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Mario Questions and Answers; Ask here first!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2011
The Netherlands.
I'm am pretty unexperienced in tournament play. I've been to a few tourneys so far. I have used Mario all the way in 2 tourneys (talking about a year of 2 ago), but I got owned. So, I started to doubt: Should Mario be my 1st choice? And at my last tourney I went to, I used other chars (especially Ike), and that didn't really work for me either. So I've learned: always stick to your main. It isn't called your main for nothing.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
You are missing the point that Wario is a fat **** that never dies and his recovery is amazing. He can also weave around fireballs with not too much difficulty. Also, there are very few reasons why Wario should ever be on the ground. Wario's Uair is also good because it's strong, can kill, and we really don't have much to stop it other than air dodging.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
I'm trying to be a Fox main at the moment, with Mario as my secondary for bad match ups. As of right now, Mario is probably my best still, but I'm trying to fix that xD

I will be tourney-active again soon, once I get my Fox more higher up there.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
You are missing the point that Wario is a fat **** that never dies and his recovery is amazing. He can also weave around fireballs with not too much difficulty. Also, there are very few reasons why Wario should ever be on the ground. Wario's Uair is also good because it's strong, can kill, and we really don't have much to stop it other than air dodging.
You overrate just how good Wario is at these things. He's not a character that never dies. He is of the same weight class as Yoshi, and while they are reasonably heavy, they actually will die before 150% unlike Snake. Landing the kill move on him is tricky, but the difference between playing against Wario is that it's actually STUPIDLY easy for Mario to do all the damage he needs against Wario (this is not including the fact that Wario is very easy for Mario to combo). You can and WILL outdamage Wario in the matchup. Getting him to KO damage will never be a problem, simply landing the kill without getting F-smashed one too many times will be tricky.

All characters have to land. Don't try to say otherwise. ESPECIALLY Wario who has only two jumps and poor aerials for getting in on Mario. He HAS to land to actually do anything to Mario for the most part, and given how much better Mario's ground game is, this is part of the reason why you clearly outdamage Wario. Also his recovery is far from unpunishable. His aerials are still bad at protecting him. Furthermore unless he's extremely far out, you can definitely opt to be really aggressive on his recovery due to how committed he is to the bike. If he has to recover low, it's REALLY easy to gimp him with N-air.

Wario's U-air sucks. It should never hit you more than once in a match imo. You can easily see it coming, and he can't actually do anything to really capitalize on your ability to see it coming. Wario's U-air is one of the last moves I'm worried about when talking about the Wario matchup, especially given that he has better options than trying to fish for U-airs. Such as landtrapping into F-smash.

On Brinstar, you don't have to legitimately outplay Wario for kills. The stage will do the work for you. If you're playing it right, Wario is gonna have to approach you at some point because you outdamage him in this matchup, and all you really need to do is just wait for U-smashes and B-throws as he is landing on the same platform as you are. Or you can also just simply hit him with aerials until the small blastzones kill him. Your U-air and B-air beat the majority of what he does, so it's not impossible.

Also, if there is one thing I never see enough that just ****s on a lot Wario's options, it's U-air out of shield. Seriously, U-air oos just OWNS Wario when he's trying to get in on Mario, which he will have to at some point especially given that you're far more likely to be carrying the lead from the start.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
tl;dr version:

a2z's friend's wario never jumps and is bad.

We don't need to be like this if you disagree.


Wario's aerials are not that bad, and Uair defiantly is a worry Mario has to either move out of the way, against Wario mind you, or outrange it. I don't think Mario's dair can beat his Uair with range, so you left with avoiding it, which if he gets a read on you, it will hit.

Wario's aerials are pretty good, they lack range but Wario has his huge movement to help him get in when he needs to. This is why he generally has an advantage against most of the cast, he has kill power, good mix-ups, excellent air movement.

He has good tools for most MUs, generally why he wins most of his MU's is because his tools are universally useful to gain the uphand, most of the time.

Defiantly don't go to Brinstar, trust me A2ZOMG, Wario does far better there than Mario.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
We don't need to be like this if you disagree.


Wario's aerials are not that bad, and Uair defiantly is a worry Mario has to either move out of the way, against Wario mind you, or outrange it. I don't think Mario's dair can beat his Uair with range, so you left with avoiding it, which if he gets a read on you, it will hit.

