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Make Your Move X - Congratulations winners! MYMXI start date OCTOBER 10TH!

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Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
First of all, yes, this is the last avatar change I'll be doing for a while (the siggy stays though ;P) Second of all, yes I'm still trying to comment all these sets but I'm going to touch on Majora first since majora was asking for comments in the chat earlier. So here it is majora, I'll now comment Majora. God that's confusing...


Alrighty, first of all I'll get the obligatory "you're improving with the sets you're making as you make them" dealy out of the way. Majora is probably your most ambitious set of this contest, essentially using all three of Majora's forms throughout the set and having a switching mechanic to pick which one (or having Majora be in the air for the Mask form itself) you want to use. It's a good way to represent the entirety of Majora without limiting yourself to one form or making Wrath be the Final Smash or something and, even in-game, the different forms of Majora are different enough to all warrant their own movesets.

Enough general discussion though, let's move on to the moveset itself. The first thing that sticks out on Majora is the fact that Specials are last. Typically in MYM we put the Specials nearer to the beginning of the set (usually first unless a segment is more important to the character like grabs or aerials). The reason for this is because not only are Specials where your character really shines through (they're Special for a reason; they show us what the character is capable of with unique actions and such), but they're also usually the most relevant part of the moveset to the character's playstyle. It's in these Specials that the basic outline of how a character plays is typically formed so it's usually a good place to start. It'd be kinda like forming a playstyle in your mind for how Samus should play in Brawl...and then you find out at the end that she has two very useful projectile attacks; it kinda skews what you originally had by hiding the key components if that makes sense. It's not -THAT- big of a deal but it typically helps the reader imagine your set much more fluidly than scrolling around the set trying to find stuff.

Another minor little thing I'd like to address...a few more pictures would be nice admittedly. I mean, I'm sure -EVERYONE- here knows what Majora's Mask looks like, but Majora's Incarnation looks radically different than the Mask and Wrath (and looks pretty darn weird if I do say so myself). Showing an image of it may have helped imagining some of the moves it does. That said, the organization here is pretty nice. You've got everything sectioned off nicely and it leads the eye well; it doesn't feel distracting or anything and adds to the general feel of the set. The little header titles are creative as well but they kind of don't really tell you what's going to be in that section. This obviously doesn't matter much however since, ya know? You can just scroll down and see what's -IN- the section.

Back to the actual set itself; sheesh, I keep getting distracted by stuff that doesn't matter as much as the meat of the set itself. One thing I find rather odd about the set is that...Majora's Wrath can't grab. Now, I know you probably left out some inputs on the forms to encourage switching...but shouldn't it be Incarnation that can't grab? I distinctly remember (horrible, horrible memories) Majora's Wrath being the form that grabs you with its tentacle arms and chucks you around the battlefield like a ragdoll. Wrath not having a dash attack either is kinda strange but far less so than lacking grabs. I do really like how you made the attacks true to character as well; Incarnation's attacks are more goofy and feel more slapstick whereas Wrath's are more brutal. I think we all remember the first time we saw Incarnation and wondered what the hell happened to Majora...and then Wrath came out and ruined us (providing we didn't cheap him out with FDL). Blah, getting off topic again. Having Majora's Mask itself act as the aerials (and some of the Specials) is also rather fitting seeing as it more or less is floating around or spinning into you in battle.

And -NOW- we reach playstyle. Majora's playstyle is pretty basic (the bit about the Final Smash was kinda random but then again, 95% of MYM doesn't play with Items so it's probably just that I'm not used to it) but it gets the job done. I do enjoy the fact that the moveset actively encourages switching your forms to suit the situation. Like if you need a more traditional power character with some nasty range (to take out pesky lightweight characters from afar?) or if you need a faster character to take potshots at the foe (against slower heavyweight characters who can't retaliate as fast). A common pitfall of multi-character/form sets, even in Brawl itself (Zelda, Pokemon Trainer, Samus...) is that there's generally very little reward for using the character's other form. I mean, with Samus she gets a straight up BUFF when she becomes Zero Suit Samus, Zelda's best move his her Down Special and -EVERYONE- has a favorite Pokemon they exclusively use in PT. Making a character that actively encourages you to switch them up in order to keep your opponent guessing and on defense is a tricky thing but you did it pretty well here.

Jesus Christ, I didn't realize this comment was so huge until I hit Submit X_x...


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I just decided it would be a little more... accurate to common playstyles to give the faster one a grab game.

But I may change that eventually if it's some huge thing.

EDIT: I did edit pictures under the throws, aerials, and final smash sections so everyone can see Maj Incarnation's pretty face. :3 AND I'll be tweaking my template again. Good thing I didn't start too far into mystery moveset.

EDIT 2: Also, if anyone's curious to how my moveset deal is going... I've got a total of 5 movesets in the works at the moment, but I won't tell you which one I'm making first. However, if you want to be a total butt and see what five I'm working with, it's on my site, on the Rejected Movesets page. =P


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Personally, I've never really understood how a character's potential constitutes a legitimate complaint. If a moveset is impressive, it's impressive regardless of character choice.

And impressive a set this is indeed. It may possibly be my favourite out of all of your sets... which is saying something indeed considering how many quality movesets you make. You manage to add a fair amount of depth, without sacrificing any of Klobber's shallow/insane motives. The attack animations (outside of a few aerials) are wonderfully creative, eeking out every last drop of potential from a kroc-in-a-barrel. I was even surprised with how much sense the grenade makes ([WARU] pretty sure that was Klobber's weakness).

It may have been better visually, if Back-Air had Klobber spin the barrel around while leaning back, so anyone who lands on it from above, slips off, leaving them underneath him, and anyone attempting to jump up from below, is kept underneath Klobber.

Not sure why Klobber uses Neutral-B to explode, when the input to make him explodable is Down-B (seriously, just have him explode by pressing Down-B again)

Concrete Man has guts:

I am actually quite happy with this moveset, which makes a change from my usual criticism heavy commentry. You have a somewhat (but still manageably) layered "stage construction" motif going on, and you even take advantage of Concrete Man's status as a Robot Master by having him call in lesser robots to bring in materials and hassle the foe. The moveset is impressive overall, and retains a creative edge that doesn't immediately dictate how Concrete Man needs to play.

Perhaps the boulders dropped by Hoohoos should remain intact if they do no fall far before landing on the stage. They could then either be picked up and thrown like barrels, or attacked directly to turn them to debris.
And on that note, I think concrete blocks should retain their solidarity when picked up, so that it will still block projectiles and such while Concrete Man lugs them around.

I do have to note that Concrete Man's Dash Attack is fine enough without the wierd as hell ability to use tilts during it. I hope you aren't feeling pressured into adding things to attacks, simply to avoid leaving them too simple. It feels wierd for Concrete Man to be doing construction style moves, while in the middle of a move that was originally meant to simply destroy.
For dash attack/up-tilt interactions, you'd probably be better off using a DK Cargo Carry style grab.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008

Concrete Man has some decent fodder to play in a standard campy trappy way in his Specials and Standards with his concrete blocks, but his grab is where he actually becomes interesting and is able to make more elaborate concrete structures. The remainder of the moveset largely amounts to fodder for Concrete Man to use his newfound gigantic weapon, though – it’s a bit too obvious you’re reaching for filler with that incredibly awkward prop Usmash which doesn’t even contribute much of anything and a second time where you advertise you’re ripping off Wario (Even if it fits to an extent with the moveset). Even in the moves that use his concrete block structure, I’d of liked something more specific than a couple different ways to swing it, some that would benefit from it being built in a more specific way or something. Still, it’s a nice defense to offense transition, and I’m more willing to forgive the shoulder charge when it’s actually used for more defensive purposes in his stage control game.

That Side Special just feels absolutely atrocious, though. I wouldn’t complain about it, but, y’know, it’s a Special, it contributes little to nothing to the set, and he has so many moves that would so much blatantly better fit on that input such as ftilt and dsmash. Yes it’s a random complaint, but I actually quite like the moveset as a whole. It just has a –lot- of really awkward small things to nitpick at. Another is that filling up the pitfall with concrete to double the escape difficulty serves little actual purpose outside an interaction for creativity’s sake – a recurring theme in your movesets. The playstyle summary also tells me next to nothing about the moveset - I felt significantly more iffy about the moveset upon finishing it. I read it yesterday, only after some time for it to sink in did I feel it was as good as it truly is.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I was originally going to rip on the set for not stacking a generic concrete effect on the opponent, but I gave this the benefit of the doubt, due to not being a Megaman fan and therefore, not fully understanding the alternate potential the character offers. I am pleased with what is undoubtedly one of the better sets so far in this mediocre contest, specifically because of him going above and beyond the abilities of a generic camper (what Khold aimed for with the original Concrete Man). The transition from defensive to offensive reminds me of...oh wait, can't compare this to my own sets anymore. But seriously, Concrete Man's ability to interact with the pieces he's chipped off from his blocks and put them to use for damage-racking adds a breath of fresh air to the character. I'm curious where you got this inspiration from, because it's quite awesome.

I can sing the set's praises all I want, but I also feel obligated to tell you I find Waro's...I mean, his Dash Attack rather powerful. Although Concrete Man bulldozes enough to keep this from being a constant problem, 18% seems like a tad too much. Also, while I don't know how relevant they are to his character, his Side and Down Special minions feel awkward (Side Special moreso). This was argued in the chat a bit last night, but upon a re-read this morning, I still think Concrete Man could have found a way to avoid the summons while maintaining their purposes (as in, he could create a rock himself, or create a rolling concrete ball to bounce between two barriers and destroy them). Otherwise, I prefer this unique take on Concrete Man to Galaxy Man...although in the future, a stats section and a change of font (generic fonts are incredibly drab on SWF) would be a welcome inclusion.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Who remembers when I promised to make a set for this cute little guy? Nobody? Good. Then it doesn't matter. I'm delivering now, anyway.

* * * Redead * * *
Undead Soldier

ReDeads are zombie-like monsters similar to Gibdos that debuted in Ocarina of Time. While their appearance may change from game to game, their behavior has remained relatively the same - namely their tactic of freezing targets in their tracks with a petrifying scream.

According to fans, ReDeads rank amongst the most frightening enemies in The Legend of Zelda series, akin to others such as Dead Hands, Wallmasters, Floormasters, and Gibdos.

ReDead Knights are undead warriors that appear in Twilight Princess and Link's Crossbow Training. Unlike in previous appearances, they do not jump on their victims' backs and bite them, instead relying on a huge, bandaged sword to attack. They also have a bandaged appearance, as well as rusty armor and a torn, red cloak.


* * * How Dead Are We Talking? * * *

Size: Redead is roughly Link's height... And so is his sword.
Weight: Redead, thanks to the sword, is heavier than he looks. He holds a weight close to Snake's.
Walk Speed: Redead slowly lumbers toward his foe... And I mean really slowly. I'll be generous and say 2 out of 10.
Run Speed: Redead can't exactly run very well. He charges forward as best he can, his sword dragging behind. However, if you try to make an abrupt 180 degree turn, he'll trip...
First Jump: 3 out of 10. His first jump is abhorrent, thank the sword.
Second Jump: 2 out of 10. His second jump is no better.
Recovery: 5 out of 10. His recovery can really save him... if he can get it to connect with a ledge.
Priority: Redead has priority out the eye sockets.
Traction: Redead has very poor traction, being unable to control his own body well.
Fall Speed: Redead has a surprisingly fast fall speed.
Air Movement: Redead has a very poor air game... You could say it'll be the death of him.

Crawl: No
Wall Jump: No
Wall Cling: No



* * * Dead Hunter * * *


Neutral B: Howl

Redead leans back and raises his head, letting loose a blood-freezing howl straight from the depths of hell (imagine a higher quality version of his OoT scream). A slightly visible shockwave shoots from him, marking the range of this attack-- about 3 character lengths. If an opponent is inside this range at all, they get stunned the same way they would if hit by Zamus' stun gun shots; and this leaves them open to an attack by the

Redead if they're too close, since most of his smash attacks are too slow to hit them while they're stunned if they're at the edge of the circle. (This is because of the arcs his attacks tend to have.)


Side B: Soul Suction

Redead lunges forward a short distance, his sword disappearing for purposes of this attack. If he hits the opponent, he latches onto their back and begins to bite. Should it be an extreme case where Redead has 150% and his opponent has 0%, he might get knocked off and only eat 1% of their health. However, the opposite is also true, allowing Redead to deal a maximum of 25% damage to his opponent, and heal 25% to himself.

This attack is treated like a grab, so the opponent can shake the redead off.


Up B: Bandaged Blade

While falling, (or not if he is on the ground...) Redead will throw his enormous blade with all his strength, tossing it a someone respectable distance upwards at an angle, making a large arc. If the blade lands on a different platform, and the bandage attaching the blade is not obstructed by anything, Redead will be pulled to the sword like a tether recovery.

If there is sufficient distance between the platform and the floor below it, Redead will hang down toward the end of the bandage. This is his unique animation. He can climb up and down the bandage. Climbing down all the way causes Redead to drop down off the bandage, while climbing up all the way will cause him to climb onto the ledge.

This move can also get stuck in walls and ceilings on the way up, allowing Redead to climb up to the top and use his second jump from a higher location. Should Redead be knocked off of the tether recovery, he is allowed to use it again.


Down B: Roar

Redead leans back and raises his head to the sky, letting loose a-- What the hell? He's roaring! The Redead lets out a roar with a shorter range than his move, Howl. The move will, when it hits an opponent, cause them to collapse in a way identical to how they collapse in a stamina match.

However, they are still in control of a transparent copy, which gets knocked far from the body. Redead now can attack the body, and attempt to KO it. The transparent victim must catch up with their body and attack it, entering it. This can be difficult, as Redead could very quickly KO the body.

Redead can keep the spirit opponent away by using Howl and Roar, both of which knocking the opponent's soul away for no damage but decent knockback. As well, he can also use his Side B, which will cause him to bend down and begin to heal off of the body. At this point, he can heal from it indefinitely, stopping only to deflect the foe's spirit.



* * * Rigor Mortis * * *


A: Hilt Smack

Redead brings the hilt of his sword into the opponent with a minimalistic movement of his arm.


Dash Attack: Zombie Rush

Redead rams right into the opponent while running, dealing surprising knockback.


Up Tilt: Bird Swatter

Redead swipes his free hand over his head, as if to swat flies or catch a bird or something. Deals poor knockback.


Side Tilt: Blind Reach

Redead reaches his free hand out forward, clawing at the opponent. This deals minimal knockback.


Down Tilt: Carver

Redead slides the edge of the sword quickly along the ground in a circle around him. This deals low knockback, and may make an opponent trip.


Ledge Attack (Strong): Revival At Cost

Redead climbs onto the stage, clawing his way up and knocking opponents off the ledge behind him as he climbs up.


Ledge Attack (Weak): Revival

Redead leads onto the stage with his sword, knocking opponents back as he climbs onto the stage.



* * * Sword of Stone * * *


Forward Smash: Stone Wrath

Redead winds back slowly, and swings his sword overhead in front of him. This attack can do 20% damage, 28% when fully charged. It is really slow, but has monstrous knockback. It is advised to stun with Howl before even attempting this move.


Up Smash: Stone Swat

Redead swings his sword overhead, knocking things upwards with his mighty swing. This attack, when fully charged, deals 22%. This move is also slow, faster to occur than Stone Wrath but slower to recover.


Down Smash: Stone Altar

Redead picks up his sword and stabs it down into the ground, causing shockwaves that knock opponents up and away. The shockwaves stretch a little farther when the move is charged. This is Redead's fastest smash attack.



* * * Flying Zombies * * *


Up Aerial: Notice

Redead screams upwards, releasing a schockwave that stuns and damages opponents above him.


Forward Aerial: Grazer

Redead swings his sword upward in an arc. The attack does dismal damage at the tip, but does most damage up close.


Back Aerial: Backedge

Redead stabs backwards under his arm with his sword.


Down Aerial: Dropping Rocks

Redead drops his sword down and catches it by the hilt, spiking opponents.


Neutral Aerial: Bone Top

Redead spins forward, holding his sword overhead and striking opponents in random directions depending on where he is in the spin when they get hit.



* * * Grappling * * *


Grab: Mealtime

Redead grabs onto his opponent around the shoulders, dropping his sword.


Pummel: Life Force

Redead bites into his opponent, dealing and healing as he does so.


Up Throw: Pike

Redead throws the opponent up and catches them on the tip of his sword, knocking them up farther.


Forward Throw: Soulless Gaze

Redead stares into his opponent's eyes, and they take damage as they get paralyzed with fear.


Back Throw: Discarded Meal

Redead pulls the opponent in, bites them healing 6%, and throws them behind him for another 3% damage.


