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MATCH UPS....throw anything you got.....

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Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
You can camp with Fireballs. However you can't -only- camp with Fireballs. You have to use FLUDD and other moves in his arsenal as well. Fireballs pretty much just forces the approach.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
All true, but their trajectory still allows you to build "walls" with them; they aren't great for spamming or camping but they suffice for all practical purposes.
They don't stop or force an approach, they're too easy to Pshield when the opponent is approaching. That, and they're too easy to swat away if there's nothing to punish the lag of the opponent's attack behind it. I don't see how it builds said "walls" if they're so easy to deal with alone. The best thing about fireballs are that they force reactions; reactions that you can predict and punish as an approach.

I could be wrong, but I don't see how fireballs work in any other way than approach.

Edit @ Hero: They're too easy to deal with to force an approach. They're not fast like the spacies lasers, not as damaging as pikmin, and they can be knocked away or Pshielded very easily. Coupled with Fludd?

...I dunno, maybe.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
They don't stop or force an approach, they're too easy to Pshield when the opponent is approaching. That, and they're too easy to swat away if there's nothing to punish the lag of the opponent's attack behind it. I don't see how it builds said "walls" if they're so easy to deal with alone. The best thing about fireballs are that they force reactions; reactions that you can predict and punish as an approach.

I could be wrong, but I don't see how fireballs work in any other way than approach.
I didn't say they made great walls but having two out at once at different trajectories still works farily well, fireballs are still definetely way better for approach though. Also, HeroMystic's point is good.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
I didn't say they made great walls but having two out at once at different trajectories still works farily well, fireballs are still definetely way better for approach though. Also, HeroMystic's point is good.
Yeah, that's true. Dealing with 2 out at the same time is a little different, especially if the opponent is airborne. I just know that everytime I try to camp or spam extensively with them, it always blows up in my face, especially if they have a projectile as well.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Edit @ Hero: They're too easy to deal with to force an approach. They're not fast like the spacies lasers, not as damaging as pikmin, and they can be knocked away or Pshielded very easily. Coupled with Fludd?

...I dunno, maybe.
Trust me. Mario can camp. If you trained as much as I did against DDD you'd be saying he can camp too. :p It takes a lot of patience and proficient reflex to camp with Mario. Using the cape to stop projectiles and using fireballs in an intelligent spammy matter is the way you have to force an approach.

It's all in my metagame analysis if you want more information.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Trust me. Mario can camp. If you trained as much as I did against DDD you'd be saying he can camp too. :p It takes a lot of patience and proficient reflex to camp with Mario. Using the cape to stop projectiles and using fireballs in an intelligent spammy matter is the way you have to force an approach.

It's all in my metagame analysis if you want more information.
You'll have to show me, because Monk does it too right? I'd have to see it done, maybe we can play when you get home XD


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
I'm not too confident in my WiFi skills since I haven't had a chance to adapt to it for the past two months, but I should be able to give you a decent idea about it.

And yeah, apparently Monk does it too, but his may be different (better) than mine because this was something I developed on my own.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
I'm really not getting where Mario has such an easier time killing here. ROB's NAir kills at least as soon as Mario's USmash or sweetspotted FSmash, yet is easier to land because it can chase opponents in the air and has a huge extended hitbox. Everyone admits that ROB has the better edgeguarding game. Is there some third method of killing I'm unaware of? It can be argued that Mario gets ROB up to a killable percentage faster (i.e. racks up damage quicker) than vice-versa, but there's no way he's actually killing ROB at a lower percentage. Perhaps you arguing against me are referencing the former when I've meant the latter this entire time. Let's just clear that up and be done with it.

As for the "omg FSmash is weak" thing, I apologize if I was wrong about the strength of Mario's FSmash. It doesn't really change the argument above, however, and stop crying about my supposed lack of experience due to this comment. I don't care if Mario's FSmash kills at 10% or 500%, "matchup experience" is irrelevant when discussing purely numberical facts such as the damage-knockback of a given attack. If I was wrong, so be it, but it doesn't invalidate anything else I've said.

Now that we have that out of the way...

Fireballs don't really force an approach. They're very easily powershielded or cancelled by any quick attack. Mario needs to follow up and try to punish any openings this creates, the Fireballs alone don't do a whole lot. This is pretty much just restating what Matador said, though. *shrug* Might work on Dedede because he's so big, slow, and lacks an efficient attack to cancel Fireballs with. :p

The thing about comboing ROB with Mario is that there is NOTHING Rob can do about it until higher %. All of his aerials are too slow or awkward to hit Mario from below him, reducing his options to airdodging and...airdodging. Then, Mario's Fsmash, which kills ROB reliably at 110%, can finish him off.
It's true that ROB is weak from below, which is where the whole "Mario racks up damage better" thing comes from. Perhaps his weakness is being overstated, though. His little momentum shifts with DAir/BAir are enough to throw off Mario somewhat, being that the plumber doesn't have a whole lot of range to compensate for misplacement, and air dodging is... what it is. Beyond a fresh stock, virtually nothing we can do is a true combo and thus ROB can at least attempt to maneuver himself out of the juggle. The ball is in Mario's court but not every pop-up is going to lead to another 40% on poor ROB.

So what? All this means is that you don't try and fight ROB's Fair with one of Mario's aerials. This leaves OOS options, FIHL (Not sure if you're in the lag long enough to punish), cape, Fsmash or simply attacking over/under the Fair. He won't be zoning in this matchup like Marth or MK. The attack isn't even disjointed.
It's actually just like Marth or MK in one regard -- ROB can certainly space himself cautiously to avoid OOS retaliation by Mario. ROB doesn't have quite the vertical tolerance on his FAir, so it's possible for Mario to "beat" it in that regard, more likely "under" than "over", but Mario isn't going to just shield-camp his way to victory any more than he would Fireball camp as some other people suggested. :/ And ROB's FAir is ever-so-slightly disjointed, or at least that's what Sudai told me. *ahem* (It doesn't look disjointed, then again neither do Snake's tilts.)