Wario's aerials are pretty good, they lack range but Wario has his huge movement to help him get in when he needs to. This is why he generally has an advantage against most of the cast, he has kill power, good mix-ups, excellent air movement.

He has good tools for most MUs, generally why he wins most of his MU's is because his tools are universally useful to gain the uphand, most of the time.

Defiantly don't go to Brinstar, trust me A2ZOMG, Wario does far better there than Mario.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Wario's aerials are not that bad, and Uair defiantly is a worry Mario has to either move out of the way, against Wario mind you, or outrange it. I don't think Mario's dair can beat his Uair with range, so you left with avoiding it, which if he gets a read on you, it will hit.
Wario's U-air can only be used as a punish. It is NOT hitting you unless you flat out screw up. He just doesn't have the tools to really force you to get hit by it. If you're on a platform, angle shield down and it's never going to do anything to you. If you're above Wario, the worst he can really do is N-air or try to grab you. It's so pointless for Wario to try to hit things above him with his U-air unless it's explicitly a whiff punish. He's far more likely to hit grounded targets with his U-air, and it still requires him to punish a mistake.

Wario's aerials are pretty good, they lack range but Wario has his huge movement to help him get in when he needs to. This is why he generally has an advantage against most of the cast, he has kill power, good mix-ups, excellent air movement.
Nobody said Wario's aerials were bad, but the point is that Mario anti-airs Wario EXTREMELY well. Superior tilts, B-air, and U-smash guarantee this, meaning that Wario has to rely on airdodge and random F-smash/grab punishes to really get in on Mario. His air game for the most part isn't really helping him much against Mario. The only reason Mario doesn't flat out destroy Wario is frankly because screwing up a land trap and getting F-smashed for it matters a little too much.

He has good tools for most MUs, generally why he wins most of his MU's is because his tools are universally useful to gain the uphand, most of the time.
He wins against Mario through sheer brute force, since his F-smash is VERY STUPIDLY USEFUL IN THIS MATCHUP. Toolwise though Mario actually dominates Wario, not the other way around. In almost every match I see of other Mario users playing against Wario, it is Mario landing the most hits and dishing out the most damage, despite the fact that Wario has INSANELY superior damage per hit.

Defiantly don't go to Brinstar, trust me A2ZOMG, Wario does far better there than Mario.
That's not an argument. I proved in the stage discussion that Mario is by far a much better character than Wario on Brinstar, one who ACTUALLY can hit you for platform camping because of the frametrap setups he has from D-air. Wario can do zilch except hope you shield Bite if you platform camp him. Let's not forget Mario also has a projectile as well.

The smaller blastzones are also by FAR much more useful for Mario. Wario is one of the only characters in the game who literally can't cover entire platforms with his ground options. Mario has U-smash. Also his B-throw is better than Wario's F-throw for kills.

Also I'm betting you have zero experience actually playing the matchup on Brinstar. This is something I have. Though in the end, it doesn't matter. The point is people need to understand how tools work and how stages can be abused.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Defiantly don't go to Brinstar, trust me A2ZOMG, Wario does far better there than Mario.
Don't take this the wrong way, but what authority do you have to suggest how well Mario does

Is this based off of just your knowledge of Mario? If that's the case, I think we've got a little more knowledge + experience under our belts regarding Mario, so our conclusions PROBABLY will be more accurate.

For example, you say that Mario's only options vs Wario in position to Uair are to move out ot the way. That's partly true, but you have to take into account that aside from our normal DI left and right to avoid, we have capestall to screw with timing, wavebounced fireballs to alter our decent, we can save our DJ and make him whiff, or simply airdodge through.

Dair is also still an option despite the range difference, since our dair's hitbox is deceptively low, and it increases our fallspeed to screw with timing. Keep in mind, EVERYONE outranges and outprioritizes Mario. It's not something that we're unfamiliar with, nor is it something that we lack the tools to deal with. We have plenty of options in situations like these.