Down Throw: Dead Hammer

Redead throws his opponent down and swings the flat side of his sword onto them, burying them in the ground for another attack.



* * * Final smash * * *



ReDead plants his sword in the ground, and four redeads spawn in places all over the stage. The CPU controlled redeads will look like and act like redeads from OoT, wandering around and leeching health from opponents. They take a lot of damage, and unless they are KO'd after being knocked down, they will get back up.

After a Redead dies, however much damage they dealt will be healed from ReDead. During the final smash, ReDead is free to roam around and attack opponents as he wishes. He can attack through his ally redeads, being unable to kill them.

After all four redeads have disappeared and Redead has been healed, the final smash is over.



* * * Undead Combat Training * * *


ReDead is the tank Bowser wishes he could be. He's not as big, but he is heavier, slower, more powerful, and can even heal himself. The idea of ReDead is to stun the opponent and do a number of things-- You can rack up heavy damage or try to KO them with his smash attacks, you can try to lower their stock lead by using his Roar special, OR you could even then proceed to grab them and begin to heal off of them if you're close to dying.

ReDead is not complicated in basis, but he is complicated to use in practice.



* * * Dead Protocol * * *


Idle Animation

ReDead stands awkwardly, leaning backwards as if his spine is broken, and his head lulled to the side. He wheezes loudly the entire time, occasionally letting out a gutteral groan.


Sleep Animation

ReDead falls to his knees, leaning on the hilt of his sword.


Shielding Animation

ReDead holds his sword in front of his body, protecting himself.


Forward Roll

ReDead leaps forward a decent distance and turns to face his opponent.


Backward Roll

ReDead leaps backward a short distance.


Air Dodge

ReDead dodges into the background, shielding himself with his sword.


Dizzy Animation

ReDead awkwardly stumbles around in place, looking for the sword that it dropped.


Ledge Grab Animation

ReDead awkwardly dangles from the ledge by one arm.


Ledge Return Animation (Strong)

ReDead climbs onto the stage leading with his sword.


Ledge Return Animation (Weak)

ReDead climbs onto the stage slowly, pulling his sword up behind him.


Stage Entry

ReDead rises from the ground on his back with his arms folded over his chest and his sword placed over his body. He then tilts up to his feet and enters his standard position.


Stage Select

ReDead screams. Loudly. It's horrifying.



* * * Victory For Ikana * * *


Taunt 1 - ReDead raises its arm and growls, as if to show a sign of victory or success.

Taunt 2 - ReDead threateningly points his sword forward before dropping it awkwardly.

Taunt 3 - ReDead crouches down and pokes at something on the ground before getting back up.


Victory 1 - ReDead raises its arm and growls with more.. . enthusiasm in taunt? And cheers.

Victory 2 - ReDead sits facing away from the camera, eating...something.

Victory 3 - ReDead screams loudly, and sinks into the ground.


Loss - ReDead hunches down in its sitting position from Ocarina of Time.



* * * Extras * * *


Kirby Hat

Kirby wears the Spooky Mask from Ocarina of Time.


Unlock Criteria

- Get 2,000 knockouts.
- Clear Boss Battles with Link on normal or higher.




Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
EDIT: Huh, didn't realize I hit post.

Also, hey everybody! It's summer and I'm bored, so I'm working on a moveset and hopefully I'll actually get it done and post it soon. Have a nice day!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2007
Waiting for you to slip up.
Okay, I have some bad news for whoever was expecting Hakan. I got into a car accident today and the laptop with the work on it got crunched. I only needed to finish the throws and extras and it would've been done. Sadly, Hakan is now oiling up with angels now... assuming I don't retype everything, which I might. In the meantime though, I'll just say that my next moveset after Hakan will be another Pokemon, but one that hasn't been done yet.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
This is just me being nitpicky: Why only 2 taunts and 2 victory poses? Most characters have 3. xD I know, I know, but that just kinda bothered me.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun

This certainly caught me off guard, given that this is your first "real" set. You really took your criticism from last time to heart, as this pretty much blows Gamma away in every respect. His actual stats are kinda hard to grasp, some of the attacks feel somewhat generic, and he overall feels pretty GDLK despite what the playstyle says, but I'll certainly give you the benefit of the doubt here.

Also, great organization. Not too often that a newbie instantly makes the jump to image sets. Looks amazing for a beginning work.

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Welp, I know that I'm a horrible person who left Make Your Move, but I did just get some exciting news that I thought I'd share with you all, so I decided to drop in here.

I actually just got taken off of the waitlist for Davis, which is one of the Top 25 Law Schools in the country. So I'm heading there this Tuesday to check the campus out. Thought I'd just share what was going on in my life there, and wish everyone the best of luck in the contest; from a brief skim it looks like there's no shortage of newcomers, but the veterans need to get cracking again.

Of course, I'm the vet who abandoned you all. (HIPPO)


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun


H3R3 W11 G0 4GA1N

Robo-Link MKIII is pretty much the only one of his kind. MKIII was once a standard MKI model who became one of the Principality of Neo-Hyrule's top scientists. He then proceeded to upgrade himself to the point where he's considered the top percentage of Robo-Links. Along with his penchant for science, he's also one of Neo-Hyrule's deadliest mercenaries. Among enemies, he's considered a dangerous threat, mostly for his abilities to manipulate perception, energy, and incredibly complex machinery.

Oh, and MKIII himself? He's kind of a jerk. That, and quite terrifyingly chaotic. Not a very fun guy to hang around with.


Lately, movesets have gotten far too simple. People now think putting all the creativity into specials gives them the right to leave everything else stupidly sakuraish. WELL WE CAN'T HAVE THAT! What does that say to those who put all their time and effort into such brilliant sets like Will and Freedan? TOBBYROT I SAY! Instead of following the horrible ways of the Sakurai and Colonel Sanders, Robo-Link MKIII shall be the new standard from whence all movesets shall be judged.

Apart from that little tangent, MKIII is a rather complex little robot. It's hard to say if he has a mechanic or not, because whatever mechanic he may have can be broken down into many little mechanics. In fact, I might even go as far as to say almost every move of his has a mechanic! That's like, more than 20x the average moveset's! So that means MKIII counts as like, 20 characters, meaning he'll take over about 35% of the top 50. SCIENCE!

57475 R P01NTL3ZZ?!

/size- 8
/weight- 5
/movement- 3
/jump- 3
/traction- 7
/power- 3
/attack speed- 7

Wow, what mediocre stats, huh? So far seems like a pretty crappy character, right? Oh who am I fooling. You probably know exactly where this set is going, so let's get it over with.


MKIII has no shield. At least for now. More on this later.


MKIII can only do a basic short-ranged grab, which is what he uses to pick up items with, as opposed to the A button. Grabbing an opponent with it allows MKIII to carry him/her around, and throw them, though it does no damage, and he can't pummel. Wow, this is turning out to be a pretty crummy moveset so far, huh?

5P3C14LZ U S4Y?


See that sword not-robo-sol-badguy-i-swear is holding up there? You better love it now, because this is one of the 2 times it'll ever get used.
With near-instant lag time, MKIII will take his sword out, and hold it like a large gun. His sword now has holes in it, allowing hot lead to pass through and into the opponent's cranium/scrotum.
MKIII with his gun out is pretty much a whole mode all it's own. Once he takes out that bad boy, a number will appear over his head, displaying the numbers 1-5. So what are these numbers supposed to mean? They're meant to represent levels. Y'know, levels like in an RPG or something. Here's how this leveling system works:
When you deal damage, no matter if your gunsword is out or not, you gain invisible points that increase your level. Y'know, like experience points. You start off at level 1, and can make it all the way to level 5 if you dish out enough punishment. Even though your actual points are invisible, measuring them is quite easy: The amount of points you've earned is directly proportionate to the amount of damage % you dealt to the foe.
However, there is one twist to this whole thing. Taking damage decreases your points as well. And to rub even more salt into the wound, it takes much more points to gain levels then it does to lose them. Basically, the scaling works like this-
LEVEL 1- You start off this way.
LEVEL 2- It takes 20 points to gain this level and -10 points to lose it
LEVEL 3- It takes 30 more points to gain this level and -10 points to lose it
LEVEL 4- It takes 40 more points to gain this level and -5 to lose it
LEVEL 5- It takes 50 more points to gain this level and only 1 hit to lose it. (and for a **** good reason too.)

Now that we've gotten that crap out of the way, let's get into what these points are meant for- more weapons. Once you have your gun out, you can press L or R to cycle through various weapon types MKIII's gunsword can transform into. A fires the gun and B puts it away. Naturally, weapons that require more points are just better.


We'd call this a pistol, but this just isn't a very 1-handed weapon at all. Nonetheless, it acts pretty much the same. MKIII will let out a pretty quick, low-priority shot that deals 3% damage with minimal knockback and goes about as far as half a battlefield platform. Yeah, MKIII's gun isn't really quite that well-ranged. Each shot has about the same lag in between as Falco's laser pistol, and holding down A will let him fire it continuously, though he can't move while shooting it.

The gunsword will stretch itself to look longer and thinner as the words "SHOTGUN" appears over MKIII's head, so now you know you're playing with shotgun power baby! The shotgun is a lot slower than the pistol, having about .6 seconds of downtime in between shots. To make up for this, MKIII can actually move while firing the shotgun, though he's slowed down considerably. The shotgun goes as far as a battlefield platform ahead of MKIII, and deals 3%~8% damage, depending on how close the opponent is to the blast. (The closer they are, the more damage they get.) Likewise, a long-range shot only has minimal knockback while a close-range one knocks them straight to the ground. Also, priority ranges from poor to average, as per usual depending on range.

And of course, both level 1 weapons don't drain points, so they're at least somewhat useful to have around.


Now we're REALLY talkin! A large ammo belt will appear on the gunsword as the words "MACHINE GUN" appears overhead. While MKIII must stay stationary while firing this, the gun fires an incredibly quick stream of bullets that can even be aimed! Each bullet does only 1% damage, but they fire at the incredible speed of 1 bullet per .1 second! Also, like Fox's blaster, this does no knockback.

HOWEVER, as good as this sounds, you may want to gain a few more points before going crazy with it. Just like all other guns up ahead, it costs $400,000 points to keep on firing. For this one, the cost is 1 point per shot, meaning it takes 10 points to fire for 1 minute. Better gather those points then!
(Also HOWEVER, the guns don't drain points at the same rate actual hits toward MKIII do. It just goes backwards at the rate MKIII gains points, in case you needed clarification.)



Kind of an oddball gun. The gunsword becomes long and slender whilst the words "SNI- okay, you get this crap already. Upon using it, MKIII crouches down while you change his direction with the control stick. Pressing A again will make him fire a quick, medium-priority bullet that costs 10 points to fire. This gun is pretty slow as well, having about a 1 second downtime in between shots. So what's so great about this gun? Well, it can be pretty deadly if your aim is right.
Hitting an opponent in the body is quite small-time, only doing 4% damage. What you WANT to do though is get a HEADSHOT! Each character has a small hitbox in their head, (About the same size as a normal head, just to be fair to those big-headed *******.) and that's what you want to hit at all times. Getting a headshot makes the foe take a pretty deadly 20% damage, but no knockback. (The victim just falls to the floor.)


Quite the doozy of a weapon. The gunsword now looks kinda like a cracker launcher, albeit held over the shoulder. Pressing the A button makes MKIII charge the bazooka for up to 2 seconds, which determines the arc and how far the bob-omb-sized rocket goes. (The more you charge, the farther it goes, going up to half of final destination.) It costs a pretty hefty 30 points to fire, but in exchange, it deals a nasty 25% damage and good knockback. The rocket is also pretty high-priority in comparison to most projectiles, only being beaten out by anything as strong or stronger as one of Samus' fully charged shots.


Quite impressed you managed to make it to level 5. You at least deserve something good. Hence why for his most powerful shot, MKIII uses the mighty Railgun! Wait what's that? When MKIII is about to use the Railgun, he actually puts his gun away! What's up with that?
When MKIII is ready for his Railgun, he starts flashing red, as if something big is going to happen. And boy, is there ever.
Upon pressing A, MKIII takes out a coin and flips it in the air. Wait, why the hell does he have a coin? His world doesn't even use coins as currency! You have no time to ponder such questions as I have no idea how to follow this overused joke.
There's a pretty heavy 1 second of lag during the coin flip, but in exchange, MKIII has super-armor throughout the whole attack. Once the coin lands, MKIII catches it with the edge of his fist and flicks it with his thumb. This then somehow causes an enormous surge of energy to flow through the coin, making it shoot a giant beam.
This beam is quite thin, slightly thicker than a ray gun shot, but extremely long, about as long as the Zero Cannon. However, it moves very fast, lasting on screen for only .6 seconds.
This hits about 4 times, doing 10% damage each (Adding up to 40% damage) and has great knockback. However, it completely drains MKIII of all of his points, so you better aim well.


Here's where we introduce a pretty major aspect to MKIII's playstyle: RuP33z!
RuP33z are the currency of Neo-Hyrule, and if MKIII wants any backup help from them, he'll need to pay the RuP33z to fund it.

Upon pressing Down and B, a small spherical robot slowly hovers down from the sky. He drops down at a random location on the stage (as long as it's on the ground) and sets up a holographic stand about a battlefield platform in width. Bascially, what MKIII wants to do is go to the shop the Shopkeep-bot set up and buy some stuff. In order to buy stuff, you'll need to get some Rup33z, which are obtained via his Smash attacks, Side B, and some other things.
Green RuP33z are worth 1, Blue RuP33z are worth 5, Yellow RuP33z are worth 10, Red RuP33z are worth 20, and Purple RuP33z are worth a mean 50. You typically have to knock them out of your opponent(Sans the Side-B), leaving them lying around. Basically, you have to go up and touch a RuP33 in order to collect one, just like in the Zelda games!
HOWEVER, as much as you may want to collect these, you'll have to be really careful with them for 2 reasons- Your opponent can easily knock the RuP33z out of you with a Smash Attack (and only a Smash attack, unless you're up against another MKIII), AND they can re-collect the RuP33z you knocked out of them/they knocked out of you. Now why on earth would your otherwise unrelated foe want to collect RuP33z? Well, RuP33z are made out of a somewhat different material than Rupees. They're completely comprised of energy, and they usually have a very positive effect on anyone who isn't Robo-Link MKIII.
Green RuP33z heal the foe by 5%, Blue RuP33z heal the foe by 10%, Yellow RuP33z increases the foe's speed by 20%, Red RuP33z beef up the attack power of the foe by 20%, and Purple RuP33z heal/increase everything above by 50%. You pretty much never want the opponent to collect your RuP33z, but those strategies are for another time.

Now, onto the shop itself! Once you make it up to Robo-Shopkeep's stand, a giant holographic catalog will automatically appear over it, allowing you to select your choice with L and R. (No, you can't block while shopping.) The magnificent choices you have are-

30 RuP33z

Just like everything good in life, you have to pay extra in order to get the full gam-er, moveset. Such also rings true for MKIII's shielding systems. Being one of the 2 shields you can obtain, this one is probably the most efficient, but riskiest.
While you have this shield out, every attack that hit's the shield's main red part is instantly negated. It never breaks either!
However, there is one major drawback to this near-invincible shield: There's a small little green ball orbiting the shield in all directions, as you can see. If any attack hits that ball, the shield instantly breaks. Also, you take x3 damage and knockback of whatever attack broke the shield. It's easy for small attacks to miss the Shield's green ball, but it has a much harder time evading larger hitboxes. Use at your own risk!
30 RuP33z

If the A-Shield just ain't your thing, you can always go with it's redheaded, twice removed, chain-smoking stepcousin, the Type B. Akin to shields in many-a-shmup, the type B consists of 2 small red spheres orbiting around MKIII on an XY axis. Upon taking the shield out with L or R, you can still run around with it out, although you can't attack.
The obvious flaw to this shield is that it leaves quite some room around MKIII for opponents to attack. However, it doesn't have the glaring risk factor of Type A, and is generally more versatile.

Also, you can't have both shields at the same time; Buying one while having the other will make you replace the other with the one. I really hope that was proper english.

60 RuP33z

Haven't seen these guys in a while, huh?
These brand of Mini-Links are actually consumer models, thus not as good as the ones deployed by common Robo-Links. You can deploy a Mini-Link one at a time using Side B, and have up to 3 of them out at a time. Upon being sent out, Mini-Links move toward your opponent at a relatively slow pace.(think the Advance Wars army) When out, they'll try to attack the enemy with a basic jumping attack. This attack makes a Mini-Link leap through the air, going through a battlefield-platform long arc that goes as high as Mario. Contact with a hopping Mini-Link makes them latch on to the foe for .5 seconds and deals 5% damage and makes them steal either a Green, Blue, or Red RuP33 from their body. (The higher the value, the rarer the chance a Mini-Link will pick one up.)
Contact with a Mini-Link holding a RuP33 will transfer it to MKIII, and the Mini-Link will go on about with it's usual business. However, the Mini-Links only have 20% HP to go around with, so enjoy their assistance while you can.

