The evolved form of a female combee. Vespiquen is the leader of a hive of combee, and protects said hive from intruders along with her army combee. Vespiquen has been known to reward outsiders that kindly protect her hive. She has a skirt-like group of honeycomb cells around her abdomen which serves as a hive for baby combee. This hive-skirt may or may not be part of her body.
4/10 Dash Speed
3/10 Air Speed
1/10 Fall Speed
7/10 Jump
2/10 Air Jump
8/10 Traction
5/10 Weight
Vespiquen is exactly the same height as Lucario. She has three midair jumps, and as such, her back air jump turns her around. Vespiquen also has the ability to hover which is identical to Peach's floating ability.
Some of Vespiquen's attacks inflict
poison. When an opponent is poisoned, they receive one damage per second until the poison clears. Poison lasts for 1 second for every 2% the poison move deals, so it essentially increases the poison move's damage by 1.5x. The poison timer cannot be extended, but it can be replaced if the new timer is longer than the current timer.
Notable Animations
Walking - Without proper legs, Vespiquen opts to hover slightly off the ground while buzzing her wings mildly fast.
Dashing - Vespiquen flies a bit off ground Mewtwo-style.
Crouching - Vespiquen bends at the waist, which is not much of a crouch.
Jumping - With any jump, Vespiquen buzzes her wings several times. She doesn't do any fancy acrobatics with her air jumps.
Sleeping - Vespiquen practically sleeps standing up, her wide hive-skirt easily supporting her.
Hovering - Vespiquen's wings buzz very fast while her abdomen sways like a bell.
Neutral Special - Combee Gather
Vespiquen starts the match with two combee already at her side. Each one about 1/4 of her height.
However, by using Neutral Special, Vespiquen focuses a little bit and emits pheromones to call forth another combee. The pheromones are completely invisible, so it almost seems like a form of telepathy. The single combee appears from the background and zips right to Vespiquen's side. Vespiquen can have up to six combee at her command. Most of Vespiquen's moves are different with the presence of combee.
When idle, combee fly lazily around Vespiquen. Although they gravitate towards her front which makes for a good defense against projectiles. When Vespiquen dashes, the combee have a tendency to trail behind her, even though they're generally faster.Each combee has 10 stamina, and when KO'd will fly away with three sad faces. A KO'd combee has a small chance of dropping a honeycomb, which can be eaten for 2% recovery. If Vespiquen is KO'd, the combee will stay around for her next stock, but will fly away if it was her last stock.
A summoned Combee has a 1 in 7 chance of having a red spot on it's center forehead. Which does nothing but look pretty. If Vespiquen falls asleep, the combee will interlock into a wall and sleep as well. Possibly unaware that her sleep is a status effect.
As a side note, combee aerial attacks can generally clang with ground attacks. For those interested in priority rules.
Damage of moves that use combee will be listed in the format: Vespiquen Damage% / Combee Damage%
Side Special - Attack Order
7% / 4%
With a commanding stance, Vespiquen points forward. The first combee in line then puts on a determined look and hustles straight towards the nearest opponent, prioritizing ones that are in front of Vespiquen. The combee then delivers a little bug bite that does 4% damage and a little bit of knockback. After a short pause, it returns back to Vespiquen.
The move can be angled when fired, causing the combee to instead fly in a curved path towards it's target. If the move is instead smashed, the combee will fly at a faster speed, but without the ability to be angled. If the combee covers the length of Final Destination before hitting an opponent, it'll automatically come back. Vespiquen can fire off combee pretty quickly, creating a small swarm of attacking combee if she so chooses. However, it is pretty easy for an opponent to knock combee off their flight path with any old attack. As is the case with any of the combee based attacks.
If there are no combee to command, Vespiquen will instead bite forward with her mandibles and do 7% damage and slightly more knockback than a combee bite. The grounded version simply has Vespiquen leaning forward to bite, while the midair version has her extend with her whole body, giving it more range. The bite's only special property is that it can be used to eat food items, which totally interacts with the honeycombs that combee can leave.
