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Make Your Move 9: [Now Defunct]

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Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher

And just to be a hypocrite, let's bicker with DM
DarthMeanie said:
And all of these move interactions feel awkward; we have a fighting game with a completely unique system for calculating knockback in any direction, wouldn't have been a lot smoother for Emolga to just knock attacks around with its attacks than have one make it stall in mid-air or another HEAL Emolga for hitting it?
Now, I have to disagree with the possibility of using organic interactions here for one simple reason. Emolga isn't interacting with JUST his Electroball, or even JUST his projectiles in general. Emolga is interacting with ALL electric projectiles.
Electric projectiles run the full gamut of different movement properties. How, pray tell, does one apply organic knockback to Pikachu's ThunderJolt, or heaven forbid, Pikachu's Thunder? That last one in particular is the main reason I hardcoded the interactions, because overwriting its movement properties was the only I could see to acheive any level of fun interaction.

For anyone curious how interacting with Thunder is meant to work, the "projectile" in this case, is the tip of the thunderbolt (i.e. the bottom of it, before it hits either Pikachu or the ground). By hitting this point with one of Emolga's attacks you can, for example, cause the bolt to veer off at a 45 degree angle (B-air), stall slightly in midair (F-air), or even shoot forwards across the stage (jab). Personally, I was hoping that by hiding Emolga's projectiles until the end, readers would imagine that he has Pikachu's projectiles, and thus try to envision how they'd react with Emolga's attacks.

In general, when I withold important details deliberately, I want the reader to make their own input, imagine their own key in the slot. If I told the reader about Elecball and Discharge from the start, that would be all the reader thinks about while reading, ignoring the possibility of him interacting with any other kind of projectile


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Chain Chomp:

Everyone who’s anyone, and therefore everyone who reads my sets, knows I respect MYMers who are able to take a simple character (or enemy) and transform it into an effective set that milks its subject dry. While Chomp’s individual moves aren’t necessarily jaw-dropping, they adhere together to form quite a tantalizing playstyle. Chomp has all the power in the world at his fing…er, disposal, but as with other black creatures of questionable intellect, he is chained to the earth. The chain’s dual purpose is the real selling point of the set, as it hinders Chomp from pursuing attackers while defending him from being launched at the same time. Perhaps my adoration for this playstyle comes from my abandoned attempt at something similar with Dogadon…anyways, Chomp is a well-rounded moveset and an excellent effort from rising star n88. It doesn’t take a lightweight male antagonist genius to admit Chomp’s deservingness of a slot on any vote list.


Every MYM I’ve been a part of, there are always a multitude of sets made for characters hailing from renowned fighting games (no naming names, of course). While the moves of these characters translate well into Smash, oftentimes, they are simply tacked onto inputs and abandoned without a trace of creativity. With Shuma, MT struck a perfect equilibrium between staying true to his source material and extracting an all-new playstyle from it simultaneously. Shuma has the ability to mindgame opponents with a clone in order to rack damage, in essentially a reverse of the Popo-Nana relationship; his clone follows opponents rather than Shuma himself, allowing this vorish octopus to pummel opponents against his clone (similarly to Potato Head hitting foes against his parts). An extra dimension is added to Shuma’s playstyle in that he must selectively deal damage, considering his clone can take his attacks’ damage as well. To top it all off, included with Shuma is a 3 vs. 1 mode taking advantage of his attacks in their canon state. Shuma is an exceptional set from a leader who has put his heart and soul into all he’s done for the contest, and who will be sorely missed in his absence.


Combo characters are, and have been, a dying genre in MYM for contests now. I can attest to that as much as anyone, for reasons even the black creatures mentioned in Chomp’s ad might be able to comprehend. In spite of the genre’s notoriety, DM took a stab at it with Electivire, and much to my delight, sunk his knife deep into the steak of excellence. Electivire dynamically progresses from defensive to offensive, as he prepares his Motor Drive by landing attacks (rather than sitting back and charging like plenty of other ammo bank characters), before unleashing a storm of combos on his opponent. What’s more, his opponent actually has the ability to fight back or capitalize on any slip-ups the Electivire player makes, rather than simply resign to the role of sandbag, vegetable, or Ganondorf.