60 RuP33z

Just like any good shop of any worth, Robo-Mart sells enough bombs to make Allah proud.
With this, you get a stock of 10 bombs for the throwing. They work a lot like the bombs all 3 Links use: MKIII will simply take out a bomb and use it as an item. They're slightly more powerful than Link's, dealing 16% damage and average knockback.

80 RuP33z

'tis a Boomerang, 'nuff said. A rather old-fashioned model, meant to resemble authentic Boomerangs used in ancient times. It's about the same size as Toon-Link's 'rang, and goes about as far as half of battlefield. It deals a neat 9% damage and small knockback each hit, has okay priority, and it has the added bonus of bringing RuP33z on the ground towards you. Just hit a pile of RuP33z with your Boomerang, and they'll come riding on it, back to you!

100 RuP33z

Being of the top-percentage of Robo-Links, MKIII can freely call lesser Robo-Links for backup.
These obviously aren't the same Robo-Links from MYM6, being more standard models. Buying their support actually only nets you a simple walkie-talkie: You have to use it in order to call out the Robo-Links. They each come out 1 at a time, similar to the Mini-Links, and act pretty much like an assist trophy.
They move around rather slowly, always facing and strafing around the opponent, similar to an enemy in a beat-em-up. They each have 4 attacks to pull from:
1-They run forwards and swing their swords wildly. Think Samurai Goroh. Each hit does 2% damage and minimal knockback, but they can preform it for up to 5 seconds.
2- They shoot a single, long missile from their arms. This missile is pretty thin, and about as long as half a battlefield platform. It goes about 1/2 of FD far, and upon exploding, it deals a nice 10% damage with average knockback. It explodes pretty easily upon contact with anything however.
3- They do a short-ranged grab. If they succeed, they'll punch the foe in the stomach 2 times and slam them on the ground. This as a whole does 12% damage.
4- They stand their ground and throw a barrage of punches. They can punch for up to 5 seconds and each punch does 3% damage with small knockback.

As the backup Robo-Links are all computer controlled, they're rather unpredictable in their tactics. They'll sometimes keep punching even if the opponent escaped from their range, or only attack for 1 second even if they could have benefited from attacking for 5. Basically, they're pretty stupid.
Each Robo-Link has 80% HP, and are rather heavy.

150 RuP33z

Unlock the wrestler in all of us with the POWER of the Power Bracelets.
These bracelets allow MKIII to now have a throw that isn't completely useless.(Sort of.)

GRAB- MKIII grabs the foe with such tremendous force and intensity. Yeah, it looks exactly the same as his usual grab, but it has POWAAAAH.
PUMMEL- MKIII uses his newfound arm strength and makes the absolute best of it with his pummel: He headbutts the foe, dealing 1% damage.
FORWARD THROW- MKIII throws them forward across a battlefield platform. You may think this is just a lazy variation on his normal throw, but you'd be wrong, since this throw has 98.9% more POWWAAAAHHHHHH. Deals 10% damage and average knockback.
DOWN THROW- MKIII somehow transforms into a small wrestling ring about the size of 2 battlefield platforms and puts the foe inside of it. Right after, a Mini-Link pops out from the side of the ring and does this to the opponent. MKIII then transforms back. This deals 17% damage but very small knockback.
BACK THROW- MKIII does a succession of 3 German suplexes on the opponent. This does 9% damage and average knockback. What do you mean I'm just getting lazy with this throws? Why don't I get lazy on your face huh!?
UP THROW- MKIII throws the opponent real high up. Like, really high. 5 seconds later, the opponent comes out from the bottom of the screen and plows through the stage, getting stuck on the surface. This only deals 5% damage, but has the added bonus of inducing the pitfall effect. Why? Because POWAH.

Be careful though. With great power comes some pretty great drawbacks as well, as you'll find out soon.

40 RuP33z

A <3 heals up your energy like Frosted Flakez. Frosted Flakes have also been scientifically proven to heal you by 30%.

After 15 seconds of waiting, or right after MKIII uses it, the Robo-Shopkeep closes his stand and slowly flies off away. Now cannot call him again for 30 seconds.
Also, be warned that you can easily be attacked while shopping, so you better make your little spree quick.


Compared to all of MKIII's other specials, this move is quite the oddity. It's odd in the fact that it's actually somewhat simple. Now just hang on before you start pelting me with rocks.
Simply put, MKIII will do an overhead swing with his left arm. It's a pretty fast move, with lag comparable to the Raptor Boost. MKIII can either preform this move standing still or dashing, though doing it while dashing will cause him to stagger for .4 seconds.
Hitting the foe with this only does 1% damage, so it isn't anything to write to mommy about. What it is good for though, is acquiring RuP33z. When hitting a foe with this, MKIII will randomly steal 5-10 RuP33z from their bodies. The RuP33z won't fall on the floor, MKIII will just automatically grab them, leaving no risk of the opponent re-gaining them.

As handy-dandy as this move is, if you really have an insatiable desire to use a Boomerang, you won't be seeing this move for long. Buying Boomerangs, Mini-Links, Back-up Robo Links, and Bombs will instantly replace this move with said weapon. So no, you can't have both Bombs and Mini-Links at the same time, as they all inconveniently occupy this same spot, as buying one of those items while holding another will replace that item with the one you bought. This move will instantly revert to normal after MKIII either loses a stock, runs out of bombs, or after all the Robo/Mini-Links die. So you're kind of out of luck with the Boomerang if you really wanted this move back. STUPID BOOMERANG!


Lo and behold: the one other time MKIII will ever use that giant sword of his in this moveset.
In mere microseconds, MKIII takes out his gunsword and holds it like a guitar. Press B to put it away, or press any directional button and A to rock out! While you won't be shredding like anyone who got high during the '80s, you will be using this guitar to play out some tunes from N64 darling The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Basically, you can play any of the non-warp songs from OoT to get crap done. You could try to improvise by somehow playing Through the Fire and Flames and posting it on youtube, but it won't do you any good in battle.
Once you play the exact notes of a song, MKIII will briefly float all holy-like in midair while the rest of the song plays. MKIII has complete super-armor frames during this 1-1.5 second float. (Meaning he can still take damage, moron.)


A classic piece going back to ancient times, it's said that this song was passed down from generations of the Royal Family of Hyrule.
Playing this piece will cause 7 blue orbs to scatter out of MKIII's body. They hop out 1 at a time, starting RIGHT after MKIII succeeds to play the song, and stops right after MKIII stops his floating animation, which lasts 1 second. They scatter roughly a few inches from his feet, and go on from there.
What these orbs do is heal 2% of your damage each. Well, not your's per se, you selfish little twanger. These orbs are all-loving, healing both thou and mortal adversary. Yeah, basically, you really don't want your opponents around whilst preforming this attack. On the other side of the RuP33, these orbs can also heal any minion you send out, to the point where they'll even huddle around you while you're finishing playing this song.


Epona was supposedly some kind of Horse. Why the hell a horse got a song is still a mystery amongst modern Scholars.
Playing this song produces a slightly different effect than most other songs. During the time MKIII would normally be all floaty, MKIII instead turns his bottom half into a mechanical horse as is left arm transforms into a jousting lance.
For about 3 seconds, MKIII can run around in this horsey format, moving about as fast as Charizard's run. Contact with this knightly apparition will deal 8% damage and knock them back roughly .5 battlefield platforms away. But when all said is done, all of MKIII's horsey business is retracted back into his body in an instant.


It's popularly believed Saria was some immortal forest sprite who was so f*cking bored one day, she decided to write a song in hopes of getting laid by some pedophile in green.
Tangents aside, playing this song will bring out a Robo-Fairy. Of course, if you're feeling particularly greedy, you can play this 2 more times, as you can have 3 fairies out at once.
Basically, a fairy hovers around you, and occasionally grabs RuP33z for you once they're on the field. Emphasis on occasionally. Robo-Fairies were meant to be a distraction at most, and thus are pretty cheap and unreliable. Oh, and speaking of cheap, just one hit by the opponent to a Robo-Fairy instantly destroys it. Blaaaaah.


Let's get this through really quick: ever have one of those times where the screen goes all dark, like with one of Togepi's attacks? Or how about that one move from that one set in MYM 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 where the screen goes all dark? I don't know what set it is, but I'm sure it exists somewhere! Well upon playing this song, MKIII starts to glow real bright-like, making him look almost like the sun. He stays all bright for 1 minute, and while in this form, MKIII is visible all the time, no matter how dark it is.

....Why yes, this is indeed the most useless move I've ever written, but something had to be written for Sun's Song. Now shut your penile-filled traps and move on to the next song.


Here's the main event folks: the entire point why this move even exists. Ever wonder why this boring move is mapped to Up B? Here's your answer.
Playing this song causes MKIII to reverse everything he's ever done for the past 5 seconds, not counting the playing of the guitar-sword. If he did some wicked-*** combo that lasted 5 seconds, playing this will let you relive the glory all over again. (Though it's certainly limited, as you can't really summon anything or make mad rup33 all over again. Just use your common sense.) But most importantly, if you're falling, playing this song will let you fall backwards right back on the stage again, just like you're really playing some pretentious hipster game from 2008.
This is MKIII's only recovery option in addition to his rather poor jump, and likewise, it's also pretty unwieldy. Not only to you have to play this song extremely fast before falling upon the lines of death, you better also pray to whatever deity you grovel at that your ascent is shorter than 5 seconds. (MKIII goes into helpless mode instantly after using this, just so you know.) If you can manage that, you shouldn't have too much of a hard time with this move.


Right after the floating animation for this song ends, a solid cloud about the size of Randall (That's the Melee Yoshi's Island cloud, for you dirty casuals) appears over MKIII's head. That's pretty much it really. The cloud acts as a solid platform for you to stand on for exactly 20 seconds. MKIII can bring out 3 of these useless little clouds as support whenever the hell he feels like it. Just want to have the high ground? It's yours my friend! Just don't expect much else for this pathetic song. Still, useful to have around at least.



A lil' bit different from the Neutral Combo best, this move is quite possibly the most broken Neutral combo in the long and proud history of Neutral Combos. Of course, this is offset by the fact that it requires a smackload of patience to bring it out to it's fullest. Hell, I doubt you'll even bother trying that, meaning this move could just be an inefficient piece of crap. But for those willing to take the challenge, you'll be rewarded quite heartily....

BUT ALL TANGENTS ASIDE, here's how this move works: MKIII shoots a projector-like ray of light out of his eyes, with about .5 seconds of startup lag. About a Battlefield platform in front of him form these 2 little buggers-

Who the hell are these things? That's top-secret information fella, I'm afraid I can't let your peasant mind know. What I can tell you however is that these 2 ghost-like creatures, about kirby-like in size, continuously bob themselves back and forth like idiots. Each bob does 1% damage, almost no knockback, little priority, and go at a slightly slower rate than most Neutral Combos. As crappy as this sounds, the POINT here is to make the ghosts hit the opponent 5 times.
Why 5 times? What's the point? What's the point of this move anyway? What's the point of this set? Why are you reading this? What is the meaning of your existence? Why do you see the world from your point of view? Why does the universe exist? Are we all just an illusion- OH GOD, WHILE TRYING TO SET UP ANOTHER GRABBED A SMASH BALL JOKE, THOSE GHOSTS HIT ME 5 TIMES AND NOW THIS HAPPENED.

Now what kind of godforsaken creature is that abomination? What? What do you mean it's just some crappy figure made in MS Paint? I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOUR FOOLERY!
Anyway, upon getting 5 hits in on the foe, both the ghost bros fuse together and transmorgify into that....thing up there. He's about the size of Ganondorf, and unlike the ghost bros, who just act as an extended neutral combo, the ghost man will actually moves and attacks on his own accord, like a CPU. But unlike most CPUs, it acts extremely aggresively, with no regards for it's own protection. Which it shouldn't, because it can't be damaged at all. Ghost Man attacks only with a single quick punch that does 2% damage; if said punch connects, it'll try to follow up with 2 more punches that do 2% as well and some knockback.
Now, if you don't like Mr. Ghost Man here too much, then your goal will be to get him to hit the opponent 10 times, which from then he'll transform into...

Yes, he upgrades from crappy MS Paint man to crappy MS Paint dog.
This dog is about the size as 2 kirbys stacked horizontally. Unlike Ghost Man, the Ghost Dog actually stands his ground, so it's best to get near him once he transforms.
Dog acts more like a guard-type figure, meaning he tries to bite the living crap out of anything that gets near him. He has 2 attacks in his arsenal: A single bite attack, and a leaping pounce. The bite attack is pretty much what it says; any foe that gets too close gets bitten. Each bite does 5% damage, some knockback, and good priority. It has rather short range of course, since it's just a stupid little bite.
Now what you're probably going to want more is his leaping pounce attack. Dog can leap as far as 2 battlefield platforms, and if he lands on the foe, he'll land on top of him/her/it/potatoe and bite/claw their faces off, before jumping off their scarred body. This attack does 10% damage, and should be well-revered for it's range. Sound so much better right? Well don't get too comfy, because Dog only likes to perform that technique randomly. About 1/4 times to be exact, which isn't too bad.
Likewise, if you're dedicated enough to make this dog hit the nearby 'tards 10 times, he'll proceed to transform into....

An ugly MS Paint girl, natch.
The girl isn't quite like the others. In all her Sadako-like glory, she floats around the stage in a plain white rag at the speed of Ganondorf's run. Likewise, she wants to make contact with the poor foe to unleash a truckload of grave misfortune upon the fool. And upon making contact with them she....
Kisses them on the cheek?
Yup, all she likes to do is kiss people apparently. The kiss does no damage at all, it's just a stupid little kiss. So what's the point of that? Well first off, I'm going to have to smack you if you keep asking all these god**** questions. Second off, you're going to want to kiss the other combatant 5 times if you want anything good to happen. And that thing that....happens IS:

Basically, Sadako screeches and turns into a giant black hole. This black hole turns into a more comprehensible tear in the background, revealing a bunch of horrific eyes peeking out from the newly formed dimensional hole in the wall. And out from it come 2 disembodied hands, out only for the flesh and blood of the fools who defy the law of MKIII. It lets out a piercing roar that means nothing, if nothing sounded a lot like "You will all die."
What you'll notice first is that MKIII no longer needs to keep pressing A in order to keep this particular beast out; It now acts like an assist trophy more than anything....
This beast takes up a section of the background about the size of Palutena. (Which is to say, quite huge.) Each of it's 2 hands is slightly smaller than Master Hand. However, this beast has much less variety than most bosses, only having 3 attacks-

1- A large group of lasers, 10 to be specific, fire out from it's many eyes, attempting to home in on the foe. Each laser does 2% damage. They fire at a very quick rate, meaning if you get hit by one, you'll be stunned long enough to get hit by all the ones that follow, along with great knockback. Easily the beast's most devastating attack, so it's likewise the one it spams the most.
2- A sweeping attack with one of it's hands. Basically, the beast tries the grab the foe, and crush them within it's palms for massive damage, said massive damage actually just being 30% damage with hefty knockback to go along with it when he slams the crushed foe back onto the ground. However, he sweeps the entire playing field pretty slowly, so this attack is pretty easy to dodge. Naturally, he doesn't use this as frequently, for that would be far less annoying.

Now, how do we stop this horrific beast? Actually it's quite easy: You have to either KO MKIII or damage either of it's hands up to 100% damage. After that, he'll disappear into blackness and everything will go back to normal. Also, MKIII can't use this attack for the rest of his stock anymore.

Now before you get too excited, lemme break this description right here to say some technical stuff ahead of time: In order to keep these holographic abominations on the stage, MKIII has to keep mashing the A button. While he still can move, as if holding a super scope or something, he's mostly helpless otherwise. Naturally, if MKIII takes any damage while performing this, he can't project anything, stopping any Holographic beast from existing then and there. On the bright side, all the progress you made with your holo-monster will remain with your throughout the stock, no matter what ******** thing you accomplish throughout.


A pretty strange move with a deviously simple startup: While dashing, pressing A will make MKIII completely stop in his tracks and swiftly swipe his arm, attempting to grab a foe. If he misses, he'll suffer quite a deal of ending lag, so watch your *** on that.
If you DO grab the opponent though, then be prepared for quite the showdown. Upon grabbing the poor victim, MKIII, being the smug basterd he is, begins to talk down the opponent while holding them by the neck. Now this may seem odd, but while he talks the foe down, a little invisible button-mash-of-war goes on for roughly 4 seconds. Basically, the foe can break out of MKIII's kung-fu grip by mashing buttons harder than MKIII's player whilst the animation goes on. Once you do manage to get the poor sucker of an opponent in your grasp for 4 seconds, pure freaking NIGHTMARES happen, as MKIII cackles maniacally as he fires an intensely bright beam from his eyes to the opponent's eyes.
Once that's all done, Robo-Link cryptically tells his opponent "Thanks for volunteering in my experiment! Be sure not to hurry and take your time!"