Down Special - Patrol Order
Vespiquen looks at her combee and points down, then one of the combee will stay, flying back and forth in a small space the width of Vespiquen's hive-skirt. If an opponent comes near it, the lone combee will emit a sweet scent, which takes the form of a pink cloud, then will zip back to Vespiquen. The sweet scent distracts the opponent for a short moment. While distracted, the opponent can't use any actions except button mash to snap out of it earlier. Taking knockback will remove the status effect. When used on an aerial opponent, they will strangely freeze in midair.
Duration(in frames) = 20 + 0.5 per point of damage - 5 per button mash
Or, About 1/3 of a second at 0% damage, to over a full second if the victim is at 100% damage, if no buttons are mashed.
Vespiquen can use her ranged moves to capitalize on a distracted opponent, or one that's using caution to deal with patrolling combee.
Vespiquen can pick up a patrolling combee by standing on the same spot and using Down Special again. If there are already six combee on the stage, she can also use Neutral Special to call a patrolling combee back to her. If the stage scrolls it past a blast zone, the patrolling combee will automatically head back to Vespiquen.
If there are no combee available for the move, Vespiquen will use her own sweet scent, which has the same effect. Although not as useful since it's possible for an opponent to snap out of distraction just as Vespiquen finishes the move.
Up Special - Defend Order
Vespiquen does a special upwards jump that's about the same height as her ground jump. Then all the non-patrolling combee come to her and orbit her in different directions, creating a combee sphere. During this time, Vespiquen gains free flight for 2 1/2 seconds, which feels a lot longer than expected. Also, special moves won't be usable and the combee that are part of the sphere can't participate in attacks.
As the name suggests, this move has a defensive feature. If Vespiquen gets hit during Defend Order, for every 300 "mph" of knocback, rounded down, that Vespiquen would have recieved, one of the combee carrying her will get knocked off, properly reducing her flight speed as well. At low damage, Defend Order can negate knockback all together. Even at high damage, Defend Order can significantly reduce knockback and allow Vespiquen to survive, on average, 30% more damage.
Defend Order does not leave Vespiquen helpless and does not consume her remaining jumps or hover. If Vespiquen takes knockback during the starting animation of Defend Order, she will regain the use of this move. Otherwise, Vespiquen can only use Defend Order once before landing. Defend Order can be cancelled by just touching the ground.
Neutral Attack
Vespiquen does a furious cut with one arm, then does a follow-up cut with her other arm. Each hit does 3% damage, with the second one having some knockback. The two hit combo can be chained indefinitely, but there is a slight pause after the second hit.
Forward Tilt
KO: 140%
Vespiquen places her hands on her head gem as it glows white, then she leans forward, arms extended back, and shoots a powerful blast of small hexagonal-shaped gems of light at a 45 degree angle downwards. The blast deals 14% damage if all hits connect and is Vespiquen's best combeeless KO move. Despite it's appearance, the blast acts more like a melee attack, like Snake's forward smash.
Rather slow, but it's useful on a distracted opponent.
Down Tilt
7% / 2%
Vespiquen looks diagonally towards the ground. Then, in a train like formation, the combee attack by diving straight down, then curving forward right before hitting ground level, then stopping when they complete an curved "L" path. Of course, this is easier to show than to explain, so...
[collapse="Down Tilt"]

The attack does 2% damage per combee, and flinching knockback. That second part of the move, where the combee are moving forward, has a 10% chance of tripping the opponent each time a combee hits. Which is about a 47% chance of tripping if all six combee hit.
This move has a special feature, if the move is inputted while there are any combee in the middle of Forward Special (or the short pause after Forward Special), those combee will perform the move, instead of the idle combee. Many moves will have this feature, which will here on be referred to as ordered attacks.
If there are no combee to command, Vespiquen will simply use her claws to stab at the opponent's legs and deal 7% damage. This move has an extended stun, being the shocking sting of a bee after all, and does average knockback. This move inflicts
Up Tilt
8% / 3%
An ordered attack. Vespiquen looks diagonally up, then the combee, starting at ground level, smoothly move up-forward before arcing backwards to Vespiquen's head. The path taken kind of looks like a large apostrophe. Does 3% damage per combee. The knockback of this move makes it useful as a launcher, with which Vespiquen can follow-up with her air game. Alternating between this and down tilt can create a rotating combee wall of doom.