So yeah, Wario can land the Uair on a read, but he has one shot due to the long ending lag on the attack. And he has to guess between about 8 possible mix-ups.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Wario's U-air can only be used as a punish. It is NOT hitting you unless you flat out screw up. He just doesn't have the tools to really force you to get hit by it. If you're on a platform, angle shield down and it's never going to do anything to you. If you're above Wario, the worst he can really do is N-air or try to grab you. It's so pointless for Wario to try to hit things above him with his U-air unless it's explicitly a whiff punish. He's far more likely to hit grounded targets with his U-air, and it still requires him to punish a mistake.
It can still hit the opponent. There are a good amount of moves that require a mistake or read to hit (eg. Mario's Fsmash).


Just saying Uair was landed 4 times in this match but according to you it should only hit once. These players must not be that good.

Nobody said Wario's aerials were bad, but the point is that Mario anti-airs Wario EXTREMELY well. Superior tilts, B-air, and U-smash guarantee this, meaning that Wario has to rely on airdodge and random F-smash/grab punishes to really get in on Mario. His air game for the most part isn't really helping him much against Mario.

He wins against Mario through sheer brute force. Toolwise though Mario actually dominates Wario, not the other way around.
So why does Mario not beat Wario?

That's not an argument. I proved in the stage discussion that Mario is by far a much better character than Wario on Brinstar, one who ACTUALLY can hit you for platform camping because of the frametrap setups he has from D-air. Wario can do zilch except hope you shield Bite if you platform camp him.

The smaller blastzones are also by FAR much more useful for Mario. Wario is one of the only characters in the game who literally can't cover entire platforms with his ground options. Mario has U-smash. Also his B-throw is better than Wario's F-throw for kills.
So Wario isn't good on Brinstar. Just like Snake isn't good on Halberd.

Again unneeded.

I was right though.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
It can still hit the opponent. There are a good amount of moves that require a mistake or read to hit (eg. Mario's Fsmash).


Just saying Uair was landed 4 times in this match but according to you it should only hit once. These players must not be that good.
More like that set is not actually the best example of how to play the matchup. Furthermore way to change the topic. M2K should be criticized for his mistakes, and the fact he gets hit by U-air several times is simply a statement that he ****ed up during various moments in that match, and that Reflex simply was doing his job punishing suboptimal decisions. Any time you get hit by Wario's U-air in general though, you should always be analyzing what mistakes you made, because I GUARANTEE that it was completely avoidable in 98% of situations.

Also I rarely get F-smash baited by other Marios. Honestly it's the same thing where in a lot of situations, Mario users need you to flat out **** up to land that move in a lot of his matchups (except a few where it's much easier for him to bait). If you get hit by it, you should be analyzing and seeing where you ****ed up.

So why does Mario not beat Wario?
Instead of making yourself look ignorant, you should actually read my posts where I stated at least twice that Wario beats Mario slightly on most stages, but loses the advantage on certain CPs.

So Wario isn't good on Brinstar. Just like Snake isn't good on Halberd.
Snake is stupidly overrated on Halberd and people don't understand how KO percents work. Wario might be better against other characters who fail at platform pressure on Brinstar, but he explicitly loses to Mario on that stage.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Good players, even really good ones **** up. We should not exclude them from this observation. Anyone who tries to say otherwise is in denial and extremely biased.

It's how Justin Wong lost to Gamerbee at EVO 2010. He flat out ****ed up when it mattered.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Matador, those are all the move out of the way options I was talking about, that is what Mario needs to do against Wario's Uair, that is still difficult sometimes due to the fact Wario has much fast air mobility.

I am no expert on Mario or Wario, but I do feel like saying Brinstar is better for Mario is flat out wrong along with other things stated here. Is a fine Mu for Mario, could be, but I don't agree with many assumptions stated.


A2ZOMG, Uair and Bair aren't enough in this MU to hold his own. Wario does not win with range, he wins with mobility and mix-ups. Characters that can wall him do it to do raw range or ridiculously frame traps, Marth and Peach, gain advantages on him because of that and grab releases. Mario can not effectively take advantage the same way other characters can.

If Mario's tools were better and more effective, he would win the MU. Because then his tools would be more effective against the character, then why does he lose the MU? Because Wario can kill better? Wouldn't that mean his tools are better in this MU due to him being able to kill better and get the damage up to that point.

