First, there was Link......
Then, there was Young Link.....
And then, there was Toon Link...
Now, get ready for an entirely different version of our hero of the ages!:
Oh god that looks horrible when it's transparent
Wait, what the hell?(Overview)
Robo-Link comes from a far-distant future of Hyrule, where the law is upheld by Robotic versions of the hero of time. Most of them are pretty loyal to the government, but this particular one isn't; Some glitch came to be during the production of this certain Robo-Link (no. 1089) and caused his personality to be entirely different. While he still upholds the law to keep out of trouble, he actually hates the government and believes himself to be the true descendant of the "hero" title. Of course he doesn't act like any hero for sure, often picking on those lower than it and lacks respect for anyone but itself.
However, a freak mishap had occurred during one of no. 1089's shifts. An accidental portal had opened up when Master Hand had gone too far in time looking for an actual Link, and sucked up Robo-Link no. 1089 into the smash universe. Now even face to face with the actual heroes of time and wind, Robo-Link not only believes himself to be superior but looks to displace them as true heroes.
tl;dr: Robo-Link is basically the Zelda equivalent to Robo-Ky.
▲ ▲Bzzat!
Robo-Link is much more than a simple clone. Being a robot, RL has access to tons of technology that wasn't even a dream during the main Zelda timeline. But in exchange, he cannot use any magic and isn't as versatile as an organic meatbag.
A "quirk" that he carries on from Robo-Ky is the fact that RL is
heavily prone to overheating.
What is overheating you ask? Well, it's a function that initially seems to be a huge setback, but can be used to your advantage in the end.
What happens is that
Robo-Link has a small meter right under his damage percent.
This meter is circular, much like a car's speedometer, and displays the current percent of heat that is being stored via percentages.
Robo-Link starts off with 0% heat at the beginning of the match, and the number builds up overtime.
How does it build up? Moving whatsoever, be it running or attacking(with some exceptions), will raise your heat-meter by some degree. Here's some misc things that alter your heat:
-Running will build up the heat meter by 20% for every Final Destination-length area run.
-Standing still will reduce your heat by 3% per second.
-Doing RL's ENTIRE Hover will increase your heat by 85%
So what happens when you reach 100%? Well,
you completely combust.
Combusting means you
take 30% damage, take horizontal knockback as if you got hit by N64 Ness' Fsmash(in the direction you're facing), you go into helpless mode if you're in the air, and you cannot run for 15 seconds.
While that seems like a huge drawback, there is a way to use this as an attack.
First off, if the opponent is anywhere near you when you combust, they take
the exact same damage and knockback you were dealt. RL's entire body pretty much becomes one giant hitbox at this point, and making contact with it is punishing.
What's better is that
this applies to when when RL is flying through the air from the knockback, making him into a giant deadly projectile. And what's also good is that contact with an opponent while in the air also
completely ceases RL's flight, making him fall to the ground in a helpless state.
Also, this meter is used to power his DownB, and can also be controlled as such.
Oh and there's also these guys.
These little fellas are called "Mini-Links." They're mostly used for RL's Side-B, but they also show up during a lot of RL's standard attacks. I'm just noting them ahead of time to prevent confusion.
St▲ ▲tistics
: 8/10
Robo-Link is pretty tall. He's taller than Link himself, just about near Ganondorf's height. His fighting stance is also pretty spread out, making him a rather large target. But don't worry, RL can take a lot of punishment.
: 10/10
RL is a giganticand extremely dense hunk of machinery. Playing it is like playing with a metal character all the time.
: 5/10
Pretty standard.
: 10/10
RL runs like a locomotive; he goes very fast in a straight line, but is horrible at making turns or stopping. Builds up his overheat meter pretty well though, if you need it.
: 3/10
Once again, due to his locomotive-running, Robo-Link has trouble making stops. Anything else is fine though, as long as he isn't running
: 6/10
Somewhat mediocre-ish. He isn't really reliant on brute strength
: 6/10
When Robo-Link stands his ground, he can pull off some good combos. His attacks chain together pretty well, and has little problem with lag. But only when he stands his ground. Even try moving, you're screwed. It's best to stick with projectiles really.
: 10/10
This is where RL truly shines. Not only is his sword EXTREMELY long, he also possesses a plethora of projectile attacks, somewhat making up for his complete lack of proper movement.
