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Majoras Mask Mafia! DGames' Longest Game Ends - Who Won?!?!?!?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

If I recall correctly, something about me being a King from yesterDay? Idk buuuut I think I'm gonna have to decline setting up a FB lynch cuz I don't really think it's necessary.

Vote: Werekill

Till I get a better grasp on things that where I like my vote from how things went from yesterDay.

If I had to choose, it'd be between You/Panta/John toss-up for content wars.

@RR: John is leaning more towny then scummy at the current time. Nabe is null because I don't know where to put him because I could see him being town but at the same time I could see him being scum. Though if I recall from yesterDay he had more town-points then scum-points. ToDay I don't really get his Raz pressure which is making me more wary of him again.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Everything about Werekill's playstyle says Town to me. His reaction to Nabe's investigative pseudo-claim didn't sit to me as rolefishing, but as legit townie frustration due to not understanding the nature of the gambit.
This is where I keep getting as well. Nothing he says comes off as scum trying to make something out of nothing, only as frustrated town.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

If I had to choose, it'd be between You/Panta/John toss-up for content wars.

@RR: John is leaning more towny then scummy at the current time. Nabe is null because I don't know where to put him because I could see him being town but at the same time I could see him being scum. Though if I recall from yesterDay he had more town-points then scum-points. ToDay I don't really get his Raz pressure which is making me more wary of him again.
You get one fallback lynch. Uno.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I feel like Nabe is nit picking a bit, even if he poked at Raziek, I think it was a logical assumption to make with a ??? flip since in mafia only a janitor and an abductor can so that.
I keep getting this response, despite me making this clarification.
I don't suggest that what you've said is you directly stating the presence of a janitor in this game. What I suggest is that what you've said suggests knowledge of a janitor's presence in this game, since you implicitly formed a proposition around it.
There is nothing wrong with him commenting on the possibility of it being a janitor or abductor, and that is not the idea I'm pressing.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I don't know if anyone understands what you're doing, Nabe. It may be simple and we're just misunderstanding what you're trying to hint to us, I don't know.

@Circus John, Panta, and OS aside (if applicable), who are you looking at as scum?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I am done re:John, but I'm not in any particular mood to talk about my claim. Not until I've heard from more people.
Who exactly do you want to hear from? I'm pretty confused. You've already divulged the juiciest bits without even being provoked to do so. I won't speak for anyone else, but I'd like to know why you decided to suddenly claim, as well as why you chose not to use your ability last Night. Also, you hinted on D1 that your role PM housed additional information as to how valuable knowledge of race is in this game, yet your claim doesn't seem to gel with that idea. You really can't just let this sit like this. You decided to claim, now finish the job, please.

Am I really the only one who just thinks John may be just not smart town? x_X"
You're not the only one who thinks that may be the case, but I certainly hope you're the only one who's content to leave the matter at that. Is there a reason you think John shouldn't be looked into? It's concerning to me that you're not only uninterested in learning anything about John, but that you actually seem to think that people who are interested in doing that are wasting their time.

Who'd Inferno replace for? Frio?

Circus, you said you were discontent with Frio's slot, what think you of his slot now that there is actual content behind them? I also thought you said you were going to be presurring John all day but now it seems tides have changed for D, is that true?
It's weird how you act like you don't know who Inferno replaced, but then immediately ask me what I think of Frio's slot now that it's being filled by someone else. You clearly knew that Inferno replaced Frio before you submitted that post, so what's the first line for?

Anyway, I am more content with Inferno than I was with Frio. Don't really agree with his reads, but as anyone who watched MMX Mafia can attest, this is not the way Inferno (as scum) played in that game. Instantly ISO-ing OS when he joins the game? That ain't Scumferno. He's cool. At least for now.

I don't ever recall saying that I was planning on pressuring John all Day toDay, though my opinion of him hasn't really changed at all. Dabuz has become a bigger focus for me toDay than he was yesterDay. I'll probably be tunneling John less than I was previously.

John is leaning more towny then scummy at the current time.
What has John done that you view to be pro-town? And by pro-town, I don't just mean something that could be helpful to Town as a whole, but just anything that would suggest that he's playing from a town mindset. That he's thinking like a townie.