Without combee, it's basically the same as Vespiquen's down tilt, except she stabs straight up, causing vertical knockback and doing 8% damage. Again, it inflicts
Dash Attack
KO: 190%
Vespiquen rushes forward with both arms extended. When she hits, the move does 10% with pretty good knockback, but has a laggy end lag where she falls first before getting up. Can be used as a surprise desperation move in Vespiquen's otherwise slow paced game.
Forward Smash
6% - 8.4% / 4% - 5.6%
KO: 130% - 120%
While charging, Vespiquen rears her arms back and all non-patrolling combee come to gather in front of her. When the button is released, Vespiquen gestures by pointing both arms and her abdomen forward, then the combee fly outward like a shotgun blast, reaching out 1 full SBB, and a spread height of 1.5 Vespiquen's height. Each combee does 4% - 5.6% damage, depending on the charge. The gesture itself does 6% - 8.4% damage. The attack is pretty laggy, but Can do a lot of damage and is Vespiquen's best KO move if enough combee hit. Which is easier to do at point blank range, or on a large target. The KO value represents the move when all hits connect.
Down Smash
11% - 15.4% / 3%
KO: 190% - 180% / N/A
Vespiquen goes into a stance where she crosses her arms in front of her. As the move is charged, each idle combee goes into a small rotating circle formation at Vespiquen's center, then expand outwardly (they're actually spiraling away from Vespiquen) until the formation reaches 1.5x Vespiquen's height in diameter, although they'll still rotate for the duration of the charge. When rotating, a combee does 3% damage to any target it happens to ram into, and knockback that knocks the foe towards Vespiquen. When the move is released, or the charge ends, Vespiquen spins once with both arms extended, doing 11% damage and decent knockback at each side of her.
Due to the way the combee move, and the knockback they do, this is a good way to get around an attacker's move and then counterattack immediately.
If there are no combee for Vespiquen to command, she'll be able to focus more on the attack, doing 11% - 15% damage, depending on the charge.
Up Smash
10% - 14%
KO: 170% - 160%
An ordered attack. While charging, the combee move in circles, creating an hourglass shaped whirlwind that moves towards Vespiquen. The whirlwind formation itself doesn't do any damage, but each combee creates a vacuum effect that overlap with each other. With six combee, the vacuum effect can be very strong. Upon releasing the button, Vespiquen does an uppercut that does 10% - 14% damage and is a weak but usable KO move. This can leave Vespiquen vulnerable to an attack, unless the opponent is pulled through a patrolling combee.
Neutral Air
16% / 3%
Vespiquen buzzes her wings quickly creating soundwaves, which look like colorful circles-lines, from her wings that grow outwardly up to her height in diameter. She creates 8 soundwaves that each do 2% damage, and flinching knockback. If any of the soundwaves reach combee, those combee will do their own version of the attack, creating 3 soundwaves that move outwardly at a diameter of twice combee's width and do 1% damage each.
When paired with Vespiquen's hover ability, this move is useful for retreating, and somewhat useful for approach as well. The soundwaves don't move with Vespiquen, so hovering in one direction can create a doppler effect.
Since the soundwaves don't quite cover Vespiquen, she is vulnerable to attacks from below. The landing animation of this move has Vespiquen pausing as she creates the rest of the soundwaves.
Forward Air
9% / 3%
An ordered attack. The combee move forward in a wave path for a moderate distance. This wave motion makes it difficult to attack the combee, as well as give the combee extra chances to hit an opponent everytime a combee goes in an upwards motion. Does 3% damage per combee and a little knockback that goes in the same direction that combee is moving. Landing lag is almost non-existing but does interrupt the combee attack. This move has the most subtle gesture from Vespiquen, making it a surprise attack, especially when used after turning around with a back air jump.
Without combee, Vespiquen does a simple up-to-down slash that does 9% damage and average knockback. Landing lag is pretty low, and the move can kill at very high percentages.