Oddly enough, nothing interesting seems to happen. The opponent takes absolutely no damage and the match continues as usual. But of course, something is clearly off....
If the other player fails to heed MKIII's advice and travels a total of about 5 battlefield platforms of distance, the music ever so slightly slows down, as the opponent's character puts on a somewhat saddened face. While your opponent is probably busy going all "JESUS CHRIST, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! *head explodes*", he probably won't notice that his character's speed has been cut by a quarter. Maybe that'll teach him not to hurry too hard!
Of course, philistines will be philistines, so if they stupidly cover 5 more battlefield platforms in total distance, the opponent's character will go all MONOCHROME, with the exception of their eyes, which are now bright red. This has no real status effects, but it'll probably cause your opponent to go all "JESUS CHRIST, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! *head explodes again*"
Once they glue themselves back together in hell, and likewise proceed to go 5 more battlefield platforms, their arms just SUDDENLY GET CUT OFF!:eek: (No, not in real life, but rather their characters, which cuts their attack in half. Yes, they can still do the actual arm-based attacks without the actual arms, don't ask how that works.)
If they muster up the balls to go 3 more battlefield platforms, their LEGS get magically hacked off, leaving the opponent as a monochrome floating torso that also has it's speed cut in half. At this point, the background music is now nothing more than a creepy rumble, and the background itself starts blurring and blurring itself.
And at last, if the opponent is an idiot and goes 5 more battlefield platforms in distance, it's all over as the foe is decapitated on the spot, leaving the other character's now-inert monochrome torso spurting blood everywhere, and taking 50% damage.

Once that's over, a bunch of surreal colors and images overtake the screen, and transition into a scene where MKIII has the opponent by the neck...in the exact same position as a while ago, before MKIII fired the beams into the opponent's eyes. Yes, it turns out the entire attack actually took place in the foe's head, and once they snap out of it, MKIII throws them on the ground for 3% damage and small knockback.
Getting caught in this move seems hopeless at first, but don't worry; you can still escape the Nightmare Dimension by dealing 50% damage to MKIII while the dimension is in progress.
And just because this fit nowhere else, another neat thing MKIII gains from the Nightmare Dimension is that his Hologhosts from his Neutral attack now has the ability to steal Rup33z from the opponent! The amount is quite random, mostly just being green or blue Rup33z per hit.


With small amounts of lag, a giant ray that looks exactly like the one pictured above folds out of MKIII's manly chest. It then fires a huge, thin ray that goes about 3 BF platforms in length and fires in a straight line. This all comes together for about 1.5 seconds of startup lag, making this move a bit difficult to land.
Once you DO catch your adversary in the ray though, MKIII takes a hint from a certain Fightan gaem vampire and one other of my sets nobody read, and Midnight Blisses the opponent! (That is, turns any male character into a female. Female characters usually just change into skankier clothing, with some odd exceptions) Before you all start going Freud on my *** though, you must take mind that at this point, the game changes up a bit.
While the opponent is in gender-bender mode, she can still preform her entire moveset, and generally acts exactly the same as before sans the obvious aesthetic change. MKIII, however, changes quite a bit. In the blink of an eye, the robot changes his clothing to a tuxedo, and his sword is replaced with a fancy bouquet of flowers. In this form, MKIII can only use one move: A simple chargable projectile, in which he fires a giant Heart
from his chest. The heart projectile's size and speed vary based on how long you charge it, being as small as a super scope shot and as slow as Mario's walk with minimal charging, to as large and fast as Samus' fullly charged Charge Shot at full charge. (Sadly, that isn't the most times I've ever said "charge" in one sentence.)
Of course, no matter how long you stored it up for, the ultimate goal of this sequence is to hit the opponent with hearts no more and no less than 5 times. Of course, your rather Tsun-tsun opponent will obviously try to attack your defenseless *** in the meantime, as the only way for them to break out of this sequence is KOing you. Hitting your foe with 5 hearts, however, will make them go all Dere-dere, as the opponent is now in love with MKIII!
In this "in love" state, the other player can no longer attack, and their speed is cut in half. Of course, this love sadly cannot last forever, as MKIII changes much for the worse. Suddenly, a sequence of screeching violins and cellos play, as MKIII suddenly stains his fancy tuxedo with blood and his Bouquet is changed to become a bucher's knife!
This scenario is essentially what this entire move is leading up to. At this point, MKIII now hunches his back over much like MKII, and has only one move: STABBY STAB STAB!
Stabby is a basic move where Robo-Link swings his knife into the opponent's flesh, causing a rush of blood to come gushing out. It's a fairly fast move that deals 4% damage per hit, and while it has little range, keep in mind that the opponent's speed is halved, making them more of a sitting duck. Strangely, you can't actually knock any opponent out with this move, since it has no knockback whatsoever.
This entire sequence goes on for 18 seconds, and depending on how fast the opponent is, this can easily rack up damage in the 100s. And likewise, everything reverts back to normal once those 18 seconds are up, the screeching violins quiet down, and everyone starts looking at me with the intent of calling for some serious mental health.


A (relatively) simple move, MKIII does something of a pounce, similar to Snake's dash attack. Unlike that move though, this one is technically a grab. Once the robot pounces an enemy, he'll hold them down with his arm and take out a tiny pill from his pocket. He holds the pill up all dramatically in the air while saying "Now who said I wasn't a nice unit?!" and shoves the pill down the enemy's throat. He then jumps off the foe, as the effects of the pill go into motion.
And what this pill does is that....it heals the opponent by 100%. The hell is up with that then?
See, while the opponent is healed up, the pill has the rather annoying side effect of giving all of the opponent's moves healing properties. Yes, not only do none of the foe's attacks work against MKIII, but they actually heal him! (The amount being exactly the same as the attack's normal damage.) Their attacks don't even have knockback! This pill's effect last for no more than 9 seconds, making it a perfect move for stalling while using the shop.


Another (relatively) simple operation, MKIII yells out "MEDICINAL TORTURE MODE!" as he stomps the ground and glows a greenish color. A short animation plays where MKIII slightly changes his form so that thin braces erect themselves around his limbs and he gets decked out with purely aesthetic drills around his body. The animation is about 1.3 seconds long, leaving a rather wary opponent quite capable of knocking you out of the move.
When you do accomplish your transformation, MKIII's attack power goes up a whopping x3! This neat power boost lasts for about 10 seconds, and I shouldn't be the one to tell you that you should be wailing the crap outta your enemy during this time.
Well this sounds nice and all, but surely this must have some sort of drawback, right? Why yes, you would be absolutely right! Once your 10 seconds are up, not only will MKIII require "cooldown time" for this move, meaning you can't use this move again for about a minute, but at 5 seconds after the sequence finished, your opponent will start....regaining health?
Yes, all the damage and suffering you put your opponent through with this move will slowly be reversed over the course of 30 seconds. But upon closer inspection, it turns out they actually heal up TWICE the amount of damage you gave them! So yes, if you really want this move to be effective whatsoever, you better kill 'em off quick.



So yeah, in case you were a lazy *** and didn't read the description for Rup33z up top, you should know that all of MKIII's smash attacks have the properties of knocking out Rup33z from the opponent, leaving them lying on the ground. However, easily the most notable thing about his Smash attacks is that them, his Neutral B, bair, and sometimes his Side B and Neutral attack are pretty much the only "Straightforward" attacks MKIII has in his arsenal. Yes, throughout this gigantic moveset, the only truly generic attacks he has round out to about 7. Why? Because Science, *****.

For his forward Smash, MKIII first deals himself 5% damage, because hell why not, all the cool kids are doing it. He leans back and winds up his arm, getting ready to throw an incredibly mean punch of some sort. So in case you needed me to tell you, this is one of those "how long you charge the move decides the outcome of the attack" type attacks I love so much that I try to invite it out on a date but it keeps turning me away every time I use that same "Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you" pickup line so I just keep bombarding it with random lines I got from quick google searches on my phone until she eventually snaps and hits me in the back of the head with a steel pipe by which I proceed to die a horrible, bloody death but not really as I get back up 50 years in the future where Sarah Palin and Kim Kardashian have taken over the Galaxy and I find refuge in a secret robot village that proceed to make me their messiah and task me with defeating the evil Sarah Palin and Kim Kardashian who have since fused together to form a gigantic dragon named Carl, but on my way to Carl's secret underwater volcano planet lair, I come across Xenu's home planet where I confront omega cyborg Tom Cruise and battle him to the death with my Holy platinum SlapChop crafted by Zeus and Mr. T, or at least I would have, but then my mom got scared and said "You're moving with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air", so I whistled for a car and when it came near the license plate said "FRESH" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I would say that this cab was rare, but I thought "nah, forget it, YO HOLMES, TO BEL-AIR!" I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo holmes, smell you later!", but then it turned out the Cabbie was actually Daigo Umehara and the cab was actually the disappointing final boss of Metal Slug 1, and I was actually a bear so I went to the woods where I tried to catch fish with my mouth, but then it turns out I wasn't a bear so I cried myself to sleep while Daigo looked at his kingdom, he was finally there, to sit on his throne as the prince of Bel-Air but then he punched Bel-Air in the face, and that is the story of how Harrison, New Jersey was made.

-Charging this move up for 1 measly second will only net you a simple punch, which does about 4% damage and some okay knockback. Has somewhat average priority, and yields about 2-4 green rup33z.
-Charging it up for 2 seconds will make MKIII step forward and do a rising SHORYUKEN! Sadly not as spammable as the original deal. Rises up a short distance and deals 6% damage with alright knockback. Average priority and knocks out 4-6 green rup33z.
-Charging this bad boy up for 3 seconds gives you a series of 5 rapid-fire mach punches! Each mach punch does only 2% damage, do little knockback, have low priority, but boy do they hurt once they're stacked up like that! And each punch also knocks out 1-2 green rup33z each!
-Of course, that doesn't compare to what happens when you charge it up for 4 seconds; MKIII thrusts his arm forward as it stretches itself out! This extendo-punch goes 2 BF platforms in length, but only his fist does damage. It dishes out 7% worth of pain, has okay priority, and little knockback. But hey, it gives out 1-2 green rup33z, along with 1-2 blue and/or yellow ones!
-And if you were patient to charge this up for an unruly 5 seconds, you're rewarded with a move where MKIII does a series of 3 Shoryukens, the last one going quite a ways up. Yes, it's his own personal SHORYUREPPA! The first 2 punches do 6% per hit, while the final amazing impact does 9% damage! The move has good priority, and decent knockback on the final hit. But what's most important is that it has a high chance of giving 1-2 of every kind of rup33! Better grab em all!


Pretty easy move to wrap your tiny brains around. MKIII curls into a ball in midair while a black, spherical force-field wraps around him, and stays like that.(That's a 1 second animation right there) So yes, for no more than 5 seconds, you can run around as this flying black ball. The ball, even though it's clearly hovering in midair, is still confined by the laws of gravity, and thus moves no faster or jumps no higher than MKIII usually can. The real only real benefit to this is that contact with this kirby-sized ball deals 5% damage, and knocks the opponent back a decent distance. And of course, this also hits rup33z out of the poor opponent. It starts out as 3-5 green rup33z a hit, but this amount gradually increases based on how many times you hit the opponent in one go.


And now a far more complex move to make up for the previous.
MKIII winds up a vigorous uppercut, which upon execution deals 2~4% damage. It has small-but-noticable startup lag, but some rather deep ending lag if you miss. So you're probably thinking that's kind of wimpy for a smash attack, no? Well first off, if you keep asking questions like this, I'm going to stuff your urethra with roundworms. Second off, this punch has yet another stupid twist to it. Once you smash your opponent upwards with this short-ranged uppercut, your foe will fly upwards.....and upwards.... and upwards. They fly pretty much all the way up, but they don't get knocked out for some reason! But before we can ask "what's the deal with that!?", MKIII swiftly jumps all the way up to the flying opponent, and the camera pans up to follow the action.(If you're playing a 3-4 player match, the action will just appear in a little bubble on the top of the screen.)
The flying opponent regains their composure, and the background is now moving so fast, it's now just a bunch of speed lines! As MKIII and his enemy look each other in the eyes while soaring in the air, a series of button prompts appear on the screen! Why yes, a blantant quick time event battle, who saw this coming?
These QTE showdowns come in 3 waves: the first wave consisting of only 3 buttons, the 2nd consisting of 4, and the 3rd consisting of 5. The rules are simple; whoever completes the button prompts first will get a hit in on their opponent, each hit imparting 6% damage. MKIII does have one small advantage though, as successfully hitting his opponent will give him 5~10 green rup33z; a luxury the foe doesn't really get if he succeeds.
Once this God of War dumbf**kery is finally over, both of the players jump back down to solid ground, their positions reset to opposite sides of the stage. And as painful as it sounds, I swear the actual sequence itself isn't as long as you'd imagine it.

U S4Y MY 43R14LS R G3N3RIC, D0 U?!


MKIII suddenly folds his legs in midair and holds out a tea cup, fancily sipping a bit from it, pinky up and all. This animation is quite brief, only being a smidgen shorter than Marth's counter state by the time he puts the cup away. Huh? Yes, MKIII's nair is in fact, a counter move. Pretty dumb, but just play along. Once hit in this state, MKIII falls clumsily to the ground, rubs his cheek, and angrily yells out "YOU UNCOUTH BASTARD!" while his delicious Darjeeling tea spills on the floor. He gets back up and then...nothing happens. The only real benefit to this is that any damage the offending attack would have dealt has been reduced to 1%. But that's not really all there is to the move. What you actually want to do is catch the foe in the counter another time; by then he falls to the ground once more and screams, "HOW DARE YOU! NOT EVEN MY OWN FATHER HIT ME!" And the big payoff is....nothing happening again. Woo.(pty)
But no, for real, what you want to REALLY do is get hit one more time in the counter state, following the ever-essential rule of threes. When MKIII falls to the ground yet again, he doesn't say anything, but puts on an extremely strong face that clearly states that he's sick of the foe's s**t.
Then the real fireworks happen- the screen starts to dim, only MKIII being left illuminated. The robot lifts up his coat and puts on a psychotic grin, boldly exclaiming, "Behold my true form, and DESPAAAAIIIIR!" The immediate vicinity billows with smoke, briefly obscuring MKIII while he undergoes a grueling transformation. Now what happens from hereon out depends on how much damage you've taken. Depending on that amount, MKIII will transform into an entirely different form for the rest of the stock.(And also completely heal up as a result!)

So you somehow managed to counter the opponent 3 times while having less than 50% damage points. Don't know how you did it, but here's your reward anyway:
Out from the smoke, MKIII will transform into his TRUE form!......
the standard Robo-Link MKI. Yes, the one that started it all. You probably don't remember it. But hey, you're stuck as it for the rest of the stock, so you better damn well enjoy it!

This should be the standard result you'll get, and as you'll see soon, is quite hit-or-miss depending on how lucky you are.
Out from the smoke, MKIII will transform into his TRUE form!......
A completely random moveset from MYM6-8 sans Valozarg, Mewtwo, and Ultimate Chimera. "WHAT!?" you may say. But yes, and as a result, this is one of MKIII's most wild card moves. You could either be something completely **** like anything made by Warlord, or you could just end up as a lowly Negative Man. Your call either way.

Jesus, you're truly in the final stretch now! You somehow managed to overcome all odds and activate this trap card at your finest hour! So as a result, you'll be rewarded quite handsomely, and perhaps turn this game around.
Out from the smoke, MKIII will transform into his TRUE form!
From the clearing steam rises a horrific shadowy figure. A figure to be feared and renowned the world over. An ominous Latin choir sings ever so subtly as the true power of the forbidden Robo-Link arises....yes, MKIII has traded it all to become the terrifying, unholy DARK ROBO LINK. A powerful and near-unbeatable work of forbidden science, your foes stand little chance of defeating this completely broken and overpowered monstrosity. This mighty beast is not only stupid powerful, it even has an entire moveset! So likewise, it can be read in all it's cheap, broken glory here.


Brace thineself, because this one's a biggie. Almost instantly, MKIII sits in midair as a he projects a holographic select screen onto the TV with his eyes. Yes, a select screen. Specifically, this screen is actually a digital bulletin board, which is littered with 8 different requests... or as they're referred to, "Missions." Yes, you can task yourself with a mission in the middle of battle-MKIII is a pretty busy guy after all. Worry not though, since completing each challenge rewards MKIII with a perk that lasts all throughout the match (besides mission 8), along with some handsome rup33z to go along with them. Once you accept a mission, you have to go through with it for the rest of the stock; losing a life during one means the mission has failed, by which everything goes back to normal.

