NAGACE: What do you want from me exactly? The ratio itself just means slight advantage, advantage blah blah depending on the greater descrepancy between the numbers. This is based on data and evidence and the only time time bias really comes in is how much emphasis I put onto each factor. For me the most important things are options, killing moves, weight and maybe a few other things like reliable damage builders. As I said before. I'm not here to convince you of anything.
Don't like it?
Don't read it.
I'm trying to be civil and I sense great hostility on your post and this aggravates me since I have done nothing to disrespect you. And saying I have no real reasoning behind my ratio is an insult. Have you not been reading anything I'm saying at all? Whatever. I think I'm done responding to you, because this is getting stupid.
M2K: There is NO way, I'm going to change Pit or MK. Sorry, but Pit has nothing on Marth except arrows. Marth vs MK is highly debateable and no, Marth's sword doesn't go ever MK'a head. A SH aerial from Marth can hit friggin Olimar. Also Marth shouldn't be approaching MK. He should be camping him.
I got into a HUGE debate with Overswarm and Chozenone about ROB vs Marth. OS and I think they go even while CO thinks ROB has slight advantage.
I'll post the link to that. I feel ok with giving it 50/50.
I talked about Dedede a while back. I feel ok with 50/50. Honestly I feel like ROB is sligtly more challlenging then Dedede. All Dedede really has on Marth is the fact that he is heavy and a CG that isn't guranteed.
As for Snake...let's talk about it.
Snake has insane range on his tilts and a nice camping/control game. But his grenades can be used agianst him and if he plants mines then you really don't have to worry about his absuing that insane smash dash of his. Speaking of the smashdash. It's insane. go to the Snake boards and look it up. Marth can't abuse SH's here. He he has to treat it more like a Marth ditto. Stick to f-tilts, and d-tilts. Snake is punishable after you block a tilt though. You just have to be fast. But man he hits so hard. Punish any mistakes he makes with Dancing Blade. One good thing that Marth has going for him is the fact that it's easy to spike Snake during his recovery or just gimp him in general. If he is close to the kill zone on the stage then just Nair. If he is closer to the stage go for a spike.
Snake really can't challenge Marth in the air so If Marth gets him up there and baits an airdodge, punishing him is easy.
I would have given slight advantage to Snake, until I realized how gimpable he is on recovery.
But let me say this since people in this thread love to ignore my post, So i'm going to repeat myself. I actually said this on the last page.
I feel like Marth has some highly debatable match-ups. Snake, ROB, and Dedede are among them. I would not be surrpised if Marth does end up having slight disadvantage to them or the match-up does end up being even.
But...for this early stage in the metagame....I'm leaving it at 50/50 unless I see some awesome strat that anyone of those characters can do.