I don't know if anyone understands what you're doing, Nabe. It may be simple and we're just misunderstanding what you're trying to hint to us, I don't know.
I really don't think it's all that difficult to understand. I'm leaning town on Raziek, but I see what Nabe's getting at. Though I don't think I'd be able to explain it any better than he has.

@Circus John, Panta, and OS aside (if applicable), who are you looking at as scum?
Dabuz and Solid. Not even really worried about OS or Panta, actually. I've arched my eyebrow at a few others, but I'll see how they develop naturally.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I think that is totally plausible. But I also think we have more scum to find than that.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
No, I just think there's probably 4 scum in a game this size. And maybe an indie.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
John, respond to other things please.

As usual, you picked out the fluffiest thing to respond to. You're obvscum if you avoid content this hard.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
@John: You don't only have to respond to posts that ask for responses. Is there really nothing about the things that anyone has said toDay that you feel like defending or just commenting on? Anything about what Raz or Kant have said toward you that you take issue with? General thoughts about any players now that Xastrn is confirmed mafia?

I asked this before, but I don't recall getting an answer (so pardon me if I'm making you repeat yourself): How is this game different from the mafia games you've played in the past?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
before, but I don't recall getting an answer (so pardon me if I'm making you repeat yourself): How is this game different from the mafia games you've played in the past?
I played two of these games before, in the staff/mod section of a board that died last year. I think the proper way to word this is that the people playing it were not nearly as "into" the game as everyone here. It was maybe 10 posts/24 hours if people were talkative there. :/


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Alright could you answer the rest of that post please?

I want:
Reads you got from xasty's flip and why
Your top 2 scumpicks and why
Your top townpick and why
Comments consisting of more than one sentence on something relevant in this game
Your thoughts and response to what people have said about you


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Alright could you answer the rest of that post please?
I want:
Reads you got from xasty's flip and why
Scum Hobo, hmm...
As was stated during Twilight (or before it, not 100%), Xastrn being a town hobo didn't make much sense, in that the hobo "ability" wouldn't be able to do much to help the town, since the information received could have been anything from "was wearing green socks today" to "was seen with a gun".

I am still thinking that Circus was bussing Xastrn, and was more than willing to let him go to protect his own image.

Your top 2 scumpicks and why
At the moment, Circus. Circus's come off to me as a somewhat hothead towards me, wanting to tunnel in on and clear me out.

I do not have enough "why" to support a second scumpick at the moment.

Your top townpick and why
J. He seems to be very straightforward with his posts, and has evidence to back reads/picks up. Even if he is working himself to death on a dracula play. ;)

Comments consisting of more than one sentence on something relevant in this game
I'm still not sure I like the Backup Lynch idea that was tossed around. Seems like a lose-lose to town for me, since it'll whittle down the people, therefore allowing surviving Mafia to manipulate the votes more against the Town. Still not quite 100% on the whole King idea, but I'd like to see how that plays out toDay.

Your thoughts and response to what people have said about you
Yes, I'm noobtown. I try to read through everything as much as I can, but usually don't have much to comment on afterwards. :/

It's 1AM. I need some sleep now. :p


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Votecount 2.2 [7/13] Deadline 23rd October!

Raziek [1] - Nabe
Overswarm [1] - Inferno
Solid [0]
Panta [0]
Red Ryu [0]
dabuz [0]
Nabe [1] - dabuz
Circus [0]
Werekill [2] - RR, J
John2k4 [3] - Kantrip, Raziek, Solid,
Kantrip [1] - Werekill,
J [0]
Inferno3044 [0]

Not Voting [4] - Panta, John2k4, Circus, OS
@Mod: Can you confirm or deconfirm that T-Block was a legit kill and not a modkill of some sort?
T-block was neither killed nor Modkilled


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I am still thinking that Circus was bussing Xastrn, and was more than willing to let him go to protect his own image.

At the moment, Circus. Circus's come off to me as a somewhat hothead towards me, wanting to tunnel in on and clear me out.
Still thinking? When did you first start thinking that I was bussing Xastrn rather than just trying to get him lynched? And what makes you think the former is more likely than the latter?

T-block was neither killed nor Modkilled
Abduction mod confirmed. Possibility of Razscum slipping on Janitor knowledge is pretty much nuked; possibility of Dabuz slipping on Abductor knowledge persists.

Can't wait to read your case on Nabe today, Dabuz.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Oh hell yes. Thanks, mod.