You can read the missions here!


First question here: Is your health over 100%? If not, then pressing the down aerial command has no effect whatsoever. Not even a simple animation, just nothing happens. Jeez, I've heard of generic aerials, but this is downright redonkulous!
But no, no, the real party begins when MKIII starts taking some real pain. If you do the Down Aerial once MKIII starts prancing around with 100% damage, MKIII will put on a "Pfft, I've had enough of this s**t" face and calmly jump into the background. Shortly thereafter, he presses a button on his wrist that replaces his position with an entirely different character altogether.

Meet MKIII's precious experiment prostitutes daughters. While most of the weapons and machinery MKIII makes is strictly for the Neo-Hyrulean government, he was able to make a pair of robot servants for himself out of spare parts lying around from top-secret projects. Their names are Nitro and Devsys, respectively, and on occasion MKIII will force them to handle objectives he doesn't feel like bothering with. So now you get to control them for the rest of the match! Nah, not really, once any of them die, you can't use them anymore for the rest of the match. So lol.

You can read their moveset, along with other vital details, here!

And obviously, once they die, MKIII is back in play, with no repercussions whatsoever. What a deal, huh?


MKIII spontaneously freezes in midair as his eye starts shining brightly, and a clearly visible targeting reticle appears in front of him. These crosshairs can then be controlled in any direction for 1 second, and they move pretty fast too. The main purpose, at least for now, is to place those targets directly over the opponent. Once you do, MKIII will yell "I've got the target!" and a separate disembodied female voice says, "Launching missiles now."
While all seems peaceful at first, once 10 seconds go by, sudden HIDDEN MISSILES will rain down on the stage and home in on the foe. The missiles come strictly in threes, and do 4% damage with low knockback each. Otherwise, not much else to this attack.


What kind of Bair is this supposed to be? I mean, MKIII doesn't even to a backwards kick! Instead, something much more strange happens. A blue, holographic image of a completely random character (This can be a character from Smash or any MYM) will appear in the middle of the stage and start running and jumping around like crazy! They run about as fast as they'd usually run, but otherwise don't do anything whatsoever. They're not even solid objects silly! This is pretty obscure, but what you want to do here is catch the hologram in the crosshairs of your Solid State Scouter, using the Fair. Once you scan the projection, the hologram will disappear. Congratulations, now you have obtained that particular character's bair! Yes, it can be anyone's bair whatsoever, MKIII will now be able to do it-or at least some imitation of it. Nonetheless, the bair is yours.
But things get even stranger. Once after you absorb a bair and hold the bair command for .6 seconds, another hologram appears! After you scan that hologram's, their bair is also yours! No, your first bair doesn't get replaced like you'd expect- instead, he simply randomizes which Bair he uses every time you press the bair command. It's a total bair mixup!
As you'd suspect, MKIII can keep doing this process forever....haha, actually, no. He can only do this gimmick 5 times. On the 6th time, once he absorbs that 6th hologram, MKIII will start flashing a bright yellow. What, you wanna try pressing Bair again in this state? Once you do, MKIII will start curling up in pain, all hell breaks loose! A gigantic amalgamation of bairs will fuse together and form to create one gigantic backwards pillar comprised of pure bair-iness so bair-like, it'll be one bairy unbairable bair of a bair! This mega-bair goes 2 battlefield platforms long and does 18% damage with great knockback! (Because I can't seem to put it obviously, just imagine this, but in bair format...and made of bairs.)
After that madness, everything about this move will reset.

F1N4L SM45H? F1N4L SM45H?! 0HH4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!

For his Final Smash, MKIII takes out his daughters, Devsys and Nitro, and sets them on an operation table. He says, "This'll be my greatest work yet!" as he begins to work on them behind a curtain. Loud drilling and welding noises can be heard, and the animation finally ends with an explosion that ends up...well, exploding MKIII. MKIII is now reduced to not much more than a disembodied head, where he proudly announces that his latest and greatest work is achieved! SUPER CYBORGDROID DEVSYS AND PUNISHING NITRO!
SCD and PN are generally exactly the same as their counterparts with a few key differences: Their attack power and speed are doubled, they no longer have Stamina in effect(So they have to be knocked out normally), and killing Nitro won't make Devsys defect. (Though she can't do any of the moves reliant on Nitro.) With that, you play as them for the rest of the stock; once they die, MKIII builds himself a new body that costs himself a whole stock.


You may look at MKIII's dizzifying moveset and simply be overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options you have. But know above all else, MKIII's main asset is a simple one: Control. By all means, a really good MKIII really needs to be in control of the situation. MKIII is clearly an extremely difficult character to fully grasp 100%, and he seems a bit off-putting to most. After all, the only good kill move he has is a single Smash attack, unless you're tenacious enough to upgrade his guns or holo-ghosts or whatever super-laggy attack there is. But for those who want to stick around, you'll be sure to find that this robot is a very open-ended character.
One way of going about things is simply collecting as much rup33z as you can. One easy way to collect plenty of rup33z quick is to task yourself with one of the easier missions. They're a bit difficult to slog through, but the payoff is pretty high, and even give MKIII some much-needed battle advantages! I'd say mastering the missions are actually key to top-rank MKIII play. But if you just need a little bit of rup33 goodness, I'd say spamming the forward B and Down Smash should be easy enough.
Once you obtain those rup33z, it should be in your best interest to go on a little shopping spree. You better get used to the exact positions and placements of everything in the shop as well, since shopping for items right in the middle of mortal combat is exactly as hard as it sounds. Now once you get that down, you can buy various consumer crap to give MKIII a real edge in battle. Along with the ever-essential shield, I'm personally fond of the backup Robo-Links and Mini-Links. They'll provide MKIII with some much-needed distraction and general chaos to do his more fancy attacks. The bombs and boomerang are less important, but provide some defnitely beneficial variety.
And don't think I'm just doing a throwaway mention to distraction and chaos being key to his fancier attacks, because this is very important. MKIII is all about being in control and catching the enemies off-guard. It's most efficient to make your oppurtunites for attack, since most of MKIII's moves are very awkward for straightforward combat. One move like this is the Ftilt. Very difficult to land and pull off, but an amazing damage-racker otherwise. Another great move like that is the Dash attack, which might be even harder to pull off, but perhaps allows an even greater pull off. Likewise, all these strange moves can potentially be strung together and mixed up; Most of them probably won't hit, but it's good for one thing: Overwhelming the opponent. Some good mixup can make you incredibly unpredictable, and most of all, rack up tons upon tons of damage. Surely that makes up for the lack of killing moves, right?
Also, I know what you're thinking: "Fffffuuuuuuk that crap, I can just let myself go to 100% or 200% and summon the much better Devsys+Nitro or Dark Robo-Link! YEEE HAAAW! *Does square dance*"
First off, while your Dair is certainly a good option, it's really only a 1-per-match thing. It's best to think of the girls as an extra stock for MKIII...but she's likely gonna die a lot, so it's more like half a stock, LOL. Second off, Dark Robo-Link is no freaking Dark Phoenix. MKIII's counter is very, very fickle, and can easily be botched. Plus, your HP is now over freaking 200% and MKIII isn't exactly a very manuverable, nor heavy, character. You can die very easily at percentages over 100, so how did you even get to 200% anyway?
With that goodness in mind, the overall gist of MKIII is that he's a character who needs definite getting used to. His Neutral B is certainly tempting for projectile spammers, but you'll need some real ingenuity to get your guns to the more useful levels. Certainly the same with his Neutral combo, which most may just write off as a mere gimmick, but can be very deadly with enough, say it with me, control. Basically, you HAVE to know what you're doing with this robot, or else you'll get destroyed, quick.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Because Veterans aside from Smash Daddy are only interested in commenting on "good sets" I might as well do something to help out those who genuinely desire feedback and need it the most.

Emidius Amarandos

It may be a little "too late" to comment on this guy, but he just strikes me in such an interesting way. I realize that you've done some editing to his set so I'm gonna base this around that.

What I really, really like about this set is the way you've presented a set for a "balancing" character who's essentially supposed to be omnipotent. He's one of the OCs I've seen so far who stays true to the concept given to him, which gives him a good wealth of character. I especially LOVE how you made his Standards weak and then shifted to the brutal smashes, it seems to really work well with the feel of the set. You've done a great job creating the right feel for the overpowered Emidius instead of just making all his moves randomly powerful. I feel as though I may have learned something from your excellent sense of presentation.

Since Emidius isn't your most recent set I'm not going to rant about things directed to you as a MYMer, but more so to the set. Now, as Smash Daddy mentioned before in his comment there is a apparent lack of detail in a good deal of moves that seems to prevent us from being able to grasp the actual move as a whole. This seems most prominent in his Up Special, with a number of -should I say- "important" details missing.
For example, there doesn't seem to be any kind of measuring until for the range enemies have to be within to be affected by the move, something prevalent in many of the other moves. While words like "near" and "enormous" are brief they usually rely on one's common sense to prevail in their meaning, something that seems to differ among people. If you haven't been doing it (I haven't really read your other MYMX sets to see if, sorry), a seemingly common measuring until seems to be SBBs; AKA the small Stage Builder Blocks from Brawl's stagebuilder. Character lengths works well too I guess, something I'd interpret as being "Marios". You don't HAVE to change this, it's just advice so people can get a better grasp of your moves.
Also I kind of assume Emidius' Up Special ends when he affects a enemy, but he can keep the move out for as long as he likes. There isn't really anything in the move that tells me otherwise.

Sorry if that wasn't too helpful...I'm not a great commenter of anything. I'll just finish by applauding you for how extremely well the character was handled in virtually every part of the set. For that this set truly stands out as a great one of yours in my books.

Also, I just have to mention that the Final Smash is one of my absolute favorite things about the set...it is truly befitting of Emidius.

I saw what you did with the Standard 0_0


And now straight onto your most recent set! It's only fair that you get feedback for it. I see you have a truly frightening enemy here; in my books at least seeing as how I am familiar with that horrid screamy sound as we all are. That Neutral Special might as well stun the player!

But enough jokes, I also realize that what you have here seems to be a combination of the Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess Re-Dead (as well as any other games they come from which I am not aware of), which is certainally a unique way of doing things over choosing a single interpretation. Kind of like a tribute to all of Re-Dead's appearances.

I have to say that, aside from Emidius, this is the one set where your Specials have truly become interesting in the eyes of Make Your Move peeps. This is especially the case with his Down Special, an idea that could have been interpreted into a ghost/warlock set at anytime (there is one particular 8th place MYM6 set that used the idea for their Down Special but it's different from yours). I'm thinking that one way Re-Dead's moves could support this move is by having his Side Special and Grab usable on the opponent's body; this way he could heal himself while his enemy struggles to reach him.

One thing I think I have to address are non-standards. No, they're not bad; it's just that they're a bit too short and insignificant to some degree when one compares them with the Specials, which potentially gives way to people ignoring these moves. You don't have to make each of these moves SPECIAL like the Specials to make people read them, no. My advice would be to include some idea of the attack's range and lag, and perhaps give the player some kind of idea of when they could use the attack. For example, a Standard/A Attack is usually a character's fastest attack which can get enemies out of their face, with moves such as the Dash Attack being an approach move, tilts being moves of decent kill power and smashes usually being slow but powerful moves that you'd have to use at the right time to pull off. You'd be best to look at the character to get a general idea of what kind of moves they'd use to which what can be identified as their strength or their weakness. For example, Re-Dead is a tank character with slow and powerful moves like you mentioned in the playstyle. If we were to translate all his attacks into a degree of importance to his playstyle so that everyone knows that all his attacks mean business, we could say his Smashes -the ones that use his sword- are slow but assure a KO at high damage percentages in conjunction with his Down Special.

I don't know if I really have the right to say this, but Re-Dead seems to be a step-up for you; he definitely has the Specials going for him. If you're aiming to get better I'd say you've a number of things to improve on, but I'm sure you'll succeed. Your return and contributions to MYMX are appreciated by all. I'm sure many have said it before, I'll say it again: your next set it looked forward to.


Your first set Gamma definitely showed you had a lot of potential with your strong yet simple sense of presentation. Rakansen effectively takes this up to eleven.

I'm probably supposed to watch the video, but there does seem to be a few things in the set that require one to be somewhat familiar with the series (which I'm not) that shows in the Side and Down Special; it can make visualizing the move a bit difficult. I somewhat object to the backstory being placed at the end of the set; it's far better placed at the start so people have an idea of the character they're reading the set for. Granted you do give a very good set of contents with a theme music, video and game appearances.

The set itself is quite solid, with few problems regarding the presentation of the moves. The moveset is simple yet contains a decent playstyle; with the Up Special being quite an interesting move with the mobility increase and all. Quite looking forward to your next set.

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
Man, was hoping for more comments on my set. Should I try to get more or just write a new set? xD


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Don't worry about it, comments trickle in over a week or so, and you've done no worse than everybody else.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I appreciate the feedback. :3 I'll work on those changes tomorrow, since you know, anything after Arakune is open to editing.

I'd also appreciate feedback on Majora at some point, whenever you find time.

But yeah, on Emidius-- I did kinda slip up on up aerial specials. But my goal was to make him similar to his character... someone whose goal is to mediate, but not necessarily to obliterate. He can go from "this guy is playing with me, I can't do a thing to him anyway" mode to "he just punched me with a shockwave of death from a half mile away" mode, to "This fight is pointless, brb" mode.

And let's not forget, even if he loses, he wins anyway. :3 Because even being a pacifist, Emidius is a pretty big troll. Even Hazama would have his hands full.

And on Redead, I was told that I need to work on standard attacks. So, I could very well get into that. His aerials are essentially there so he can have aerials-- his main goal is to be a ground tank, not a flying Landmaster. xD There's nothing more to it.

But I appreciate it. :3 I feel like I'm improving with each set. And my next one's a Metroid set, hopefully I do it justice!


Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2010
Hey guys! It's been A WHILE since I've been on here so I thought I could pass by and see where the contest is at. I'm glad this contest looks like it's a bit more active than MYM9 when I participated. The sets I've seen so far look pretty neat so I thought I could also participate in this one and not disappear after my first set like I did with my Gray Knight a couple months ago. I'm also glad to see some names I can still recognize in here, might hop in the chat one day or another. So, my main point is:

Does anybody know if a Mortal Kombat set was done lately, or even ever done?


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Not lately. I'm looking foreword to you're follow-up to Grey Knight!



Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2010
Already decided on doing Raiden, the god of thunder. I'm already done with specials and should continue tomorrow, as it's 11 PM here and I've got exams tomorrow. x)


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Well, normally balance issues aren't enough to condemn a set, but due to the ridiculous overpoweredness of this character (Yes, I know that's the point), I feel it's enough in this case. Giving your character balance issues on purpose is a delicate thing, you want to translate the feel of their power (or lack thereof), while still making them interesting and possible to fight. I'm afraid Emidius fails at both, as he can easily win a match with just his neutral special. (Seriously, the light arrow is a very powerful final smash, and he can use it at will? Not to mention his other options?) If you want to progress from here, you need to give him an overarching goal (I'll only gloss over this, since I've read majora's mask/incarnation/wrath, and it does have some playstyle), and make the individual attacks interesting. (This bit I cannot stress enough.) By the way, to see overpowered sets done right, I recommend reading Mewtwo from a past contest.

Majora's Majora:
Well, I'd say this is far better than Emidius, as well as a decent batch of the newcomer sets this contest. You do keep in mind the various strengths and weaknesses of each form, and give a reason for each to be used by the player. As far as that goes, it's done well, and for that I applaud you. However, once more, you've given him almost all generic attacks, and that's the set's biggest boundary. To progress from here, just make each attack something that ties into the playstyle, beyond merely being a fast/strong/long-ranged move. Still, I'm glad to see you've improved regarding playstyle, and hope to see you continue that improvement.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
There we go! Trace is done! :3 One moveset to go!

* * * Trace * * *
Kriken Sniper

Trace is a bounty hunter that Samus encounters in Metroid Prime Hunters. He is a Kriken, a race apparently despised due to its ruthless imperialistic tactics. He is in exile, on a mission to expand the Kriken Empire as a rite of passage.

His affinity weapon is the Imperialist, a long-range quantum cascade laser. While using it, Trace can cloak himself when immobile. This makes him an ideal sniper as he is hard to spot from far away.

Trace's alternate form is the Triskelion, a sophisticated Kriken military biotechnology that allows Trace to biomorph into a three-legged war machine. In this form, Trace can dash at fast speeds, damaging foes as he does.