And now he has poor recovery? Not as good as ROB's, of course, but if the distance is too far for Mario, it's too far for characters like Kirby, Fox, or Shiek as well who have perfectly fine recoveries except with less defense upon approach. What does this have to do with the matchup anyway? ROB has no move that'd knock Mario at this kind of angle except for maybe Bair with bad DI. It seems like you're just taking shots at Mario to help your case.
Newsflash: Fox and Sheik DO have crappy recoveries. (Fox actually has better distance than Falco/Wolf, but it's still oh-so linear and gimpable.) Kirby not so much as he has great total distance, he can cover himself with his full range of aerials, and his Side-B makes him dangerous to approach directly.

It's simple fact, Mario has one of the worst recovery distances in the game, albeit less gimpable than many characters due to the protection of Cape. ROB's BAir has a naturally low trajectory and sometimes bad DI just happens (FTilt, FSmash can have low trajectories with bad DI), Mario is just flat-out unable to recover from those kind of hits. More subtle, poor distance makes Mario predictable in his recovery because he has no leeway when it comes to his spacing -- he MUST go directly for the edge or he won't make it back. The only thing Mario can do to protect himself is perfect Cape timing, which ROB is better than most at working around and may be able to exploit. We can file this under "ROB edgeguards Mario better" which everyone already agrees with, it's a perfectly valid concern.

But you're right, there's absolutely nothing Mario can do if ROB decides to recover high...but low's dangerous due to Bair/upB stage spikes.

Cape beats Fair, Fludd beats Nair, Bair spike beats low recovery. ROB's safest and smartest option is to recover high.
Intelligent rationing of fuel makes most stage spikes survivable (if only once since that would burn a lot of fuel :p) or the opponent could just tech it. That said, Mario has a pretty tough time around ROB's UAir so I'm not sure the risk is even significant to him.

I'm sure DRaGZ would love to elaborate himself.

Luigi's recovery is one-dimensional? Hell...whose ISNT in this game?

..."simple tricks" he says....why are you trying to slip in these slick, petty insults toward Mr. Nintendo?
Luigi's recovery isn't that great either. ;/ At any rate, that wasn't an insult. My point was that ROB will not fall for the easy things Mario does to gimp other recoveries. DK? Cape 'em when he does his Up-B. Ike? Cape 'em either way, same with many other characters. Gimping ROB isn't that simple, Mario has to work pretty hard to successfully gimp him. That's all I meant.

You do realize that if you're not low enough to be offscreen, Mario can safely reach you?
Mario may be able to reach that low technically speaking, but can he do so against competition? ROB commands a lot of space with UAir (or NAir) and Mario will lose if he tries to go up against it directly, it would be unwise of him to even issue that challenge. Alternatively, ROB does have the option you presented...

Nair does not kill at 110% from the middle of FD. Nair is not easier to land than Usmash, especially OOS, after FIHL, or reverse pivot smashed.
NAir kills off the top more so than the side, so position on the stage is only relevant if you're being hit to the far side and can DI diagonally-downward. (And as people generally DI upward, it does take good reflexes.) It generally starts killing light-medium weight characters around 120% at ground level. It can kill as low as ~100 if you land it in the air, depending where. (Higher is always better. Off-stage makes for lower kills too, since it opens up the possibility for a side kill and recovering opponents are generally DI-ing upward anyway.) The hitbox is ginormous and also lasts long enough to punish all but the most perfect of spot/air dodges, so it's especially difficult to avoid while airborne.

Mario's USmash hits all around him but has poor range. It's not fast enough to use OOS, especially since the hitbox starts at the back and you're generally facing your opponent. ;/ Its range is too poor to punish with, only well-used FIHL will give Mario a "free" shot. Obviously, he cannot chase in the air with it. No evidence suggests that he can land the attack easier than ROB can land his NAir.

It's worth mentioning FSmash in this argument as well, since that's also been mentioned as a primary kill move for Mario. It does have surprising range but is generally too slow to easily land and must sweetspot to kill.

And...you're edgeguarding with Uair? I don't think I've even seen that mentioned here.
T'was talking about the other way around. If ROB recovers low and comes in near-vertically with a UAir, Mario is not well-equipped to edgeguard it: he can't beat the attack head-on, it eats through Fireballs, and Cape won't push him away because his horizontal momentum is minimal. ROB can't sweetspot the ledge in the middle of the attack, so he's not absolutely 100% safe, but Mario has a hard time taking advantage of that fact.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
the entire time you totally just forgot to mention that ROB can't even airdodge while he's in his UpB....that makes gimping ROB a hell of a lot easier if he's recovering low, and yeah robs Uair will beat out mario from above.....but why would mario gimp from above? its either going to be from the side with a cape or a Bair or from below.....


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
I didn't mention it because (1) everyone already knows that. (2) it's irrelevant. ROB can attack out of his Up-B and his aerials cut through Fireballs and beat any direct approach by Mario. He has to work pretty hard to gimp ROB.

Anyway... did my own numbers test with Mario and ROB on FD:

Tilted upward and sweetspotted, Mario's FSmash kills at 101% with no DI from center-stage. (Huh. Well...) Non-uptilted or non-sweetspot kill at 108%, non-uptilted and non-sweetspot at 118%. So, don't forget to tilt it upward. :p With good DI and aerial cancelling momentum, a "perfect" FSmash is survivable up to about 125%, a "bad" one over 140%. (Henceforth, assume "good DI" also includes cancelling momentum.) Actual kill percentage can vary a good +/- 20% depending how far off-center you are and whether you're hitting them to the near or far side.

Mario's USmash kills at 129% with no DI, on the ground. With good DI it's over 140%. Obviously, you can knock off a few percent if you catch them in the air with it but this is where I get to gloat "you're wrong" right back in your face. ;/ FSmash was stronger than I thought, USmash was weaker than most of you thought. *shrug*

ROB's NAir doesn't kill until 139% on the ground; the default trajectory is pretty much straight to the corner from center-stage. With "normal" up-toward DI, it kills below 120%. Since it's an aerial, kill percentage can drop significantly depending how high in the air or how far off-stage Mario is when caught in it. Expect most kill shots to be in the lower 120's, with a floor of around 100% if you get caught above-stage during recovery and a ~145% ceiling if you're super-careful with DI and cancel your momentum ASAP.

