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Majoras Mask Mafia! DGames' Longest Game Ends - Who Won?!?!?!?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
So dabuz, do you agree with Panta that I am scum?

In my 1335 (not 1135) I said weht (=what) because I couldn't believe you'd actually ask that question. Like, it was pretty obvious that Nabe wasn't coming out and claiming, and the fact that you were asking that goes back to playing the noob card, which you were called out for earlier on in the game. Like, it was pretty obvious.

I plan on going through Panta's 'cases' later.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Right now I am not voting you, interpret that as you will.

A post like the above one is the kind of response i would want, an analysis/ reasoning. Even if it was a nooby question, its the the kind of response I want, blowing off a question is not helpful.

'cases'? Get back to me on what you imply by 'cases'.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
His large posts regarding mainly me, Nabe, John, and Xastrn. I used the ' 's because, just glancing through them, his reasoning regarding me (that's all I really looked at so far) seems quite weak.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Why do you want to hammer? If someone were to allow you to hammer even though they were about to, does that mean they are fake-hammering?


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Why do you want to hammer? If someone were to allow you to hammer even though they were about to, does that mean they are fake-hammering?
I explicitly said that I DON'T want to hammer. It's way too early in the Day for a lynch.

And I was basing that theory off of past scummy behavior and your interactions with Xastrn.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Alright, I meant to put a winky smiley or something at the end of that, AND I misread your post.

I'm intrigued, though. What interactions between Xastrn and myself come off as SvS?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I still want my questions answered OS.
If you want 'em answered in a timely manner or at all you're gonna have to post 'em out in the open in single sentences, because I'm working in Orlando at the moment and just skimming between lines. By the time I get back to the thread it'd probably be a bad idea to answer your question three days later. It's midnight and I'm full of Nos, Dr. Pepper, and Stride Gum and a $40 steak I ate for dinner yesterday. I'm not exactly reading in depth.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Can you rephrase the Dark Purple? It is a bit odd and I don't get it. I explain later on why I think John is more silly town then scum but yes there is reason I believe that John shouldn't be looked into.

He doesn't seem that scummy to me and I think there are better candidates to look into at the current time as scum-candidates over John.

Alsoooo I'd rather you not put words into my mouth because I never said people were wasting their time on John nor do I think that. I'm not really interested in John personally because I don't have him as a scum-candidate, that doesn't mean others have the same train of thought. I will read and listen to what people have to say but I will follow what I think is best. ^^
The purple is basically just me saying that I'm sure plenty of people have considered the possibility that John may just be noobtown (myself included; I actually got into this on Day 1), but you're one of the few people I see who seems to deem the fact that he could be noobtown to be a good enough reason to not attempt to examine him in any further depth. You seem to be complaining about the pressure that John is receiving, and I don't understand why. Even if you think we have better candidates to look at, why wouldn't you want to try to get more out of John if you could?

The lines in this portion of your post that I have highlighted in yellow read as contradictory statements to me. You claim I'm putting words in your mouth when I say you seem to think that people who are looking at John right now are wasting their time, but you also directly state in this post that you believe John shouldn't be looked into. And your "Am I really the only one who just thinks John may be just not smart town?" question does suggest that the people who are reading John as scummy are looking in the wrong place and should be dealing with other players. What else would be the point of saying that out loud?

I wasn't acting but moreso double checking. You know I'm a light-hearted jokester sooo I don't really get the seriousness of the first paragraph. =P

*sigh* Meta but I guess that's really all we have to go on at the moment based on what little content the slot has. *Never played with ScumFerno or TownFerno for that matter xP* Regardless how you came to the conclusion, I do agree that I like Inferno based on his posts. Do you think his OS case has credence? What do you think of the people who are questioning INferno for making an "easy" case on OS?
I think Inferno's probably on the wrong trail with Overswarm if he's looking for mafia. I think people suspicious of Inferno for that case probably haven't thought about it very hard yet. Or might be looking at setting up a mislynch. Replacement scum who has only played in two games in Dgames comes into the thread and chooses to bark at OS? Nuh uh. Meta suggests that Scumferno specifically wouldn't be that proactive, but even more generally, scum probably just wouldn't be that proactive against OS. Even though OS is taking this game lightly right now (or would at least like to be perceived that way), there are certainly easier and safer fish to fry than him. Only way I see this making sense is if OS and Inferno are buddies, with OS coaching Inferno into hard distancing him early on. I do not currently find that likely.

That said, Raz has a point in his 1540, and I'm glad he made it.