So now we have a couple possibilities. Either T-Block was Town/Scum and got abducted during a night where a doc picked the right guy, or he was the last scum and was abducted. Since I hope that the mod wouldn't put 2 scum in a 15 person game, the first possibility is more likely.

So based on that info, what do you guys think T-Block was?

J, I'll reply soon.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Circus said:
You're not the only one who thinks that may be the case, but I certainly hope you're the only one who's content to leave the matter at that. Is there a reason you think John shouldn't be looked into? It's concerning to me that you're not only uninterested in learning anything about John, but that you actually seem to think that people who are interested in doing that are wasting their time.
Can you rephrase the Dark Purple? It is a bit odd and I don't get it. I explain later on why I think John is more silly town then scum but yes there is reason I believe that John shouldn't be looked into.

He doesn't seem that scummy to me and I think there are better candidates to look into at the current time as scum-candidates over John.

Alsoooo I'd rather you not put words into my mouth because I never said people were wasting their time on John nor do I think that. I'm not really interested in John personally because I don't have him as a scum-candidate, that doesn't mean others have the same train of thought. I will read and listen to what people have to say but I will follow what I think is best. ^^

Circus said:
It's weird how you act like you don't know who Inferno replaced, but then immediately ask me what I think of Frio's slot now that it's being filled by someone else. You clearly knew that Inferno replaced Frio before you submitted that post, so what's the first line for?

Anyway, I am more content with Inferno than I was with Frio. Don't really agree with his reads, but as anyone who watched MMX Mafia can attest, this is not the way Inferno (as scum) played in that game. Instantly ISO-ing OS when he joins the game? That ain't Scumferno. He's cool. At least for now.

I don't ever recall saying that I was planning on pressuring John all Day toDay, though my opinion of him hasn't really changed at all. Dabuz has become a bigger focus for me toDay than he was yesterDay. I'll probably be tunneling John less than I was previously.
I wasn't acting but moreso double checking. You know I'm a light-hearted jokester sooo I don't really get the seriousness of the first paragraph. =P

*sigh* Meta but I guess that's really all we have to go on at the moment based on what little content the slot has. *Never played with ScumFerno or TownFerno for that matter xP* Regardless how you came to the conclusion, I do agree that I like Inferno based on his posts. Do you think his OS case has credence? What do you think of the people who are questioning INferno for making an "easy" case on OS?

Sooo John is still a scum-pick but just less so due to Dabuz and it seems Solid becoming bigger targets based on flips? Alright, thank you. I was just curious because you seemed really gung-ho about John being scum yesterDay.

Circus said:
What has John done that you view to be pro-town? And by pro-town, I don't just mean something that could be helpful to Town as a whole, but just anything that would suggest that he's playing from a town mindset. That he's thinking like a townie.
Pro-town eh? Well he hasn't been helpful in the sense that he is pushing town forward with his actions but he is more so hindering them by not answering the questions. The attitude he is taking things seem a bit too odd for a ScumJohn to do, why would he go against the flow of thinking and still think you are scum which is pretty much what seems a bit OMGUSy. Remember the convo I had with him though? He decided to vote Xastrn over Circus because of the fact that he believed that he was a better candidate to be lynched, even though his own suspicions lead him to believe that you(Circus) was his biggest scum-pick. If John was scum with Xastrn, why would he simply not just vote you and make it easier for Xastrn to stay alive and possibly not claim which was the final nail in his coffin. If John was scum with Xastrn I'd see it more fit for his actions to just go along with what he had been saying the entire time and go with you as his vote. The fact that he was malleable to the will of myself/Raz for the town's benefit makes me more to believe that he is not smart town over really inept scum.

That got into a tangent but I think I explained what I wanted with a "Pro-town" action of his. It makes no logical sense for him to not have been voting you as scum and it was actually pro-town of him to vote Xastrn.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You get one fallback lynch. Uno.
As I said, one of those three. I'd probably go Panta over you because at least you are here, though I am wary to say that because you haven't given us anything to work with as of yet and I'd like to see that changed.

OS, you said that you were going to be giving us more about your slot today. Could you indulge us in a scum-read or two and comment on the Raz vs. Nabe besides that it is making you laugh? What do you think of WK, is he looking town to you like others or is he looking scummy to you like myself and RR seem to believe.

