He fails less against certain characters than Ganon. He does slightly better against DDD, Falco, Metaknight, and maybe a few other characters who I don't care to remember at the moment. The facts are he technically loses against every character in the game however. Ganon having only one slightly favorable matchup against another bottom tier character doesn't make him an overall better character. Bowser however is definitely bottom tier. Same tier as Ganon. Loses to Ganon slightly, but fails slightly less in more important matchups.
Bowser's durability is the opposite of Snake's, where his durability is so bad that it worsens his matchups universally by about 10 points on a 100 point scale. Onstage, he's close to even against Ganon, but once he's being juggled and edgeguarded, the matchup instantly swings to Ganon's favor in that situation by far just given how terrible Bowser's durability is. He can't juggle Ganon or edgeguard him nearly as well as the other way around.
Snake unlike Bowser has real escape options from juggles (low lag B reversal options, trading hits using grenades, a not excessively terrible airdodge) and a recovery that under normal situations can be difficult for characters to intercept, and his ledge game isn't 100% completely free since it actually can be hard to recognize Snake's ledge attack. Bowser just gets comboed, can't land onstage, and all his ledge options are free and easy to react to. Any person who lets Bowser recover ESPECIALLY after his damage exceeds 100% without hitting him needs a slap in the face.