Sooo John is still a scum-pick but just less so due to Dabuz and it seems Solid becoming bigger targets based on flips? Alright, thank you. I was just curious because you seemed really gung-ho about John being scum yesterDay.
Pretty much. Some others may be sneaking in there too.

Pro-town eh? Well he hasn't been helpful in the sense that he is pushing town forward with his actions but he is more so hindering them by not answering the questions. The attitude he is taking things seem a bit too odd for a ScumJohn to do, why would he go against the flow of thinking and still think you are scum which is pretty much what seems a bit OMGUSy. Remember the convo I had with him though? He decided to vote Xastrn over Circus because of the fact that he believed that he was a better candidate to be lynched, even though his own suspicions lead him to believe that you(Circus) was his biggest scum-pick. If John was scum with Xastrn, why would he simply not just vote you and make it easier for Xastrn to stay alive and possibly not claim which was the final nail in his coffin. If John was scum with Xastrn I'd see it more fit for his actions to just go along with what he had been saying the entire time and go with you as his vote. The fact that he was malleable to the will of myself/Raz for the town's benefit makes me more to believe that he is not smart town over really inept scum.

That got into a tangent but I think I explained what I wanted with a "Pro-town" action of his. It makes no logical sense for him to not have been voting you as scum and it was actually pro-town of him to vote Xastrn.
I'm glad you brought up the fact that he's still claiming to be suspicious of me, because that's giving me pause as well. It seems strange that scum, even noobscum, would be stubborn enough to stick to that read after what happened yesterDay. With that said, he seems to deploy the noobcard pretty readily and knowledgeably, like he knows he can flash it and just ride that momentum for a good, long time. That, and the fact that he has apparently felt for a while that I bussed Xastrn makes his switch from me to Xastrn confusing. You say he could have just left his vote on me and gotten the mislynch; I say he could have switched to Xastrn just to get the baked in town points. If he thought BOTH me and Xastrn were scum yesterDay, then I don't see why he would bother switching to Xastrn other than to be seen being on Xastrn's wagon. Let me ask you this: Does it bother you that, as easy a target as Johntown would have been for scum, Xastrn used kid gloves against him at the beginning of D1 and then basically never put the heat back on him?

Oh J, isn't this WIFOM delicious?

Gonna make a separate post for everything else because this ended up being long.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@OS: I think John is scummy.

Panta, I love you, please keep playing like this. Only if you could keep up with the thread more consistently so that your catch-up posts aren't as long, that would be swell. But in general, your last few biggies have been super duper. Although you did change your vote in, like, every post.

Circus, your results now perhaps?

I was Motivated last Night, so I actually got to take two censuses. Which ended up being perfect, because there were two races that I was kind of equally interested in targeting.

There are currently 5 Humans and 3 Unclassified living in the game. Xastrn does not count in this census, but everyone else does, including myself (I am Human, to be clear) and T-block, although I obviously don't know if he fits into either of the categories I checked.

So that's more than half of our living roster right there.

@Circus: Can you respond to my 1426?
I don't really know what you want me to say to it. I don't think my paraphrasing of your initial statement that seemed to ruffle your feathers really changed the meaning of what you said. And I think that your explanation for your abductor question was...fine. It's an understandable excuse, I guess, but IstillGMEOY due to how the original wording rubbed me the wrong way.

1560-1563 is interesting on a meta level. Just figure I'll let that idea breathe for a bit.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Votecount 2.3 [7/13] Deadline 23rd October!

Raziek [1] - Nabe
Overswarm [1] - Inferno
Solid [1] - Panta
Panta [0]
Red Ryu [0]
dabuz [0]
Nabe [1] - dabuz
Circus [0]
Werekill [2] - RR, J
John2k4 [3] - Kantrip, Raziek, Solid,
Kantrip [1] - Werekill,
J [0]
Inferno3044 [0]

Not Voting [3] - John2k4, Circus, OS

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Not really sure. We barely interacted, and he dodged my questions initially and I had to drill him just to get a simple readlist, and he gave me entirely Town reads. :/

If I had to guess I'd say he's wary of me.
Cool. This question was @ your claim though, since I thought you might be saying you actually did commute, and that you thought you had stopped the NK as a result, which tied in with your vote on John suggests that maybe you had a reason to think he had targeted you.

