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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
War of the Lions is the one with the good plot. There's really no competition here. :bee:
The only good thing War of the Lions had to offer was the quote "By the Gods!"... and you are all now Al Bhed racist... and since you love the tacticts series soooo much, I've taken the liberty to tell every Bangaa I know that you all think thier lizards!


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
*staples hand to floor*

in less spammy news, I hope noone's planning to sneak an OC out on the last day, because I'm almost ready to make the final update to the MYM 3.0 OC Finder.
No worries there, Junahu.

If the mods around here actually followed this thread, I'm pretty sure it'd be empty by now from all the spam infractions. :p


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
Seriously, Shadow, lay off the brawlbong.
Fine, fine, in more related news, my Roxas only has grabs, FS, and extras to go......oh wait.....thats the main part of any good moveset.......ok maybe not ONLY, but hey, he'll be done somewhere during 4 probably.....


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Fine, fine, in more related news, my Roxas only has grabs, FS, and extras to go......oh wait.....thats the main part of any good moveset.....
I've gotta argue with you there. Grabs are dull. I mean, the grab matters, and the rest is hardy interactive, no matter what stuff you do with them. Final Smash is a factor of gameplay that'll be irrevelant half the time. They're fun, sure, but they're not as important as the Smashes or even the rest of the A attacks. As for extras, eh. They really just show that you're willing to go the extra mile to make your moveset look good, but they're not actually the moveset in itself.

So, yeah. Stats and attacks (except for grabs) are definitely the main part of any good moveset. IMO.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
I've gotta argue with you there. Grabs are dull. I mean, the grab matters, and the rest is hardy interactive, no matter what stuff you do with them. Final Smash is a factor of gameplay that'll be irrevelant half the time. They're fun, sure, but they're not as important as the Smashes or even the rest of the A attacks. As for extras, eh. They really just show that you're willing to go the extra mile to make your moveset look good, but they're not actually the moveset in itself.

So, yeah. Stats and attacks (except for grabs) are definitely the main part of any good moveset. IMO.
I don't mean as far as importance, I'm just saying they'll take up the most space, I mean the grabs are an exception I just sorta put with the other two but my Final Smash will be very large and the extras are usually pretty large...


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
I don't mean as far as importance, I'm just saying they'll take up the most space, I mean the grabs are an exception I just sorta put with the other two but my Final Smash will be very large and the extras are usually pretty large...
Alright, that makes a lot more sense, then. Extras usually ARE huge, if you add enough of them (see MasterWarlord). And Final Smashes can be pretty big, too. I know from experience (Kirby).


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
Movesets I want to see done but don't have the time to do
Spike- Cowboy Bebop
Mugen- Samurai Champloo
Dream Evil- Sweden
TOM- Toonami
Urahara- Bleach
Janemba- Dragon Ball Z
Sagara- Rurouni Kenshin
More request soon........

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
How in God's name do you do that, and can you make some for my characters?
It's...actually quite simple.

1. Find an image of the character
2. Image Mode = Grayscale
3. Cut out the background
4. Adjust the contrast/brightness until the character's all white
5. Bucket Fill the character black
6. Cut and Paste it into a picture of the Challenger Approaching screen
7. Fiddle with the pixels around the text a little bit
8. Revel in your Masterpiece.

I rock GIMP, but only because it's free. PhotoShop Express, Paint.NET, or any other image editor can do the same stuff just as easily.

Deleted member

Yeah, it's not very difficult, but I'll be glad to assist in making one if any person needs it. As I already have a template for it and Photoshop is way better than GIMP, it takes only a short while to create one. Mendez also forgot the resizing part of the ordeal, which is probably the most difficult, including where you have to fit the character appropriately. It doesn't always work so well. Really, having to mess with the stupid yellow text and creating a new oval plus white text or somehow getting passed what is already there is irritating.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
well, usually the pics have a white back ground so you can always just use the magic eraser, or just make the magic wand extremly unsinsative since the characters usually stand out anyway.... (I took a class on it... though I pretty much forgot most of it....)

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Photoshop is way better than GIMP
BAH! GIMP can do anything PS4 can do with the right plug-ins, and it comes with the added bonus of NOT costing upwards of 500$.

T'only took me a scant five or ten minutes to whip up ol' Mega Man there. Most of which were spent trying to find a non-Japanese Challenger Approaching screen on Google...