Mario will fall out on Brinstar due to the layout, acid hazard, and Wario being able to move as freely as he wants. Closer blastzones are better for Wario due to his fart, his better maneuverability is a tighter area with the platforms, and doesn't care for the stage hazard, heck if Mario hits the acid it can be a free waft.


I will state again, I am no expert, but I do know somethings about the characters and I do not think that Brinstar is better for Mario or that Wario's tools are worse, that much I am sure of.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
More like that set is not actually the best example of how to play the matchup. Furthermore way to change the topic. M2K should be criticized for his mistakes, and the fact he gets hit by U-air several times is simply a statement that he ****ed up during various moments in that match, and that Reflex simply was doing his job punishing suboptimal decisions. Any time you get hit by Wario's U-air in general though, you should always be analyzing what mistakes you made, because I GUARANTEE that it was completely avoidable in 98% of situations.
I'm not saying that the Uair's were unavoidable. People make mistakes and punishing mistakes is a big part of any fighter game, but you make it sound like Uair is such a bad punisher that it shouldn't be landed. Honestly a lot of times you get hit are off mistakes if you wanna dig into theorycraft but let's not do that now.

Also I rarely get F-smash baited by other Marios. Honestly it's the same thing where in a lot of situations, Mario users need you to flat out **** up to land that move in a lot of his matchups (except a few where it's much easier for him to bait). If you get hit by it, you should be analyzing and seeing where you ****ed up.
This is my point. Some moves you have to either make a read or they have to make a mistake for them to land. This **** happens and you can't just say "this shouldn't happen." I got out of Pound 5 pools 1st round off a really good Fsmash read.

Instead of making yourself look ignorant, you should actually read my posts where I stated at least twice that Wario beats Mario slightly on most stages, but loses the advantage on certain CPs.
I have read your posts and this is the only thing I read of yours that sounds like Wario has the advantage:

Pretty much the only reason Wario like...sorta beats Mario is because of the threat of F-smash basically lol. It's the ONE move you really have to respect, and it's stupidly rewarding enough to justify very slight adv Wario. Eating 19% for screwing up an anti-air is kinda dumb
So he has ONE move going for him. So Mario dominates Wario tool-wise, has better damage racking, walls Wario, better air game, better ground game, and better tilts and Wario just just Fsmash going for him. If that's all he has going for him and he still has some advantage then Mario must be a really bad character.

Snake is stupidly overrated on Halberd and people don't understand how KO percents work. Wario might be better against other characters who fail at platform pressure on Brinstar, but he explicitly loses to Mario on that stage.
Yes Snake dies at lower percents just like everyone else, but he has a really strong, reliable kill move with broken range and probably still dies at pretty high percents. Mario has nothing to match up to that. Other heavy characters like DK don't have a move as reliable and therefore aren't good on Halberd. Although that's enough to prove your idea wrong, I'm gonna disregard it. What also makes him stupidly good on Halberd is how his recovery is increased dramatically. Edgeguarding Snake is one of the best ways to rack up damage. On Halberd, he now has the option to avoid a lot of damage by recovering through the stage. Talking about Mario specifically now. He has lost a big way, possibly the best way to rack up damage on Snake and he's gonna die from Utilt at 90%. What does Mario possibly have that can match up to that?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
A2ZOMG, Uair and Bair aren't enough in this MU to hold his own. Wario does not win with range, he wins with mobility and mix-ups. Characters that can wall him do it to do raw range or ridiculously frame traps, Marth and Peach, gain advantages on him because of that and grab releases. Mario can not effectively take advantage the same way other characters can.
U-tilt, F-tilt, and AutoJabs control Wario extremely well, and when Wario is at KO damage (or if Mario is in the lead), he has to really fear U-smash. They have the range and frames to make it extremely difficult for Wario to get in safely. Not having a grab release I guess sucks, but this doesn't change the fact that Mario does wall Wario really well. With a grab release or a stronger B-throw, Mario would win about 6/4, which is simply a statement that Mario's damage dealing is by far more consistent.

If Mario's tools were better and more effective, he would win the MU. Because then his tools would be more effective against the character, then why does he lose the MU? Because Wario can kill better? Wouldn't that mean his tools are better in this MU due to him being able to kill better and get the damage up to that point.
Uh, Wario just has F-smash. Granted F-smash is really good. In terms of being able to rack damage and control the pace, Mario clearly does it better, just he has to legitimately outplay Wario for the kill. Winning in fighting games is not always guaranteed by being able to control the pace alone. Controlling the pace is simply one of the more important aspects of matchups. Wario wins however not because he's in control. He wins through essentially random brute force.

