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Mass Effect series discussion


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I just skip fitness on the MQI.

Anyway I broke down the Destroyers (Hawk) Missile Launcher to its stats and made an incredibly detailed thread on its current power and how it could be made better. Basically it boiled down to buffing the base damage to 180 and increase the Cobra buff to 250%, that'd make it take 3 shots to kill the normal Troopers but still pack a punch.

Anyway Eric, the guy that does the balance changes, actually got back to me.

"Honestly we would like to make this power better, but the N7 Destroyer is already the most played kit in the game and very powerful, so we're reluctant to push it too far."

So today I learned that the Destroyer is more used than the Geth Infiltrator.

The Geth Infiltrator is really used despite being a glass cannon? I mean, I guess I can see it due to the potential for the biggest percentage of weapon damage increase ever, but still.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Without a shadow of a doubt the Geth Infiltrator is the best class in the game. He's responsible for the Hunter Mode, Tac Cloak, Krysae and arguably the Piranha nerfs.

We did Platinum speed run set ups, carefully rehearsed runs where we knew exactly where to go every wave, with 2 GI's and 2 MQI's and we did it in about 14 minutes, then we ran around like headless chickens with 4 GI's and we did that Platinum in 12:25. Plus he's not that much of a glass cannon as you only need 4 points in Tac Cloak so you can put the other 4 in Fitness.

Anyway the problem is if you're a GI there's a chance you'll get kicked from matches because he's a bit too good, which is why you don't see him out of speedruns that often anymore. Heck even I ask people to change off him if they join my Gold runs, otherwise the other teammates will get bored of not being able to do much thanks to him killing everything and they tend to run off on their own and mess up spawns etc.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Without a shadow of a doubt the Geth Infiltrator is the best class in the game. He's responsible for the Hunter Mode, Tac Cloak, Krysae and arguably the Piranha nerfs.

We did Platinum speed run set ups, carefully rehearsed runs where we knew exactly where to go every wave, with 2 GI's and 2 MQI's and we did it in about 14 minutes, then we ran around like headless chickens with 4 GI's and we did that Platinum in 12:25. Plus he's not that much of a glass cannon as you only need 4 points in Tac Cloak so you can put the other 4 in Fitness.

Anyway the problem is if you're a GI there's a chance you'll get kicked from matches because he's a bit too good, which is why you don't see him out of speedruns that often anymore. Heck even I ask people to change off him if they join my Gold runs, otherwise the other teammates will get bored of not being able to do much thanks to him killing everything and they tend to run off on their own and mess up spawns etc.

No offense, but that's giving me a "ye-noooo" kind of response, because in all my games and bits doing that, I've NEVER heard of ANY of this, and that's along with looking for what the supposed best classes are. And really, anybody who kicks a class that would help them get a lot of money easily because it's "too good" is a freaking idiot and deserves to lose.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Well then this is the best class in the game.

Tac, Proxie, Shoot, repeat. Seeing as though it will always be a 3 second cooldown on Tac Cloak regardless of how much weapons you carry or how heavy they are, and that Proxie debuffs stack upon themselfs, the GI can use any weapon and make it amazing, it's just that the Piranha is the fastest killer for bosses and mooks alike.

You'll probably notice people will quit when you enter, or possibly try kicking you after a few matches, if you use that setup though.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
It all depends on playstyle, really. And I refuse to take anybody who would complain about me using a strong setup/weapon/class and even kick me for doing so seriously at all. When somebody's using a really powerful class and killing everything for you, making things easier, so you can get through Gold easier and actually get through Platinum, you don't yell at them and kick them. You say "thank you, good sir, please keep up the good work" and show appreciation.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
People get bored doing nothing, you only really need a GI and one other teamate. A Kroguard and a GI could easily complete gold with just the 2 of them, he could tank everything and cause havok and the GI could debuff and kill everything, but if there's 4 of you that usually means 2 other people are standing around basically doing nothing.

Running around so you don't get kicked but not really being able to do anything isn't fun, people leave when there's GI's. I mean you must've wondered why you never see him much despite him featuring in almost every world record attempting speedrun?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
People get bored doing nothing, you only really need a GI and one other teamate. A Kroguard and a GI could easily complete gold with just the 2 of them, he could tank everything and cause havok and the GI could debuff and kill everything, but if there's 4 of you that usually means 2 other people are standing around basically doing nothing.