Down Air
11% / 4%
Another ordered attack. Vespiquen looks down, moving her hive-skirt away from her line of sight, then the combee split up into two groups and move downwards in a double-helix path. Does 4% damage per combee. Landing lag is a bit longer than her other "look-to-attack" moves. This is a good air to ground move that can be used against juggling attempts. When combined with a fast-fall, this is a good way to shield Vespiquen while some the combee go around attacks.
With no combee, Vespiquen will instead curl-up, then do a stomp that does 11% damage, but has low knockback scaling. The landing lag is somewhat long.
Up Air
8% / 3%
KO: 210% / N/A
One more ordered attack. The combee go up, then move in a clockwise arc, before curving forward. Useful to get combee over an attack and hit the attacker. Does 3% damage per combee and very low knockback.
Without combee, Vespiquen crosses her arms above her head then slashes with them outwardly, which actually has good coverage. Does 8% damage. Landing lag is pretty short.
Back Air
10% / 4%
KO: 190% / N/A
Guess what? Another ordered attack. Vespiquen looks over her shoulder, then the combee go down backwards, and move in a figure-eight path before returning back to where they started. Does 4% damage per combee. As can be guessed by the path, this can be used repeatedly before landing, covering Vespiqune in a sort of shield.
Without Combee, Vespiquen attacks with her abdomen, doing one horizontal spin. Does 10% damage. Landing lag is quite severe, as she falls flat before getting up.
A simple grab where Vespiquen extends her arm to grasp the foe. If there are any idle combee, one combee will dart a bit forward to grab the foe and bring them into Vespiquen's grasp.
When used in the air, Vespiquen sends out a single combee forward to the same distance as a hookshot. Does 2% damage and minor knockback but has no landing lag. Useful for spacing purposes, or if you don't want to send out all combee at once for an aerial attack. This grab air is unique in that it requires at least one combee to use, and doesn't tether.
Vespiquen stabs the opponent with her free hand, creating a purple effect and doing 4% damage. A slow but very damaging pummel that also inflicts
Forward Throw
KO: 120%*
Vespiquen holds the foe by the shoulders, then they both become engulfed in purple flames. The two then move in an arc path forward for 2/3 SBBs, then fall straight down. If they hit the ground, the foe is dealt 3% damage and minor knockback. If they don't hit the ground then it can become a suicide KO. However, the move can be escaped even during the throw, which will interrupt both character's animations. The opponent must be at around 120% damage for it to be a succussful KO.
Down Throw
1% / 2%
Vespiquen lets go of the opponent, the move itself doing 1% damage, then the combee one by one dive-bomb the opponent, each one doing 2% damage and a bit of upwards knockback. Each combee comboes the foe into the next one, making this a good launching move.
Up Throw
KO: 150%
The combee all lift the opponent above Vespiquen and hold them there for a second. During this time, the opponent can still attempt to escape, with 1/3 the normal grab timer for every combee holding him, minus the time already spent in Vespiquen's clutches. Whether or not the opponent escapes in time, Vespiquen shoots a blast from her forehead gem straight up. The blast does 12% damage and a good amount of knockback, making it her best killing throw. Or, only killing throw for that matter. If there are no combee to hold the opponent in place, Vespiquen will still perform the attack, and most likely miss.
Back Throw
3% / 1%
Vespiquen throws the opponent backwards doing 3% damage. If there are idle combee, they will rush the opponent, pestering them while they do an animation similar to a victim under Bowser's down throw. During this time, the victim is still considered tobe in "grabbed" status. One by one, each combee bites the opponent for 1% damage, and no stun or knocback, before flying back to Vespiquen. The extended length of the throw gives Vespiquen a chance to reposition herself. However, the move is brief enough that it can't be used as a cheap off-stage KO. Due to the no stun, this can't be used as a chain grab on a competent opponent.
Neutral Swing
A normal sword swing. It's a bit slower than her normal jab, but the extra range is a great improvement.
Tilt Swing
In one quick motion, Vespiquen rears her sword back, then leans forward with a down-to-up slash. With this move, Vespiquen trades KO power for better speed and range.
Dash Swing
Vespiquen continues dashing while she thrust her sword forward with both hands. This move has a similar ending animation to her normal dash attack.