Mendez also forgot the resizing part of the ordeal, which is probably the most difficult, including where you have to fit the character appropriately. It doesn't always work so well. Really, having to mess with the stupid yellow text and creating a new oval plus white text or somehow getting passed what is already there is irritating.
I got around the text fine via liberal use of Multiply Mode.

And making the oval again is as simple as making a path along it's edge, then making a selection from said path, and Bucket Filling after you've Color Pick'd.


Not really that hard, but harder than I made it sound before. My bad. :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
No replies to my request.... I'm always so ignored..... hmm, think thatll change when I finally submit my first great moveset A.K.A. Roxas

Deleted member

No replies to my request.... I'm always so ignored..... hmm, think thatll change when I finally submit my first great moveset A.K.A. Roxas
People don't usually take requests, this community is a little snooty. :p

It has always been cumbersome, almost uppity here. Back when I first came here, everyone was making Brawl movesets and roster estimates, there was a big emphasis on contextual realism with what could be created. The trade-off was that you had character threads, garnering unspoken amounts of critique if you made something for that character, but anything else was rather shunned. It seems to have changed now, we're down to a single, big community where every idea is accepted, but ultimately, many ideas are ignored, simply because some guy posted a more boastful idea right next door or because no one really cares. There is indeed, as you say, some **** sucking between certain members, but eh, I just pretend it doesn't exist. As always, the biggest draw is that you entertain yourself and take what you can from other's suggestions and their own ideas. I like this place.

I use Gimp more than Photoshop myself.

So that's how you make those "hidden characters thingy magigys." Thanks Cheif!
You use Gimp regularly and cannot grasp how to make something so simple? Nothing Mendez highlighted is particularly difficult or requires any real knowledge, beyond basic techniques that could be learnt through Paint. But I digress, I suppose.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
In your mom
People don't usually take requests, this community is a little snooty. :p

It has always been cumbersome, almost uppity here. Back when I first came here, everyone was making Brawl movesets and roster estimates, there was a big emphasis on contextual realism with what could be created. The trade-off was that you had character threads, garnering unspoken amounts of critique if you made something for that character, but anything else was rather shunned. It seems to have changed now, we're down to a single, big community where every idea is accepted, but ultimately, many ideas are ignored, simply because some guy posted a more boastful idea right next door or because no one really cares. There is indeed, as you say, some **** sucking between certain members, but eh, I just pretend it doesn't exist. As always, the biggest draw is that you entertain yourself and take what you can from other's suggestions and their own ideas. I like this place.

You use Gimp regularly and cannot grasp how to make something so simple? Nothing Mendez highlighted is particularly difficult or requires any real knowledge, beyond basic techniques that could be learnt through Paint. But I digress, I suppose.
true, though you only have fun creating if you get acknolagment for it, even if it is critiscism, but I wont have to worry about that...... oh no........ even if I drop how I've been making my newest moveset (Which has been pointed out but hes almost done so I'll wait...) my movesets will still be TL/DR/CC A.K.A. to long, didnt read, crashed computer

Deleted member

You use Gimp regularly and cannot grasp how to make something so simple? Nothing Mendez highlighted is particularly difficult or requires any real knowledge, beyond basic techniques that could be learnt through Paint. But I digress, I suppose.
......so? I'm not partically good at this Gimp crap. Nothing is simple to me.

This sounds like an insulting post to me. I don't use Gimp often. I only use it to cut picture out effectively without making a mistake.

Deleted member

true, though you only have fun creating if you get acknolagment for it, even if it is critiscism, but I wont have to worry about that...... oh no........ even if I drop how I've been making my newest moveset (Which has been pointed out but hes almost done so I'll wait...) my movesets will still be TL/DR/CC A.K.A. to long, didnt read, crashed computer
I understand. That is why it truly sucks to have your ideas ignored - if no one takes from them, then the community is no better for their addition and thus you feel like you've wasted your time, but this mindset will only lead to grief. Thus, I try not to dwell on what others do or do not do on this message board. The only definites are that you can indeed post your stuff and read / use everyone else's, anything more I'm grateful for.

......so? I'm not partically good at this Gimp crap. Nothing is simple to me.