Mario will fall out on Brinstar due to the layout, acid hazard, and Wario being able to move as freely as he wants. Closer blastzones are better for Wario due to his fart, his better maneuverability is a tighter area with the platforms, and doesn't care for the stage hazard, heck if Mario hits the acid it can be a free waft.
Lava is MUCH better for Mario than it is for Wario. Mario can camp with a projectile on Brinstar as much as he wants and cover wherever he wants. The platform layout is also MUCH better for Mario because his platform pressure is one of few that is existent on that stage. Fullhop D-air covers the top platform. SH D-air covers the low platforms. And you can frametrap escape options easily after a blocked D-air. Mario can Cape Stall to avoid the lava easily in most situations. Waft is decent, but a limited resource, and Mario benefits more from the fact that U-smash and B-throw kill earlier. Waft kills early on any stage, even Japes, so getting killed by it on Brinstar isn't a big deal.

I'm not saying that the Uair's were unavoidable. People make mistakes and punishing mistakes is a big part of any fighter game, but you make it sound like Uair is such a bad punisher that it shouldn't be landed. Honestly a lot of times you get hit are off mistakes if you wanna dig into theorycraft but let's not do that now.
U-air is a bad punisher. It has crap range, and its application is generally very telegraphed. You have to make a very blatant mistake to actually get hit by it, and that's the facts. Thus it matters little in matchup discussion.

Getting hit by basic pokes and occasionally getting caught off-guard by blitz approaches isn't a mistake. There's also situations where some slow moves are more useful than fast moves due to their synergy with the threat of faster moves. Wario has NOTHING to force you to get hit by U-air. You're either doing something dumb that leaves you really open (playing a character like Falcon or Bowser might count, given they have very very few landing options), or you're not getting hit by it.

This is my point. Some moves you have to either make a read or they have to make a mistake for them to land. This **** happens and you can't just say "this shouldn't happen." I got out of Pound 5 pools 1st round off a really good Fsmash read.
Again, this is an example of being gimmicky enough that it does not matter in matchup discussion. You are by far more likely to win matches by focusing on more practical things. There's actually non-gimmicky ways to land F-smash, but the standard tactic where most Mario users grab bait into F-smash is so 2009.

So he has ONE move going for him. So Mario dominates Wario tool-wise, has better damage racking, walls Wario, better air game, better ground game, and better tilts and Wario just just Fsmash going for him. If that's all he has going for him and he still has some advantage then Mario must be a really bad character.
You're taking this so ridiculously out of context. You can't make lazy assumptions like that. The point is despite the fact Wario has a lot of moves with extremely bad range, priority, and below average speed, F-smash alone is extremely good and changes what the game is about. It has to be respected, since it does massive damage and can kill. This coupled with Wario's mobility gives him slight adv because you have to legitimately outplay him to get the kill, since a screwup results in getting F-smashed. However the advantage Wario has on Mario is extremely slight, and lost on counterpicks. The facts are Mario does in fact outdamage Wario easily, and on Brinstar, where Wario's F-smash almost never comes into play, it's Mario's advantage easily, especially since Wario cannot effectively aircamp against Mario on Brinstar.