Smash Swing
Vespiquen holds the sword over her head with both hands while the move charges. Upon release, she does a strong down slash. The combee still attack as they do during her normal forward smash. The extra range of the sword makes it easier for Vespiquen to contribute knockback to the move. Even without combee, Vespiquen still gains a fairly fast and viable KO move.
Assault Order
Vespiquen has the smash ball! Even though it's very like one of the combee gave the final hit. Vespiquen hovers into the air, spreads her arms outward, then gives an unnerving high pitched call. Then, from off the side of the screen, a fast moving object with a golden aura races across the stage. Upon closer examination, it's a combee! And it has three furious faces! The combee does 7% damage and really good knocback for a combee. A bit underwhelming for a final smash. But no sooner than the combee leaves before another one appears of the side of the screen. Then another, then a few more, then the stage gets swarmed by randomly placed combee rushing across the stage.
The first thing that needs to be mentioned, is that ordered attacks can be chained together. Consequently, this means that she can create interesting comboes, even from a remote distance. Or at the very least, pester her foe with repeated hits of combee fury. There are a few catches though. Firstly, Vespiquen's best combo moves are her aerial attacks, and landing, even briefly, will disrupt a chain of ordered attacks. So Vespiquen must use her aerial maneuvers in between attack inputs in order to extend her comboes. She can also use her air attacks during her hover to great effect. Secondly, good aim is very crucial, as a single well placed attack by an opponent can spell doom for your trail of combee since they'll, one by one, plant face first into the attack. But managing a clean hit can earn several hits on your foe, even six if your foe is at low damage.
However, despite her high damage output, Vespiquen has trouble earning a kill. Her earliest KO moves, forward tilt and forward smash, are laggy and punishable. Fortunately, she has Patrol Order at her disposal which, with good timing, can help her land a finishing blow. As the opponent's damage goes up, and combee start hitting fewer times per attack, it becomes more useful to lay down patrolling combee. If one is patient enough to get the foe to very high damages, Vespiquen will gain some difficult to avoid killers like up smash and down smash. Which is a good thing that with her combee to defend her, Vespiquen can be a frustratingly hard opponent to kill. Although Vespiquen may at first seem good at keeping a foe off stage with her remote comboes, the feeble knockback from combee might actually help the opponent more than hurt them.
On-Screen Appearance
Vespiquen flies into the stage with two combe, then hovers a bit while the two combee do a little dance at each side of her.
Up Taunt
Vespiquen hovers a bit off the ground, then baby combee fly out of her hive-skirt to play with her. They then immediately return.
Side Taunt
Vespiquen does a queenly pose while the combee gather in front of her like an audience. The captivated combee then give pleased looks before returning to their idle stance.
Down Taunt
Looking bored, Vespiquen examines the claws in one hand as they rub together. Then she flicks her claws, causing a sharpened sound effect, before ending the taunt. May enrage the opponent.
[collapse="Kirby Hat"]

[collapse="Super Special Extra"]

A pokemon that lives in a great hive of other combee and is greatly loyal to it's queen. When three baby combee mature, they fuse together into the pokemon you see here. Then it goes into an egg to be born again. At least that's what the game mechanics seem to indicate. Combee that have a red spot on it's center forehead are female, and can evolve into a Vespiquen.
6/10 Dash Speed
7/10 Air Speed
1/10 Fall Speed
5/10 Jump
2/10 Air Jump
1/10 Traction
1/10 Weight
Combee is really a bonus character. To play as Combee, one must first select Vespiquen, then click on one of the combee in her portrait. You have your choice between the female and male combee. This post will assume you selected the male one. Combee will use all the same moves he does in Vespiquen's moveset, just with slightly different properties. However, with the playable character curse of falling during his aerial move endlag, so Combee can't stall infinitely with his air attacks.
Combee has five midair jumps, and as such, his back air jump turns him around. Combee can also hover, just like Vespiquen.
Attack descriptions that are the same from Vespiquen's set will be
grayed out for reference.
Notable Animations:
Standing, Walking, Dashing - Combee constantly stays air born just a little off the ground while buzzing his wings during these animations.
Crouching - Combee stops buzzing his wings and drops to the ground.