One criticism of Electivire involves his generic combo moves…while not every move is revolutionary and exciting (although there certainly are candidates for these descriptions…Up Special says hi), they fit their intended purpose to a T (the same can easily be said for quite a few of Necky’s moves). Despite relying on it for quite a few of his moves, Electivire is anything but a static character, and should be lauded when the polls open up.


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010

Pong is a nice little set by Nick that accomplishes what I had previously tried to do with my own Tetris set: implement a game with no characters and give it not only a personality but a fighting chance against the rest of the cast. It plays as a regular game of Pong, except here, you're trying to keep the ball onscreen to attack foes. It's really quite brilliant, in the way someone like say...N. Brio is brilliant: it's crazy, experimental, and full of outlandish ideas and I love it. It's, in my opinion, one of the most underrated sets in the contest.

On an unrelated note:


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island


Another of Warlord's crazy DBZ characters, Guldo has some very nice twists on old MYM concepts. Guldo has time-stopping, stunning the opponent for free hits, projectiles he can use his throws on (that's practically the new stomp DTilt at this point), as well as an emphasis on forcing the opponent to mix their defense between dodging and shielding, something not seen with such focus since my own Arbok in MYM7.

However, Guldo is far from a rehash. Just on the surface level Guldo generally wants to keep his distance, unlike the close-range speedster Arbok. Beyond that, though, Guldo has the ability to set-up completley unavoidable damage on the opponent by creating anti-dodge and anti-shield hitboxes at the same time. This isn't broken, however, as Guldo has to succesfully mindgame the opponent into a position where he force the epic attack combo to occur. This is an example of set-up done right; he is still very viable with a legitamate playstyle outside of setting-up, but when the pieces fall into place he goes from good to God-tier, and his playstyle works towards these set-ups!

In short, Guldo has a clear goal to work for, and a focused yet versatile playstyle with a lot of depth to achieve that goal. Exactly how a fighting game moveset should be.


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
VOTING LIST AS OF RIGHT NOW. If you haven't gotten your ads in, hurry, hurry, hurry! With that said, it's 4:30 in the morning (just about) so I -MAY- have missed you. If you're not on this list but you -HAVE- done three ads, just give me a reminder in the chat or via PM and I'll add you to it.



Unrelated, but I reaaaaaaaaaaaally want that Chain Chomp soccer ball.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio

Emolga by Junahu
Indeed, it’s Flying Pikac-….I mean Emolga. Emolga is based off of spacing, and dancing around the foe with its float and spacing moves. And when the flying rodent gets in, it can rack up a whole ton of damage by abusing its stun moves. Even cooler is Elecball, which Emolga can bat around with its attacks to make it gain speed or go airborne (yes, Emolga did this before Jeice did). Emolga can knock around ANY electrical projectile as well: so Samus and Pikachu need to look out… seriously. Seriously though, Emolga’s awesome.

Electric Gamma by phatcat

To continue with the electricity theme, Gamma is a pretty cool guy. Eh fights with electrically-charged pool balls and doesn’t afraid of anything. Anyhow, Gamma’s (pool) balls are the central focus of the set: he starts by having them revolve around them and knocks them around the stage with his pool cue. He can make them just keep floating at any location on the stage, and he can space them by hitting them with another ball AS IF HE WERE ACTUALLY PLAYING POOL (WARY). The balls are electrically charged from the second he hits them with the cue, and Gamma can manipulate the electricity in a variety of ways. He can unleash their electricity for offensive or defensive purposes, or just flat-out stage control. He has a lot of ways to stun foes by doing this, giving him time to further set up or to rack some damage. The way aerials are integrated into the set is very interesting, what with Gamma summoning fox familiars who function better as part of his ground game than anything else. While they interact with the balls to give Gamma some nice KO methods, they can also help him control the stage even better by giving him a higher-up platform from where he can hit pool balls around.

So yeah, Gamma’s a really good set: vote for him (Y).