^^^Panta should totally replace his name with OS' above and do that too.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I need to hear more from Panta and Inferno, but at this point it seems trivial. I didn't think the mod would squash my logic, so now I'm in this awkward place where my reads aren't complete or even ready to be put out.

This was always a semi-gambit. While I stand by what I said with knowledge at the time, it's very easy to see Raz' post from the perspective that he brought forth. (Apparently too easy, since no one understood me.) I wanted his reaction, and reads from others. His reaction reminded me very much of Kantrip D1 and the natural reaction he gave me then that countered my scum read.

Town read resultant on Kantrip from this, his reaction was entirely town and augments my thought process from D1 (where aside from the previously mentioned post, he looked terrible. He was also quick to provide John reasoning when questioned, and it seemed well-thought out.

Overall, no one understood what I was getting at, so that's the only resultant read.

Raz seems slightly townier as well ("are you high" etc. and never getting particularly defensive), but he's scum :( Neat trick, Raz. (Claim not withstanding.)

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
It was during his "omg guyz, a post is coming I PROMISE" phase, so I dunno. It seems kinda weird when you consider that he almost never said that he wanted to lynch Xastrn again until after Xasty's claim, so yeah.
I thought you might say that Kantrip looked to be deflecting from slight pressure on himself by voting Xastrn. I also thought you might say that Kantrip's vote for Xastrn came out of nowhere.

Honestly, the "fake hammer" thing I had was just an idea, but I don't think that it would hold up too well. I still don't like Kantrip, but for now I'm ok with chalking up his bad play and such as D1 bull**** and move on.
You seemed fairly sure that it would hold up before.

Where are you moving on to? I haven't seen any indication of that in your posts since this one.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
So I'm not actually the Business Scrub, nor am I a Commuter. I saw Nabe's gambit when it began, and fake-claimed to create a dual gambit that I hoped would get some more interesting reactions.

Circus's reaction was interesting, I'm going to quote all the relevant reactions.

I was hoping to get something more out of Overswarm before I let it go, but now that Nabe's let his end out there's not much reason for me to continue the facade.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
One more thing before I go.

I'm the Business Scrub, Town Commuter.

Didn't travel last night.
...why the claim.

Also leaving now.
Also, why the hell did you claim, Raz?
Also something I didn't point out in my first post: In OS's list of who can live and who can die Xastrn was on it. I don't see why he wanted him to live of all people.

@Solid - thoughts on Razieks claim?
Inferno asking SOLID is quite interesting to note, since he didn't offer his own opinion first.
Last Night was actually an interesting Night in that regard. I'd kind of like to know what provoked you to claim before I say anything though.
This contrasts with a more aggressive post by Circus later on.
Inferno - claim is oddly timed so at this point I don't really know what to think about the truth of it. Still, I'm inclined to believe it although I'm still perplexed by it. Outside of the claim, I like Raz' post regarding John, as I share a lot of the same sentiments. I'm not convinced John is scum but I think it's a definite possibility. I also agree with Raz' 1446, I can't see John benefitting us much outside of a good town PR. Points to Raz overall, even though claim is odd.

Don't know how much I like Inferno so far. Honestly I feel like pushing OS is a bit too easy in this game. While I agree he's barely contributed anything, I don't think that makes him especially scummy. The case just seems quite weak and I don't like that it's the first thing Inferno did upon entering the game.

That's most of my thoughts for now, and I'm going to put a vote on John. Even when asked to contribute specifically, he hasn't. His 'contributions' are nothing but succinct rehashes of the main points regarding whatever he's asked, and I don't think I've seen a genuine opinion out of him all game. Although some of this could point to dumbtown, the vote on Xast with no explanation (even when I specifically asked him for one) put me over the edge, as it could most definitely be a late attempt at distancing once it was clear that Circus or Xastrn would be lynched yesterDay.

Inferno/Solid connection is interesting. If John's Town, I'd push one of these two.
Raziek when you get a chance explain to me why you claimed while I am reading the game.
Inferno3044;13518858 @raziek- explain for reason for claiming. [SIZE=1 said:
@Raziek - explain your reason for claiming.
Who exactly do you want to hear from? I'm pretty confused. You've already divulged the juiciest bits without even being provoked to do so. I won't speak for anyone else, but I'd like to know why you decided to suddenly claim, as well as why you chose not to use your ability last Night. Also, you hinted on D1 that your role PM housed additional information as to how valuable knowledge of race is in this game, yet your claim doesn't seem to gel with that idea. You really can't just let this sit like this. You decided to claim, now finish the job, please.