Jumping - With any jump, Combee buzzes his wings several times. He doesn't do any fancy acrobatics with his air jumps.
Ledge Grab - Combee bites onto the ledge.
Hovering - Combee's wings buzz very fast while he shuffles his body left and right.
Neutral Special - Gust
In an uncharacteristically avian way, Combee flaps his wings forward and creates a small whirlwind. The whirlwind moves forward in a random angle for the distance of a battlefield platform. The whirlwind can push an opponent about twice as hard as when a character gets pushed when overlapping with another character, and really has no business being a special move. Combee can shoot whirlwinds quickly, and can maybe use them to KO an opponent who would have otherwise just barely reached the ledge.
Side Special - Bug Bite
Combee puts on a determined look and hustles straight towards the nearest opponent, prioritizing ones that are in front of him. Combee then delivers a little bug bite that does 4% damage and a little bit of knockback. The bite will also cause a random food item to pop out of the opponent, and will heal Combee as soon it it touches him. Although the opponent has a good shot at eating the item first.
The move can be angled when used, causing Combee to instead fly in a curved path towards his target. If the move is instead smashed, Combee will fly at a faster speed, but without the ability to be angled. If Combee covers the length of Final Destination before hitting an opponent, he will automatically stop. The move can also be cancelled with an aerial attack, or by pressing shield.
Down Special - Sweet Scent
Combee emits a pink cloud. The sweet scent distracts the opponent for a short moment. While distracted, the opponent can't use any actions except button mash to snap out of it earlier. Taking knockback will remove the status effect. When used on an aerial opponent, they will strangely freeze in midair.
Duration(in frames) = 20 + 0.5 per point of damage - 5 per button mash
Or, About 1/3 of a second at 0% damage, to over a full second if the victim is at 100% damage, if no buttons are mashed.
Has the same strategic value as Jigglypuff's up special, except it doesn't immobilize the target long enough to do much.
Up Special - Combee Flight
2% per hit
Combee gains free flight for 2 1/2 seconds and moves as fast as his air speed. During this time, Combee will aggressively bite any opponent within biting range for 2% damage every second, and do flinching knocback. Knockback of attacks that hit Combee will be reduced by 300 "mph", which admittedly makes it good for tanking through Falco's lasers... until Combee actually takes some good damage.
Fly does not leave Combee helpless and does not consume his remaining jumps or hover. If Combee takes knockback during the starting animation of Fly, he will regain the use of this move. Otherwise, Combee can only use Fly once before landing. Fly can be cancelled by using an aerial or just touching the ground.
Neutral Attack
Combee bites three times in different directions. With each bite, Combee moves a little bit in that direction before rearing back for his next bite. First two bites do 1% damage each, and the last bite does 2% damage and weak knockback.
Forward Tilt
Combee jumps forward while spinning with wings outstretched, doing three hits of 2% damage. Hits on both sides of Combee, which is wasted unless for some reason the opponent decides that Combee is enough of a threat to roll past him.
Down Tilt
Combee attacks by diving straight down, then curving forward right before hitting ground level, then stopping when they complete an curved "L" path. Of course, this is easier to show than to explain, and I won't show it.
Anyways, the attack does 3% damage and flinching knockback. That second part of the move, where Combee is moving forward, has a meager 10% chance of tripping the opponent. It's just too bad that Combee's acrobatic maneuvers are poor at attacking a prone opponent.
Up Tilt
Combee, starting at ground level, smoothly moves up-forward before arcing backwards a little bit. The path taken kind of looks like a large apostrophe. Does 3% damage. The knockback of this move makes it useful as a launcher. It leaves Combee airborn as well, which allows him to follow-up with his air game. However, it is a bit of a curse since Combee won't be able to shield after whiffing.
Dash Attack
Combee somehow trips in mid-air, and tumbles forward doing a solid hit of 4% damage. Can be used as a surprise laughter inducing attack.
Forward Smash
7% - 9.8%
Combee rams forward for 7% - 9.8% damage, and ok knockback. This move has extreme angling properties, and can be angled anywhere up to 45 degrees away from straight forward. One of Combee's few KO moves.