Running around so you don't get kicked but not really being able to do anything isn't fun, people leave when there's GI's. I mean you must've wondered why you never see him much despite him featuring in almost every world record attempting speedrun?

But...I HAVE seen him a bunch. I see Geth Infiltrators all the time on PSN...is it different somehow for XBL or something?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Yeah I play Glacier exclusively, the speedrun map (the place he's most likely to be seen apart from maybe FBW) and in this past month and a half/2 months I could count the times I've seen him on one hand.

People don't play him outside of private lobbies much.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah I play Glacier exclusively, the speedrun map (the place he's most likely to be seen apart from maybe FBW) and in this past month and a half/2 months I could count the times I've seen him on one hand.

People don't play him outside of private lobbies much.

Guess that's a "yes it's different" response then. Ah well.


The Ultimate Sore Loser ♡
Nov 20, 2007
I'm filling in for my mom at the inn we run~
I'd have to agree with the GI's strengths. As my main(?), he is really good at fast kills and just overall being a boss.

I haven't played GI in a while though. I've always used the GPS since my Claymore sucks, but the Pirahna is great for him? Asking because I haven't tried the gun yet.


Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Yeah I play Glacier exclusively, the speedrun map (the place he's most likely to be seen apart from maybe FBW) and in this past month and a half/2 months I could count the times I've seen him on one hand.

People don't play him outside of private lobbies much.
Playing on the same map everytime doesn't get boring to you?

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
Idk, I can understand farming somewhat in the beginning to get some of the essentials. But I just think it would be more fun to eventually challenge yourself. Because then what would be the point of farming for all the best stuff if you are just going to use that stuff in the easiest map/enemy setup?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Idk, I can understand farming somewhat in the beginning to get some of the essentials. But I just think it would be more fun to eventually challenge yourself. Because then what would be the point of farming for all the best stuff if you are just going to use that stuff in the easiest map/enemy setup?
FBW is farming, Glacier is playing the game.

FBW is easy, you just camp behind two counters and kill everything, chances are you wont even need to use consumables. Glacier forces you to move around the map, watch your back and work as a team. Plus it's possible with randoms and pretty much any character.

It's fast yeah, but it's not easier than FBW, and complaining about it is basically the same as complaining about playing the game in general.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
FBW is farming, Glacier is playing the game.

FBW is easy, you just camp behind two counters and kill everything, chances are you wont even need to use consumables. Glacier forces you to move around the map, watch your back and work as a team. Plus it's possible with randoms and pretty much any character.

It's fast yeah, but it's not easier than FBW, and complaining about it is basically the same as complaining about playing the game in general.
I was never complaining about Glacier. I was just don't see the appeal in playing the same map over and over again.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Well anyway balace changes:

September 11, 2012

Overload Power
- Duration that Tech Burst power combos are set up increased from 3.5 to 5 seconds

Cryo Blast Power
- Base duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
- Base cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds
- Evolve 3 movement speed penalty increased from 20% to 30%
- Evolve 5 recharge speed bonus increased from 50% to 100%

Crusader Shotgun
- Damage increased from [530.9-663.6] to [573.4-716.75]

Graal Shotgun
- Damage increased from [80.0-100.0] to [88.0-110.0]
- Damage multiplier for head shots increased from 2.5 to 3.0

Kishock Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [645.4-806.8] to [774.5-968.1]
- Percentage of total damage that is done as bleed damage increased from 20% to 33%
- Bleed damage duration remains at 10 seconds


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Eric got back to me after I gave him new suggestions:

"Those are good suggestions. I'll keep them around for when we decide it's time to look at the class again."

Awww yeah.

This game is looking pretty balanced right now though. Rumour has it that they're releasing new enemies in each faction (like a Geth Bomber) and either Collector's, or Collector weapons, not sure which.

I don't really have anything concrete on this it's just rumours with somewhat credible sources, so don't take it as fact.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Eric got back to me after I gave him new suggestions:

"Those are good suggestions. I'll keep them around for when we decide it's time to look at the class again."

Awww yeah.

This game is looking pretty balanced right now though. Rumour has it that they're releasing new enemies in each faction (like a Geth Bomber) and either Collector's, or Collector weapons, not sure which.

I don't really have anything concrete on this it's just rumours with somewhat credible sources, so don't take it as fact.

Why does it have to be Collectors OR Collector weapons? Why not both?