With no DI, ROB's FSmash kills at 120% up close and gets progressively weaker with distance. ("Tipper" kills at 141%, quite weak.) Good DI takes that up to ~140%. Unlike Mario, tilt does not affect damage-knockback, only placement of the hitbox.

Also of note...

ROB's USmash is about 10% stronger than Mario's from the ground. Of course, it's awkward to land and you'll never be hit with it while grounded in a real match. (But it can kill around 105% if you're hit in the "usual" spot he would land it, directly above him... which is well off the ground since ROB is pretty tall!)

ROB's BAir kills at ~130% from center. DI affects it significantly due to a naturally low trajectory. It can kill well under 100% if Mario is hit with it during recovery and it has a knack for beating the Cape due to its large disjointedness and ROB's "headbutt" hitbox.

So that should solve any "numbers" disputes. :/ A "perfect" FSmash from Mario can kill a good 20% sooner than any other kill move between the two, but ROB can land his kill move(s) more easily. (FSmash comes out faster than Mario's and can hit aerial opponents quite easily. NAir... yeah.) Mario is also slightly easier to gimp, as he protects himself fairly well but one screw-up could be his death to BAir at 80%.

EDIT: Those are all uncharged Smashes, if it wasn't obvious.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Was looking forward to responding all day, you dodged me till 5 AM? :laugh:
(I'm only kidding, calm down XD)

I'm really not getting where Mario has such an easier time killing here. ROB's NAir kills at least as soon as Mario's USmash or sweetspotted FSmash, yet is easier to land because it can chase opponents in the air and has a huge extended hitbox. Everyone admits that ROB has the better edgeguarding game. Is there some third method of killing I'm unaware of? It can be argued that Mario gets ROB up to a killable percentage faster (i.e. racks up damage quicker) than vice-versa, but there's no way he's actually killing ROB at a lower percentage. Perhaps you arguing against me are referencing the former when I've meant the latter this entire time. Let's just clear that up and be done with it.
Well...I've already read the entire post...and I don't want you to think that I'm responding to the "former" rather than the "latter"....so I'm gonna leave this one alone.

As for the "omg FSmash is weak" thing, I apologize if I was wrong about the strength of Mario's FSmash. It doesn't really change the argument above, however, and stop crying about my supposed lack of experience due to this comment. I don't care if Mario's FSmash kills at 10% or 500%, "matchup experience" is irrelevant when discussing purely numberical facts such as the damage-knockback of a given attack. If I was wrong, so be it, but it doesn't invalidate anything else I've said.
Except when your numerical facts contradict the experience of EVERY Mario main arguing and is just plain wrong while you're claiming it to be true, you have to wonder how often you fight Mario as ROB.

But yeah, as long as you realize Fsmash is stronger than you thought, no harm done.

Fireballs don't really force an approach. They're very easily powershielded or cancelled by any quick attack. Mario needs to follow up and try to punish any openings this creates, the Fireballs alone don't do a whole lot. This is pretty much just restating what Matador said, though. *shrug* Might work on Dedede because he's so big, slow, and lacks an efficient attack to cancel Fireballs with. :p
Well, for the sake of the argument I'll be inclined to agree with you until I'm convinced of these walls Judge and Hero referred to.

My point about fireballs is that they help Mario get on the inside. That's it.

It's true that ROB is weak from below, which is where the whole "Mario racks up damage better" thing comes from. Perhaps his weakness is being overstated, though. His little momentum shifts with DAir/BAir are enough to throw off Mario somewhat, being that the plumber doesn't have a whole lot of range to compensate for misplacement, and air dodging is... what it is. Beyond a fresh stock, virtually nothing we can do is a true combo and thus ROB can at least attempt to maneuver himself out of the juggle. The ball is in Mario's court but not every pop-up is going to lead to another 40% on poor ROB.
Very true, it's not ALWAYS going to be **** if Mario's in position...but just know that we're talking about highest level of play. If you're in that position against Boss, Bo, or any other good Mario main, they're not letting you go.

Bottom line, that's a terrible position for ROB, and has the potential to completely wreck ROB's stock from 0%.

It's actually just like Marth or MK in one regard -- ROB can certainly space himself cautiously to avoid OOS retaliation by Mario. ROB doesn't have quite the vertical tolerance on his FAir, so it's possible for Mario to "beat" it in that regard, more likely "under" than "over", but Mario isn't going to just shield-camp his way to victory any more than he would Fireball camp as some other people suggested. :/ And ROB's FAir is ever-so-slightly disjointed, or at least that's what Sudai told me. *ahem* (It doesn't look disjointed, then again neither do Snake's tilts.)
I haven't a clue whether or not the ROBs I've faced have spaced perfectly on my shield, but Dair, Bair, Uair, upB (on occasion), and reverse pivot hyphen spinny **** Usmash OOS usually work on ROB and Marth. Not MK of course because...you know...he's a bas****.

Basically, Fair isn't an impenetrable defense and attack approach vs Mario. No doubt it's a very GOOD one in this matchup, but it's not something Mario can't deal with especially if it's telegraphed.

Also didn't know it was disjointed, but it doesn't make too much difference since it beats all our aerials anyways :laugh:

Newsflash: Fox and Sheik DO have crappy recoveries. (Fox actually has better distance than Falco/Wolf, but it's still oh-so linear and gimpable.) Kirby not so much as he has great total distance, he can cover himself with his full range of aerials, and his Side-B makes him dangerous to approach directly.
I was talking strictly distance, not gimpability or defenses. If Mario doesn't make it back to the ledge without being gimped, Fox, Shiek, and often Kirby won't be returning either.