Nobody seems to have reacted properly to your claim, since they didn't think you were under much pressure. Was the plan to get reads on the newer players?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
@raziek- I honestly thought you were ignoring me so I kept bringing it up. Didn't know I asked so many times lol. I asked solid because I picked a random person viewing the thread at that moment. The claim baffled me because there was no reason I could see to claim. Apparently it isn't true so there's no reason to linger on it.
Does this mean you think Raz is town, or do you legitimately see no reason to linger on it?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Shows that one head is happy to vote for Werekill based on the Daycop result (that later another head says he knew was fake...). Spell was a pretty scummy player and Xastryn was extremely comfortable to pressure him early day for his bad play. Nabe was a lurker and is probably the only correct scum on this "list". I will elaborate on that further.
Well, this is awkward.
  • Xastrn was Dastrn the whole time, since Xatres was inactive to the point of modkill in Megaman X. He was the only head.
  • This post is post 97, a post within the daycop gambit where Circus, Xastrn and I were actively in-thread at the time of gambit and baiting Spell. So the following two points extend from this.
  • Spell could be interpreted as scummy, but Xastrn wasn't serious in saying so. We know this because Xastrn was talking about scum that were "caught", not people he thought were scum. The joke going on here was that Spellcasters had used three question marks consecutively, which we all leaped on immediately.
  • To follow from that, I started slipping triple-?'s into my posts, which is how Circus "caught" me, and that's why Xastrn listed me. It's also unclear how you could call me a lurker, when I was in-thread while the event went down. (Which of course says nothing about the act of calling someone a lurker when the game is <100 posts in, and had started 7 hours prior.)
  • Now here's the most important point -- all of these things are clear and obvious from the context surrounding that post, including dialogue directly from your quoted post. It could not be more clear that what you've said here is incorrect.

Why we didn't lynch Xastryn for this post alone is beyond me. It is scummy to the max. A few good bits of information from this post, though. He knew that the daycop thing was bogus. Why? Because he knows his scumbuddies. This clears Werekill and slightly clears Ryu from being scum.
  • This post is certainly not "scummy to the max". Is this the trend, though, taking credit postmortem for the Nasty lynch? Because I could get behind that.
  • What you said about the gambit could be true. He could also have known the daycop was bogus because Ryu was scum. Or, he could also have known it was bogus if a scumbuddy told him so, who had seen Ryu's play and knew it was a gambit. Or, if said scumbuddy knew that daycop gambits are common in recent games here.

Instead, what did you think of Werekill's reactions to the gambit?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I think John is scummy.

Also, I was out all day, and due to tourneys+school, may be pretty inactive for the next few days, so I don't think ill have time for a full write up on nabe ;_;
@Circus, kindly go ahead and talk about dabuz rather than waiting, re: the above.

Nabe's 1330, instead of putting in any explanation, he just re-qoutes himself and adds a GIF. If i ask something, even if it may appear dumb, a proper response is in order.

The gif was from J's recent post. I thought it looked like the face of someone who might say "I can't believe you're legitimately trying to engage me in this conversation." Which coincidentally was my response to you; I quoted it from my earlier response to Kantrip, who had made a similar comment to yours.

What sort of "proper" response were you looking for? Are you also upset with the response I gave Kantrip, or do you think your question needed a better answer?

Raziek's 1329, his analysis is a towny thing to write up.
Is it? Because I think if Raz is town, he would be the first person to disagree with you on this. If Raz is scum, couldn't he have had intent to post 1329? Why or why not?

Look at J's 1288, he ask's Nabe a question.

Nabe's response is that he forgot about what J referenced. A little odd, but fine. But look at the last part of it, he is not sure where xastrn stood. Xastrn was not referenced by J, but whats even more notable is that, he doesn't know where Xastrn stood, but also, the votecount a few posts up lists Nabe as voting Xastrn. Im confused here, Nabe has voted for Xastrn, but doesn't know where he stands?
You've misread. The context prior to this is that Raziek asked me who I'd be looking at on a Xastrn flip. I responded, and didn't list Solid. J said, "But Nabe, what about Solid, who you've had a scumread on?" to which I replied w.r.t. Xastrn/Solid interactions., since Xastrn was most definitely the topic at the time.

You've also misread: what I said in 1292 is that I didn't know where Xastrn stood w.r.t. Solid.

@Nabe: Current opinion on Raziek? In your 1317 you said he was your one sure scum read. Is that still true? Did your investigation (if you have one) change that?
He is still majorly a scum read.

@Nabe: Do you think panta is dangerous?
To who?

Nabe's 1200 looks like a quick excuse to get a Circus lynch over a Xastrn lynch. Knowing Xastrn flipped scum, its scummy to see that Nabe wanted to switch to Circus, yet he didn't actually join the Circus wagon himself.
I'm not sure where you read in 1200 that I wanted to switch to Circus, since that sentiment clearly isn't there. What I said in 1200 is, "we [the Xastrn voters] might have to switch to ensure there's a lynch today".

