Nah I still smash, I just don't post much. and tbh I never played any ME games but I heard a couple of my friends complain about the DLC content and figured I'd get the low down here. Turns out it's not that big a deal.
I don't recall the fanboy war, but it probably happened awhile ago.
Yeah it was awhile ago now that I think about it. And it's good smash is a fun game. So is ME Although I get the feeling I'll like the 3rd installment of this a little better.
@Everyone. I wrote a little something just out of boredom....idk
The Classes of Mass Effect 3
Just some random thoughts on ME3 Classes, their roles, and why people play the classes they do. Feel free to agree/disagree with anything I say considering as of right now this is all speculation.
Adept - Much like the word itself implies, adepts are experts in biotic abilities. Unlike in ME2 (where you were using more bullets than powers). I now believe this class(If made a certain way) can become almost completely dependent on biotic powers alone. I feel the end goal of anyone who plays Adept should be to become 'a biotic god'. I feel this class is best suited for someone who wants to feel above the average human. Using such things as throw, warp, shockwave, and singularities with repetitious regularity should give adept players more than just the feeling of a hero but a super hero....or Super Villain depending on the choices you make.
Engineer - This class seems a bit duel natured to me. Depending on the opposition they can have an easier time or have to work really hard in combat situations. This class does give a sense of evening the odds on the battlefield. With the ability to turn foes into allies and call turrets and drones to the battlefield all at the same time a battle that is 10 on 3 suddenly becomes 9 on 6. All classes require a bit of thought but I believe Engineer more so then other classes a thinking persons character. Players who use them aren't exactly looking to blow everyone away with biotic power or fire power but to simply explore their intelligence and tactical precision in the world of Mass Effect.
Infiltrator - Infiltrators are what I call a Jack of some trades and the master of one. They don't have Biotics and they share a few small traits of the Engineer. However, They can do close-combat from stealth in spurts of action or Doom enemies at a distance with snipers to do massive amounts of damage on the battlefield. I feel this class is for players who enjoy a sense want their Shepard to feel like an elite solider. Like the leader of a Special forces team rather than the savior of the world. Move through missions quickly and cleanly without knockdown drag-out battles or all out shoot outs. Get in, take care of business, get out. The mark of ME3's assassin/guerrilla Warfare class.
Sentinel - Jack of all trades and the master of none? hardly, Sentinels Tech Armor gives them a sort of defensive Mastery rivaling that of a krogan. Their only major drawback being powers are 80% slower while in Tech Armor. Still, They are possibly the most balanced class over all. With the right combination of Biotics and Techs this class can take on all challengers. With that said this class seems like one for those players who specifically like the idea of being able to thrive in any situation no matter if the enemies are organic or techs.
Soldier - Basically the head on rambo class of ME3. This class has no biotic or tech abilities but makes up for it by doing significantly more weapon damage. Equipped with special ammo for any enemy and concussive shots that could knock over a bus this class is the ultimate soldier class. In my personal opinion I feel this class is possibly the most real experience of any ME class. Why? well....we as humans can't use shockwave or biotic charges but we can shoot things up during adrenaline pumping and heart stopping action sequences that really make you feel like a soldier of modern times. People who want that feeling as well as the feeling of the ultimate feeling of weapon damage will surely pick up soldiers.
Vanguard - I would also refer to them as the jack of some trades although I'm not sure they are the master of one. They are in a sense the most exciting class in ME3 because they feel like they are in more danger than any other class. Charging into enemies and not being sure if their is a potential ambush waiting for you or using skills such as Nova which leave you without a shield for a time exposing you to a greater risk of death. I would say Vanguard is a very high risk but very very high reward kind of class. This class is probably most fit for players who like excitement, want to live a little dangerous and are just plan thrill seekers. People who can't swim with sharks or jump out of an airplane most likely settle for playing with Vanguard who seem to be the zero to hero underdog of the other classes in Mass Effect 3.
These are just my thoughts on the classes heading into ME3. Again, feel free to agree, disagree since right now nothing is 100% sure until March 6th.