* * * Stats * * *

Size: 8 out of 10
Weight: 4 out of 10
Walk Speed: 5 out of 10
Run Speed: 7 out of 10
First Jump: 4 out of 10
Second Jump: 6 out of 10
Recovery: 7 out of 10
Priority: 4 out of 10
Traction: 7 out of 10
Fall Speed: 7 out of 10
Air Movement: 7 out of 10

Crawl: Yes
Wall Jump: No
Wall Cling: Yes

Trace is a big character, but he's more about speed than power. His movement is faster than other characters his size, and his aerial movement is decent enough to move him through the air. His priority is low, however, and his focus isn't really on his air game; it's on his special attacks and overall range. Another benefit of his is that if Trace is left unmobile for about a full second, he will turn invisible. He can attack while invisible, but if his melee attacks hit the opponent, OR if he uses an attack that shoots the Imperialist, he becomes visible again. Another thing to note is that trace can walk in this form, but he cannot run. While walking, Trace is very transparent, but not quite invisible.

Triskelion attacks do more damage while invisible, as well.

* * * Trace's Moves * * *

Neutral B: Imperialist (20%) (12%)
Trace points his arm cannon at the nearest opponent in roughly a quarter second, and out comes a large red beam that is essentially dentical to R.O.B.'s lasers, except for one major point: these lasers pass through walls. This makes Trace's lasers more dangerous, but at the same time, they are easy to avoid when you see them coming. He cannot fire as fast as R.O.B., being unable to shoot again until the laser has hit someone, or left the screen. However, this is only the function for tapping the button...

Should you hold the B button, Trace's arm cannon will sift around a little more, and a green reticle will appear in front of him. You have activated Manual Targeting. You move the reticle around with the control stick, and fire with A. You can leave manual targeting at any time with B, or if you are beaten out of it by a friend/enemy. This works just like the Dragoon, more or less! So, what's different? The laser shots are thinner, much faster, but a noticeable 8-10% weaker. This is to compensate for the fact that the opponent will know exactly what you're doing when they see the reticle.

Manual targeting can fire much faster, considering it follows Automatic Targeting's rule: You can fire at any time as long as there are none of your lasers on-screen... be it because you missed, or hit.

Side B: Triskelion Lunge (10%) (20%)
Trace enters Triskelion which takes a half second, and then lunges to the side at his opponent. If it connects, Trace hits them, grabs on, and squeezes his legs to try and break a bone or two. He then jumps off, but when he lands, he has a half second period where he lands and turns back into Trace. Missing is easily punished, and the attack is easy to see coming when visible... but if Trace is invisible, the Triskelion literally comes out of nowhere, and does a hefty 20% damage... but he doesn't jump off the opponent, he simply rams them, and sits at their feet vulnerable.

The ram does a decent amount of knockback, and can KO at 80-90% damage.

Up B: Grapple Beam
Trace points upward at roughly a 75 degree angle and shoots a red grapple beam. This move deals no damage to opponents, but instead pulls them to Trace if the end of it contacts. If it hits a ledge, it works as a normal Tether Recovery. Unlike other Tether recoveries, Trace's grapple beam can hook to any platform, and allows him to recover on transparent platforms-- However, he cannot grab the ledge, and will be left to fall straight down from there. While hanging onto the side of a platform, Trace has two choices: He can fire his Imperialist, or he can drop to the ground. Grappling into a high pass-through platform and using the Imperialist is a good strategy, as while you are grappling onto a platform, you turn invisible in half a second instead of one second.

Down B: Imperialist Launcher (20% per missile)
Trace holds his shooting position as his blaster changes over the course of a second. After a second, five targeting reticles appear in random places on the screen and chase random opponents. After roughly three seconds, the reticles stop and Trace shoots a Seeker Missile shot that chases down opponents until someone gets hit; even if that means Trace himself. If the missile hits, the opponent takes knockback similar to a bob-omb and takes 20% damage. All five missiles will target the same person in 1v1, but the missiles will blow each other up most of the time until there is only one left.

A (3%) (2%)
Trace reaches forward and smacks his opponent with his blaster. If the A button is continuously pressed, Trace will then proceed to perform a rapid-chop at 2% per hit on the opponent. The attack does dismal knockback, but has no ending or starting lag. His basic damage-racker.

Dash Attack: (3%)
Trace, when running, turns into the Triskelion in order to run along the ground at his maximum speed. His running attack is for the Triskelion to essentially tackle the opponent's shins, dealing 3% damage. And then, of course, you keep running. Runs opponents over as you make your way across the stage.

Up Tilt: (7%)
Trace sticks his leg straight up and brings it straight back down on his opponent, dealing 7% damage and low knockback. The move is slow for a tilt, but also does a decent job of people approaching from the air.

Side Tilt: (6%)
Trace stabs his left arm forward in a punch. The windup for this punch is a quarter second, but has no ending lag. This attack does little to no knockback, but makes the opponent flinch. Good for dealing a quick hit and escaping.

Down Tilt: (5%)
Trace, in Triskelion form, spins around rapidly and tripping opponents with his legs. This deals 5%, but has obscenely short range. Good for clearing out a mob of opponents and making your escape.

Ledge Attack (Strong): (4%)
Trace leps up off the ledge and shoots his Imperialist down at a sharp angle to hit anyone who may be waiting to camp or otherwise prevent recovery.

Ledge Attack (Weak): (1%)
Trace turns to the Triskelion and lunges onto the stage, essentially performing his dash attack from the ledge. Great for avoiding campers when you're at high percentages.

Forward Smash: (13%) (19%)
Trace points his blaster forward and shoots off a very weak Imperialist. The shot goes a short distance, only four or so mario's in a straight line.

The shot does not pass through platforms. This attack is not a KO move, as the opponents get stunned, but recieve little knockback. It's a move that is good for clearing your opponents when they're all on one side. When charged fully for 1.5 seconds, the blast will go through walls like a regular imperialist shot, doing slightly less damage.

Up Smash: (12%) (24%)
Trace performs a bizarre attack where he shoots his Imperialist into the air up both directions at a 75 degree angle, then shoots straight up. Each shot does 12%. The attack is unreliable, but it has high priority and is able to stop most meteor smashes and downward attacks. (Does nothing against Kirby's rock drop...) The shots are difficult to aim, but go off the screen. When fully charged for roughly a second, the attack fires manual shots, but fires twice, causing opponents to often take damage from the second shot right after they take it from the first.

Down Smash: (15%) (22%)
Trace turns to the Triskelion and spins low to the ground, legs outstretched. The attack is a very fast one, pulling opponents in and spitting them out like a mini mach tornado-- except for the fact that it has a dangerous ending lag if it misses. Has roughly twice the reach of his downtilt. This is a setup for Trace's upsmash and air game.

Up Aerial: (18%)
Trace points his blaster upwards, and sparks shoot out. He proceeds to prod the opponent below, dealing decent knockback and electrical damage. This is a KO move for prodding opponents to the top blastline.

Forward Aerial: (15%)
Trace shoots a manual shot from his Imperialist. It goes forward, passing through opponents but not walls. It deals little knockback, instead stunning the opponent. This attack is an edgeguarding attack that puts opponents into a helpless state if used in midair... but it's hard to hit with.

Back Aerial: (14%)
Trace leans forward, putting his body parallel to the ground, and kicks behind him with both legs, knocking opponents behind him away. This attack has a quarter-second start lag, but is good for foiling midair sneak attacks.

Down Aerial: (18%)
Trace points his blaster down and takes a shot with a full Imperialist shot. If it hits an opponent, they get knocked straight down if in midair. Otherwise, they get stunned heavily. This attack is Trace's aerial surprise attack. And despite only being one mario wide in appearence, it actually stretches an extra half-mario farther than that... its range is tricky!

Neutral Aerial: (11%)
Trace turns into the Triskelion, curls up, and spins rapidly, dealing multi-hit damage to any opponents who touch him. This attack has surprising priority over many midair attacks, making it Trace's anti-edgeguard of choice... especially since when using it, Trace's momentem stops completely, and he begins falling a quarter second after it finishes, giving him time to reattempt a recovery after use.

Grab: (0%)
Trace turns to the Triskelion and latches onto the opponent's torso, almost like a headcrab, only a little worse.

Pummel: (1%)
Trace sticks the opponent with his legs. It's a fast pummel, and could rack up a good amount of damage over time.

Up Throw: (13%)
Trace throws the opponent upwards, turns to normal form, and catches the opponent on his blaster's 'cattle prod' attack. This knocks the opponent upwards a decent distance, and is a substitution for his down smash to set up for aerial combat.

Forward Throw: (18%)
Trace releases the opponent and returns to normal form, kicks them to the ground, and shoots them executioner-style with his Imperialist. The attack stuns the opponent, allowing Trace to make an escape or follow up with some free shots. Whichever works better.

Back Throw: (15%)
Trace releases the opponent, grapples with them so that they switch places, and blasts them with a missile. This move is one of Trace's better KO moves, but must be used carefully-- remember, it is his back throw. He will send the opponent in the direction OPPOSITE of where you're facing... The move deals high knockback similar to a bob-omb blast. The explosion can impact other opponents if they are immediately close to the throw.

Down Throw: (10%)
Trace shoves the opponent to the ground, and remains in Triskelion form. He then jumps up and down on the opponent, stabbing them with his legs. The move deals no knockback, but the opponent is floored a full second after the attack. This move can be used as one of Trace's best getaway moves.

Final smash: KRIKEN EMPIRE (20% Trace) (5% per Kriken soldier)
Trace moves toward the center of the arena, and the screen begins to tint red. Kriken begin to swarm onstage by the thousands, crawling all over it, slowly making an enormous mountain of Kriken soldiers. Trace rises up, standing on top of the pile, and is able to press B to take shots at the fighters. Meanwhile, the fighters are left with two things: One, the kriken soldiers deal damage on contact. Two, there are kriken soldiers that are not in the mountain that will leap out at them and attack them. Three, Trace is on the top, invincible, and shooting Imperialist shots down at the opponents. Truly, this is the end of the world!

.... Or not. After roughly twenty seconds, the kriken begin to flood out of the stage, lowering Trace back to the ground. The kriken still deal damage as they escape, and Trace is still allowed to attack. He remains invincible until the last Kriken is off the screen, and the screen returns to normal.

* * * A Guide to Trace * * *

So. Trace. Using him means you have to think like a smart hunter. His style is not to get involved in every free-for-all that happens. However, his goal IS to find a free-for-all. The style of Trace is to sit on a platform somewhere high-up and away from opponents, taking shots at them with the Imperialist. Of course, it's only a matter of time until the mob rolls in on you. Then, what do you do? Well, you've gotta fight it out, right?

Wrong. Most of Trace's moves are designed to leave opponents vulnerable so Trace can rack up a bit of damage, and promptly GTFO. The only time you would ever attempt to engage an opponent would be one at a time, when they have over 100% damage and you're sure you can pick them off.

Other tactics include using the invisibility. Don't just go shooting off your Imperialist, it's a satellite laser. It works far better to shoot, change locations... if even slightly... and take more shots. If the fight is intense enough, you could shoot a few rounds off, cross the stage invisible, and then pull shots off where your opponents don't expect you. This is what Trace does.

He has moves tailored for specific situations, so it's smart to use them accordingly... He virtually always has a "best course of action" for every scenario.

* * * Animations * * *

Idle Animation - Trace stands perfectly still, not moving. Stealthy.

Sleep Animation - Trace lays face-down on the ground, sprawled out and unconscious.

Shielding Animation - Trace holds his blaster up to protect his face.

Forward Roll - Trace uses the Triskelion to quickly strafe around his opponent.

Backward Roll - Trace leaps backwards, Imperialist at the ready.

Air Dodge - Trace quickly dodges into the background, arms and legs spread out as he tries to move the middle of his body into the background.

Dizzy Animation - Trace puts his hands to his head and shakes his head rapidly.

Ledge Grab Animation - Trace holds onto the underside of the ledge as he hangs from his grapple beam.

Ledge Return Animation (Strong) - Trace swings up with the grapple beam and flips onto the stage.

Ledge Return Animation (Weak) - Trace slowly pulls himself up and turns to the Triskelion, scurrying onto the stage.

Stage Entry - Trace fades into view at his starting point, and aims his Imperialist both ways, checking for enemies.

Stage Select - You hear Kriken chanting from his final smash and victory.

* * * Taunts & Poses * * *

Taunt 1 - Trace raises his arms as if to work the crowd.

Taunt 2 - Trace fiddles with his blaster, sifting through missile mode, Imperialist mode, and Manual Targeting mode before returning to normal.

Taunt 3 - Trace points his blaster forward and mutters something angrily in Kriken.

Victory 1 - Trace poses in an intimidating stance, blaster pointed at the camera.

Victory 2 - Trace cheers (for himself) as Kriken chanting and cheering is heard in the background.

Victory 3 - The Triskelion slides sideways into view of the camera before turning back to Trace.

Loss - Trace claps slowly and half-heartedly in the background.

* * * Extras * * *

Kirby Hat - Kirby gets Trace's one eye, and can fire his Imperialist.

Unlock Criteria - Clear Boss Battles with Samus on hard difficulty.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
Late to the Mini surge, as per usual...

Event Match: Journey To Talys

"Archers stand in your way between imprisonment and reinforcement."

Part 1: The Escape

Play As: Shiida (1 Stock)

Play Against: Dark Pit, Dark Toon Link, Dark Link (1 Stock Each)

Stage: The Battlefield Fortress (1:15 - 2:58 in the movie)

The event match is a typical survival match for Shiida (Played by the so okay it's average Chris Lionheart set) that plays similarly to a Subspace Emissary stage at the beginning: all Shiida has to do in this part is get from point A (the top of the abandoned castle) to the door at point B (a fair distance away from the castle). However, there are no Subspace Enemies in this challenge. Instead, they have been replaced with three possessed archers that will do anything to raep defeat Shiida. They are (of course) Pit, Toon Link, and Link in their dark forms. Pit will always appear first at the entrance at the top of the tower, with Toon Link coming later on in the first room and Link in the second room.

All three of your opponents have one thing in common (which doesn't relate to swords): their Neutral B Attack uses a bow and arrow. Now if there is one thing you need to know about Shiida's Class in the Fire Emblem games, it's that they are weak against Bow-wielders. To compensate for this, every arrow attack they spam will deal 2x the damage than usual. Thankfully, Shiida does have her down special which can negate these attacks, albeit temporary. Remember that Shiida's primary goal is to get to that door, so it's not necessary to KO the opponents on this stage.

Part 2: The Ride

Play As: Shiida (1 Stock, Same Damage in Part 1)

Play Against: Dark Pit, Dark Toon Link, Dark Link (Unlimited Stock Each)

Stage: Pirate Ship (Fixed Camera Mode)

Shiida will now appear at the bow of the Pirate Ship, which holds a Maxim Tomato near the other end. Players would need to grab this health item quickly, as the evil versions of our famous bow-wielders come back in the King of Red Lions after 5 seconds. KO'ing them is pointless in this part of the event, so it seems like a endless match until you die, right? Wrong!

Shiida only has to endure the three bow spammers until the cyclone forces the ship to go up to the sky. Once the ship is at its peak of the journey, all Shiida has to do is get over the rainbow at that time and use her Up Special to call on her Pegasus. At that point, she would escape the wrath of her opponents... for now.

Part 3: The Battle

Play As: Shiida (1 Stock, Same Damage in Part 2)

Play With: Marth (1 Stock)

Play Against: Dark Pit, Dark Toon Link, Dark Link (1 Stock Each, Same Damage in Part 2), Zelda/Dark Shiek (1 Stock)

Stage: Castle Siege (Mirrored)

Shiida will land right on top of the castle after one second of falling to see both Marth and Zelda looking towards the distance. Thinking about attacking Zelda at this point would only make your ally Marth turn against you; apparently, Marth sees Zelda as an ally in this battle, so intentionally attacking her would make matters more complicated. With this in mind, Pit will appear on the right of the screen after five seconds. There is no point in trying to get him off the stage, as he would be invincible for the 2 seconds it takes for him to get on the stage. This "3 vs 1" would actually be more like a 1 vs 1 Battle, as Marth would be too concern with protecting the princess while she intentionally misses her attacks against Pit. Pit's main target will be you, but it will occasionally attack Marth at certain intervals. If you, Marth, or Zelda dies at any point in this event, then the event ends.

Once the forty second mark comes over, the stage will change to the middle portion of its run. At that point, no matter if Pit is KO'ed or not, the two link will return to the stage via the right side. Like Pit before them, the 2 second invincibility shield will appear for them and will primarily target Shiida with the occasional Marth on the side. At this point of time, it's best to try to KO the three arrow spammers at this time. This is not necessary, but it will make the final battle much easier. Again, a death from Marth, Zelda or you will end the event.