: 3/10
For some reason, RL's priority is pretty meh. Most attacks can knock out Robo-Link's projectiles easily, so it's best to either overload the opponent with projectiles, or wait for the right time. Robo-Link's sword is also pretty well beat out by most swords.
: 2/10
RL basically uses this to get off the ground. It's weight causes it to go very low, but it gets the job done I suppose.
: 9/10
RL's real jump, RL detracts rocket boosters from his feet and elbows and hovers about the same amount as ROB, but BE CAREFUL! His hover causes RL to overheat VERY QUICKLY, so much that if you try to make a complete hover at 15%, you'll end up combusting.
: 10/10
Once again, super-heavy. RL certainly isn't the best to recover with.
: 2/10
Barely even a crouch
Crawl, Wall Jump, Glide, etc: no
▲ ▲nimations
Holds his gigantic sword above his shoulder, pointing it horizontally, while he shifts around in a battle-ready stance.
Crosses his arms, Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen II style, and spins his head around.
Carefully walks forwards with his right arm bent in front of him.
RL brings his arm down and runs more normally.
Bends his torso over, sticks his sword out as if he was jousting, and his legs move in a train-like fashion.
RL hunches his back down, drags his sword, and looks down, his face no longer visible through his hair.
RL barely lifts himself off the ground in a mechanical fashion.
Straightens his body and flies like Iron Man.
Brings out his completely-out-of-hammerspace SWAT-like shield, and holds out his sword in a defensive manner.
RL puts on a panicked look on his face as he steps into the background.
Uses his hover-boots to dodge to the other side
Same as his spot dodge, but in the air.
RL comically brings out a pillow/air bag from his head, and starts sleeping on his side, sucking his thumb.
A bunch of RL's parts are spread apart, with only springs holding them in place, kind of like how robots break in cartoons.
St▲ ▲ndard
Natural Combo-Jinzo Bakaretsu Ken!
Strangely, his sword somehow disappears, and Robo-Link punches forward, Karate-style. He punches again for a second time, and the third time, 4 other arms pop out and he jabs away. Similar to one of Robo-ky's specials, though much weaker. Each punch does 2% per hit. This is perhaps his main method of attacking from his ground, making it very important.
This has pretty standard range, being as ranged as Sheik's natural combo.
The initial 2 attacks raise his meter by 3%, the rest of the combo raises it by 1%.
Dash Attack-Do not stand in front of the tracks.
RL brings out his SWAT shield out of hammerspace and hopes for the best. He can bring this out for 3 seconds at most before stopping again. Any contact with the shield does standard upward knockback and 8% damage. Any projectiles that make contact with it will be destroyed, though stronger ones (like a fully charged Charge shot or Aura Sphere) will cause him to flinch and stop.
Bringing this out doesn't raise the heat meter at all.
Forward- Insult!
During this somewhat laggy move(about as much as Ganon's Fsmash), RL put's on a mischievous expression and and points forward. The Japanese katakana "ペラ!"(Pera, onomatopoeia for talking fast.) appears over and over again over his head at great speed. This move goes on for 1.5 seconds, and any opponent caught
within a quarter of a battlefield platform from the front of him becomes "deeply insulted"
When you're "deeply insulted", you're stunned for 2 seconds, and are open for an attack.
However, after you're finished being stunned, your attack and speed doubles for 5 seconds. (So it's a lot like Pokemon's "Taunt")
This doesn't build up heat at all.
This is a very laggy move, but pretty powerful.
What happens is that RL opens up his head, and a giant missle(about as long as RL's body) pops out, and is being ridden by 2 Mini-Links. This missile moves horizontally, and homes in on the opponent.
What's great about this missile is that RL can ride on it. The missile is pretty much a giant platform for him, and he can quickly make his way to his opponent this way.
However, if the opponent tries to jump on it, or make any contact whatsoever, it instantly explodes, doing 10% damage and about as much knockback as link's bomb.
Be careful though, as RL can be damaged by this missile too, and the missile will automatically explode after 7 seconds. (It will start flashing red when it's about to blow.)
The missile is kinda slow, taking about 1 second to rise from his head, and moving at the speed of Mario's run. This gives it pretty laggy startup, imprinting it's status as a move to be used from afar.
