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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Smash Ace
Nov 25, 2008
Holy keys locked in the jet, Batman!
Doubt you'll finish it on page 6 XD

I got my reserve in on page 4, and finished one hour later on page 54. O_o
It's better to finish a move set before you post him.

i just started making him an hour or two ago with only enough detail to get a picture and i only need the bells and whistles(taunts, stage and music, snake codec) to finish. i should have him done by tomorrow. his stage is megaleg, which doesn''t make sence cause he's NSMB style :p.

jeff dunham will go between walter,peanut,and achmed via vB.

after those, it's :shyguy: time!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2008
His SMB3 one had to be his best solely for the special there.

Yikes, there are so many movesets to look forward to. It's going to be a nightmare to get through them all.

I wonder who's going to get theirs as the first posted. :p


Smash Journeyman
Jun 2, 2008
All I know is, with all this movesets to look forward to, any SSE's are going to have to be equally awesome.

I look forward to writing a new one and reading everyone else's.

Just one more day...


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2008
I may contribute something.
I have had a moveset in my head for a while now, so if I get it wrote down, I'll submit it.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Man, trophy descriptions for Doggy and Bear are a pain to write up. They may be later than I was hoping, as I'm not at home right now...


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Kuna Kente was an african slave during the colonial times. He was the star of some mini tv series that was supposed to show what it was like for the slaves of that time.

Deleted member

The Eternal Darkness And The Wings Of Hope.....it's all over


I don't know what to say.......this SSE is finished......


The entire character roster in this SSE, has appeared outside of Tarazed. It seems that they have defeated the true enemy of this SSE.

"What....we're back outside?" Sol wonders.

"Looks like it.....is it over?" Anise says.

"Yes....YES IT IS!!! We did it guys!! Good work to all of you guys!!" Sagi says.

Soon everyone cheered at the great news, but Kalas takes out his sword.

"Kalas......don't tell me you're going to betray us again..." Chris says while his sword ready to take his sword out.

"I'm not...but what about this guy?" Kalas wonders while pointing his sword at Dracula.

"Please...enough fighting. At least for today...i wasn't myself when i started this empire. Please, enough.." Dracula sounding so weak says.

Kalas prepares to take a swing at him, but then Sagi blocks the sword slash with his sword.

"Stop it Kalas! Come on, he was under control with darkness, and even if we wasn't, he helped us try to take down that huge laviathan of a monster. Plus, he's the best moveset in the contest. Give him a break." Sagi says.

"Well....fine. But if he tries something, he's going down!!" Kalas threathens.

All of a sudden, the ground started shaking and the Tarazed building started to shake. It's going to fall down.

Quickly, everyone ran/flew/did whatever they could to get out of the way, to avoid getting crushed by the huge building. They make it out of the way. The destroyed building is crushed.

"That was close...looks like without this building, the empire is pretty much defeated!!" Josh exclaims.

"Oh sweet!!! Hug me brother!!" Drake says, while going for a hug.

About 3 hours later, the group was having a fun party.

Sagi, Chris, Sol, Kalas, and all the serious characters prefered not to dance around and just sit.

Drake played his guitar, playing the song "Soul man" with Josh dancing on the stage, with everyone watching.

Erutashi calmed down for once, not being angry, and had a great time, Rand let his spirits go wild and partied and Clipit was showing off on how smart it was.

Leonardo was hogging all the pizza, while continully threatened Pizzaman to keep on making Pizza, Yau-man showed off his Survivor skills, and Vultorun played his mad skills on his guitar.

Mia was letting her spirit go wild, and danced wildly (lol), Anise cheerfully dances around, and Sol was showing off his skills, but no one pays attention to him.

Gibari was telling stories about he caught the biggest fish ever, Amy still cries over Sonic, Phoenix solved any conflicts during the party, Shadow was acting emo (as usual) and Jade was being a nerd.

Peter kept on farting, laughing at the same time, grossing everyone out, Tien and Crono was part of the serious group, Harry Potter was showing off to the ladies his magic skills, Beast Trio was doing stuff i'm too lazy to figure out what, and Jeff Hardy was highflying.

All the villains that were in this SSE, were spoil sports, and did not party at all.

Then everyone looks at the screen and the player, and say, "thanks for playing this game!!!"

The endings......