Honestly a lot of Melee Falco's matchups are analogous to what this matchup is like. He dominates the **** out of everyone on a tools basis. He just has what is probably by far the best damage dealing in the game, in his ability to just always be able to touch you when you don't want him to touch you. And yet Marth, Fox, Peach, and Jiggs beat him slightly. Why? Because grabbing him (or even just putting his feet offstage) is extremely good and changes what the game is about. Even Dhalsim in Street Fighter IV has bad matchups, despite the fact he is one of the best characters in the game at scoring free damage and being in control.
Yes Snake dies at lower percents just like everyone else, but he has a really strong, reliable kill move with broken range and probably still dies at pretty high percents. Mario has nothing to match up to that. Other heavy characters like DK don't have a move as reliable and therefore aren't good on Halberd. Although that's enough to prove your idea wrong, I'm gonna disregard it. What also makes him stupidly good on Halberd is how his recovery is increased dramatically. Edgeguarding Snake is one of the best ways to rack up damage. On Halberd, he now has the option to avoid a lot of damage by recovering through the stage. Talking about Mario specifically now. He has lost a big way, possibly the best way to rack up damage on Snake and he's gonna die from Utilt at 90%. What does Mario possibly have that can match up to that?
Snake's U-tilt is super overrated as a "reliable" kill move. He ultimately requires you to **** up to get hit by it since his juggle options are ***, and that's the way it is. Recovering through the stage sucks *** because it means you can't walltech to save yourself when C4 recovering. And he's almost never going to actually be in the position where he can avoid your edgeguards by recovering low anyway. You're theorycrafting mad hard. Seriously man, do you even play this matchup? You obviously have zero Halberd experience given the things you're suggesting that make Snake better on Halberd. He only gets slightly more annoying grenade camping. The stage is actually not favorable for him at all in every other way possible.

For Mario, killing Snake is GONNA happen if he's careful. He just needs to be patient enough and wait until Snake is in KO range, and then go for simple safe juggle setups into his Smashes. This is why Halberd is more beneficial to Mario in the matchup. His kills aren't random, and mathematically they benefit more from the small boundaries. Also the Halberd laser while minor is technically more beneficial to Mario if well positioned because it will interrupt Snake's grenade camping while still letting you fireball camp.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'm not gonna type some huge wall o text, but IMO it's easier for Wario to win than Mario. Theorycraft gets us nowhere.

Flame's good, no doubt, but not at a level no one else can reach. He knows Mario like the back of his hand though.

I don't usually go Mario much anymore, except for an occasional friendly. He just feels so "meh" to me now. Like he doesn't have any distinct niche or anything, ie Sonic's run game, Luigi's absurd reward off jabs and stuff.

DtJ XeroXen

The biggest fraud
Aug 22, 2008
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Also, Up-B is really good against Wario. You can punish anything he does with an Up-B OoS. It also beats his Uair when it's coming from below you.


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2009
Switch FC
Hello Mario boards; just a question. What do you think about the R.O.B. MU and why? Thanks in advance!

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm not typing a wall for that.

I will state this again and leave this be.

Brinstar is better for Wario his movement and options in the air, he can take advantage of the layout better due to his air movement and air options alone.

Bair and Uair are fine, they do not make it that hard for Wario to get in when his air movement lets him get in and punish things that are normally hard for some characters to get in. He can due to movement alone, something you are failing to see is very effective for Wario.

If you insist Brinstar is better for Mario, get a vid showcasing why it is good. The reason why people find them credible is because they go out and showcase why those strats and or techs are effective.

You seem to be the only one saying Brinstar is better for Mario or that Fsmash is his only good move.

Are you guys good at this game yet?

17 of 50 at a regional, got 2nd in my pool...ehhh still need work to get up to a top 8 at one.


Smash Champion
Aug 3, 2010
Chicago, IL
I never lost to a wario on brinstar. Ladder, friendlie, tourney etc. Mario is god against wario
on that stage.

Oh, btw. This mario song here *****! Theme song for my "Here we Go 2" combo video coming this fall.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@Red Ryu - I don't recall him ever showing a vid for anything to back up his arguments. He just believes that he is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. Seriously, he thinks Mario can outcamp/time out Olimar and that Snake is bad on Halberd. He proved it to himself and that's all he cares about.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Bair and Uair are fine, they do not make it that hard for Wario to get in when his air movement lets him get in and punish things that are normally hard for some characters to get in. He can due to movement alone, something you are failing to see is very effective for Wario.
Uh, I fail to see how I'm underrating Wario's ability to get in. Watch more videos of this matchup. Mario users never have trouble outdamaging Wario DESPITE the fact that Wario does insanely superior damage per hit. Mario controls Wario, not the other way around. Wario is not as hard to wall as you think he is. High mobility is great, but it doesn't change the fact that Wario is going to be losing a lot of head on exchanges. And it's not actually simple for Wario to get in at all on an autocanceled B-air that has only about 10 frames of ending lag, or an angled F-tilt that has only 24 frames of total duration. Especially when Mario still comes out ahead for simply trading hits with Wario's aerials. It's MUCH easier for Mario to effectively wall Wario's air game than you think it is. Wario would need an instant air teleport to be as good at breaking walls as you suggest.