This increases RL's heat by 10%
Down- Kancho!
RL crouches down, puts his sword in between his fingers, points them upwards, and sticks it out. The sword has extremely poor priority during this attack.
This particular tilt has a sweet spot. If the opponent is taking the attack from the front, or is just hit by the sword part, they take some minor 5% damage. However, if RL gets his opponent from behind, and right were his fingers are, the opponent takes double damage(10%) and goes flying(Slightly less than a home run bat, but upwards). This also makes a *SCREAM!* sound. Geez, what a douche.
Sm▲ ▲sh!
Forward- Sting Like a Bee
RL's body starts to surge with electricity, seemingly in a painful manner, as he holds onto his sword. Once the charge is done, RL stabs forward with his sword shrouded in electricity, and sends out a giant beam of electricity. This beam is about half the size of RL's sword, and moves at a somewhat slow rate. (slower than most projectiles at least, just a bit faster than his Uptilt missile.)
A low charged version of this does only 6% with little knockback, while a fully charged version does 19%, with as much knockback as Pikachu's Fsmash.
Be careful: if you let this out fully charged, RL will take 9% damage from all the excess electricity. Additionally, there's about 1.5 seconds of ending lag from this move, so it's best used sparingly.
This raises RL's heat by 9%
Down- Cannonbound
RL ducks down, covers his ears, and a cannon pops out from his bent knee. At this point, a meter appears over it, and goes up and down. Wait, so what is this for? well, this works a lot like Worms and Gunbound: if you let go when the meter is higher, a flaming cannonball will fire out and go further(about as far as 2 battlefield platforms at it's peak). If you let go when the bar is lower, the cannonball goes a shorter distance(Pretty much right in front of him at it's minimum). No matter what, the ball always deals 14%, and has the knockback of Mario's Dsmash.
This increases his heat by 7%
Up- Make a wish, honey.
A Mini-Link pops out of RL's head and is sitting on a canon. At this point, a small crosshair appears in front of the canon, and has to be aimed while RL is charging. There's no rush though, as
RL can charge this indefinitely.
By pressing up or down on the analog stick, this can be aimed from
right on top of Robo-Link, and
straight ahead of Robo-Link. When you let go, 3 orange flares will be fired from the canon, each doing 6% each.(No matter how much you charge it.)
Like his downsmash, the flares from the canon eventually fall to the ground. They go the length of a battlefield platform before flying down.
This attack is basically RL's primary anti-air, and is pretty good at it's job.
This increases RL's heat by 10%
Speci▲ ▲ls
Standard- Pannishment
(This increases RL's heat by 5%)
This is a pretty odd move. When this happens, Robo-Link will hold his sword as if he's about to strike, then a random object forms within the sky, and will knock Robo-Link on the head before he can do the deed. Each object damages Robo-Link and will cause a different effect to happen:
Frying Pan
The most common object. This will deal 6% damage, and will buff RL's attacks up by 15% for 3 seconds.
Deals 9% damage and makes either a Bob-omb, Mr. Saturn, Beam Sword, or Super Scope pop out of Robo-Link's mouth.
Air Conditioner
Deals 11% damage and decreases your heat back down to zero. This is impossible to get while airborne.
This will deal 14% damage, and will make RL invincible for 4 seconds.
Washing Machine
Deals a whopping 22% damage. In exchange, RL gets his Power AND speed buffed up by 50% for 5 seconds.
The rarest object to get, this deals an unholy
50% damage. The good news is that RL becomes invincible, doubles power and speed, and gives him unlimited heat for 12 seconds.
Side- MiniLinks!
As shown before, these little buggers are little miniaturized versions of RL. When they're summoned, a slide comes down from RL's mouth, taking about 1 second of lag. As long as this slide is out, you can keep on pressing side-b in order to bring out more Mini-Links.
Only 3 Mini-Links can be out at a time though. And also,
if you brought out 3 at once, ALL of those Mini-Links have to be destroyed or dismissed in order to bring out another one. Meaning if you only brought out one, you can still get rid of the slide(by waiting 1 second), and bring the other 2 out another time.