It's simple fact, Mario has one of the worst recovery distances in the game, albeit less gimpable than many characters due to the protection of Cape. ROB's BAir has a naturally low trajectory and sometimes bad DI just happens (FTilt, FSmash can have low trajectories with bad DI), Mario is just flat-out unable to recover from those kind of hits. More subtle, poor distance makes Mario predictable in his recovery because he has no leeway when it comes to his spacing -- he MUST go directly for the edge or he won't make it back. The only thing Mario can do to protect himself is perfect Cape timing, which ROB is better than most at working around and may be able to exploit. We can file this under "ROB edgeguards Mario better" which everyone already agrees with, it's a perfectly valid concern.
Well if you want to use THAT argument, SDs also "just happen", as well as not sweetspotting the ledge or running into fully charged smashes. Bad DI does happen, but it shouldn't be put into this matchup discussion in any shape or form, this is at highest level of competition.

I'm not going to argue Mario's recovery distance with you because, quite honestly, it's pointless. Not only will you believe me to be exaggerating, but you'll probably take it further once you realize that my arguement against this is based more on experience rather than numbers. Suffice it to say, Mario's recovery has never been a hindrance for me like it is for Ganon, Olimar or Link. The only angle that kills Mario is the one you're mentioning, and that's with bad DI low %, or good DI high %.

And I've never said that ROB's edgeguarding on Mario isn't a viable concern, but that it's not enough to tip the KO-power scales in his favor, especially since Mario can edgeguard ROB as well.

Intelligent rationing of fuel makes most stage spikes survivable (if only once since that would burn a lot of fuel :p) or the opponent could just tech it. That said, Mario has a pretty tough time around ROB's UAir so I'm not sure the risk is even significant to him.
If Mario runs off the side of FD as ROB vertically rises with his Uair, isn't he avoiding Uair while in perfect position for a Bair spike? Also, Mario moves faster than ROB, so positioning this isn't very difficult. Of course, it's not always going to work out this way and all that, but my point is that it's still a concern unless ROB is close enough to the ledge to hit Mario as he's running offstage.

Luigi's recovery isn't that great either. ;/ At any rate, that wasn't an insult. My point was that ROB will not fall for the easy things Mario does to gimp other recoveries. DK? Cape 'em when he does his Up-B. Ike? Cape 'em either way, same with many other characters. Gimping ROB isn't that simple, Mario has to work pretty hard to successfully gimp him. That's all I meant.
Alright, my mistake.

Nair can kill as low as ~100 if you land it in the air, depending where. (Higher is always better. Off-stage makes for lower kills too, since it opens up the possibility for a side kill and recovering opponents are generally DI-ing upward anyway.) The hitbox is ginormous and also lasts long enough to punish all but the most perfect of spot/air dodges, so it's especially difficult to avoid while airborne.
Alright, but if you're including that in the equation, we might as well include how low Mario's Fsmash kills off the side when near/on one of the ledges as you're recovering, getting up from the ledge, or just happen to be there when it hits. I'm not sure how low it kills ROB, but I've killed Snakes, Bowsers, and DKs from that positioning at 90%.

The range with Nair is awesome, lingering hitbox, and kills. No doubt about any of this, but my problem with it. It's very...very slow, and becomes telegraphed. Unlike pretty much any other character in the game, Mario can cause problems for ROB if he sees this coming because of how long FIHL keeps him in the lag, allowing him to get into ROB's blind spot or land an easy Usmash.

Mario's USmash hits all around him but has poor range. It's not fast enough to use OOS, especially since the hitbox starts at the back and you're generally facing your opponent. ;/ Its range is too poor to punish with, only well-used FIHL will give Mario a "free" shot. Obviously, he cannot chase in the air with it. No evidence suggests that he can land the attack easier than ROB can land his NAir.
Except that it's much faster, and Mario moves must faster with it since he's usually running as he does it. This is no exception to Usmash OOS.

And I'm not sure what you're comparing Usmash to when you say it has low/poor range. Whether you're going from experience, "numerical data", or simply how it looks, let me assure you that the range is not an issue in this matchup; especially since ROB is huge.

It's worth mentioning FSmash in this argument as well, since that's also been mentioned as a primary kill move for Mario. It does have surprising range but is generally too slow to easily land and must sweetspot to kill.
Too slow? And you're arguing Nair against it? I'll address the sweetspot thing later.

T'was talking about the other way around. If ROB recovers low and comes in near-vertically with a UAir, Mario is not well-equipped to edgeguard it: he can't beat the attack head-on, it eats through Fireballs, and Cape won't push him away because his horizontal momentum is minimal. ROB can't sweetspot the ledge in the middle of the attack, so he's not absolutely 100% safe, but Mario has a hard time taking advantage of that fact.
He's limited to pretty much just Bair spiking, but not much else, so I agree. This still makes recovering high safer than low.

Anyway... did my own numbers test with Mario and ROB on FD:

Tilted upward and sweetspotted, Mario's FSmash kills at 101% with no DI from center-stage. (Huh. Well...) Non-uptilted or non-sweetspot kill at 108%, non-uptilted and non-sweetspot at 118%. So, don't forget to tilt it upward. :p With good DI and aerial cancelling momentum, a "perfect" FSmash is survivable up to about 125%, a "bad" one over 140%. (Henceforth, assume "good DI" also includes cancelling momentum.) Actual kill percentage can vary a good +/- 20% depending how far off-center you are and whether you're hitting them to the near or far side.
Sounds about right.

Mario's USmash kills at 129% with no DI, on the ground. With good DI it's over 140%. Obviously, you can knock off a few percent if you catch them in the air with it but this is where I get to gloat "you're wrong" right back in your face. ;/ FSmash was stronger than I thought, USmash was weaker than most of you thought. *shrug*
Did you hit with the sweetspot in the back of his head at the start of the attack? That's what makes the reverse hyphen spinny Usmash so much better than the normal.

ROB's NAir doesn't kill until 139% on the ground; the default trajectory is pretty much straight to the corner from center-stage. With "normal" up-toward DI, it kills below 120%. Since it's an aerial, kill percentage can drop significantly depending how high in the air or how far off-stage Mario is when caught in it. Expect most kill shots to be in the lower 120's, with a floor of around 100% if you get caught above-stage during recovery and a ~145% ceiling if you're super-careful with DI and cancel your momentum ASAP.
Lol, you don't normally DI Nair, just like you don't DI upward vs an Usmash. If Nair generally kills upward, why would you DI upward?

