You are wrong.
His ftilt and fair should not necessarily pose a problem.
F-tilt angled up beats fair.
His fair can beat out yours, or just trade.
Ftilt only really beats a jump predict in a fairly neutral situation, and you shouldn't be predictable like that in the first place.
... Rob doesn't have to approach, marth does. Marth has limited approaches, the main one being jump ->fair...
He cannot safely whiff either of those attack, whiffed fair > he gets ****ed.
Same thing applies to us lol...
Whiffed ftilt: he gets ****ed only slightly less so (well spaced, it's fairly safe on shield, yes).
True. You can punish with a side-b, but becuase it's so far away he can easily DI out of it. (NL does this alot to me)
Nair and bair are kinda the same deal: they can only mess you up if you're just wildly swinging in the open air.
Okay... You think Rob is going to throw out random air attacks? Yeah, Marth can punish those too, if Rob hits open air.
ROB has no disjoints, Marth does. This means that he cannot really wall Marth, he can only limit his options through his camping game.
Completely untrue. F-tilt is disjoint, bair is disjoint, nair is, im pretty sure fair is as well.
If you fullhop from a slight distance, how can ROB possibly screw you up with nair/bair/fair/ftilt/whatever?
You shouldn't be right next to him, rob can zone marth pretty well... I used to think the same thing as well, until I fought a good rob.
He won't laser you unless he actually takes it into the air as well, which isn't really the best of situations. Full hopping is decently safe, ROB can't cover that zone.
...I don't understand wtf you meant
ROB's edgeguarding is decent enough, so is his ledgeguarding. But keep in mind that he isn't really comfortable being on the ledge either, he doesn't really have anything even close to safe there, while Marth can technically ledge jump > find a way out > when failure occurs, just go back to the ledge and be safe. ROB can't do that, ledge jumping isn't even close to safe in his case. Yeah he can ledgecamp to a certain extent, but it's not really threatening.
Okay... marth is **** on the ledge, rob can just keep a gyro on the ledge. If you're just spamming ledge jump, fair and bair ***** it.
Both chars **** the other on the ledge, its true, but marth isn't as safe as you claim.
As for bair and nair in general, those moves are fun but both situational, he can't simply space with bair without losing stage control, and I don't understand your problem with nair in the first place.
Fun is irrelevant.