I really don't think it's all that difficult to understand. I'm leaning town on Raziek, but I see what Nabe's getting at. Though I don't think I'd be able to explain it any better than he has.

Dabuz and Solid. Not even really worried about OS or Panta, actually. I've arched my eyebrow at a few others, but I'll see how they develop naturally.
Circus gets a bit more aggressive about it, which helps cement my Town read on him.

Circus, your results now perhaps?
Raz, you think John is scum. How do you think he feels about you (in D1 particularly)?
Not really sure. We barely interacted, and he dodged my questions initially and I had to drill him just to get a simple readlist, and he gave me entirely Town reads. :/

If I had to guess I'd say he's wary of me.

Off to class, back in two hours.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
As I said, one of those three. I'd probably go Panta over you because at least you are here, though I am wary to say that because you haven't given us anything to work with as of yet and I'd like to see that changed.

OS, you said that you were going to be giving us more about your slot today. Could you indulge us in a scum-read or two and comment on the Raz vs. Nabe besides that it is making you laugh? What do you think of WK, is he looking town to you like others or is he looking scummy to you like myself and RR seem to believe.

^^^Panta should totally replace his name with OS' above and do that too.
You get one pick. Pick one, be decisive. Stop being wishy-washy.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
I thought you might say that Kantrip looked to be deflecting from slight pressure on himself by voting Xastrn. I also thought you might say that Kantrip's vote for Xastrn came out of nowhere.

You seemed fairly sure that it would hold up before.

Where are you moving on to? I haven't seen any indication of that in your posts since this one.
Well yeah, but I blame that on his huge amount of excuses at the time and his need to look at least a bit town. However, you're completely right, and I blame my not mentioning that on me being massively tired at the time of the post.

And I was fairly sure, but I realize that it is too easily explained away as "lol I was letting J hammer." It makes sense as a fake hammer, but I'd rather wait until I see more toDay before I really start pushing him. He's still either my top scum pick or my near-top pick.

And I've got a theory, but I'm trying to figure it out first before I actually say anything. It might end up not meaning anything at all, but it seems like an interesting avenue to take.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Warning: This collapse bit is a collection of T-Block posts and a couple Frio posts that I collected for my own benefit. Consider this my notes.

Feel like elaborating?

I have no problem with Solid tbh, and I don't think any of the points against him really hold any water.

Most of my thoughts in 978 still hold. Kantrip was iffy, but I'm feeling tons better about him from his recent play. I am having trouble making sense of Werekill's play... gonna be looking into that more in the next while. John really needs to step it up and start thinking independently.
I am FINISHED the week from HELL =D


Okay, here's what I'm getting from the case on Xastrn:

The main point in the case against him is that his push against Red Ryu was weakly based, and reasoning given was inconsistent with his other actions. People are questioning his motivation behind pushing Red Ryu so hard, especially when combined with the fact that he also wants Werekill dead, but hasn't been pushing him.

There is also the secondary point that his defence has been weak, and it looks like he has been, as Circus put it, caught faking content and is unsure of how to act now. There have also been accusations of attempts to open doors to launch a counterattack on his accusers, as well as of ignoring certain questions.

Am I missing anything major?

The case is not enough to convince me Xastrn is the play quite yet. I feel that it is exaggerated on both fronts. I was able to read the exchange thoroughly after they had occurred, and without bias, and I think Circus should go back and do the same. Circus' 902 misrepresents Xastrn, as he had already stated that he is okay with RR not being the lynch in 897. I think what's happening here is that Xastrn is defending himself from multiple points regarding RR, and it is being interpreted as a continuation of the push on RR, when that's not the case. As for the second point, the accusation of opening doors to jump back at the attacker could easily be attributed to posting style (accusation in post 920). He's answered questions in 914. I think I could be convinced, but it's not there yet.

@Circus, Nabe: Thoughts on the above? Does Circus' 902 still accurately represent your reasons for voting Xastrn?

I'm sure there's at least one scum in Circus/Nabe/Xastrn.

The behaviour of Kantrip and Solid with respect to the Xastrn wagon was interesting, but those suspicions have been voiced by others already and I don't feel the need to echo them. I'll look into it more.