Okay, so you calculated at which % that ROB's Nair kills when higher off the ground. So when does Mario's Fsmash kill ROB when on the ledge?

With no DI, ROB's FSmash kills at 120% up close and gets progressively weaker with distance. ("Tipper" kills at 141%, quite weak.) Good DI takes that up to ~140%. Unlike Mario, tilt does not affect damage-knockback, only placement of the hitbox.
Sounds correct as well, though I've lived higher. I wasn't aware it had a tipper.

ROB's USmash is about 10% stronger than Mario's from the ground. Of course, it's awkward to land and you'll never be hit with it while grounded in a real match. (But it can kill around 105% if you're hit in the "usual" spot he would land it, directly above him... which is well off the ground since ROB is pretty tall!)
Yeah, I've learned that ROB's Usmash is right next to ridiculous in kill power.

ROB's BAir kills at ~130% from center. DI affects it significantly due to a naturally low trajectory. It can kill well under 100% if Mario is hit with it during recovery and it has a knack for beating the Cape due to its large disjointedness and ROB's "headbutt" hitbox.

So that should solve any "numbers" disputes. :/ A "perfect" FSmash from Mario can kill a good 20% sooner than any other kill move between the two, but ROB can land his kill move(s) more easily. (FSmash comes out faster than Mario's and can hit aerial opponents quite easily. NAir... yeah.) Mario is also slightly easier to gimp, as he protects himself fairly well but one screw-up could be his death to BAir at 80%.

EDIT: Those are all uncharged Smashes, if it wasn't obvious.
I still don't agree that ROB's KO options are easier to land. His best one by far is slow and telegraphed, and also kills later. It has great range, of course, but compared to Mario's Fsmash or Usmash which have setups and are faster AND the former killing lower, I don't see how he is better at killing; even with edgeguarding in the mix.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Matador. Mario's Bair and Rob's Fair trade hits, so getting around the fair problem isn't as hard as people think it is.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
It's been my experience that ROB's FAir generally wins out. :rolleyes: (Sarcasm aside, that is true.) It's not like I have anyone else present so it's rather difficult for me to test something that really requires two players. That said, anecdotal evidence with a single Wi-Fi match doesn't prove anything. What was the spacing? Were they vertically even or slightly off-center? Were they at the fringe of each other's attack range? I'm guessing they weren't actually testing this and just thought "oh wow they traded hits" when it occured during a normal match, when it was more likely due to improper spacing. If any of you want to actually test this, be my guest (and report the results), but don't berate me based on a single anecdote over Wi-Fi. Get into Training or a Brawl, throw the attacks at each other at various spacings and timings, and record those results over multiple trials.

Although it would pain me if it were true, trading hits still advantages ROB. That doesn't help my argument but it's useful information for a real match. :p

If you disagree with me at this point regarding who kills who easier, then so be it. *shrug* It's arguable either way, opinions will come down to bias and personal experience.

Very true, it's not ALWAYS going to be **** if Mario's in position...but just know that we're talking about highest level of play. If you're in that position against Boss, Bo, or any other good Mario main, they're not letting you go.

Bottom line, that's a terrible position for ROB, and has the potential to completely wreck ROB's stock from 0%.
Well, I certainly can't argue that ROB is weak from below; we've repeated this ad nauseum. But come on, the ROB player isn't any more willing to let Mario just rack up damage on him than the Mario player is going to just let him back to the ground safely. ROB doesn't fall super-fast like Snake or anything, but it's not like he's going to accrue massive damage every single time Mario gets him into the air. He'll do that rarely. Sometimes, ROB will get back safely with no additional harm and we can expect the "average" juggle to be somewhere in the middle. I'd rather have Mario trying to juggle me than Dedede trying to CG me...

I was talking strictly distance, not gimpability or defenses. If Mario doesn't make it back to the ledge without being gimped, Fox, Shiek, and often Kirby won't be returning either.
I'm not going to argue Mario's recovery distance with you because, quite honestly, it's pointless. Not only will you believe me to be exaggerating, but you'll probably take it further once you realize that my arguement against this is based more on experience rather than numbers. Suffice it to say, Mario's recovery has never been a hindrance for me like it is for Ganon, Olimar or Link.
I've never seen Kirby fail to return from a survivable attack. Fox and especially Sheik are crappy. Heck, anyone that CAN'T recover from anywhere has "crappy" distance for Brawl standards.

This is not an "experience" argument, Mario simply does have a lot of distance to his recovery. His fall speed, horizontal aerial movement, and second jump are all about average. His Up-B has "okay" distance and he has no other methods to boost his recovery (no momentum shifting aerials like ROB's BAir, no other Specials that add distance like Diddy's Side-B). It's slightly below-average, probably in the 10-15 range which is about the bottom third. Should I list every character in Mario's company here? -_- His recovery isn't as sad as the likes of the three characters you listed but it's still not good.

Well if you want to use THAT argument, SDs also "just happen", as well as not sweetspotting the ledge or running into fully charged smashes. Bad DI does happen, but it shouldn't be put into this matchup discussion in any shape or form, this is at highest level of competition.
Even the best players aren't perfect and imperfect DI is a fairly common boo-boo. Get hit in the middle of an attack and you're liable to DI in that direction, whether it's useful or not. Since you're probably DI-ing toward your opponent to initiate the attack this is usually easy to respond and adjust from, but maybe you got hit as you started a DSmash and just DI-ed yourself straight horizontal. Maybe ROB unexpectedly caught the end of your roll with his BAir and you were holding to the side. If you're hit during recovery, you are naturally going to be DI an attack up and toward your opponent because (1) you're already holding that direction (2) you want to avoid the near side boundary. That's not really "bad" DI, since that's what you need to do, but it's exactly how ROB can kill sub-120 with his NAir, especially if you're caught above stage level.

stuff regarding my numbers test
I did include Mario's potential to kill sooner than normal. "Actual kill percentage can vary a good +/- 20% depending how far off-center you are and whether you're hitting them to the near or far side." Mario could kill at 90% if he catches ROB on ledge recovery but he could also fail to kill at 150% in the same position if he hits ROB to the far side of the stage. And as far as landing it is concerned, it's like trying to land Ness or Sonic's FSmash... *cough*

NAir is somewhat of a special case since the default testing position, center-stage with no DI, is basically the perfect spot to survive the attack from. (Its trajectory arcs straight to the corner, so any DI only harms your survivability unless you're hit far side and DI downward.) Since it's an aerial, it's also valid to account for the possibility of the opponent being airborne when struck; the other kill moves mentioned are all ground attacks and unlikely to hit more than a couple inches off the floor. (Though, ROB actually has pretty decent vertical reach with his FSmash since he's tall.)