Each of these things have 25% stamina, and their speed varies. They work kinda like assist trophies, meaning they like to do their own things. They move towards the direction of your opponent, fluctuating between the speed of Mario's walk and Game & Watch's run.
They each do one of 5 attacks:
1- Most commonly, they'll lunge onto the opponent like pikmin and slowly beat them up, 4% a second.
2- They'll take out a bomb, and either throw it or kamikaze with it( ;_; manly tears). The bomb deals 8% when thrown,(knockback of Link's bomb) 12% when kamikaze'd.(Knockback of Mario's Fsmash)
3- They'll shoot a rocket launcher, the rocket doing 7% damage, and as much knockback as a mid-charged initial Aura Sphere.
4- They'll ride a small RC car, going as fast as an excite bike. Getting run over by this does 8% damage and good upwards knockback.
5- Very rarely, they'll take out a machine gun, and go crazy. Each shot does only 1% damage, but they fire a lot with it. They fire about 10 shots per second, and it does very little knockback, meaning they can combo a lot with it.
They CAN jump, but only to reach the opponent. They can only jump if the opponent is on a higher platform, and not in the air.
Of course, the Mini-Links are "dismissed" after 13 seconds, retracting back into Robo-Link's chest.
Bringing each Mini-Link raises RL's heat by 6%
Down- Cool Out
Pretty much what the overheat function is for. This works a lot like the wario waft; as heat builds up, RL will ventilate out a puff of hot steam from it's front. Good move in all forms, always dealing 19% with great knockback(just less as a middle-charged Bowser Fsmash), and it comes out very quickly, with little starting or ending lag!
However, this move can only be used if your heat meter is 80% or over. When the meter is 80% or over, the attack is dealt, and RL's heat is brought back to 0%.
However, if you use this move when you have less than 80% heat, the heat will simply creep out, doing no damage and simply cooling off RL by 30%.
Up-*huff huff huff*
This is kind of like Link's up B, except different. Robo-Link sticks out his sword, and spins in around in a manner that could only by achieved by machinery. Unlike Link's though, you have to keep pressing UpB over and over again in order to get any spin. Also, it's pathetically weak, doing only 3% damage each hit and poor priority. What advantages it does have though is that it has greater range and lasts a lot longer if you have fast enough fingers. It's okay for recovery though, though your fingers must be REALLY fast in order to get anywhere.
This raises RL's heat by 6% when it's executed.
▲ ▲erials
Nair- BZZT
Robo-Link brings out a moderately large hammerspace mallet charged with electricity. This is swung horizontally, has a range of a home run bat, and counts as 3 hits if hit directly. Each hit does 4% with electricity damage.
This increases RL's heat by 3%
Robo-Link sticks his fist in front of him, and his arm blasts off as a rocket(he grows back another one). They home into the opponent and deal 10%, though they turn pretty poorly, and have poor priority. It's certainly good for pressuring your opponent, and catching them off guard. Definitely one of RL's more vital moves for competitive play for this reason.
They each go at the speed of Samus' missle and last just as long as them.
This increases RL's heat by 5%
Robo-Link sticks his foot down, and it turns into a drill. This drill
will pierce the heavens will then break off and dig into the ground, eventually exploding for 15%! However, it isn't a motion sensor, it explodes on it's own, and can hurt RL too.
This does as much knockback as Snake's Dsmash.
This increases RL's heat by 10%
Bair- Canned heat in my heels
Robo-Link sticks his boots out behind him, and fires off backfire from them for 5% damage and as much knockback as Shiek's Bair. This
actually causes RL's heat to decrease by 10%, but you can
only use it once while you're still in the air. Can be a real Lifesaver in some situations
Uair- Nananananana nananana!
RL's head explodes. Yeah.
Basically, for 1 second, RL's head charges red and then explodes like a bob-omb. It deals 17% damage, same range as a bob-omb, and has as much knockback as a bob-omb.
However, this move causes
RL to take 13% damage. And the explosion stuns RL's body until he gets a new head. For those moments of headlessness,
you control a group of Mini-Links trying to defend his body. To be specific, a group of Mini-Links carry around RL's body, and you control the one in the front, who's leading the group.
The opponent can attack RL's body in this state. Their attacks can knock RL's body out, making him lose a stock, made even worse by
the MiniLinks lack of a recovery.