I'll clarify some of the other reads I provided in that terrible post I made:

I do have a noobtown read on Frio, based on the early posts by him, but I'm obviously not too confident in it since we've seen so little from him. I can confirm that he's busy at school, and I'll be waiting to see more from him.

I don't think Panta is my top pick anymore. I dislike his slot, and I could definitely see it being scum, but it is very easy to hop on his wagon and I think we can do better for Day 1. Plus, I think if he is scum it will be easier to read him later on.

I said I was feeling better about dabuz, but I think I'm going to retract that statement after taking a closer look at his "case" on Xastrn. Many of his points were extremely weak, and some of them were just way off-base. I like that he's no longer asking useless questions to fake activity, but I question the motivation behind the push. One thing to note is that he says "+10 scum points" for trying to get on OS' good side, yet has no issue with my compliment to Raziek early, and that was less related to the game than Xastrn's was.

To answer your question about RR, Xastrn, he's leaning town to me at the moment. However, it's likely that part of the reason why is that you were attacking him with a fairly weak case, and he defended adequately. I see his recent shenanigans as null, and within that, I've seen at least some scumhunting. It's nothing to praise, but it's more than a lot of people in this game have done. I'm not interested in an RR lynch.
Sorry about the recent inactivity. I've got a ****load of labs this week, and a midterm on Friday, so I won't have much time to post until then.

I still think Panta is the best lynch for toDay.

dabuz can go as well.

Solid is all right in my books.

John is noobtown, as is Frio.

I like Nabe.


It's funny. Every time I see someone suggest a scheme that allows few people to control the lynches of town, the people advocating it are often scum.


Circus, have you entertained the idea that either of them might be noobtown? You are pushing Frio really hard here, and it feels over the top and not genuine.

Is Frio dumb or scum?

Can we get your updated thoughts on Circus? You said you wanted more from Circus, then said you liked him because of his pressure on John, but were then presented with cases by J and Raziek. Would you be willing to vote him?

Noted on the spreadsheets.

You are playing it hella safe with that evaluation of the Circus wagon, although I like the point that his reaction seems too extreme. Do you have a stronger read than Circus at the moment?

J you're breaking my heart </3
Contrast with the current metagame is an interesting way to put it, although I'm not sure if it's entirely accurate.

I have been noticing some odd play from Xastrn. First is the buddying of OS and the immediate agreeing with the fallback lynch plan. Then there's been statements such as the one quoted in the post before yours where he looks like he's being overly safe. However, I'm not sure I would label this as metagame differences, and I'm unsure of what to make of all this, and how much weight to put into my conclusions at this point in the game, as I've never played with Dastrn before. As for that town cred comment, I didn't take too much out of it. Obviously it's a silly thing to put any weight in.

Do you have a town read on Xastrn then? You seem to be suggesting that aspects of his play that are "off" can be attributed metagame differences.
I'll consider it.

I'll consider it harder if you can tell me your true intentions behind the fallback lynch proposal.
Frio you are too cute. It's like you're scared I'm gonna jump out of a closet and leave you FROZEN IN FEAR lol

Be careful about calling those who attack you scum and those who defend you town though. You'll be manipulated pretty easily.

I asked you a question in 130 btw.

@Solid: Has Frio moved from null for you yet?
It's late here so I'll just comment on OS and T-block. I'll try to comment on the rest later.

Overswarm- Tbh this guy is confusing the hell out of me. He's obvs trying to take a lead role. However, I don't know if he's trying to help the town or trying to take out town people. I have a feeling that he might be using all his in-depth data like his graphs to create the illusion that he's on our side. Or he could be just a really good and organized player. The one thing that bothered me the most is his randomly generated lynch list. It seems like another good way to aim for more innocent people.

T-Block- This guy has a GPA of 4.0 and I can't honestly trust him too much >_>. He's really good at wording things out to strengthen his argument. However, that fact that he took my side when circus attacked me makes me believe he's not scum.
Also the way circus went for me after I barely said anything gives me more reason to think he's scum.
I'm thinking rather hard right now. It might lead into nothing, but...


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@raziek- I honestly thought you were ignoring me so I kept bringing it up. Didn't know I asked so many times lol. I asked solid because I picked a random person viewing the thread at that moment. The claim baffled me because there was no reason I could see to claim. Apparently it isn't true so there's no reason to linger on it.

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