly positioned; it racks up minor damage but doesn't really eat up fuel or set Mario up for additional punishment.) Mario can't venture very far off-stage and he's no threat vertically, ROB can pretty much just avoid him, even FLUDD for the most part, by staying below-stage or higher than jump distance.

I never said Mario can't gimp ROB; in fact, I specifically stated otherwise. It's just mostly an exercise in luck. Mario is very adept at gimping one-dimensional recoveries but ROB is too mobile to fall for those simple tricks and his distance makes him resilience to minor setbacks.
Nothing is impossible when it comes to gimping. Also i hope you do realize how far Mario can be below stage and still make it back up? He can jump down, use a full charge fludd and still make it back on the stage. He can do this with fireballs as well. Also, i have stage spiked too many robs who tried to recover from below.

I'm going to say 60:40 in favor of Mario because Mario can do terrible things to R.O.B. with the proper CPs. R.O.B. needs to focus almost exclusively on edge-guarding, which Mario isn't exactly the easiest to do on since he has enough options to make it painful. Also, Mario is much better at killing, which is a big issue.

EDIT: Chozen isn't an even match-up with boss, imo, so the 70:30 rating is more of Mario's advantage over R.O.B. + boss's advantage over Chozen.
Haha i agree with you. Im still leaning toward 65:45. But 60:40 sounds reasonable, since Rob effectively has his options towards Mario.
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