thats what team scrub is for
Not really, Scrub and MSP are good for completely different reasons. MSP is a good team because everything is a one-touch kill, but the downside for beginners is the high execution barrier. Scrub is a good team because it has a low execution barrier and controls space well, but it won't help you improve your execution (except for Sentinel's unblockables and fly combos). Playing Scrub to try to get your execution up to being able to play MSP is like studying French to prepare for a math test.
If you want to get your execution up to being able to play MSP, the best way is to just practice. There are no shortcuts to being good or having good execution. Fanatiq is one of the best MvC2 players in the world (who plays MSP...ON PAD!) and he has
said that his practice sessions last for hours. If you really want to learn that team, you need to practice that team. Specifically, you should practice:
- Magneto's Rom Infinite (you should be able to do this until they dizzy out)
- Magneto's combos into Magnetic Tempest
- Magneto's resets and mixups (be quick with these, try and do them before the training dummy starts regenerating health)
- Storm's combos with and without meter (ie. launch, LP LK LP LK, lightning attack*2xxLightning Storm if you have 2 or more bars of meter, HP if you don't)
- Storm's infinite on Sentinel
- Storm's mixups and resets (similar to Magnetos but without the throws)
- Psylocke's basic combos into supers (snapbacks happen and at least Psylocke isn't terrible on point like Commando)
...on both large characters (Sentinel) and normal/smaller characters (Magneto, Storm, Cable, etc.). You might want to learn some fly combos too, but you don't really need them for Magneto and Storm, just if you want to play Sentinel someday.
If you aren't particularly attached to Magneto or whatever but still want to improve your execution and get used to playing aggressively, I would actually recommend playing Iron Man. Iron Man is an aggressive character with infinites similar to Magneto's and fly combos like Sentinel's. He can even use his Smart Bombs to kinda sorta zone while super-jumping away for meter and fishing for damage like Storm and can guardbreak like Cable. In a sense, Iron Man is like different aspects of all the top tiers combined and then nerfed by having only 1 super and being kinda slow compared to Magneto. Still, Iron Man is a solid character for learning the game. Here are some teams to try out when
learning Iron Man (and by extension how to play aggressively in MvC2 in general):
- Iron Man-B/War Machine-B/good assist - When learning Iron Man, what better way to start than by putting two of him on your team? Doom Rocks is the traditionally used assist here, but imo any good assist (Sentinel, Psylocke, Tron, Magneto, Storm, etc.) can work. This team also has sick DHCs like Proton Cannon into Proton Cannon.
- Team 日本の (Iron Man-B/Storm-A/Cable-B) - A team used by many Japanese players who are big fans of Iron Man. This team is still not the best Iron Man team you could use but it's still very solid. It's a good team to prepare for MSP because they both have the same general structure of aggressive character/Storm/DP assist. This is also a good team to learn Storm with, and Storm has a slightly lower learning curve than Magneto (until you pair her with Sentinel, then they're about even). This team also has Cable in case **** falls apart and you need to cap some *****es.
- Iron Man-B/Dhalsim-B/Sentinel-Y - ETWIST once used this team after he saw a Japanese player using a similar one. All I really remember him saying about it is that Iron Man throw + Dhalsim assist = Free infinite (although you could probably do the same with Psylocke, Doom, Magneto, Sentinel, etc.). Ask him about the rest.
- Magneto-A/Iron Man-B/Sentinel-Y or A - Probably the most execution-intensive out of any of the other Iron Man teams I've talked about thus far and the last team you should play before graduating to MSP. I talked about this a bit in my novel (but after this post I should probably call it "my first novel"), so I won't talk about it much. This team actually requires you to learn Magneto, which is the big thing that separates it from the other teams I've mentioned. Think of this team as like a med school exam - it's very hard but it incorporates everything you've learned thus far.
Basically, if you really want to play MSP, play MSP. If you just want to play an aggresive team and get your execution better, play an Iron Man team.
If you don't care who you play or whether you zone or rushdown and just want easy wins with low execution demands, play Scrub. But truth be told, good Cable players are rarely seen at high level play anymore, which is an indication that yes it does take effort to play Scrub well. Scrub is more about being able to take advantage of openings and punish your opponent from full screen, and if you're content to do that then play it. But if you want to rush down, it's not the team for you.
Frankly, chok, I'm surprised you're not trying to learn MST since you love Tron so much. That team is a lot harder to play though since you can't get the easy launch off of Psylocke assist.
You could also play THE REAL MSP - Morrigan/Servbot/Psylocke.
Thats not sanfords team.
Santrax is >_> It is kinda named after him..
Technically Viscant created the team, and Justin Wong was using Storm/Sentinel since 2001, but Sanford has been the most successful with it and historically it has been attributed to him. It's kind of like how Henry Ford didn't invent the car but the car company he founded went on to be successful and make the Mustang which is a great car, so most people attribute the success of automobiles to him.
In recent years though, Sanford has been playing more and more defensively than he ever had before, which is why he's been using Cable on his teams so much more. There's also the fact that Santhrax is probably the second most used team in competitive play behind MSP, so when he gets to the top8 of the tournament, everyone knows how to fight his team. However, fewer people have a ton of experience against Cable so Sanford is able to catch people off guard by picking Scrub or Cody (Cable/Storm/Sentinel). This is one of the reasons why he picked those teams against Justin Wong, since even Justin has less recent experience against those teams. That's my theory at least.