After another forty seconds, the stage changes to its end portion and will stay like that for the rest of the match. At this point, Zelda will then change forms to her alter ego, Sheik. However, instead of the usual blue cloths of the regular Sheik, this one uses the same black tinge as the opponents of this match. Yes, Zelda was really a mole that Marth fell for (if that wasn't obvious enough) and... her eyes are glowing yellow? Yes, Dark Sheik was holding a Smash Ball all along and will prepare her final smash as soon as Shiida is in range.

Now what was Sheik's final Smash again? Oh yeah, the Light Arrow. Something I should mention: If Shiida gets hit with the Light Arrow in this event, it would be considered a instant KO. To prevent this from happening, you need to watch where Zelda is before she changes to Sheik, then attack her as soon as possible. There's no need to worry about Marth betraying you, but you still need to make sure he doesn't get KO'ed. For the best results, attack Sheik until she loses the Smash Ball, then either try getting the Smash Ball and go into Falcon Knight Mode, or let Marth try getting the Smash Ball while you distract her.

This mode is in three parts because all three are difficult in different ways. If you get KO'ed in the second or third parts of the event, you can either start at that point of the stage again or go to the start of the first part (or second if you got killed at the third) to try making the battle easier upon yourself.

Finishing this event in any mode will unlock Shiida as a playable character. Finishing this event without being KO'ed will unlock Shiida's alternate costumes. Completing the event with no KO's on hard will give you Shiida's trophy with the original alternate costume.​


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2009
In A Yellow Submarine
Currently in progress... (P3K is curently finishing Frank West's moveset)Due to a small error, part of the moveset was accidentally posted. It has now been edited out.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Come on now... That's just sloppy. Don't post your incomplete moveset. :3 A teaser pic if you must, but not a mechanic and one special!

ALSO. Crouch? Everyone can crouch. What about wall-clinging and gliding?

ALSO. 4x4? 4 what? What units are we using? 4 Marios? 4 stage builder blocks? 4 Boozercoots?

And the picture thing is... interesting, but how would players actually keep track of this? And also, what status ailments? Just throwing stuff out to look at.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2009
In A Yellow Submarine
Come on now... That's just sloppy. Don't post your incomplete moveset. :3 A teaser pic if you must, but not a mechanic and one special!

ALSO. Crouch? Everyone can crouch. What about wall-clinging and gliding?

ALSO. 4x4? 4 what? What units are we using? 4 Marios? 4 stage builder blocks? 4 Boozercoots?
It was an accident, I was editing in the sections of my moveset when I accidentally hit enter, so now it'll just have to stay there since people have seen it already. I hate this new keyboard... :mad:


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I liked the Camera mechanic... until it was an over arching level up system.

Just have it be a special move that gives him a slight buff depending what or who he takes a picture of. Nice and simple, with a firmer purpose.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I liked the Camera mechanic... until it was an over arching level up system.

Just have it be a special move that gives him a slight buff depending what or who he takes a picture of. Nice and simple, with a firmer purpose.
He's got a point. You went and overcomplicated a good mechanic. There is no way to manage a LEVEL UP MENU on the screen somewhere, and keep track of point placement... That's just a mess to deal with in a fight. And yeah, problems can happen if you edit in Smashboards messages like that. xD I edit there too, but I actually am just coloring the set there; not typing it.

But yeah, my feedback for this set RIGHT NOW is to do three things:

1. Tone down the mechanic. It's too complicated to deal with in a fight. Make it a simpler buff mechanic, not a full-out skill placement.
2. Define your units better. I'm not sure what units you're using at all.
3. Finish it. xD Just keep this stuff in mind.

But I really am liking your organization.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
And again, fix that thing with the crouch. xD Crouching is a given. Gliding and wall-clinging are the sorts of things that should be there.

And yes, that's what it does, but it seems you get 30 shots to put into 6 bonuses, like skill placement. Which is too complicated for a fighter, especially in a free-for-all.

EDIT: Like, what you should be able to do is be in a fight with Bowser, dodge around him and take a picture, and take less damage from his monstrous attacks. Not have some big stat sheet going on of different bonuses.

MAYBE try it so the first picture you take starts it, and it acts as a multiplier, so you can take more shots of... let's say Horror, and your defense keeps stacking, but if you get into something else then you loose your bonus and start over in the new stat.

JUST a suggestion, do with it what you will.

Deleted member

Man, was hoping for more comments on my set. Should I try to get more or just write a new set? xD
I think I would just use all the feedback you got and start work on a new set if you have ideas. If you get new comments in the mean time, that will help, but this contest can be slow with the feedback at times.

Hey guys! It's been A WHILE since I've been on here so I thought I could pass by and see where the contest is at. I'm glad this contest looks like it's a bit more active than MYM9 when I participated. The sets I've seen so far look pretty neat so I thought I could also participate in this one and not disappear after my first set like I did with my Gray Knight a couple months ago. I'm also glad to see some names I can still recognize in here, might hop in the chat one day or another. So, my main point is:

Does anybody know if a Mortal Kombat set was done lately, or even ever done?
Good to have you back Pizza, definitely would be fun to have you back in the chat. There actually has not been a decent Mortal Kombat set, well, ever, really. I'm sure we got a throwaway Scorpion or Sub-Zero at some point, but nothing substantial. Hyper Ridley's also working on Reptile, but that may not be out for a while. So by all means, go ahead if you want to make a MK character.

What I love about Concrete Man is the characterised playstyle. He plays like a construction-themed set should – building up his traps, while spacing his material around with his tools – it's all so whimsical in its references. I think one of my favourite parts of the set is the surprisingly intuitive way of making different sorts of weapons to use in your grab game, whereby your whittled down debris or concrete blocks really come into play. I have to say, there are some niggles with the set – the inputs are a little odd; forward tilt is blatantly a special – more on the actual content of them, the minions weren't necessary, and there are a couple of moves that seem out of place like the faucet and the dash attack, which are only very vague set-ups for many other moves.

I did preview this set, though, and mostly these negative elements play a small part in the overall significance compared to his building of blocks and ferrying his opponent around. Compared to your other sets especially, there is a bit of a feeling of, not blandness, but more just simplicity with the styling of the moves. The interactions with the blocks do end up getting a little bit too specific, as you stretch out these rather simple interactive traps for a large part of the moveset – nonetheless, you do an admirable job of it and there aren't any real filler inputs. Certainly, it ends up being less bad than Galaxy Man's worst filler, while still not being quite as imaginative due to the wacky stuff in that set, which I do somewhat miss here.

Though these are all relatively minor niggles when you take into mind just how much more succinct the playstyle is as a result, and how much clearer the entire moveset is without a lot of the fluff of the previous couple of submissions of yours. I feel like a common ground has to be made between the two, however, to truly take advantage of your style of dynamic mechanic-central playstyles. Concrete Man is certainly a good set, though, and one which could possibly be a turning point for your movesets' reception. Next stop, Plug Man?

Now Majora by Majora. This set is certainly much better than your previous sets up to this point – there is some small synergy between the forms, whereby your hurtbox becomes smaller, but your moves significantly limited with the mask form, with the Incarnate and Wrath forms being more suited to range or power respectively. I'm actually not sure if I like the idea of transitioning whenever you like from form to form – I like to think of the transformations as Majora breaking down, until it becomes its truest form in Wrath, a hideous monster representative of its hatred and sadomasochism. Certainly, the way you imagined it is a good concept, but it is marred by the usual kinda bland moves, which aren't very complex at all, and don't work toward making each of the forms feel distinct enough. As a basic concept, though, it's a good one, and helps the set to excel amongst a lot of the sets we've gotten so far this contest.

Ditto's original moveset was far better than this one, and I don't know why you think this should be considered a moveset [seeing as you personally added it to the list]. It seems more like a mini in terms of how much it accomplishes, which is basically being a more exclusive random button. I get that it's meant to be in character, but yeah, you did at least a couple of interesting things in the version you posted between contests. Why you'd dumb it down so much and post it now is beyond me.

My Redead comment is going to sound like a lot of my Majora comment. You have an interesting bunch of concepts at the beginning, but you really need to make moves to interact with them, either directly, or on a basic level. Like, the roar, you should really have more than just a simple interaction with his ghost form when he's taken out of his body... just having a direct way to keep the body out of reach would have been enough, but it definitely seems like wasted potential. He never takes advantage of his ability to heal his own damage, which also has plenty of potential, or that fact that he can stick himself to his opponent at the same time. Just to put things in perspective, moves that are one line long are far too short, and generally here do very basic things that don't add to the playstyle at all. The playstyle needs to be more complex than just being “more tanky than Bowser.” Of course, in the space of a week, you've still come a ways, but I feel this is somewhat of a step-down from Majora, simply because of that set's creativity with its different forms.

Rakansen is certainly a big improvement over Gamma, though the great organisation certainly clouds a lot of the set's sour points. While I did like that you were able to advance to even have any playstyle at all, simply having an aerial affinity and some moves that let him follow opponents in pursuit is a little shallow. His specials are also kind of under-utilised beyond his up special, leading to a question of why they weren't put to better use to help his ground game, which is essentially just setting up for when you go airborne. Nonetheless, for your second set it is impressive in how it has some limited flow between moves, even if they do still require a lot more detail and actual interactions between moves to make them more complex.

Robo-Link MKIII is obviously really unique, but also rather impenetrable in terms of trying to understand his playstyle and see how all of these different mechanics flow together. On a basic level, I find the writing style actually somewhat of a slog what with all the mass details you include, on top of the insane amount of “options” MKIII has. What is generally the biggest problem is that many of these options not only have a limited benefit, but also practically don't work alongside some of the other stuff you'll want to do. MKIII mostly just plays like an incredibly campy trap character, setting off his plethora of complex thingamajigs while he tries to balance them all, which is generally very difficult. Because of the lack of much in the way of helping him set his “traps” up – the standard combo and the numerous rupee-guzzling minions in particular – it seems difficult for me to see him having much success in attaining the more powerful moves at his disposal.

Of course, he does have some means of keeping his opponent, for example by making them fall in love with him, or that ridiculous dash attack that limits their movement. I think what killed it for me, though, is that for all of the insanity of the inputs, the playstyle basically just comes down to stunning your opponent while you build up your more powerful attacks... and where's the craziness in that? Just throw out your minions, or some other super projectile with some bizarre effect and hope for the best. He doesn't play in any interesting way, despite how his moves act so obtusely. He has the ammo bank, a time-rewind, a money mechanic, minion management... jeez, I suppose it does seem impossible to actually making a working moveset for this guy. I think this was pretty much how I felt about the last two, though – they feel like a joke I'm not in on. Though I am glad MKIII exists as an example of extreme creativity, I can't say I enjoy it as a moveset.

Onto Trace, which his definitely an improvement from you, mainly in writing style. I wouldn't say it's across the board, but generally a lot of the non-specials now have a lot more description and details that make them easier to understand. The specials, though, are still lacking in terms of doing anything too interesting – the idea of copying Dragoon is an interesting one, but you don't give Trace any tools to help him in trapping them where the reticule is. Similarly, the invisibility doesn't really play into the set that much, and when it does, it's only because he can come out of invisibility to “surprise” an opponent. The problem is in your thinking, I feel – you have a lot of effects where, say, you stun the opponent, have a projectile that goes through walls, setting up for your air game... it does have basic flow, but there needs to be something central.

The down special from Redead is a good example of this – there needs to be a thing that holds the entire set together, otherwise a lot of the set just feels like it's setting up for nothing special to happen. Of course, as with my other comments for your sets, this may seem very harsh, but it's only because it's frustrating to see you make the same mistakes again and again. This is entirely due to how fast you made these sets – you really cranked them out at an incredible speed, and it shows. I would recommend taking a step back and really working on your next set for an extended period of time. Make each input count – make them all work together without making them tacky. I certainly think you have the capacity to do so.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
How I think is where all of my problems come from. We talked about this. xD

But yeah... if I do make a new set, I will try to take as much time as humanly possible on it. We'll see what happens...

Nothing as of yet. No back-burner sets. I need inspiration from random other sets. :3


Smash Ace
May 28, 2011
British Columbia
I'm working up my Sam & Max playlist, which I'm hoping will be regarded as Super Awesome. Hopefully will address the issues w/ Rakansen. :)


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008

OVER is a heavyweight male antagonist from the gag series Bobobo-bobo-bobo which I don't like anymore ever since I found BETTER anime after MYM8 or so, but still make a character for because he has good potential and this is a rather dry season.

OVER is the 3rd strongest of the evil Maruhage Empire's 4 Heavenly Kings, the series antagonists who want to make the population of Japan bald; OVER is rather loyal to the cause to make people bald for some unexplained reason. He owns an ancient Japanese castle and has a bunch of random minions I won't bother going into detail about.

....and yes, those are scissors he is carrying, but for some reason he has never once opened them up. His aptly named fighting style Fist of the Horrible Bloody Murder involves him summoning random cannons around the area and knives in order to turn the fight into some kind of random gladiator battle because the series is just random like that. OVER is generally as sadistic as he is calm, but is prone to getting angry.

Size: 9
Weight: 8
Ground Speed: 3
Aerial Speed: 6
Jump: 1
Fall Speed: 7
Traction: 3


~Neutral Special - Overrated ~

OVER slashes his scissors forth and a dark wave is sent. This wave is as tall and wide as OVER is and travels at Ganon's dash speed for 2 SBBs length. Enemies hit take 0.7% per 1/2 second and are dragged with the wave until it fades. OVER suffers little lag executing this attack but there can only be 1 wave out at a time and it's easily out-prioritized by almost any attack.

~Side Special - Overload~

OVER brings his scissors back before tossing them like a Smash'd item; he doesn't have to worry about losing his scissors since he just produces new pair afterwards. OVER has the option to toss his scissors straight up or down if the control stick is angled in that respective direction. Thrown scissors inflict up to 2 hits when they make contact; the 1st hit occurs when contact is made with the tip, doing 5%. The 2nd hit occurs when 2/3s the length of the scissors' blade hits the enemy; from here it impales them for an extra 7% and holds them in a grab manner (despite being a grab this can still be shielded). If the scissors are in the air when this happens they'll drag impaled victims down with them for 1.2X the character's fall speed; for every 0.5 seconds scissors fall the intensity heightens to 1.4X, 1.6X respectively. When scissors touch the ground or foes escape their grab they vanish. OVER has average lag at the start and end of the move though he can have as many scissors flying out as he likes.

~Up Special - Overexploitation ~

OVER stabs his scissors into the ground, creating a cannon directly in front of him not dissimilar in appearance to that of the ones from Brawl's SSE. This cannon is constantly pointing directly upwards. Players can enter this cannon like they would a SSE door and when they do they'll be shot up until they either reach the top of the screen or hit a ceiling, though neither case will ever KO a player. Cannons will also fire a player if they're forced into one through being knocked into it, or if a player lands directly in it. OVER can have as many cannons on the stage as there are players in the game, but once he makes the limit he cannot make anymore.

If OVER uses this attack in the air a cannon will materialize itself briefly around him before he's shot upwards 2 SBBs, entering helpless afterwards. This cannot be used if OVER has made the maximum amount of possible cannons.

~Down Special - Overkill ~

OVER stabs his scissors in the ground, creating a set of knives that stick out from the ground in front of him 2 Battlefield Platforms's length wide and 0.7 SBBs tall; if there is not enough space in front of OVER the move fails. On the ground these knives do not harm players and in fact can be walked over, but they're deadly in the air; when a player lands on the SBB tall tip of the knives they're impaled by them for damage and are held in place in a grab manner. The knives' intensity varies on how fast the victim was falling; the minimum is "Parasol" fall speed that inflicts 1% with 0.3X grab difficulty, while "Bowser Bomb" fall speed inflicts a large 20% with 2.5X grab difficulty. How far a character fell from can increase the knives' intensity, with every 0.7 SBBs increasing the damage and grab difficulty by 0.15. There can be as many knife traps on the stage as there are players and they cannot be in the same spot as a cannon. Knife traps are capable of hurting OVER.

Once OVER has created the maximum amount of knives and cannons he cannot make anymore, so he has to be very careful where he positions them. Although enemies cannot directly destroy OVER's traps they will be destroyed with OVER when he's KOed.


~ - Standard - Overdo ~

OVER slashes forth once with his scissors, doing 2% with flinching at jab speed. This attack can be repeated again and inflicts slightly more knockback than the last, with OVER becoming more maniacal as he starts to lean forward slightly to increase his attack range. The attack can combo in itself extremely effectively until the enemy is no longer with within the range of OVER's scissors, though OVER suffers more end lag the more times he slashes consecutively to the point where he becomes victim to a counterattack from the opponent.

This move is perfect for getting enemies out of OVER's face and where he wants them, though he has to be sure he can take advantage of the opponent's disposition to prevent himself from getting into one.

