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MATCH UPS....throw anything you got.....

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Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
He'll **** up your ground game.
You wreck him in the air.
He's a pansy off-stage.

That sums it up.
That's what I said before.

There's a lot more to Link than to just being juggled and being easy to gimp. Link has superior spacing ability with his sword, bombs that cannot be reflected (but FLUDDed), and a Z-air that stops your aerial approaches and eat through fireballs.

Plus, he has about ten million ATs to deal with that add onto his mindgames (real number is about 15):

Double Draw
Triple Draw
Bomb Smash
Z-air edgeguard
Gale Guard
Bomb Slide
Pivot Boost

That's what I think up from the top of my head since I use these the most with my Link. Out of that list, you should be seeing DACUS, Z-air edgeguard, and Gale Guard (maybe). Z-air edgeguard is just like Mario's Cape stall from the ledge, except Link's is faster and therefore better, but he can only do it up to 3 times.

Gale Guard is when Link jumps off the stage while you're recoverying, and he throws his boomerang at the stage. That way it'll turn around, goes past Link, and head towards you to push you away from the stage. Pretty effective on Mario if he has to recover low.

Link's best chance at winning this match is taking advantage of that fact that Mario has low range, and staying away from his attacks and the edge. He needs to keep the momentum in his favor, because any time when Link is knocked off stage, he's crying mercy, and the only way for him to get back is if Mario messes up. There's really no reason why Link should recover successfully if Mario is relentless on the edgeguarding.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Link has the Bomb catch aerial AT.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
HeroMystic pretty much summed it up, but I'll add that Mario's edge control/camping is particularly effective against Link. I'd say this match-up is about even but still feels slightly in Mario's favor; 50/50 at worst, 60/40 at best.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
It's nowhere near neutral really. It's at the very least 60:40 just for the fact that Link can easily be juggled, we shut down his projectile spam, and it's not really that hard to get inside, and Link shouldn't be coming back to the stage.

I'd vote for 50:50 if mindgames were taken into account, but it isn't.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
^I actually have a huge detailed analysis of Mario vs Jiggs if you want to see it.

That was abit too fast lol. Wow I forgot about Link having so much ATs x.x; Link has that gey Zair that's godly ranged.
You can always call in the Links if you want a more detailed analysis of the match-up.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Boss8, here's the summary again for Dedede, if you need it.

King Dedede

+You can u-tilt, and u-air juggle Dedede quite well.
+Mario is faster in the air.
+D-air can help you against his Shield Grabbing game.
+Dedede doesn't have many options when your on the ledge.
+Can easily cape his Up B.
+Can break out of infinite at lower then 120%.

-His infinite, and chaingrab hurts.
-He can 'gimp' you due to Mario's tele-graphed recovery
-Camping makes it hard to approach him (but don't bother approaching.)

What to do in this match-up. Special thanks to everyone at the Mario boards for this!

Matador's, HeroMystic's, and Monk's, summary of what to do againt Dedede.

In order to battle DDD's camping, you must be more of an a$$hole than DDD is. You have to camp both the edges of the stage, which means stealing his edge too. In order to do so, FLUDD him (fully charged) off the stage to steal his edge, then try to gimp him by spamming FLUDD at him to kill his momentum (Fireball spam and aerial WOP also works too). After his fourth jump, he'll be forced to use Up-B, cape it as soon as possible.

If he goes on the offensive, be gay and camp the edge. Avoid the grab and put him in a u-tilt lock. Abuse the shield-grab and d-throw and use U-air to continously rack up damage. Eventually, throw him off the stage, then commence to gimp him. If he makes it back with his Up-B, just grab him or knock him back off with a B-air, then try again.

If there's any chance you screwed up on the damage racking and missed an attack, get out of there and camp the edge again. It doesn't matter how much momentum you had or how much you f*cked up DDD, it's all over if you get grabbed.

This is the only matchup where you're at liberty to play as gay as you want, so do what it takes. Spam Fludd, spam fireballs, hide in your shield and upB like there's no tomorrow. This is not an auto-loss for those too stupid to counterpick like myself.'

70:30 in King Dedede's favour.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
75-25 Mario

Jab off the stage "OH **** MY LIIIIIIFFFFFEEEEE"- Link match up
You're joking...right?

I played some good Links (Ray_Kalm and Finns7 are both pretty ****), and this matchup is not easy at all. It's in Mario's favor alright and you can gimp Link really easily once you get him off stage, but getting inside Link's range is a chore, and his Z-air can counter your fireball camping if he's good at spacing with it.
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