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
The only track I'm on is that if OS is town, he's not doing maintenance on his own image. (Recall his own wording earlier in the thread.) Whether that's intentional remains to be seen, and if it's intentional it still says nothing about his alignment -- hence why he needs to start doing something.
OS, here's something to respond to.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Cool. This question was @ your claim though, since I thought you might be saying you actually did commute, and that you thought you had stopped the NK as a result, which tied in with your vote on John suggests that maybe you had a reason to think he had targeted you.

Nobody seems to have reacted properly to your claim, since they didn't think you were under much pressure. Was the plan to get reads on the newer players?
I probably DID eat the NK, but that's not related to my claim.

I admit that my timing could have been better on the fakeclaim, but tbh it was a spur of the moment idea I had right before I left. Decided to see if I could shake things up a bit, just for some extra information.

Didn't get much out of it, unfortunately.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh, and I believe John is scummy, and at the very least a large detriment to the Town.

Wouldn't be opposed to moving my vote if we have something more to go on, but I'm perfectly content with taking him out of the lynchpool/LyLo situations.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
What was Werekill's gambit?
Oh god. Werekill didn't gambit. I said, "what do you think of his reaction to the gambit" i.e. Ryu's daycop claim.
Actually, ya, why did you claim investigative role?
You know you can't reasonably expect an answer to this question, aside from the answer I'v already offered, which is that I want people to know I'm investigating them.

If my claim is the truth, then I obviously have some reason for claiming that I'm not sharing, which is made obvious by me being evasive about it.

If I'm lying, it's exactly the same situation, except in this instance, there are a list of potential motivating factors instead of a unique answer. To be helpful, you might consider thinking about what would motivate a town or scum lie in this situation. Adding to that, you might also look at the context of the posts before and after my claim, and see if anything there may have contributed to the motivations you've already thought of in the previous step.

Quote my post to you and respond to it so I know officially what it is you're saying. Think of it as logging a statement with the police. Right now I have to guess at where your responses line up with what I've asked, which means people will have a harder time backtracking posts later if they need to. If you set up a paper trail then you're holding yourself accountable for what you say, and ensuring you can't renege later.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
John, where the hell are you? I directly called you out, and you still haven't posted. >_>

Could you elaborate?
He said that there wasn't much chance of there being an abductor, and an abductor has been pretty much confirmed. He also didn't like my thinking of the setup, and he tried to potentially set me up as someone he can accuse of being an abductor:
I don't know. Call it a feel. Maybe I'm giving Werekill too much credit, but his obsession over the abductor/janitor thing, and the "see some flips" part don't sit quite right with me.

I still think he's Town, but if nothing turns up and he's still around later in the game, I wouldn't put it past him being said abductor/janitor.

Just sits.... odd with me.
I didn't have an obsession, but he DID respond later by saying that obsession was a bit too strong of a word, so no worries, I suppose.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Sorry Werekill, I was reading through them on my phone, and disconnected before you posted that.

J - what's your opinion on T-Block's abduction?


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'

Guys, I've been thinking, and I think that my top 3 scum picks right now are John, OS, and Frio, in that order. I'll elaborate later on OS, and John is at the top right now because of previously stated reasons/general reasons attached to the wagon/his major coasting. Frio is a bit low compared to the others, so he's not THAT scummy compared to the other two.

Heck, I'll go ahead and Vote: John


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Fair enough I suppose, but where have you been the rest of the time?
Rest of the time as in yesterday/early morning today?

Didn't get to a computer at all yesterday. That's why I tried to read some on my phone. :/


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
My main objective was to try and get them read through before my class was over. I barely finished, then had to promptly go to get home.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

Guys, I've been thinking, and I think that my top 3 scum picks right now are John, OS, and Frio, in that order. I'll elaborate later on OS, and John is at the top right now because of previously stated reasons/general reasons attached to the wagon/his major coasting. Frio is a bit low compared to the others, so he's not THAT scummy compared to the other two.

Heck, I'll go ahead and Vote: John
What happened to me being one of your top scum suspects?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
V/LA today due to Homecoming Dance

Circus, I love you but I have to apparantly. I'll tell you why later.

John, I answered that already. =P I still am sticking to my original read of TB town from yesterDay since the Abuction really doesn't do anything for me at all.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
What DOES the abduction do for us really? My gut tells me T-block was abducted due to a lack of connections to the abductor.

Everyone should keep in mind there was no NKill tonight, btw; should the abductor die an T-block return later, it's very possible that T-block was the one who sent in the NKill and was blocked by being abducted. If that's the case, we already have two scum down. Pay attention to night actions, beware of any doc or bullet claims.
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