His NAir is indeed quite telegraphed, its big weakness. This does make it difficult to land against a grounded opponent prepared to defend it, though it does have surprising range and shield pokes well. Where it shines is against aerial opponents; it becomes more difficult to avoid, punishes air dodging well, and it out-prioritizes most other aerials.

USmash hits in a small arc all around Mario's body. Its range is nothing impressive. Its speed is too slow, especially at the front end, to efficiently land it on a grounded opponent and anyone above Mario would be wary since it's one of his only decent kill moves. Anyone can just stay near the ledge to prevent Mario from running under them at all, ROB in particular can shift momentum with BAir to throw him off or simply initiate an NAir (which beats the USmash) to muscle his way through it. You can't go for the kill and juggle him at the same time. ;/ Anyway, USmash doesn't have a sweetspot anywhere, the damage-knockback is the same throughout. You can't really "reverse hyphen" it, since pivoting from a dash is slow (except as a pivot grab); maybe you can reverse it from a standing/walking position but its range is still too poor in that case to easily catch ROB with it.

I wouldn't say ROB's USmash has "ridiculous power." It's a bit above-average but the early kills stem more from the position of the opponent than its actual knockback, its hitbox prevents ROB from landing it anywhere but well off the ground. *shrug*


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
It's been my experience that ROB's FAir generally wins out. (Ignore the sarcastic smilie, it really does!) It's not like I have anyone else present so it's rather difficult for me to test something that really requires two players. That said, anecdotal evidence with a single Wi-Fi match doesn't prove anything. What was the spacing? Were they vertically even or slightly off-center? Were they at the fringe of each other's attack range? I'm guessing they weren't actually testing this and just thought "oh wow they traded hits" when it occured during a normal match, when it was more likely due to improper spacing. If any of you want to actually test this, be my guest (and report the results), but don't berate me based on a single anecdote over Wi-Fi. Get into Training or a Brawl, throw the attacks at each other at various spacings and timings, and record those results over multiple trials.
I already knew this to tell you the truth.

Well, I certainly can't argue that ROB is weak from below; we've repeated this ad nauseum. But come on, the ROB player isn't any more willing to let Mario just rack up damage on him than the Mario player is going to just let him back to the ground safely. ROB doesn't fall super-fast like Snake or anything, but it's not like he's going to accrue massive damage every single time Mario gets him into the air. He'll do that rarely. Sometimes, ROB will get back safely with no additional harm and we can expect the "average" juggle to be somewhere in the middle. I'd rather have Mario trying to juggle me than Dedede trying to CG me...
At low% Rob gets juggled pretty badly. His % is gonna climb quickly. I agree with what your saying to the point where Rob's % is high enough not to be juggled so easily.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
I would prefer to keep it in the one topic, so excuse me from bringing this from the ROB board:

Luigi is good up close, he juggles Rob better than Mario does. If you know the match up and keep him away, he's not that hard, Rob has the advantage.
Luigi juggles ROB better than Mario (true), but you think Mario has the advantage on him and Luigi has a disadvantage? That's the crux of your argument in favor of Mario, so if Luigi can do the same thing even better it's safe to assume that Luigi performs similarly well. Mario has the added advantage of a competent reflector to diminish ROB's projectile game, but Luigi makes up for that in other areas (namely, killing much easier) that a significant difference in match-up ratios doesn't seem to make sense. Would you elaborate?


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
I would prefer to keep it in the one topic, so excuse me from bringing this from the ROB board:

Luigi juggles ROB better than Mario (true), but you think Mario has the advantage on him and Luigi has a disadvantage? That's the crux of your argument in favor of Mario, so if Luigi can do the same thing even better it's safe to assume that Luigi performs similarly well. Mario has the added advantage of a competent reflector to diminish ROB's projectile game, but Luigi makes up for that in other areas (namely, killing much easier) that a significant difference in match-up ratios doesn't seem to make sense. Would you elaborate?

Yes. But Luigi is worse at approaching than Mario is. He also has a worse defensive game. I can keep luigi away from me almost the entire match with Rob. I can't do the same with Mario. Mario also has more significant range than luigi. He's also less of a sitting duck in the air. Luigi's juggle game and killing power isn't enough. He's just good against rob upclose.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
It's been my experience that ROB's FAir generally wins out. :rolleyes: (Sarcasm aside, that is true.) It's not like I have anyone else present so it's rather difficult for me to test something that really requires two players. That said, anecdotal evidence with a single Wi-Fi match doesn't prove anything. What was the spacing? Were they vertically even or slightly off-center? Were they at the fringe of each other's attack range? I'm guessing they weren't actually testing this and just thought "oh wow they traded hits" when it occured during a normal match, when it was more likely due to improper spacing. If any of you want to actually test this, be my guest (and report the results), but don't berate me based on a single anecdote over Wi-Fi. Get into Training or a Brawl, throw the attacks at each other at various spacings and timings, and record those results over multiple trials.

Although it would pain me if it were true, trading hits still advantages ROB. That doesn't help my argument but it's useful information for a real match. :p

If you disagree with me at this point regarding who kills who easier, then so be it. *shrug* It's arguable either way, opinions will come down to bias and personal experience.
If the two attacks traded hits, it doesn't matter. That means it ISNT disjointed or else that wouldn't have happened, it doesn't outrange Bair or it would've went straight through, and that the trajectory matters little, because neither attack is multihit or has a lingering hitbox.

I just tested it myself and they traded off every time. I don't know the spacing or w/e with ROB, but it was consistent everytime I hit Mario's Bair.