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Why does it have to be Collectors OR Collector weapons? Why not both?
Maybe it is, like I said the reports are only vague.

I'm pretty sure Collectors are a given though. I mean importing them wont be that hard, we even see Javik fighting them so we know they're in the ME3 files in some form, I think it's just the lore thing that they're worrying about.

But I don't think anyone will care, we already know there's more than one Collector vessel, saying "Btw one/some of the vessels survived" wont really bother people if it means more multiplayer enemies and some SP DLC.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Collectors would be great. Given how the game plays (fast paced), the most recent games enemies fall in line with what is offered. I would just love a "horde" mode with Collectors and Omega Gangs.


I'd be okay with the Omega Gangs if and only if their cry was "ENEMIES EVERYWHERE!!!". :cool:


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'd be up for more games. And hell, if they wanted to do an MMO or something and find a time to do it, there's a whole 2 year period pretty much between ME1 and ME2 that they could set it in.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
I'm glad we're still getting single player dlc. I'm hoping eventually they'll focus everything into single player and forget about multiplayer.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
A different team makes multiplayer, so multiplayer isn't taking away from SP, the reason why SP DLC is only just coming out is because they delayed working on all the SP DLC to concentrate on the EC remember?

Also balance changes:

September 18, 2012

Argus Assault Rifle now available as a new Rare weapon

Locust SMG
- Damage increased from [37.7-47.1] to [40.8-51.0]
- Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2.5 to 3
- Magazine size increased from 20 to 25
- Max spare ammo increased from [260-340] to [275-350]

Viper Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [265.6-332.0] to [292.1-365.2]

Incisor Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [74.6-93.3] to [84.8-106.0]

Raptor Sniper Rifle
- Encumbrance decreased from [1.75-1.0] to [1.0-0.7]

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
A different team makes multiplayer, so multiplayer isn't taking away from SP, the reason why SP DLC is only just coming out is because they delayed working on all the SP DLC to concentrate on the EC remember?

Also balance changes:

September 18, 2012

Argus Assault Rifle now available as a new Rare weapon

Locust SMG
- Damage increased from [37.7-47.1] to [40.8-51.0]
- Headshot damage multiplier increased from 2.5 to 3
- Magazine size increased from 20 to 25
- Max spare ammo increased from [260-340] to [275-350]

Viper Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [265.6-332.0] to [292.1-365.2]

Incisor Sniper Rifle
- Damage increased from [74.6-93.3] to [84.8-106.0]

Raptor Sniper Rifle
- Encumbrance decreased from [1.75-1.0] to [1.0-0.7]
I know they were working on the EC. But my point is if they had scrapped multiplayer completely and had the team that would originally work on multiplayer help out with single player instead, the single player could have been even better. I heard certain things were scrapped from the single player due to time constraints. But if there was no multiplayer, then the team that would have originally worked on multiplayer could have made up for the time constraints.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
Why would they nerf the Carnifex? It's power is in the hundreds, a nerf to it would be pointless as it would still be in the hundreds.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The reason why the Carnifex is decent is because armour reduces incoming damage, on gold it's by 50 points.

The Carnifex does something ridiculous like 345 damage, which means it's more effective that most AR's against armour, but even if they nerf it it will still be in the hundreds, which will mean it's STILL more effective against armour than most AR's. Bioware only nerfs things by a small amounts, not by hundreds of points.

Don't know where you heard they'd nerf the Carnifex as it would be completely pointless, you wouldn't notice much difference between a 275 damage pistol and a 295 damage pistol.

Master Xanthan

Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2008
New Jersey
The reason why the Carnifex is decent is because armour reduces incoming damage, on gold it's by 50 points.

The Carnifex does something ridiculous like 345 damage, which means it's more effective that most AR's against armour, but even if they nerf it it will still be in the hundreds, which will mean it's STILL more effective against armour than most AR's. Bioware only nerfs things by a small amounts, not by hundreds of points.

Don't know where you heard they'd nerf the Carnifex as it would be completely pointless, you wouldn't notice much difference between a 275 damage pistol and a 295 damage pistol.
This is where I heard it, from Eric Fangan himself. (At this point I think he's an idiot but that's just my opinion.)



Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
The Piranha situation is quite funny due to the fact that they buffed it when it first came out, and are now nerfing the hell out of it.

The Carnifex seems like they don't understand why people use it: It's light and powerful, which makes it good for casters. Chances are people that use the Carnifex don't shoot it that often.
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