Some of us actually like the game, it's really just that simple. I could help ruin it for everybody by picking MK and planking though.
I will however, start dittoing MK's in tournament depending on their playstyle/stage selection
It's comical to see how different the match is when we're both using a broken character. It's like they can't even do anything to me rofl
Exactly the answer I was looking for.
Unless anyone really thinks that the purpose of Brawl is for people to simply make money at tournaments and the like, I doubt that everyone will suddenly drop their main like a hot potato and make this game into 'SSBMetaknightDittos'.
But the discussion is believed to be about the Match-Up against MK with Marth, not MK vs. MK, so I'll continue.
I'm not going to pretend to be the master tactician, but it sounds as if no matter what you do, MK will find a way to hit you in some way (Tornado, Shuttle Loop, Fair, Dair etc). Now if I was shortsighted, I would simply say "use counter then". Obviously if you abuse it he'll grab you every time. Or wait for the counter frames to end. Whatever. I've heard talk of people saying counter sucks for that very reason. What do you do to punish someone who grabs a lot, and also hesitates to attack? If MK had to worry about a 6 frame window
every time he attacked, would he be nearly as effective? Of course not. But MKs don't really worry about counter, do they? Is the threat of counter more effective than the advantage it presents?
This is merely an example of something I could say to prove Marth definitely has that MK doesn't. (I'm
not claiming that Counter is the ultimate anti-MK move that will push the match-up in our favour)
I hear a lot of "MK has what Marth has and more", but Marth is a different character! I know this is obvious, but it seems that no one takes this into enough account! MK's moves are amazing, I'm not denying that. But I'm pretty sure that we all know what they do, right?
When's the last time a Meta Knight has used something that you, as a Marth player couldn't have possibly avoided? When's the last time a MK has used a tactic you haven't already seen a thousand other MK's perform? Discredit my opinion if you'd like, but keep the question in your head:
Is there anything about MK we aren't aware of?