You said that even if this were true, ROB still has the advantage. How d'you figure?

Well, I certainly can't argue that ROB is weak from below; we've repeated this ad nauseum. But come on, the ROB player isn't any more willing to let Mario just rack up damage on him than the Mario player is going to just let him back to the ground safely. ROB doesn't fall super-fast like Snake or anything, but it's not like he's going to accrue massive damage every single time Mario gets him into the air. He'll do that rarely. Sometimes, ROB will get back safely with no additional harm and we can expect the "average" juggle to be somewhere in the middle. I'd rather have Mario trying to juggle me than Dedede trying to CG me...
Its been repeated because it's unique to this matchup and a crucial point. You said yourself that the only thing ROB can do to escape is airdodge, which is reactive; ROB moves slow enough that you don't need to predict where he's moving, just react once you see where he's going. If you know that, you need only toss an aerial, grab, or jab in that direction and there's nothing ROB can do about it. That's very bad, like a melee Marth combo on Bowser.

Of course you aren't going to LET this happen. You'll try and DI, DJ, and airdodge out, but it won't matter very much. You can be potentially comboed till around 60-70 where Mario can't really combo anymore. It's not going to be a rare situation either. ROB is heavy and has a blindspot. DK, Bowser, and Ike are all heavy and get comboed to hell, WITHOUT this blindspot.

I've never seen Kirby fail to return from a survivable attack. Fox and especially Sheik are crappy. Heck, anyone that CAN'T recover from anywhere has "crappy" distance for Brawl standards.
That's quite a bit of characters with crappy recoveries then.

This is not an "experience" argument, Mario simply does have a lot of distance to his recovery. His fall speed, horizontal aerial movement, and second jump are all about average. His Up-B has "okay" distance and he has no other methods to boost his recovery (no momentum shifting aerials like ROB's BAir, no other Specials that add distance like Diddy's Side-B). It's slightly below-average, probably in the 10-15 range which is about the bottom third. Should I list every character in Mario's company here? -_- His recovery isn't as sad as the likes of the three characters you listed but it's still not good.
Not that this even matters because, as I said before, ROB will very rarely be knocking Mario at the right angle for him to be unable to recover, BUT:

Cape adds distance and stalls, reverse Fludd adds distance, upB has a large autosnap with invincibility frames, and it's not a slow recovery by any means. His aerials are very fast, so you regain control relatively fast. He's not floaty, but he's not a fastfaller either, same with his weight and horizontal movement; all average. Again, I've never had a problem with distance unless fighting Zelda and those concerns barely ever become issues.

You don't have to believe me, I know this to be true, so it makes little difference. And as I said before, ROB rarely will be knocking Mario this low, so this point is moot.

Even the best players aren't perfect and imperfect DI is a fairly common boo-boo. Get hit in the middle of an attack and you're liable to DI in that direction, whether it's useful or not. Since you're probably DI-ing toward your opponent to initiate the attack this is usually easy to respond and adjust from, but maybe you got hit as you started a DSmash and just DI-ed yourself straight horizontal. Maybe ROB unexpectedly caught the end of your roll with his BAir and you were holding to the side. If you're hit during recovery, you are naturally going to be DI an attack up and toward your opponent because (1) you're already holding that direction (2) you want to avoid the near side boundary. That's not really "bad" DI, since that's what you need to do, but it's exactly how ROB can kill sub-120 with his NAir, especially if you're caught above stage level.
Okay, but you're factoring in player faults. If you can't react fast enough when you're hit to DI in the right direction, then it's not an issue of character vs character, which is what we're discussing. That's why it's similar to adding SDs or controller malfunctions into the mix.

There's also a chance that Fludding Ike near the ledge in pretty much any stage while he's attacking will force him to Nair to his death, but we don't bring that up. That's player fault that could be easily avoided. If it were something that'd take inhuman reflex, that'd be a different story.

I did include Mario's potential to kill sooner than normal. "Actual kill percentage can vary a good +/- 20% depending how far off-center you are and whether you're hitting them to the near or far side." Mario could kill at 90% if he catches ROB on ledge recovery but he could also fail to kill at 150% in the same position if he hits ROB to the far side of the stage. And as far as landing it is concerned, it's like trying to land Ness or Sonic's FSmash... *cough*
My mistake, I thought it referred to sweetspot/Utilted and when it's not.

Mario's Fsmash is disjointed and covers much more range than Sonic's or Ness'. That, and it kills at more reasonable %s even when it's not sweetspotted. Also...Mario has set-ups for it, being FIHL, fireballs, Bair, and sometimes jab.

Landing it isn't easy, but it's not hard.

His NAir is indeed quite telegraphed, its big weakness. This does make it difficult to land against a grounded opponent prepared to defend it, though it does have surprising range and shield pokes well. Where it shines is against aerial opponents; it becomes more difficult to avoid, punishes air dodging well, and it out-prioritizes most other aerials.
I agree here. Even so, I don't think it's easier to land than either of Mario's KO options.

USmash hits in a small arc all around Mario's body. Its range is nothing impressive. Its speed is too slow, especially at the front end, to efficiently land it on a grounded opponent and anyone above Mario would be wary since it's one of his only decent kill moves. Anyone can just stay near the ledge to prevent Mario from running under them at all, ROB in particular can shift momentum with BAir to throw him off or simply initiate an NAir (which beats the USmash) to muscle his way through it. You can't go for the kill and juggle him at the same time. ;/ Anyway, USmash doesn't have a sweetspot anywhere, the damage-knockback is the same throughout. You can't really "reverse hyphen" it, since pivoting from a dash is slow (except as a pivot grab); maybe you can reverse it from a standing/walking position but its range is still too poor in that case to easily catch ROB with it.
Not really a point in arguing this either. I think it's fast, you think it's slow. I think the range is pretty decent, you think it's small. I doubt there's much I can say to change your opinion.