Down Smash
As the move is charged, Combee moves in a small circle path at 2x his height above ground, then expands outwardly (he's actually spiraling away from the center) into a path reaching 6x Combee's height in diameter, although Combee will still rotate for the duration of the charge. When rotating, Combee does 3% damage to any target it happens to ram into, and knockback that knocks the foe towards the center of the circle path. Once the charge is let go, Combee does a drill ram towards the direction he was going for 4% damage and OK knockback.
Up Smash
5% - 7%
While charging, Combee moves in a ground-aligned circle, creating an hourglass shaped whirlwind around him. The whirlwind itself doesn't do any damage but pulls foes in. Upon releasing the button, Combee does an upwards ram that does 5% - 7% damage and is a weak and not usable KO move. Very risky move to use with practically no upside..
Neutral Air
Combee buzzes his wings quickly creating 3 soundwaves that move outwardly at a diameter of twice combee's width and do 1% damage each.When paired with Combee's hover ability, this move is mildly useful for retreating. The landing animation of this move has Combee pausing as he creates the rest of the soundwaves.
Forward Air
Combee moves forward in a wave path for a moderate distance. This wave motion makes it difficult to attack Combee, as well as give Combee extra chances to hit an opponent every time Combee goes in an upwards motion. Does 4% damage and a little knockback that goes in the same direction that Combee is moving.
Down Air
Combee moves downwards in a single-helix path. Does 4% damage. This is a good air to ground move that can be used against juggling attempts.
Up Air
Combee goes up, then moves in a clockwise arc, before curving forward. Useful to get Combee over an attack and hit the attacker. Does 4% damage and very low knockback.
Back Air
Combee goes down backwards, and move in a figure-eight path before returning back to where he started. Does 5%. As can be guessed by the path, this can be used repeatedly before landing. Useful for telling other combee where to find food.
Combee will dart a bit forward to a clawshot distance and grab the foe with a bite, somehow holding the foe that way.
Combee emits one soundwave, doing 1% damage. Fairly fast.
Forward Throw
Combee lets go, rears back, then rams the opponent for 5% damage and might actually be able to KO at high damages.
Down Throw
Combee lets go of the opponent, then goes straight up before dive-bombing the opponent, doing 2% damage and a bit of upwards knockback.
Up Throw
Combee lifts the opponent into the air and holds them there for a second before letting them go for 1% damage. Leaves Combee in the air.
Back Throw
Combee pesters the opponent while they do an animation similar to a victim under Bowser's down throw. Combee bites the opponent for 2% damage, and no stun or knocback before retreating 1 SBB away.
Combee has somehow gotten a smash ball. With a gold aura surrounding him, Combee dashes straight forward, stopping as soon as he hits any target. Such an underwhelming attack... but wait what? Combee does as much damage as he currently has! And the attack even does more knockback the higher the target's weight is!
So, you've decided to pick up Combee? Maybe you're trying to develop a metagame for an unorthodox character. Maybe you just want to play around and are not worried about winning. Or maybe you're just going for a handicap match. Actually, that last one may be the best reason as it is where Combee truly shines. With his acrobatic maneuvers, Combee can get around the defenses of his opponents as grab items very easily. His ability to stay in the air for a long time can keep a foe from getting back on stage, as long as the foe doesn't know what they're doing. Ultimately, how good Combee does will depend on how bad his opponent does.
Oh, and he might actually be a tiny bit better in team matches.
On-Screen Appearance
Combee flies onto the stage and does a bee dance.
Up Taunt
Combee does a continuous loop-de-loop as long as the input is held.
Side Taunt
Combee looks to the background, then to the foreground, then it does it's call.
Down Taunt
Combee flies in a circle, much like his up smash, then stops, gets dizzy eyes, then snaps out of it to end the taunt.
Change List:
-Dash Speed 1 -> 4 (Makes more sense with the animation)
-All base damages are now whole numbers.
-Brand new Forward Throw
-Added Super Special Extra
[new] -Added a mini poison mechanic.
Up Special:
-Uses consistent animation and speed.
-Can be used without combee.
-Combee no longer bite.
-Can no longer end early with an aerial.