This sounds like an insulting post to me. I don't use Gimp often. I only use it to cut picture out effectively without making a mistake.
I still don't get how your post made sense. Did you really need to have your hand held throughout the process? You're praising Mendez for giving you a patronising guide on how to 'tweak' and 'make a round-y shape'. :laugh:

Deleted member

I still don't get how your post made sense. Did you really need to have your hand held throughout the process? You're praising Mendez for giving you a patronising guide on how to 'tweak' and 'make a round-y shape'. :laugh:
My response: Why do you care? My post was not directed to you in anyway, yet you insult my ability. I don't really care.

I'm not good at this kinda crap. I wanted to make it, and i thank Chief for telling me what to do. Do not act all superior to me like you know everything.


Deleted member

I apologise if I offended you, I think I might've assumed you were better at editing than you let on. You should have feigned sarcasm.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Nothing is simple to me.

If my sig didn't have other commitments, I'd totally add this in there. It's just so...poetically self-deprecating.

Smash Daddy said:
It has always been cumbersome, almost uppity here. Back when I first came here, everyone was making Brawl movesets and roster estimates, there was a big emphasis on contextual realism with what could be created. The trade-off was that you had character threads, garnering unspoken amounts of critique if you made something for that character, but anything else was rather shunned.
It was also a place full of really smart people, all unified by their undying love for Smash Bros. and sharing in the common bond of our terrible lust for Brawl.

Post-Brawl, we've seen a horrible influx of n00bs new users, along with that thrice-damned "Melee vs. Brawl/Competitive vs. Casual" shit. I came quite close to just deleting my account and moving on for a while there, but...honestly I think it was this thread (and maybe the SSB4 Thread, R.I.P.) that kept me around.

So it's got it's ups, and it's got it's downs. As far as movesets go, it' definitely gotten better though. By a million times.

It seems to have changed now, we're down to a single, big community where every idea is accepted, but ultimately, many ideas are ignored, simply because some guy posted a more boastful idea right next door or because no one really cares. There is indeed, as you say, some **** sucking between certain members, but eh, I just pretend it doesn't exist.
No society is perfect, but this is something (the bolded section in particular) that we're working on fixing in MYM4.

Here's hoping. :)


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2007
*sending Sundance lots of apple pies on Pi Day, as
Sorry to interrupt the conversation, but I need some help with making alternate colors for Delibird. Here are the colors:

Burglar Black: Body, Head, Bag, and Beak/feet

Robin Hood Green: Body, Head, Bag, and Beak/feet

Elfish Blue: Body, Head, Bag, and Beak/feet

Shiny pink: Body, Head, Bag, and Beak/feet

Sky Blue: Body, Head, Bag, and Beak/feet

Deleted member

No society is perfect, but this is something (the bolded section in particular) that we're working on fixing in MYM4.

Here's hoping. :)
That's a resolve I can believe in! :chuckle:

As long as I stick around, I'm going to be as helpful as I can to this place, specifically this thread.

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina

The deadline for entries is November 1st. After this, there will be a week for updating and campaigning your entries. On November 7th, voting will begin. After the winners are declared, we'll discuss the next MYM.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Good to know Blitzkrieg. Glad there's gonna be a slight break between MYMs actually - I need some time to do the finishing touches on Cortex and Tiny while not having any reviews to do so I can finally start Dimentio. I needa get a decent chunk of Dimentio started before the contest.

Sora by Chief Mendez has been reviewed.

To anyone not named Chief Mendez: Check this bad boy out. It's a really awesome moveset, his best next to Dracula IMO, barring the lack of extras.

Link to Sora Moveset

Deleted member

The Eternal Darkness And Wings Of Hope wants the Sundance to finally update The Young And The Movesets. Seriously, no episodes yet. What's happening?

Chapter 8: The Rain forest of lame hope

Narrator: Last time, Gibari was busy fishing and stuff, until suddenly, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, protected the ocean wild life by fighting Gibari. During there fight, they were attacked by empire soldiars. They run towards the beach. Meanwhile on that beach, Amy Rose was looking for her precious Sonic, when she accidently bumped into Jade. They both got in to a fight with the empire soldiars as well. They run towards the ocean where they meet Ty and Gibari, and are suddenly attacked by a Gyarados. After a heated match, they defeat the Gyarados, but now is being chased by the empire soldiars. They, haivng no choice, decide to run........we join them now.

Gibari's group just make it into a rain forest, where they manage to escape the soldiars grasp. They walk into the forest.....and are hopelessly lost.

Jade puts up his glasses. "Hey old man? We're lost aren't we? Why did i follow your puny brain's direction for?"