The MiniLinks only move at the speed of Mario's run, and can only attack by pressing A and B.
The A button causes the Mini-Links to use his body as a battering-ram, as they move speed of Yoshi's egg roll. Getting hit by this attack deals 18% damage and does as much knockback as Ness' Fsmash.
The B button causes the lead MiniLink to bring out a Bazooka and shoot a giant rocket. The rocket can be charged and aimed like RL's Up and Down smash. The rocket does 7% damage and minimal knockback.
But believe me, this is less of a hassle than it sounds. After 10 seconds, a new head will fly down(it has a propeller on top of it's head) and home into it's body. Once it's on, RL will get back up and go on as normal.
This attack raises RL's heat by 10%
Every throw raises RL's heat by 6%
Grab- Look at meee!
RL's grab is kind of like the grappling hook, but different. Like his Fair, he launches his arm in front of him, and whatever makes contact with it gets grabbed and brought back to RL. (the arm simply floats with the opponent in hand, it's not attached to RL)
Pummel- punk!
A MiniLink pops out of RL's mouth and slugs the opponent upside the face for 2%
Forward throw- batter up!
RL takes the foe from the arm and winds him/her up like a baseball. At this point, a MiniLink with a home run bat will pop out of RL's foot and start going a distance. If you throw it too early, it will just be a pretty weak throw of 4%. However, if you throw it right when the MiniLink is ready to bat, not only will the opponent be damaged by the throw, but he'll/she'll also get slugged by the MiniLink dealing the same amount of damage as Ness' Fsmash. (which I forget...)
This is easier said than done though, since the opponent can still escape from the windup, and the MiniLink can fall off the stage if you make the throw to close to the ledge.
Back throw- Ptooey
RL's head turns into a giant cannon, and the opponent is stuffed in by the MiniLinks. Now here's the thing: once the opponent is in, a meter appears above RL's head. Unlike other Meter attacks though, this one requires you to constantly mash on the A button. The more you mash, the higher the meter goes. Thus, the higher the meter is, the farther the opponent will go. Though obviously, the opponent can still escape. The cannon can still be fired when it's not full by pressing back again. The damage always does 9% though.
Up throw- Round and round...
A bunch of MiniLinks latch on to the opponent until they form a chain. Then they start swinging themselves around like a whip, throwing the opponent up in the air for 6%.
This attack is mostly used for setting up his air combos.
Down Throw- Meatbag express
RL slams his opponent to the ground and runs with them, grinding them on the floor. This comes together for an impressive 14%. If RL reaches a ledge while doing this move, he simply throws them behind him.


WARNING

Robo-Link does what looks like his down taunt, but suddenly a gigantic laser cannon pops out of it, piloted by several MiniLinks. In this form, you're free to control each MiniLink by rotating with a cursor. Each MiniLink controls like so-
*The one manning the top cannon fires homing missles. They fire 3 at a time between 3 second gaps. They're about the same as the ones from RL's fair.
*The one manning the second highest cannon fires shots of plasma. They do fire damage, and fire 2 at a time between 2 second gaps. They're pretty much the same as the cannons from RL's Down smash.
*The one manning the dual lasers on the cannon fire, well, lasers. They shoot out like very long, multidirectional versions of the ray gun, and fire one at a time between 2 second gaps.
*the one manning the gigantic cannon need 5 seconds to charge up. After that, it can fire a giant laser lesser than Samus's final smash, but still powerful. (10% per hit!)
This goes on for 15 seconds. HOWEVER, RL cannot turn around while this FS is going on, so it's best to do this on the edge of a stage.
situation▲ ▲ls
Ledge Attack
RL crawls up, with an electric fork in his mouth, doing 2% damage. RL will then slowly crawl up.
Rising Attack
RL rises up like a zombie, then once he reaches the point of his rise, he does a brief "maniacal laughter" pose as electricity flows through his body. Yes, the electricity deals damage of 4%
More or less, Robo-Link is a tank in it's purest form. It's fast, but clunky. Somewhat strong, and can take a lot of damage.
As thus, Robo-Link is somewhat of a campy character. He has a good deal of projectiles, and likes to play keep-away.
The very last thing you want is to be knocked off the stage. While RL's recovery is good, there's only so much it can do before it overheats, and there's a good chance you've gathered some heat when you've been knocked off.