~ - Dash Attack - Overstay ~

OVER enters a lunging position as he thrusts his scissors forth as far as possible while slides forward a little. The attack inflicts a mere 3% if the tip strikes the enemy, while hitting the enemy with 2/3s of the blade impales them for an extra 5% and has OVER hold the enemy impaled in his scissors for a grab manner.

This impalement acts much like OVER's Side Special except he is able to carry his victim around with him while they're impaled. Characters no heavier than Mario can be hauled around with no problem, though OVER can only carry characters who weigh no more than Bowser with these characters slowing OVER speed down to 3/4 to 1/2 depending on their weight. While he's carrying an impaled opponent OVER can continue to use his attacks though he cannot impale another character with the scissors' he's wielding; OVER can use his Side Special to throw his enemy away with his scissors though he only throws them at half the usual distance and speed, giving enemies a chance to recover.

Something nifty about scissor impalement is that OVER can grab enemies who have been impaled by the knife trap of his Down Special, or his Side Special scissor projectiles. In the latter's case OVER can stack his melee scissor grab with his projectile one, with the grab that strikes afterwards only holding enemies for half the the hold power of the last to allow enemies chance to escape. Aside from throwing enemies away OVER can use their mass as a shield to protect himself with moves such as his Standard; any other move where OVER impales his enemy with his scissors works as if he had impaled them if he uses it, aside from his throws.

~ - F-tilt - Overthrow ~

OVER lunges forth a little before thrusting his scissors. Enemies hit take 12% with horizontal knockback that KOs at 215%. The move is a bit slow but it has great range; even more useful is the fact that it's horizontal knockback can force enemies into a cannon if there's one nearby. This is probably OVER's most reliable KO move.

~ - U-tilt - Over-enthusiasm ~

OVER pokes his scissors upwards, doing 12% that KOs upwards at 180%. It's not the fastest U-tilt, but works as a juggling or KO move with very good range against aerial enemies.

~ - D-tilt - Over-time ~

For his crouch OVER bends on one knee as if he was the King of Evil himself. In this position OVER slashes across the floor with his scissors, doing 3% with low flinching when he hits. If OVER uses this on a character holding a ledge he'll cut through their invincibility frames and meteor smash them for what can KO a player at 130%...


~ - F-Smash - Over-the-Limit ~

OVER violently thrusts his scissors forward, doing 18-25%; this is an extremely slow attack that inflicts low flinching easily escapable by enemies with low damage percentages. If he uses the Smash input again OVER will perform a quicker slash that inflicts 13-20% with a bit more flinching; if OVER uses the attack one more time he'll slash forth for 9-16% that KOs at 130-95%, one of OVER's best kill moves. The attack requires multiple hits to connect properly in a fashion akin to Link's F-Smash, but don't even compare said move's speed to that of OVER's; his is akin to using a slower version of Ike's F-Smash, using it again at moderate speed and then a final attack with similar speed to Marth's F-Smash. The damage can total to a massive 40-61% that usually never connects properly what with the flinching pushing enemies out of the way. This move is OVER's extremely slow, yet amazingly effective kill move against enemies who have been knife'd from a large period of time. Not something he'd want to use often, it arguably being better against heavyweights.

~ - U-Smash - Overdoom ~

OVER holds his scissors directly above him for as long as A is held, he being able to move right and left at his walk speed while doing so. This Smash is unique in that it is not initially charged...

If a player lands on the tip of OVER's scissors, they're knife'd in the same way as OVER's Down Special trap. From here OVER can move with his victim, but more importantly he can now start charging by Smashing the input either right or left. After charge OVER violently slams his victim into the floor for 12-25% that puts them into their downed state; if used over a ledge the victim is spiked for what can KO at 150-90%. OVER can also skip to this phase if he has an enemy impaled.

One thing to note is that OVER's scissors, when pointed directly up, stand taller than his knives (it stands a tad taller than Marth's U-Smash, which is capable of poking through a platform in Battlefield). This means that if OVER was to use this when fortified by his knives the scissors will out-prioritize them and damage the enemy. If OVER then slams his enemy from this point they'll be knife'd again for 5-20% with relative grab difficulty based on charge...this basically means that OVER can only get the good knifing by holding his enemy for long enough. Sometimes it's better to use the uncharged version what with OVER being right next to his victim to follow up with a potential grab.

This move makes an excellent anti-air when OVER's not fortified by his knives, or even as a way to rack massive damage from a grounded point of view.

~ - D-Smash - Overclock ~

OVER holds his scissors with both hands as he sweeps it across the floor numerous times; the attack has a slightly longer duration that Wario's D-Smash but inflicts hits of 1-3% that knock the enemy upwards slightly, with the last doing 7-11% that KOs upwards at 180-160%. The attack can hit for a total of 6 hits, doing an absolute maximum of 12-26%.

The attack is quite simple from a glance; it's interesting to note that it's range is quite excellent, protecting OVER from both sides for a good amount of time. Even more interesting is the knockback itself; it's small enough to be able to knock enemies upwards and have them knife'd immediately afterwards, though enemies won't stay knife'd for long and they can spotdodge it anyways. The attack is a purely low-hitting one so it won't strike knife's enemies, somewhat of a weak point. Though that said, this can be a powerful defensive move when fortified with knives or even without. For all OVER's brutality, this move shouldn't he neglected.


~ - N-air - Overstep ~

OVER sticks a foot downwards as if he was using DK's D-air which he can hold infinitely. If OVER stomps on any character he'll boot them for 5% with low hitstun before launching himself upwards 3 SBBs with 1.1X more aerial speed, but in exchange he'll fall 1.2X more quickly; this affects the fall speed of OVER's other aerials and lasts until he touches ground again (entering a cannon does not count). If OVER uses this move successfully in a row he jumps an extra 1.5 SBBs into the air than he did last time, gains 0.1X more aerial speed and falls 0.2X more quickly. This can stack for up to 5 times in a row; it's extremely useful against enemies knife'd by OVER's trap, doubling as a "safety" if OVER would land on his knife trap.

~ - F-air - Over Decisive ~

OVER holds his scissors overhead before violently slashing them forth, doing 24% with a powerful spike that can KO at 90%. As powerful as the attack is, it's incredibly slow at twice the lag of DK's F-air but gives OVER Super Amour a few frames before the attack is executed. If A is held for the entire duration of the attack OVER will quickly fall with his scissors held forth, inflicting 16% that KOs at 180% to anyone struck during the fall (1% more damage and KOs at 10% less for every SBB OVER fell from).

~ - B-air - Over the Horizon ~

OVER turns briefly to perform a quick slash behind him that inflicts 13% that KOs at 220%. This is OVER's quickest and safest Aerial for scoring practical KOs, though it has a bit of end lag.

If OVER holds A at the end of the attack he'll "air dash" backwards 1.5 SBBs in distance in exchange for entering helpless. It'll never help OVER recover from an offstage beating but it can be useful for avoiding a knife trap should it ever come to that. OVER does NOT want his enemy to take advantage of his own trap.

~ - U-air - Drillover ~

OVER holds his scissors directly above him before spinning them like a drill; akin to certain U-airs you've seen in Brawl and all. If OVER hits an enemy he holds them impaled above him until they're released, where they're released for 10% and are pushed 3 SBBs upwards. While holding them OVER can use A to throw his enemy down for a spike that inflicts 17% and KOs at 150%.

~ - D-air - Over 9000 ~

OVER menacingly thrusts his scissors downwards before doing a typical stall-then-fall dive at Bowser Bomb speed. His scissors have a impale effect that keeps enemies in OVER's scissors until they've both fallen to the ground, where OVER's enemy takes 12% (+ 2% per SBB traveled) and are knocked into their downed state. If OVER and his victim land on a knife trap only the victim will take the brunt of the trap as OVER cruelly uses his victim as a footstool to jump back into the air.

Landing on a knife trap with a grabbed enemy is ideal for following up with a scissor impalement but it's incredibly risky in that if OVER misses the shot he'll suffer greatly from his own trap.


OVER reaches out with one hand. This can be used in the air where it has the same lag as Ganon's Flame Choke, with OVER and his victim falling at the speed of the character with the most fall speed of the 2. Some of OVER's throws have different effects if used on the ground or in the air.

OVER can also use this to grab knife'd enemies, basically grabbing a "grabbed" enemy.

~ - Pummel - Overlook ~

OVER cuts the enemy with his scissors, doing 3% a hit.

~ - F-throw - Hangover ~

OVER holds his enemy with one hand before swinging his scissors as if they were a baseball bat, doing 15% that KOs horizontally at 140%. This is an extremely powerful throw in OVER's favor but has the side effect of enemies being able to escape from the throw before OVER executes it, but even if they do OVER still uses the attack and has Super Amour while doing so, making him a force to be reckoned with for a short amount of time. This throw has the same effect whether it's used in the air or not.

~ - B-throw - Over-exhaust ~

OVER over-enthusiastically stabs his scissors into the enemy's body before throwing them backwards for 8% that KOs at 190%, OVER summoning a new pair. The scissors remain in the enemy as if they had been struck by OVER's Side Special.

If used in the air OVER stabs his enemy with his scissors and holds them out with one hand; from here he can use the control stick to spin in a 360 degree circle with his enemy, doing 1% for what takes 0.2 seconds to execute. OVER can hold his enemy out in any direction which helps for knifing them, though he can also use A to chuck them behind OVER for 10% that KOs at 200% (+1% and KOs 5% earlier for every time OVER spun his enemy).

~ - U-throw - It's Over ~

OVER tosses his enemy into the air slightly before intercepting them with a violent slash that does 13% that KOs at 160%. While not as reliable as his cannons this move can position enemies into the air for OVER to knife.

If used in the air OVER tosses the enemy upwards for a SBB of set knockback that can't KO. OVER continues falling as he raises his scissors behind him for 0.7 seconds of set-up; almost immediately OVER flies at the target at Sonic's dash speed in order to deliver a fast and powerful slash that inflicts 18% KOing upwards at 130%. The slash is very fast but leaves OVER with a chance of being punished afterwards as the attack is incredibly telegraphed.

~ - D-throw - Overly Evil ~

OVER grins menacingly as he holds his victim with one hand in front of him as a hostage, the other hand threatening them with scissors. In this state OVER can move back and forth at his walk speed with his enemy having to escape at 1.5X grab difficulty; if OVER would be hit by a frontal attack in this state the hostage will take the damage instead. OVER can use Z to release his enemy and push them a SBB forward. He can also slice his enemy with his scissors for 15% that KOs at 120% though enemies have a small window of opportunity to escape.

If used in the air OVER holds his enemy beneath him, both players falling at their combined fall speed plus 1.2X OVER's current fall speed. If they hit the ground OVER's enemy takes 10% and enters their downed state; the damage and duration are respectively increased by 0.1 for every SBB height traveled. If OVER and his victim land on a knife trap OVER uses his enemy as a landing cushion as he positions himself next to his enemy unlike in his D-air. This is obviously the idea move to use when you want to follow up with a KO of sorts.

~~Final Smash - Game OVER~~

While it barely needs explanation with Bobobo being a gag series, OVER has this weird curse mark which he can put onto somebody in order to drain their energy until they die. He has only done it offscreen however, so forgive me if I make any mistakes....here goes....

OVER reaches out in a grab manner; if he grabs a person he'll....KISS THEM!? He does this on a random body part, and when done the enemy is pushed away as if they had escaped a grab and they'll find a weird distrubing pink symbol on their body that's supposed to be OVER's symbol, though it's not important enough for me to have to post a picture of it.

Anyways, now that player will take 1% per second for the rest of their stock...this would be bad if it wasn't for the fact that the symbol is actually...a sticker that can, in fact be peeled off...the player can use Z to hold the symbol like an item and chuck it at OVER! If he gets it on himself he'll scream in agony as he starts taking 2% per second for the rest of the match plus 1% more for every 10 seconds that pass, unable to remove it...ouch.


OVER is one of those generic menacing Shonen villains who you see in one arc of a anime/manga series before they fade into obscurity. If anything, OVER's most memorable battle gimmick has to be his magically summoned cannons and knives which force players into aerial death-matches with dire consequences. OVER is one of those many characters who "makes" the rules.

The most obvious thing to do at the start of the match is to set-up OVER's knives and cannons. While you could set the knives up in any position with enough space, it's highly recommended to place them at very the edge of the stage. Not only can OVER KO knife'd enemies more quickly this way but this also gives OVER a fall-proof edge-guarding game when one considers OVER's rather insignificant D-tilt. As for OVER's cannons they're better off placed in the middle of the stage where OVER is given free reign over most of the stage.

Unlike other trap characters who solely benefit from their traps OVER and his enemies suffer from his traps to the same extent. Whatever benefit OVER can get from his traps can also be gotten by his enemies; this includes camping in the knives to protect yourself from aerial attacks and using the cannons to gain massive aerial height or stall in the air. It's extremely important for any OVER player to keep this in mind or they'll find that their enemies will overtake them; his traps do not give him any definite advantage over his enemies.

Now that we've established OVER's all-important traps, let's see how he'll use these with his moveset to successfully KO enemies. The most obvious goal is to force enemies into the air via cannon with OVER, plummet them into the knives with OVER and bash the enemy from there, be it a full kill move such as the F-Smash or a move like the F-tilt to continuously push the enemy away to the ledge until they finally succumb. Of course there's a detailed way to accomplish this goal, right?

Once OVER's set-up his cannons and knives where he wants them (quite easy to do), he has a surprising amount of versatility for damage-racking enemies. Like every other character OVER will want to choose a path that works against the enemy he's fighting; for example, if he's fighting an offensive aerial adept character such as Wario or Meta-Knight he'll want to fortify himself with his knives and batter them with his 2 projectiles. But this being OVER, campy players can in-fact do the same thing to him. How does OVER get over this? Well, he has 2 great mid-range options; the Dash Attack and the F-tilt. Enemies hit by either of these moves while camping at the edge will find their choice utterly unwise, as OVER can simply push them off the stage and kill them with his almost flawless edge-guarding game. No, enemies have to be clever to defeat OVER; they can't just use OVER's traps as a complete luxury.

In almost any situation OVER is capable of taking to the air with his cannons. He can become a bit of a brute to ground and aerial characters alike with ferocious moves such as the F-air and D-air. But of course enemies can stay on the ground and take refuge under OVER's knives to prevent taking damage from OVER's aerial game. The best OVER can do against these kinds of enemies is camp in the air using his Side Special...and that's all really.

Ok, so OVER's not really going to get anywhere with such pathetic tactics. I mean, his enemies can use the same tactics he can use against him! What does OVER really want to do? Be brutal. Don't just assume enemies will follow you into your cannon; FORCE them into it. Those same "push" moves that OVER can use to knock enemies off the ledge CAN fire enemies out of OVER's cannon forcefully, good examples being OVER's Neutral Special, Standard, F-tilt, F-throw, D-throw, and Impale Effect. For this reason OVER will want to stick to a ground game until he can get enemies into the air where he can follow up with some brutal tactics.

With the enemy in the air OVER has a few potential options. He can juggle victims with his Side Special, U-tilt, or U-Smash to "play it safe" to some degree; this is recommended against enemies who have superior aerial game to OVER's, as the madman doesn't necessarily have the fastest aerial game. Of course, if your victim has a slow and/or weak/non-existent aerial game OVER's more than up for giving victims a beat down. Do remember that OVER can use his grab in the air, which gives him a good deal of aerial options; this especially helps against floaty characters.

OVER can generally rack a large amount of damage on enemies with the right moves; enemies spiked into OVER's knives via F-air or D-throw are more or less ready to be grabbed or F-tilted. Don't forget however, that OVER can KO enemies in the air as an alternate option with moves such as his U-throw, B-air and F-air. He can also use his Side Special and B-throw to gimp enemies in the air or land and follow-up with his edge-guarding game, meaning he doesn't have to attack enemies directly in the air to harm them.

OVER is overall a more-or-less generic brute who can "change" the game on a whim with his traps. He has some degree of versatility though he doesn't have the greatest projectiles or a bundle of power or speed. That said, aside from the fact that he's a heavyweight, OVER doesn't have any real redeeming qualities in his stats. If he appears rather OVER-powered through his godly edge-guarding game, which can in-fact be used against him, OVER's recovery is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. He might as well not even have one; it doesn't help that it's a strictly vertical recovery that requires one cannon to be spare and creates a contradictory in OVER's game with the fact that he can be potentially knife'd by his own trap. OVER is truly a character who's strengths can be used against him. One should beware when using him.

Wow. This was surprisingly easy to male...I mean, make. Keep going MYMX!


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I passed over this; what do you mean, Trace copied Kirby's Final Smash? o_O

Kirby sucks nearby enemies into an unavoidable attack in one place in the stage where they take damage and then get shot sky high with lots of random items.

Trace makes a huge stage-wide mass of Kriken that attack the opponent, while lifting him up to a position where he can essentially mash B to shoot at people from a safe spot.
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