Also amazing against Wario is U-air oos, which makes Wario have to be extremely cautious about pressuring Mario's shield, since it's a very safe and effective option that is good at punishing Wario for staying too close.

You seem to be the only one saying Brinstar is better for Mario or that Fsmash is his only good move.
You're simply unobservant. That's not a crime, you're just simply not special. And yes Wario wins against Mario almost solely because of the threat of F-smash. This is not an exaggeration. If Wario's F-smash wasn't as STUPIDLY rewarding as it was, he would be losing hardcore to Mario (and actually several other characters as well) because his ridiculously bad range as well as the fact that trading with his aerials (especially D-air) tends to be out of his favor which means he HAS to airdodge (which granted, is made broken by the threat of F-smash). Mario isn't threatened at all by Wario's air game for the most part, but because Wario has F-smash, making a mistake while land trapping him, especially if its for a kill, is too costly.

And Inferno, I just think you have terrible spacing judging from the things you complain about. You should never be complaining about Snake killing you earlier when he's never going to do it consistently. And wtf at thinking that you can't time out Olimar on a lead. You outmaneuver him, and you can either angle shield + jump out of shield or fullhop D-air almost all day on platforms to avoid practically everything. To be fair though, I should make a video that more clearly documents why Mario is superior on Brinstar than 98% of the cast, given that I definitely have the resources for it, sans time and initiative.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
All Wario needs is his movement, it's one of the best air speeds in the game with the ability to fast fall to change direction and increase his option pool.

He does no need a teleport, he just needs to move effectively.

Show me these vids as well your talking about as well, because I've seen this MU played out in my region a few times when BoX7 was more active.

You're simply unobservant. That's not a crime, you're just simply not special.
I don't care about being special, I care about being myself.

I don't see though why you think your more special than anyone else, since this seems to be what your implying.

@Red Ryu - I don't recall him ever showing a vid for anything to back up his arguments. He just believes that he is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. Seriously, he thinks Mario can outcamp/time out Olimar and that Snake is bad on Halberd. He proved it to himself and that's all he cares about.
Well, not the first thing I've heard from him I disagreed with.

Still I want evidence for this to showcase it, if this is true someone should be able to replicate what he is saying correct?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
All Wario needs is his movement, it's one of the best air speeds in the game with the ability to fast fall to change direction and increase his option pool.

He does no need a teleport, he just needs to move effectively.

Show me these vids as well your talking about as well, because I've seen this MU played out in my region a few times when BoX7 was more active.

Matador vs Pink Fresh. I can't say I agree with all the decisions there, but the point is that Mario's damage dealing on Wario is REALLY GOOD. Wario basically has to airdodge and brute force his way in with F-smash to really win, and notice that it's basically the one move Pink Fresh didn't really use, except as a whiff punish. Pink Fresh would literally be doing better if he would almost spam airdodge -> buffered F-smash in this matchup. It's not that it really dominates Mario toolwise, but the risk and reward for doing that is retardedly in Wario's favor.

I don't care about being special, I care about being myself.

I don't see though why you think your more special than anyone else, since this seems to be what your implying.
To be frank, I am a bit self centered and do believe my ability to make good observations is superior to that of most people. I'm tired of listening to people bull****ing me with outdated information and then they claim that I'm making things up, when in fact I do actually attend tournaments, as well as the fact I spend a lot of time experimenting with things and video critiquing as well.

People gave **** to M2K back in 08 even though today it's clear that M2K got to where he was because his ability to observe (as well as the ridiculous amount of time he practices stuff he observes) is just insanely good. I feel I have reason to believe that the general populace is stuck on stuff that is socially accepted to be correct since people just frankly aren't that good at making observations. I mean without me, a good percent of the competitive community wouldn't know that buffering U-air out of shield is possible to do. I also discovered Bucket Braking before anyone else. And people in the character boards I spend the most time in can almost definitely credit the popularization of several strategies to my observations.

Do I like blowing myself up like this? Not really. But I'm sick and tired of people being fricken hypocrites. Because most of you are all BETTER at making up **** than I am.