Gibari turns viciously angry. "What?!?!? I'm only 34 son!! Your asking for a beating aren't you?"

Jade beings out his spear of light. “Yeah, like you could even give me one.”

Amy Rose attempts to break up the fight. "Hey now!! We're trying to run away from the empire remember? We might as well work together."

Gibari and Jade let out a huge sigh, and shake hands on it.

Amy responds by saying, "Good. Now tell me......WHERE IS MY PRECIOUS SONIC?!?!?!"

Gibari facepalms himself. "Didn't TWILTHERO already told you? Sonic's not in this SSE."

All of a sudden, Ty's sense kick in. He then hears a huge tree crash. He immediately rushes to the tree, with the others following him.

The tree crash finds 2 people and a strange cat in the tree. It's Team Rocket!!! They all look hurt. One of them was named Jessie, while the other was named James.

"Urgg......Curse that Pikachu.....We'll catch it one day....I PROMISE YOU THAT ASH KETCHUM!!!!!" Jessie says.

"Cmon Jess.....Can't we try something else?" James says.

"Yeah!!! Lets go and catch a Mudkips instead!!" The talking cat known as Meowth says.


With that scream is heard by Gibari's group, and they wonder if they a ********.

"Hey, who are those dweebs?" Jade asks.

Team Rocket uses this as an excuse to say there motologe.

"Prepare for trouble.....make it double.....

to protect the world from devestation.....to unite all people with in out nation.....

to renounce all the evil in truth and love........to extend all the reaches to the stars above......


Team Rocket is blasting off at the speed of light, so surrender now or prepare to fight!!!

MEOWTH, That's right!!!!"

Gibari's entire group falls death asleep to the rambling of Team Rocket's crappy theme song.

"Hey!!!!! Are you listening to me?!?!" Jessie of Team Rockets says.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah we heard yah. Although we will never surrender to you bozos.....SO LOOKS LIKE WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT!!!" Gibari says while pulling his huge paddle out.

Ty seems eagered to fight as well. He brings out his 2 boomerangs, and gets in a totally awesome battle ready pose.

Jade and Amy bring out there weapons, and prepare to fight as well.

Team Rocket, sweating in nervousment a bit, brings out there Arbok and they kick in there Meowth to fight.

Part 1: Prepare for trouble:
Objective: Defeat Team Rocket
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILoMqeheIE8
Characters: Gibari, Jade, Ty, Amy Rose

Basically beat Team Rocket's pokemon. Though you got to beat the entire team of them. Watch yourself.

After the win.....

Team Rocket's Pokemon is seen fainted on the ground and tired. Jessie and James freak out.

"Oh no!!! My precious Pokemon!!!" Jessie and James say at the same time.

Gibari smerks at the lot of them. "You want to say sorry?"

Team Rocket both nods yes.

Gibari says, "It's too late!!!!!"

Gibari's paddle fill up with air of darkness. "Destructive power!!! Whirlwind hit!!!" He swings his paddle as hard as he can, and sends Team Rocket's pokemon flying.

"We're Blasting Off again!!!!" Team Rocket says before they are seen sent into oblivion.

The group cheers in pride....until they are attacked by empire soldiars!

"They must have heard us while we were fighting Team Rocket...." Jade says.

Having no choice, they have no option but to run.....

Part 2: Run, run away fools!!:
Objective: Escape and run to the end of stage.
Music: ........just running music....
Characters: Gibari, Ty, Jade, Amy Rose

Run, don't fight the soldiars, as they'll keep on coming.

The group tires themselves out. The soldiars have them surrounded.....until an unknown slash comes from out of nowhere!!

It appears that Kite was in disguise as an empire soldiar all along.

"Hey!! Are you guys alright?" Kite asks.

"Yeah....i think so...." Amy says.

"Good.....now get up and fight!!! There going to attack!!!" Kite responds.

Part 3: The fighting back:
Objective: Defeat all 30 soldiars
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LShnlDfam84
Characters: Gibari, Kite, Ty, Amy, Jade.

Yadayadayada.......they are the exact same soldiars you fought before....

After the fight, only a few soldiars remain. The entire group thank Kite for helping them fight back.

There thanking quickly shorts out, however, as an unknown dressed in armor comes out to assist his fellow soldiars.