Captain Ginyu by MasterWarlord
And now for something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Captain Ginyu is a MasterWarlord set, thus I could probably get away with just ending this ad right now. But no, I’ll go on with it anyway. Like a good number of the DBZ sets this contest, Ginyu can be described as a gimper. But he goes about it a bit differently: he tries to catch foes in a psychic levitation field he forms in front of himself and force foes off the edge regardless of their damage percent. Then he goes about gimping them with aerials or grab/throws from his hover. This type of playstyle that doesn’t require much damage racking plays perfectly into making his signature Body Swap technically actually viable. Once Ginyu is heavily damaged he can just try to hit with the Body Swap, and take over his opponent’s character while his foe has to try and play a heavily-damaged Ginyu (who they likely won’t know how to play well). All this makes the Captain a really awesome moveset that captures his character as well as is possible while still being very creative. He’s MW’s second-best moveset this contest in my opinion, which is hardly a bad position to be in: he’s definitely deserving of your vote.

Deleted member

I won't re-iterate what has already been said on fighting game transitions; suffice to say, Shuma-Gorath is the best of this kind of set we've seen, being one of the few truly successful fighting game transitions. Due to his very colourful background, the Marvel games were able to extract plenty of potential, which you are also able to play on here by combining tropes of Smash; the ceiling and Chaos Dimension duo is particularly imaginative, with the chaingrabbing or other shenanigans off of the walls working well into what is a broad, but unique playstyle. Though some of the later moves are indeed a little loose compared to the excellent ones in the beginning [in particular the specials], I was happy with how able you were in bringing together such a strong thematic flow on the basis of such an odd input in the Chaos Dimension, making it all work together rather brilliantly. Certainly shows you know how to do great execution, which was the one thing I felt wasn't good in The Prince.

Onto Blaze. This set isn't extremely original in its concept or the way it goes about pulling it off – just now, I talked about fighting game transitions, but this also goes for brawlers. We've seen a fair few attempts at this kind of thing, though here your efforts are laudable in comparison to those. The organisation is fitting for what is being expressed – a moveset like this has to be visual to really convey why you'd want this kind of thing in Smash, even more so than if you were trying to capture the essence of another fighting game. The moveset itself is mostly subtle in how it flows into a playstyle, having the err of being a little too vague at certain points. The car had potential, but you don't really play off it into anything more complex; most of the set is far more basic and reflective of the source material. Mostly, it's apparently experimental, though it doesn't transition too well into Smash.

The Mona and Lisa extension on the set mainly serves as another reminder that we're dealing strictly with concepts, no matter how raw or uncomfortable they are in Smash. While I could complain about how similar it is to the main Blaze set, the few differences are quite clever and promote a sense of team play, on a simplistic level that's really quite defining of you, so it's cool to see you put your stamp on it. Again, pretty fearless stuff here and you're still not backing down to criticism, which I've always admired you for. However, in terms of the contest, there's not much going on – particularly in this tag team – that hasn't been done before and beyond the experiment side, it's a little shallow. A fun romp nonetheless.

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
I appreciate the support Junahu; of the three movesets that Warlord hated that I made in that one week (Luvia, Jellic'a'nt, and Crustle) Luvia is actually the one that I still insist actually has merit (and the one Warlord ranked the lowest).

With Luvia my goal was to give her some very flexible Specials, combined with standards that gave her room so that you could play creatively as her; using jewels to cover approaches with different attacks, holding the foe in place for a grab, using a held jewel to create different combos with the Up Tilt and Forward Tilt, or a quick toss into the ground with a fire jewel to create a trap to extend your offensive.

I really did end up channeling a lot of Ness and Zelda in my moves, and one thing I imagined her being was essentially a Zelda but with good Specials that opened up her options. It was a moveset that was supposed to be believable, and would have depth in play, if not depth in individual moves.

And although I appreciate the support, an advertisement that hawks a set for having 'restraint', being 'shallow' and downright 'confrontational' doesn't seem likely to garner much support.

And just to be a hypocrite, let's bicker with DM

Now, I have to disagree with the possibility of using organic interactions here for one simple reason. Emolga isn't interacting with JUST his Electroball, or even JUST his projectiles in general. Emolga is interacting with ALL electric projectiles.
Electric projectiles run the full gamut of different movement properties. How, pray tell, does one apply organic knockback to Pikachu's ThunderJolt, or heaven forbid, Pikachu's Thunder? That last one in particular is the main reason I hardcoded the interactions, because overwriting its movement properties was the only I could see to acheive any level of fun interaction.