And also remember: even though RL is best played campy, he isn't a god at doing it. He can take punishment, sure, but it's best not to take any at all. One good method of playing keep away is to simply keep your opponent on his or her toes. RL has great range, so use that to your advantage.
MiniLinks are also very wonderful, if only for keeping your opponent busy. If you wish to truly distract your foe, believe in the MiniLinks. However, don't depend on them too much, as they can't take too much, and won't put up much of an effort dodging. Instead, use them to give some breathing room, and set up some projectile camp.
Combusting isn't as bad as it sounds, as it can damage your opponent as well, but don't think it's a gift from god or anything. This attack is still just as deadly as it is to you, and it requires good aim to hit your opponent.
Up Taunt
RL takes off his head, which then grows a propeller and starts flying around. Unlike his Uair, RL can still fight without his head in this form, and his UpSmash and UpTilt come out from his neck. After 5 seconds, the head comes back down onto it's body, but you can keep on running away from it for teh lulz.
Side Taunt
RL bashes itself on the head, and something random comes out of it's ears:
2-Gum Balls
1-Water (cools him off by 10%)
2-A single piece of food (eatable)
3-CD (if you don't have them all)
Super rare-
1-Mr. Saturn
Super Mege Ultra rare-
1-This drunk salaryman
He just sleeps in the background and disappears after 5 seconds
Down Taunt
Sits down on his royal self-proclaimed throne.
A bunch of parts fly together from nowhere, and form a normal looking Link. Then he bends down(Similar to his crouch) and transforms into the normal looking Robo-Link.
Win pose 1
RL places his sword on the ground, turns his back to the viewer as his cape blows in the wind, and lets out exhaust from his head.
Win pose 2
RL gets so smug that he laughs maniacally...and laughs, and laughs, and laughs until his head pops off. Then the body starts comically looking around blindly as RL's head yells at it.
Win pose 3
A seemingly normal link does a victory pose(the one where he sticks his sword up). Then, a bolt of lighting strikes it, frying off the fake skin, revealing it to be Robo-Link.
Lose Pose
Robo-Link throws a giant tantrum, while the MiniLinks clap for the victor.
▲ ▲-The triforce of fail.
Kirby Hat
Kirby receives a much smaller Link hat than usual, and has giant winders sticking out of his head. Kirby get's RL's Pannishment, although somewhat nerfed.
The objects look a lot more "cuter" and "cartoony", and they do much less damage. However, the effects last for a much shorter time.
How to unlock
-Clear event no# 1089 "Hyrule Metal City"
-Play 1089 Brawls.
-Clear the entire SSE on normal+ with only Link
Related Events
Event no# 1089- Hyrule Metal City
His name: Robo-Link. His mission: To become the true hero of time. His method: Eliminating you!
Defeat Robo-Link in a 1-on-1 duel!
(Player: Link. CPU: Robo-Link. Stage: Bridge of Eldin.)
Event no# 1102- Sap the sentry!
Solid Snake sneaks by any man. But how will he fare against machine?!
Defeat every Robo-Link without being spotted!
(Player: Snake CPU: 3 Robo-Links. Stage: Hyrule 20XX. In order to defeat every Robo-Link without being spotted, use your mines and projectiles.)
Co-op Event no# 1089- Twisted Transistors
A 2-on-2 battle against your mechanic counterparts!
Play as Link and Sonic, and defeat Robo-Link and Metal Sonic.
(Players: Link and Sonic. CPU: Robo-Link and Metal Sonic. Stage: New Pork City.)
Codec Convo
Snake: Otocon! There seems to be another Link here...
Otocon: Um...I don't know snake...I'm getting a slightly different vibe from this one here....
Snake: Yeah, I know what you mean...The clothes are roughly the same, along with the green hat...but this one seems to be more demented than usual.
Otocon: Heck, if I didn't know any better, I'd say he's a......!
Snake: What? He's a what, Otocon?
Otocon: H-him! He's a robot! A robotic Link!
Snake: Geez, more robots? I didn't know a hunk of machinery could be a hero too.
Otocon: Um, I kinda have a shaky feeling about that "hero" part...
-End Transmission-
dear god this took forever to make for some reason....