"Huh......first we have problems in Tellius, now we have problems here? This is most certainly pathetic of my soldiars. Let me entertain you now. I messed up back in Tellius, but now i'm ready to kill you all." The man speaks.

"I know you!!!! You're Giacomo! Kalas took you down already!!! You should be dead!!!" Gibari says.

"Hmmmm....is that stupid raven still alive? Well, looks like when i'm done here, i'll go after him, but for now, are you ready?" Giacomo exclaims.

Part 4: Giacomo fight 2:
Objective: Defeat Giacomo again!
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VppoeTFPZNA
Characters: Kite, Gibari, Ty, Amy, Jade

FIGHT GIACOMO.....again. You previously fought him before with Pelleas, but this time, it should be a lot easier with 5 different characters to chose from. It takes 300% damage to take him down. His attacks...

Basic Sythe swing: Giacomo's standard attack. He will swing the sythe forward and OH BOY!!! It reaches very far (like 7 pokeballz range.) It's also powerful and can deal Pelleas with 15% damage and nice knockback. It's rather slow though. It takes like 3 seconds for Giacomo to swing the darn thing and 2 seconds to take it out.

End slasher: He will charge up for a energy dark blast. It will take about a 3 second charge for this attack. Giacomo will then swing his sythe forward, releasing the charged blast forward, traveling off the screen. It's a big target (as big as Samus's charge blast) and it can push the Pelleas off the screen and continue to deal damage if Pelleas doesn't get away from it. He does this attack alot more oftern as soon as you get his health down to like 1/4 of it.

Thrashing gale: Giacomo will some fancy, smancy, spinning of his sythe in the air and come down with a huge vertical swing downwards. It can knock Pelleas down to the ground and remain unconcience for 3 seconds at least. It will also deal 20% damage.

Imperial force: OH ho!! A new attack!!! Giacomo at first slices you with his sythe, to put you in place by stunning you. Then he'll use the power of darkness, and drain the life out of you, by sticking his hand in front of you!!! Not only will it do 10%-30% damage to you, it'll also recover Giacomo 1/8 of his health.

After the hurrendous battle, the 5 fighters look tired. Giacomo has been working out since his fight with Pelleas it seems.

"Huh.....you put up a good fight. I expect more from you though. I'll let you live and run before the reinforcements get here, but the next time we meet, it'll be the death of you all." Giacomo says.

Kite weakly stands up. "Come on guys......we got to run....now.....he'll kill us if we don't...."

The 5 fighters slowly get up, walking to the exit of the rain forest, but Giacomo stops them in there tracks to say something. "By the way, if you ever see that Kalas kid, tell him that Giacomo is alive!!! I'll be waiting for him!!"

The 5 soldiars nod, and quickly escape. They must stop the empire or else all hope is lost.....



Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Decent chapter TwiltHero, the breaking of the 4th wall (Didn't TwiltHero tell you Sonic wasn't in this SSE?) and Team Rocket were priceless. Is Cervantes ever going to show up again?

And just as a piece of advice, keep in mind characters don't have to be bosses to be in the SSE as NPCs. I used Dedede, Zelda and Captain Falcon in my SSE just as characters who only appeared in a couple cutscenes, so you -could- include Sonic or a few other Brawl characters if you wanted to in minor roles.

Chris Lionheart

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2008
Make Your Move
Nice work on this chapter TWIL.... but is it really a good idea to break the 4th wall?

Keep in mind that you are allowed to use characters that are already in Brawl if you want to bulk it up a bit.... I certainly did.

Deleted member

Yeah....i gotcha. Though really, i purpose;y made it so that Amy was still looking for Sonic.

I might include Sonic in a cutscene where hes a captured fool, or when he meets a shows up at the endgame and i might also put in other Brawl characters (Ike or Link might be one of them), but otherwise, i dont wont to include Brawl characters in my SSE as playable characters.

Thanks for the advice though.

And yes Cervantes will appear again.


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community

Christopher changed his avatar!

In a serious SSE, breaking the 4th wall is indeed a bad thing, but considering the circumstances of Twilt's, there's not much reason to go ahead with it.

I wasn't particularly wanting to see Sonic in, I was just suggesting that if you wanted to. Do what you want with it, it's your SSE.

I look forward to seeing Cervantes be captain cliche when he appears again.

Deleted member

So, um, was the issue with the suggested scales for statistics ever resolved?

Deleted member

That's good. Has there been a discussion of suggesting moveset criteria?
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