Sagi: The Maladieter
He returned back to his home, where he could take care of his mother. He would often visit to see everyone again.

Mia: The hottest non-anime girl
Despite a lot of men wanting to marry her, she said yes to none, and eventually journeyed into Chris' SSe, where she actually did marry someone! Ike!

Leonardo: The honarable Turtle
He, eventually, returned home to New York to see his brothers again. He did bring home a guest though.....

Gibari: The Proud Fisherman
He taught lessons to many kids on how to fish in his home town. He laughed everyday, with his spirit in a good mood, and never fought again.

Jeff Hardy: The Highflyer
He eventually won the WWE championship title, after many many tries. He would forever remain the champion, and had the most awesome life ever.

Geoffrey: The serious paladin
Everyone kept on asking, "Why so serious?" to Geoffrey. He eventually decide to say his reason was, "Just because i have to."

Crono: The character that finally talks
Crono somehow eventually learned how to talk (look out Link!! You got some competetion!!) Unfortunately, his voice actor sucked.

Ty: The Tasmanian Tiger
Ty was the coolest tiger ever, that the developers of him, eventually made a new game for him, that was the best of his series.

The Delcious One: Is now eaten
He was finally eaten by Nintendogs. His last words were, "Hey!! I'm allergic to dogs!!" There was no remains of him whatsoever.

Chris Lionheart: Chris Lionheart?
Chris discovered Josh's laptop, and made a smashboards account. For some reason, everyone hates him due to only one of his movesets made it to the top 50.

Jade: The smart mouth
Jade would not be quiet about being smart. Eventually everyone started hating him, it started Jade to become

Pelleas: The dark mage
He eventually resigned his position as king. He instead, chosed to have a normal life instead, with less complications.

Amy Rose: Heartbroken (LMAO)
Amy never could find her Sonic. She told herself this: The next time i see Sonic, i'll never, never, never, let him get away from me again.

Cervantes: The second best moveset in this contest
He, one day, left with his ship to travel the seas.....again. He decided that a being a villain is lame, but he did wanted a bit of revenge on Dracula for some reason *wink*

Kalas: The Winged Raven
He returned home to Mira, and lived in peace. Though he was showing a jerky attitude on the outside, he had a heart of compassion on the inside.

Peter Griffin: The fatman
Peter eventually went back to his home in Quohog with his family. He kept on telling his family, "Hey Lois, remember the time i was in Smash Bros. Brawl? It was frigging sweet."

Tien: The rejected DBGT character
He kept on trying to get in the Gt series, but one day, he realized that it was a disgrace to the Dragon Ball series, and he stopped.

Bag-man: The guy who fights with a bag.
Bagman looked at the 3.0 results one day, and frowned, but then decided to change his name to "Bombtastic" bagman. He was now officially cool.

Anise: The Thirteen year old
She was never sad again. She had the happiest marrage ever, and never showed her more dark side.

Vultorun: Rock and roll.
Vultorun eventually decided to start his own rock band in Canada. He called it Sum 41. It was freaking awesome, but the group decided to fire Vultorun due to them not liking huge robotic monsters. Vultorun is sad.

Clipit: The Microsoft word helper
He kept on helping those who use Microsoft word (like me XP.) Soon though, he was replaced with an even more generic character.

Dracula: The vampire
Dracula eventually returned to his castle in Translvania. He eventually met Simon Belmont. He tried to be nice to him, but....Simon was just to cruel.

Nightmare: The guy who wants souls
Nightmare kept on saying he wanted Souls. Eventually, everyone did give him there souls, but they still had there hearts. Nightmare realized his evil efforts are wasted.

Thor: The guy who uses thunder
He, for some reason, returned to his position as a tour guide on volcano island. He thought it was cool, despite it being hot all the time.

Grown up Bowser Jr/Nina Cortex: The King of koopas and....i don't really know what to call Nina.
Bowser Jr, eventually betrayed his father for the throne of king koopas, and Nina does the same for her father. Jr though was a king, and Nina was not :bee:

Roger Rabbit: The crazy rabbit
He was, for some reason, sued by Bugs Bunny. The sueing was stupid, though, considering that Roger hept on saying he was a Rabbit, not a bunny.

Team Rocket: Blasting off again
They kept on trying to get Pikachu again and again, but to no success. They kept on trying however, forever and ever.