For anyone curious how interacting with Thunder is meant to work, the "projectile" in this case, is the tip of the thunderbolt (i.e. the bottom of it, before it hits either Pikachu or the ground). By hitting this point with one of Emolga's attacks you can, for example, cause the bolt to veer off at a 45 degree angle (B-air), stall slightly in midair (F-air), or even shoot forwards across the stage (jab). Personally, I was hoping that by hiding Emolga's projectiles until the end, readers would imagine that he has Pikachu's projectiles, and thus try to envision how they'd react with Emolga's attacks.

In general, when I withold important details deliberately, I want the reader to make their own input, imagine their own key in the slot. If I told the reader about Elecball and Discharge from the start, that would be all the reader thinks about while reading, ignoring the possibility of him interacting with any other kind of projectile
Alright then, I can see your point there Junahu, but I would counter that you could have easily done a hybrid system, with some moves dealing organic knockback while a few did the tricky things you wanted to do.

Or, you didn't even actually have to have his move affect all projectiles, as that aspect is what ended up creating the problem with using organic knockback in the first place.

I guess what I ultimately feel is that while I understand what you were aiming for by holding back Elecball to the end, I'm not sure it didn't do more harm than good. That said, the way you're able to envision how you want the reader to react to different ideas you introduce by changing how you order things or phrase them makes me a tad jealous. You're certainly avant-garde in this arena, the last moveset I made that seriously tried to experiment with the readers' experience was Rider.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
And although I appreciate the support, an advertisement that hawks a set for having 'restraint', being 'shallow' and downright 'confrontational' doesn't seem likely to garner much support.
I should have probably put 'shallow' in inverted commas, since the attacks themselves are certainly not shallow at all. As you say, the depth doesn't stem from each attack in a vaccuum, but from their influences on the flow of play.

I am sorry if the advertisement came across as unhelpful.
I maintain that my opinion on both the set itself and its presentment to the thread is entirely positive, but it is easy to see why others would think otherwise, from the 'endorsement' I gave it.

Alright then, I can see your point there Junahu, but I would counter that you could have easily done a hybrid system, with some moves dealing organic knockback while a few did the tricky things you wanted to do.
At that point it would have gotten in the way of my usual minimal use of detail. I tend to keep things in either one camp or the other, simply for the sake of easy reading. But I'd certainly like to think that the REAL Emolga set uses a hybrid system, with organic knockback that only overrides the projectile's current properties if it absolutely needs to. As I see it, the "movesets" we see in this thread, are simply expressions of movesets and not the movesets themselves. Hence the Emolga in the thread simply represents the more marketable facets of the moveset

Or, you didn't even actually have to have his move affect all projectiles, as that aspect is what ended up creating the problem with using organic knockback in the first place.
But that's no fuuuuun. I want Emolga to team up with Pikachuuuu. :bee: /Rool

That said, the way you're able to envision how you want the reader to react to different ideas you introduce by changing how you order things or phrase them makes me a tad jealous. You're certainly avant-garde in this arena, the last moveset I made that seriously tried to experiment with the readers' experience was Rider.
I'm only really scratching the surface of how a set's voice and pacing can control the reader's reactions. I try to toy with it a little with each set I make. Hopefully I can keep at it and keep improving. Because as of now, I fail as much as I succeed.

Anyway, moar advertising, goooo!

And moar hypocritical-ness, goooo!
While I could complain about how similar it is to the main Blaze set...
Indeed, while you could do that, you surely already know that the similarities are not only deliberate, but neccessary in presenting Blaze as both a 1 player and 2 player set. I'm not sure where MYM got the impression that Blaze/Mona&Lisa are seperate sets, as they're about as connected as Dark Bowser and 3v1 Dark Bowser are.

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
I should have probably put 'shallow' in inverted commas, since the attacks themselves are certainly not shallow at all. As you say, the depth doesn't stem from each attack in a vaccuum, but from their influences on the flow of play.

But I am sorry if the advertisement came across as unhelpful.
I maintain that my opinion on both the set itself and its presentment to the thread is entirely positive, but it is easy to see why others would think otherwise, from the 'endorsement' I gave it.
Oh, I was being mostly silly there. If this was the xat, I would have put a (TIPSY) there.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2006
Aiken SC

Penny Gadget - Junahu​

As a fan of the show Inspector Gadget (which most of you probably too young to even saw the cartoon show), I totally love this set. When it comes to her moveset, Penny is pretty unique among the rest of the rest in MYM9. There are a few reasons to why you should consider voting for Penny.