USmash doesn't have a sweetspot anywhere, the damage-knockback is the same throughout.
I thought you said it had one Hero?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
ARe you talking about marios upsmash or rob's? (didnt read the arguement yet tho), but back of mario's head is stronger on his upsmash. just sayin.

and mario kinda does better juggleing on rob than luigi ( thats just my exprenice.)

good day sirs


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
That doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it wouldn't impact Mario's ability to KO ROB anyway, if true. How stale is your USmash ever really going to be? ;/

You said that even if this were true, ROB still has the advantage. How d'you figure?
Trading hits advantages ROB because it means ROB and Mario are taking damage at a similar rate, compared to the assumption that Mario normally racks up damage better due to his juggling.

Not that this even matters because, as I said before, ROB will very rarely be knocking Mario at the right angle for him to be unable to recover, BUT:
You don't have to believe me, I know this to be true, so it makes little difference. And as I said before, ROB rarely will be knocking Mario this low, so this point is moot.
It's every bit as relevant as ROB having a blind spot below him; Mario's weak recovery is something ROB can take advantage of. He can't go very far below stage level or he won't make it back, he can't go high at all, his Cape doubles as his only protection and position stall. That doesn't make edgeguarding Mario an afterthought, as his Cape does its job quite well and his Up-B is difficult to intercept, but his recovery is limited.

Yes. But Luigi is worse at approaching than Mario is. He also has a worse defensive game. I can keep luigi away from me almost the entire match with Rob. I can't do the same with Mario. Mario also has more significant range than luigi. He's also less of a sitting duck in the air. Luigi's juggle game and killing power isn't enough. He's just good against rob upclose.
Fair enough, that's all I wanted to know. (I may or may not agree but that's another topic.)

Mario doesn't really have better range, except FSmash.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
That doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it wouldn't impact Mario's ability to KO ROB anyway, if true. How stale is your USmash ever really going to be? ;/
U-Smash can be used for punishing and is an OOS option.

It makes sense to me.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Fair enough, that's all I wanted to know. (I may or may not agree but that's another topic.)

Mario doesn't really have better range, except FSmash.

Mario has more range than him, period.
His Fsmash, and when shutter stepped it ***** Luigi's range.
All Mario's Smashes Out range Luigi's.
Not too sure about aerials though. I think Mario's Bair outranges Luigi's


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
Nah I'm pretty sure Luigi's bair is longer. But Mario has generally better range than luigi (wow wtfux sakurai ggs), Like Marios reverse upair > Luigis fo sho. But Hero hit the point where it seems like Mario's hitboxs seem to grow bigger as they come out.

But anyways has this hot debate ever finished with Mario gimping Rob vice versa and killing each other? :/


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
That doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it wouldn't impact Mario's ability to KO ROB anyway, if true. How stale is your USmash ever really going to be? ;/
Either way, it does more damage near the head, which you didn't test.

Trading hits advantages ROB because it means ROB and Mario are taking damage at a similar rate, compared to the assumption that Mario normally racks up damage better due to his juggling.
Not really. Trading hits just means that you can't zone or space vs Mario with Fair like you thought you could. If anything, trading hits helps Mario, since before we thought it just went through.

It's every bit as relevant as ROB having a blind spot below him; Mario's weak recovery is something ROB can take advantage of. He can't go very far below stage level or he won't make it back, he can't go high at all, his Cape doubles as his only protection and position stall. That doesn't make edgeguarding Mario an afterthought, as his Cape does its job quite well and his Up-B is difficult to intercept, but his recovery is limited.

Except for the fact that we're referring to Mario's recovery distance here. We've already made it clear that ROB can edgeguard Mario pretty well; no dispute against this. What I'm responding to is

"Mario has poor recovery distance"

To me, "poor" means inadequate; not good enough. This fits the description of recoveries like Ganon, Link, Bowser, and DK. These are examples of characters that can't recover from where practically the whole cast can. Mario's not amongst these, mainly because the angle that you're referring to, ROB Bair with bad DI, leaves close to every character unable to recover.

This includes Ivysaur, Squirtle, Olimar, Marth, Lucario, Ike, Wolf, Falco, Zelda, Shiek, and quite a few others.

If it's not that angle, Mario's going to make it back as well as the rest of these mentioned characters. This scenario isn't even going to HAPPEN if the Mario has good DI.

Mario doesn't really have better range, except FSmash.
Again, you're wrong. All of his smashes have more range as well as his reverse Uair and upB for all intents and purposes. Doesn't really matter very much since Cape outranges/ outprioritizes everything Luigi has.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
So...since no one else did it I may as well.


+R.O.B. is very easy to juggle.
+Cape neutralizes R.O.B.'s projectile spam and such.
+FIHL affects all his aerials.
+Mario is much faster in the air than R.O.B.
+Fireballs help a a lot to create openings for easy juggles.
+Jab outspeeds all of his attacks.
+Better K.O power, right?

-Beastly recovery.
-More priority.
-Better reach.
-His Shield grab is annoying.

I did this fairly quickly so if I missed anything let me know.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Lmao, I was like I don't feel like going through 7 pages of this. Then I also so the wall of texts debates, and I was like "****, what did I get myself into?"

Oh I better add it again, Boss might miss it, here's the list again.


+R.O.B. is very easy to juggle.
+Cape neutralizes R.O.B.'s projectile spam and such.
+FIHL affects all his aerials.
+Mario is much faster in the air than R.O.B.
+Fireballs help a a lot to create openings for easy juggles.
+Jab outspeeds all of his attacks.
+Better K.O power, right?

-Beastly recovery.
-More priority.
-Better reach.
-His Shield grab is annoying.

Yea, the K.O power had a huge argument, lol I was like well ROB is easier to hit with Up smash, and fsmash sooo xD.

I'm biased.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Lol, I forgot to put no homo since no one has ever called me out on it before. XD

I'll take a quick look at the KO power and compare. I'll test Mario's F-Smash and U-Smash compared to ROB's F-Smash, U-Smash, and N-air.

Meanwhile, new character?


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
This was tested in Training mode, where kills happen 5% earlier (I added the 5%). Setting was the middle of FD.

F-Smash: 110%
U-Smash: 135%

F-Smash: 135%
U-Smash: 105%
N-air: 135%

They seem to be about even, but Mario's is much more reliable.

No Mario vs Luigi yet. lol. I just got done with that on allisbrawl.
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