Still I want evidence for this to showcase it, if this is true someone should be able to replicate what he is saying correct?
I don't particularly want to upload or post links of old matches of myself, but I have offline experience that is extremely consistent with my observations. Although in the end, the experience argument is all bull**** used by hypocrites.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
Calm down Red Ryu, A2Z lives in what we Engineers like to call, the theoretical world, where everything is perfect... except your opponent, who is always bad.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You used a video of someone using a character they don't main, against a person who mains the character they are playing. Not to mension he fell for the cape gimicks of how it can kill people aka Wario when he wafts.

Let's compare that vid to one where Pink uses his main


Granted dair to dtilt kills happened here and a friendly, then again so was your vid, but the point is Pink is far better with Lucas and I don't even know if he uses Wario in bracket or anything. The vid even says, "Bad Wario" Why would you use that as evidence?

It's nice if you did discover things like bucket breaking, and buggering an Uair like you claim you did, but when it comes to this, you must show case a MU, not a tech.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I want this guy to effectively showcase everything. If he can prove it works at high level play, I will admit I'm wrong. Proving does not mean "oh here are facts. i can manipulate this to prove some point." For example, I'm not saying Mario doesn't outmanuver Olimar, but I have never seen you do this. If you show a vid of you timing out a good Olimar using this strategy I will believe you. You use a lot of statistics and properties of the character in your analysis and that's why people, including myself, accuse you of theorycrafting. Statistics can easily be manipulated to make anything sound like it's in your favor. If you have ever taken a psychology course, you would know that one of the big rules of psych is that theory is always different from practice.

Let's go with an old theorycraft statement (like in '09): Snake loses to Dedede because walking grab beats all of Snake's approaches. However walking grab loses to dodge rolling. Most theorycrafters would say "you shouldn't run up and roll the Dedede player will read this" or "rolling is a bad option" or something like that. But if you use it as a mix up and condition him to not expect the roll, it can work. In theory, it shouldn't work but in practice it can. Speaking of conditioning, if Wario's Fsmash is able to do that much, why not condition him to Fsmash and punish it?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Was I trying to argue Pink Fresh's Wario was good? Hell no.

I explained why he lost.

Now Krystedez mains Wario. Took me a while to find this, but this is probably a better example of the matchup just with the general idea that Mario controls the pace better, but simply has to work for landing the kill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAltzlhDokg

And Inferno, sure. You can shield Wario's F-smash and I guess F-tilt. Point remains the risk reward of it is retardedly in Wario's favor, and should he randomly decide to airdodge when you try to go for what might have been a kill, you're gonna probably get F-smashed for it.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You never stated he was good but tried using that vid as evidence. So if you even admit that his Wario wasn't good, why did you post it to showcase it?

That new vid doesn't showcase most of the things you stated, in many ways actually refuted it.

Wario is having trouble with range sometimes like you said, but he is getting in to Waft , enough distance to get to the ground, shield and punish Usmash, UB OoS from Mario when mispaced is leaving him open to be punished, airdoding right though Mario when he tries to bair to edge guard.

Wario has better kill power, safer moves, and great air mobility.

Mario has pros as well, but they still have issues when compared to what Wario has to offer.

Also Brinstar, do you know of a Mario that would willingly that Wario here?


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
My points were far simpler than that. Wario usually gets outdamaged by Mario in the matchup, BECAUSE his air tools alone are poor at breaking Mario's defenses. This is exactly what happens in the two links I present, and it's clear that Wario is very reliant on airdodge to actually get in on Mario with any real consistency.

Safer moves? F-smash I guess. And it kills reasonably early or does massive damage, and Mario has to take more risks once he's shifting his game to kills in this matchup. Waft I guess is safe, but it's a limited resource.

Some of these Mario users would be doing even better with more liberal implementation of tilts, but even without that, Mario's aerials alone are good enough to keep Wario out for favorable damage. We're also noting that Wario's average damage per move is much higher than Mario's while this is happening. Life leads like this don't just happen. Mario has better damage and control tools than Wario in the matchup. Kills are the problem.

Quite frankly I think Pierce is the only Mario user besides myself at the moment who would actively and comfortably consider Brinstar against Wario, given he was the first person to suggest that Brinstar was in fact Mario's best stage.
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