PIZZAMAN: Awesome food
Pizzaman was dragged by Leonardo to go to New York with him for him to keep on making pizza. He was a slave until he managed to escape.

Rand: The peaceful giant
He, having his fair share of fighting, returned back to his home. It was....pretty boring for him, but neithertheless, he lived in peace.

Nintendogs: Dogs.?
They eventually ate up the Delicious One, but due to them not supposed to be eating hot dogs, they got sick, and was forced to go to the vet....for a needle shot =O

Yau-Man: The retired Survivor
The Survivor crew kept on begging Yau-man to return for Survivor, but he said no, and instead, continued his life as an engineer.

Erutashi: Temper problem girl
She took, many many lessons on how to ontrol her anger, but eventually caused 2 broken bones, and a broken back to the teacher.

Sol Badguy: Apparently underrated
Despite all the bad*ss things he did in this SSE, he could never get his game to be popular. He would forever be underrated.

Kite: The .hack guy
Kite went back to be the .hack hero, but he was soon hated by many people (including me XP), because 1) the dot hack series is a abombmination 2) The dot hack series is a abombmination

Ashencroft: The demon overlord
Ashencroft laughs evilly today, as he has manage to do something that Chris Lionheart has not manage to do: Place in the top 50. He manages to do something that Chris could not do.

Light and Ryuk: Kira
Light continously wonders how people manage to knock the Death Note from out of his handm while Ryuk, again, chews on a apple.

Harry Potter: The wizard
He eventually defeated Voldemort at last. No other wizard could ever defeat him, but Harry decides to quit magic and have the life of a normal person.....until the fanboys went wild.

Beast Trio: The Trio
All 3 of them all went back from where they came from. The sea monster, has loss all his nervousness, the gryphon stopped showing off his wings, and the basilisk became best friends with Harry Potter.

Pidgeot: King of the skies
TWILTHERO rips off Chris' ending, and makes Pidgeot continued to fly free for the remainder of its lifetime.

Shadow: The emo
Shadow kept on wondering on who he truly was. He won day left on a journey, never to be seen again.

Phoenix Wright: The man of justice
Phoenix Wright was the best auttorny in man kind, but due to him objecting to the littlest things, like a stop sign, he was eventually fired.

The en-

Wait. Where is Drake and Josh?

Drake and Josh is seen with them playing there Wii, having just beaten "Super Smash bros. Make Your move 3.0"

"That was awesome bro!!" Drake tells Josh.

"I know!!! Did you remember that time when we killed Megan or that time when Sagi lost his soul!!???" Josh says in excitement.

"Yeah, yeah!! I know!! And guess what? WE JUST WON A PLACE IN THE TOP 50 MOVESETS!!!" Drake announces.

"No wai!!!" Josh says.

"Ya wai!!!" Drake says. There was only one sentence to describe there emotions when they said this:


"That was awesome!!! Let's play again!!" Josh tells Drake, while picking up his wii remote.

"I get to play as Chris Lionheart!!" Drake exclaimed.

"No i want to play as Chris!!!" Josh said.

"NO me!!"

"No me!!!"

Soon, Drake and Josh got into a fight, and eventually kept on fighting, leaving off a happy ending.



Smash Lord
Aug 9, 2007
The Cosmos Beneath Rosalina's Skirt
Well I'm not gonna finish Henry tonight...but I will start Pyramid Head tonight and hopefully submit them as a kind of two-hit combo or something...

Awesome ending by the way, I love the whole "it was only a game" kind of plot twist thing...although do you really love Drake and Josh that much o_O?

Deleted member

Awesome ending by the way, I love the whole "it was only a game" kind of plot twist thing...although do you really love Drake and Josh that much o_O?
Lol thanks. I just thought that it would be kind of funny considering that Drake and Josh are the only WTF characters in there (besides Clipit and maybe Nintendogs, but they don't really talk.). I just thought it would be funny.

Now that the SSE is out of the way, time to get to work on my movesets!!! 7 movesets.............potentially 8 if i have extra time to do Smosh.

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
The Eternal Darkness And The Wings Of Hope.....it's all over



"That was awesome!!! Let's play again!!" Josh tells Drake, while picking up his wii remote.

"I get to play as Chris Lionheart!!" Drake exclaimed.

"No i want to play as Chris!!!" Josh said.