Maybe you want to play as Penny for a challenge. Just like the show, she would often scout her enemies. However she is often captured, sabotaging, and/or escaping most of the time. She can’t fight nor kill seeing as she can only push, trip, and footstool her way to safety and to buy time for her Uncle Gadget to come to save the day making it a 2vs1. You want the odds to favor you…do you?

Or maybe you would prefer her because you want to mess with the game all together. Testing how far you can go by using brain for whatever you desire just so that Penny can “hack” the system (I’m sure PETA won’t mind.) and using her computer book to “hack” the system causing all sorts of effects from altering damage percentage to stopping launch. With that, things this could be interesting on a team battle…right?

Dark samus​

Even if you a fan of the Metroid Prime or not, you may want to consider Nicholas1024’s Dark Samus’s moveset. You may want to consider this set because it may be what you wanted in a brawl character.

Maybe you want a character that can heavily bend the favor against non projectile characters. Dark Samus has several non-special projectiles, an echo minion summon, and a healing move. If that’s not enough to enlighten your opinion, then maybe the thought of corrupting will come to mind.

To include its powerful moveset, most of Dark Samus attacsk can corrupt anyone. The higher the corruption, the more damage they can do to Dark Samus, but what the point of worrying about getting killed when you’re playing as a powerful camper. When they fully corrupted, the opponent will lose a life, and join you…more like a personal slave to a point. I’m no expert, but when it comes to a 2vs1 with a healer (which Dark Samus can do), you know how things will end…Plus who would resist a free minion/slave.


Ah Mawile. Who doesn’t love this cute pokemon with a iron man eating like head. Crash826 made a rather interesting moveset that focus on this pokemon. Of course as a deceiver pokemon, Mawile natural instinct is to deceive someone so that it can make the kill.

What makes it more unique is that Mawile is able to use several formidable attacks depending on how its faced providing many options of which how you can play as Mawile, so I suggest giving this moveset some consideration especially if your playstyle revolves around mind gaming. After all, to mindgame someone is to deceive them, so it’s only proper.

Deleted member

And moar hypocritical-ness, goooo!

Indeed, while you could do that, you surely already know that the similarities are not only deliberate, but neccessary in presenting Blaze as both a 1 player and 2 player set. I'm not sure where MYM got the impression that Blaze/Mona&Lisa are seperate sets, as they're about as connected as Dark Bowser and 3v1 Dark Bowser are.
You're right, it's more of an extra that tries to add more of that arcade-y nostalgia to the set, if that is even possible. Why I really couldn't complain, though, is how unique the concept is and how it wouldn't work on most other movesets.


Nightmare Weaver
Oct 10, 2008
So guys, I have an announcement. Since MT is not doing the recap in MYM10, I am going to be doing a MYM newspaper of sorts. I will release it on Saturday of each week. PM me categories of topics you would like to see in it, such as Chat Shenanigans and Upcoming Movesets. I hope I can get with the leadership so they can give me feedback and topic approval. Thanks!


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
MYM Top50: Time to vote

By now you probably already know if you've earned the right to vote, and I'm sure some of us already have sent our votes in. But just to make it official, we're now in MYM's voting week. So PM your votes to MarthTrinity.

Every eligible voter has a total of 36 votes to dish out. These are divided into three catagories of votes, so think carefully before making your list and sending it off to MT;
Super Votes: You get 6 of these bad boys and they are worth more than any other vote. Be sure to only pick Junahu sets sets you ACTUALLY liked, rather than picking anything you think everyone else is voting for. Imagine a super vote list as an allstar line up of your 6 very favourite movesets of MYM9.

Regular Votes: You have 15 regular votes to play with. These are middle of the road votes, worth less than Super votes, but more than...

Weak Votes: You get 15 of these little guys too. These votes are mainly for the sets you think have flaws, but you still like 'em anyway. Even a weak vote can make all the difference in the world, so resist the urge to fill up these slots with sets you've been told you should like.

I'm extending the vote period for the MYmini Top30 for another week. I've already got a good batch of votes in, but I'd like even more. If you haven't already, PM me a list of your 20 favourite minis.

And finally, be sure to vote in half_silver's MYM Awards once the nomination period is over.


Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2008
MYM, Ohio
Alright, all the nominations are set: now voting for the MYM9 Awards is officially open! Just PM me your votes by 11:59 PM next Monday, April 18th. You are not required to vote for every category, so don't worry about leaving any blank. Now get voting!!

MYM9 Awards

Best Moveset Designer(choose 5)
Darth Meanie
Smash Daddy

Best New Designer
(choose 3)

Best Pokemon Moveset
(choose 5)
Landlos by MasterWarlord
Victreebel by MasterWarlord
Diglett by Junahu
Emolga by Junahu
Aianto by n88_2004
Spiritomb by n88_2004
Goruugu by n88_2004
Electivire by Darth_meanie
Nattorei by Darth_meanie
Toxicroak by JOE! and Darth_meanie
Jalorda by Hyper_Ridley
Muk by Smash Daddy
Keldeo by Katapultar
Klink by LegendofLink
Castform by LegendofLink
Pokemon Breeder by LegendofLink
Erufuun by Thrice
Gigaiath by Kholdstare

Best Comic Book/Manga Set
(choose 5)
Burter by MasterWarlord
Captain Ginyu by MasterWarlord
Nappa by MasterWarlord
Guldo by MasterWarlord
Jeice by Smash Daddy
Vegeta by Smash Daddy
Recomme by Smash Daddy
Bizarro by Darth_meanie
Dormammu by n88_2004
Fantomex by n88_2004
Dr. Strange by n88_2004
Shuma-Gorath by MarthTrinity
Electric Gamma by phatcat203
Thanos by Cutter
Miroku by Half_Silver28
The Joker by Getocoolaid

Best Moveset Mechanic
(choose 7)
Bowser Jr by Bkupa666
King Boo by Bkupa666
Necky by Bkupa666
Chain Chomp by n88_2004
Aianto by n88_1004
Tutankoopa by KingK.Rool
Jeice by Smash Daddy
Electivire by Darth_meanie
Diglett by Junahu
Mona and Lisa by Junahu
Penny Gadget by Junahu
Windows XP-tan by Junahu
N. Brio by MasterWarlord
Landlos by MasterWarlord
Nappa by MasterWarlord
Klink by LegendofLink
Sarkhan Vol by LegendofLink
The Prince by MarthTrinity
Amaterasu by TWILTHERO
Rita Mordio by Half_Silver28
Jack Frost by wrkingclasshr
Pong by Nicholas1024

Best Playstyle(choose 6)
N. Brio by MasterWarlord
Burter by MasterWarlord
Landlos by MasterWarlord
Nappa by MasterWarlord
Tutankoopa by KingK.Rool
Jeice by Smash Daddy
King Boo by Bkupa666
Necky by Bkupa666
Bowser Jr. by Bkupa666
Bizarro by Darth_meanie
Nrvnqsr Chaos by Darth_meanie
Toxicroak by JOE! and Darth_meanie
Aianto by n88_2004
Dormammu by n88_2004
Diglett by Junahu
Blaze the Cat by Junahu
Klink by LegendofLink
Sarkhan Vol by LegendofLink
Pong by Nicholas1024

Funniest Moveset
(choose 4)
The Prince by MarthTrinity
M.Trinity by MarthTrinity
Fat Zombie by MasterWarlord
Dr. Strange by n88_2004
Jack the Ripper by Smash Daddy
Muk by Smash Daddy
Wiz and Kupa 2 by Smash Daddy
Unlimited Hazama by Thrice
Windows XP-Tan by Junahu
Steelix by Katapultar
Beeheyam by Katapultar
Ronald McDonald by Katapultar
The Scout by Kholdstare
Baibanira by Kholdstare

Most Improved Designer
(choose 5)
Smash Daddy

Most Helpful MYMer
(choose 2)
Smash Daddy

Funniest MYMer
(choose 3)

Best Commenter
(choose 3)
Smash Daddy

(choose 3)
Smash Daddy

Special Award: Most Missed MYMer
(choose 4)
Chief Mendez

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
Let it be known that I actually VOTED for the MYM Awards this contest.

I mean, it's not like me voting was going to ruin my chances to win anything or something this contest. :bee:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
Sirkibble's no longer in this contest? :*( He will be missed. It's too bad I didn't submit an entry; I discovered this contest the day advertising started. No voting either for us plebs, eh?