"NO me!!"

"No me!!!"

Soon, Drake and Josh got into a fight, and eventually kept on fighting, leaving off a happy ending.


That Epilogue was so awesome.

I really enjoyed Mia's character ending.... I kind of enjoyed Chris's ending as well.

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Lol I just finished up Kelsey's moveset. Here are a couple of lol worthy extras.

Codec Conversation:
Snake: Who's this girl?
Octacon: That's Kelsey, a fencer from Valios.
S: Valios... isn't that where Chris Lionheart is from?
O: Yes. And speaking of the Lionhearts, his son is quite fond of her.
S: *choking* He had a son?!
O: Yeah. Why so surprised?

*Enough said lol.

Event Matches:
#30- The Rose
Sam sure is persistent. Show him that this rose has thorns.
Playable Characters- Kelsey
Opponent- Sam Lionheart
Objective- Defeat the opponent in a stamina match.
Stage- Castle Lionheart
Song- Every Time We Touch (for lol's)

*Take a look at the song XD.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005

Okay, KingDavid, Black Doom, Drake and Josh, anticipation, people planning to bust out their giant movesets on the first page just to satisfy their massive egos, Pokemon.


I have to say, I'm loving nothing more than working on my Pokémovesets. At this rate, if I get any sets besides my current ones out (and we all know I will (and so will you, Warlord, despite what you may claim now)), they'll also be Pokes. Which ones? Hmmm... Gulpin comes to mind. Weavile, perchance. Hmmmm...


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
That isn't really the point of this contest...

Its supposed to be fun.

And with people like Mendez and MW in this contest, it will take a LOT to blow away the competition.
You forgot me. I'm not one of the horrible ones, I'd say I'm pretty good ._. Not compared to mendez, but pretty good.

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
You forgot me. I'm not one of the horrible ones, I'd say I'm pretty good ._. Not compared to mendez, but pretty good.
I named the makers of this contest's 2 best movesets....

I don't remember what you made, and it was probably good, but it isn't in the top 5.

I didn't even name myself.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
I named the makers of this contest's 2 best movesets....

I don't remember what you made, and it was probably good, but it isn't in the top 5.

I didn't even name myself.
Skull Kid, page 12. I was told it was very good, but lacked two things: readable size and coloring, and attack details.

I made up for that with my Kiba + Akamaru moveset for 4.0.

But I can understand the top 5 thing. Those guys are pretty good.

Deleted member

LOL at Roger Rabbit's ending, TWILTY.:)

I STILL need the Fair, the Dair, and the Up Throw for YouTube Toilet.:(


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
My first entry is all colorful for tomorrow. Shades of light gray, red, and larger text to make it easy to read. Plus damage percentage.

Imma give Gray Fox a run for his money. :p


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2008
SE Washington
Umm... now that I think about it, why am I not working on my movesets? *gets furiously to work*

Hopefully I can get one transferred by the weekend...


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
I'd normally say that I would get in more movesets K. Rool. . .

But you have. No. God**** idea. How big my new SSE is. It already has 93 characters, and the contest hasn't actually started yet. Good holy crap. It's going to be very hard to include them all, much less actually make them all be recurring characters.

When I do get done with it though. . .


Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
I'd normally say that I would get in more movesets K. Rool. . .

But you have. No. God**** idea. How big my new SSE is. It already has 93 characters, and the contest hasn't actually started yet. Good holy crap. It's going to be very hard to include them all, much less actually make them all be recurring characters.
Wow... sounds like I've already lost in that category as well. :(

It will take one hell of a climax to come close to something that big.

Time to put my writing skills to the test.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 5, 2008
Da Burgh
I was gonna say that... WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2008
Where the games begin and end
I demand citizen titles. How come the judges get a cool name (Sandbags) while we get NOTHING? I protest against the Make Your Move Constitution. I'll put the SYSTEM on trial if I have to. Habeas corpus FTW. Objection! Overruled! Order in the court! Not guilty! Case closed!

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
I demand citizen titles. How come the judges get a cool name (Sandbags) while we get NOTHING? I protest against the Make Your Move Constitution. I'll put the SYSTEM on trial if I have to. Habeas corpus FTW. Objection! Overruled! Order in the court! Not guilty! Case closed!
Ok... you can all be primids. :laugh:
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