So guys, I have an announcement. Since MT is not doing the recap in MYM10, I am going to be doing a MYM newspaper of sorts. I will release it on Saturday of each week. PM me categories of topics you would like to see in it, such as Chat Shenanigans and Upcoming Movesets. I hope I can get with the leadership so they can give me feedback and topic approval. Thanks!
That sounds like a great idea. Also, you should totally have an point/counterpoint section over how which elements work (Or don't) in making a moveset. Or maybe just a normal op-ed. You could get the opinions of some of the people who won previous MYM contests.

Yes, I am telling you how to write your own newspaper. I am way too overbearing.

Deleted member

Voting on the awards, there are a couple of oddities. For one, Darth Meanie's nominated twice in the Best Moveset Designer section, as well as K.Rool twiced in the Most Helpful section, and Geto in Best Commenter. Secondly, there's no specified amount of people to choose for Most Helpful. And this is more of a personal issue, but I found it objectionable that a couple of my serious sets were nominated for Funniest... I realise this is a piss-take, but I remember last contest you didn't allow that kind of thing in that section. Seems random that you'd let that happen here.

Nitpicking aside, really happy with how you handled the awards.

Sirkibble's no longer in this contest? :*( He will be missed. It's too bad I didn't submit an entry; I discovered this contest the day advertising started. No voting either for us plebs, eh?
Oh wow, KoJ, you're a legend around these parts now due to Warlord talking up your Make Your Move 3 movesets. Welcome back! Kibble's currently out on his mormon mission, but he'll be back in a few months; the mission lasts for two years, so you've returned at the end of it. I recommend popping into the Make Your Move chatroom, linked in the first post, if you want a full briefing on all that's happened since you left.


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Now that advertising moment, is thankfully over, it's time for some more fun before the Top 50 arrives from the pits of hell. I think we know what the drill is during this time. Even if we makes promises we can't keep, they're still fun to make. Let us shower each other with the wonderful characters we want to do for the grand MYMX. I'll start off, and will probably finish it too.

A good moveset starts off with a good character, not a crappy character unless you are cool and can make them cool. Most of the time you'll have to choose from a good idea for a character you're not attached to or do a set for a character you 'feel' for but don't bring around original ideas or cool ways to use existing ideas. In this case I'm going for the latter, Hakase "Professor" Shinonome from Nichijou. For you non-anime fans out there I wouldn't be surprised if you've never heard of it, seeing as how like, 20 new animes keep being announced every month or so, it being near impossible to keep track of them all unless you REALLY want to. It's just up to you to decide which genre you like. Most dudes probably likes action crap, which is why you're all here playing Brawl and playing with action. I really like Slice of Life and moé. Shoot me if you want, but I'll bite back.

Hakase is a character who I think I can almost relate to in terms of the way I do things. She's a genius but is childish because she's a child. Kind of like me if you put it to a certain perspective. She doesn't fight by herself though, she fights using her guardian robot Nano Shinonome,. That is just awesome. Slice of Life characters usually don't have too much potential unless a lot's known about their character, but the opposite is true for Hakase and Nano. A robot who stores lots of food inside herself is more than potent for a moveset despite the anime only having had 2 episodes and a OVA at the time I'm writing this.

I've started on this moveset, and it's fun to write, especially considering most of it's from a childish point of view, which is really to my style I believe since like a child most of me on the outside hasn't grown up. I realize that I have my own merits in my style for others. I'm not known for being able to make bore interesting or being able to entertain people like a comedian. I'm a ideals person and I know that that's who I've been my whole life. Because we are all different, and that (nearly) all fictional characters are different, we can tap into the potential of certain characters better than others around us can. I hope that's what I'm doing for Hakase.

Another anime set, Mami Tomoe from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which aired this year like Nichijou but has a huge fanbase. Thankfully the anime isn't cursed with loads and loads of characters like Nanoha, having a clean cast to work with. One could pick any of the main characters and make a solid set for them, though I picked Mami due to the fact that she spoils almost nothing about the plot. She's very much a traditional magical girl in some ways, and is presented to be that way in the anime. She's also the least complicated in some ways. Her skills revolve around the use of muskets and the use of ribbons to ensnare enemies, much like a certain Shakugan no Shana set from MYM5 made by a famous MYMer.

The sets I've done in the past have never been for any character I've really been fond of. What I didn't want to do, me having little faith in my skills as a MYMer, was to screw over a good character from a great anime. Everyone would cry over that. I asked DM if he'd help and do it as a joint, which was supposed to be the deal...though I've been a bit slack, seeing as how I'm the one who wanted to start the whole thing, I shouldn't be bothered with a MYMer who's substantially better than me. Regardless if I decide to take this anywhere it'll probably be a joint set.

What really stops me from wanting to complete this is that the only real way to exploit Mami's potential is to have her use ideas and concepts that would be a bit of a cliche, essentially being a combination of Nanoha and Archer. Of course there are things about Mami that would make her different from a 'normal' camper. She may just have to combine ideas in order to get anywhere. I guess the best I'd make her would be a 'character' for MYM and not a great thing. The best I'll do is abandon the set for her in order to prevent overthinking things. Doing these kinds of sets may not be my forte. I think I'm far more likely to get Hakase done than Mami.

Also, for some odd reason, I think I write more clearly late at night.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008

Yeah, most of those are fairly obvious and/or have been given away, but no-one will get that one on the bottom left. NO-ONE.:093:


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Is that really ANOTHER Dark Samus set I see?

To make this post somewhat relevant...

This is the one set I'm sure I'll be doing for MYM X. It's already about 80% complete, and I think playstyle-wise it's the best I've made so far. There's only one aspect of it I'm having some difficulty with, and that's how to work spider sense into the moveset. I mean, I just ripped off Espeon in my last set...

Others may be in the works, if so, it'll probably be something Megaman X/Zero/ZX related.

darth meanie

Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
It's always fun to make those silhouettes. I'd do one myself, but with my laptop dead at the moment I have absolutely no access to the image editing software that would be necessary for me to do so. Oh well.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008

A good chunk of you have already had most of these spoiled, but for the rest of you feel free to start the guessing game - good luck with the two in the middle. Hopefully this turns out better than those -other- plans from last contest, but I have significantly more elaborate plans for these four than those two.


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
Because i'm inept at compuer editing, i'll just state them:

Batista and Rey Mysterio:
This former pro-wrestling tag-team dominated the WWE for years with their completely opposite styles: a bruiser and a lucha libre.

Professor Oak:
Researches monsters for a living. Seems he wants to use his researching skillz to tear apart brawlers playstyle. Literally.

The Shadow Man:
This Disney villian has voodoo, he's got who-do, he's got things he ain't even tried. And he's got friends on the other side.

Tom and Jerry:
I'm actually doing it this time.

Hannibal Lecter:
Do you dream much, Brawlers?

Deleted member


The first one should be fairly obvious to anyone who played the game they're in, but the latter two are quite obscure and don't expect anyone to guess them.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2008
The corrosion has begun. We will seep into their veins, peel away their precious flesh, and replace it with cold steel. We will rip out their useless minds and fill them with the glory of the Father of Machines. Our minions will introduce them to the great vision.

All will be one.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 17, 2008
The corrosion has begun. We will seep into their veins, peel away their precious flesh, and replace it with cold steel. We will rip out their useless minds and fill them with the glory of the Father of Machines. Our minions will introduce them to the great vision.

All will be one.

A Phyrexian Invasion of MYM? I like where this is going...


Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2008
Sweet! I didn't think anyone would follow.

It'd be funny if Sakaki actually fought with no clothes or Pokemon and just punched people to win. And his Final Smash had him use his Pokemon.


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2009
In A Yellow Submarine
I'll be the first to say that the Tenacious D I planned was in fact a cover. I was planning on making a Frank West set and then posting it on the final day, but I'm such a lazyass I totally ignored it and just played Rock Band 3 the whole time. So here's my plan for MYM10. Note that, all these will not be done (at most maybe 3 or 4 of them), these are just my best ideas, that I've already started writing.

#1 Priority - Frank West

#2 Priority - Ashley

#3 Priority - John Freeman

#4 Priority - Duke of Gravity

#5 Priority - Chuck Greene


Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt


Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr. Now you know who to bug.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island

Whee, moveset plans. It's pretty obvious who all of these are as long as you know the character at all. 2 of them are started, though progressing slowly, the third I have ideas for. I may or may not make a Mortal Kombat set in honor of the best MK ever being released.

And then we have this...

Hmm, the Smash Bros logo itself...a new mode perhaps?
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