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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Actually never mind. His posts at the end of Day 2 reads townie.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah Bardull's hammer could be a bus too. What's your point?

Bunzy flipped scum. My vote was a knee jerk to his claim. Turned out being right


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I didn't like that you put a cop claim to L-1 immediately especially when he came into the day pushing his guilty(bardull) immediately. It could have been you trying to bus him since you know that he's scum and him flipping scum would make you look townie. Your posts at the end of Day 2 seems to come from a townie pov though, you wasn't all up there being all like "hey bunzy's definitely scum" and seemed to be considering your read while thinking your vote on him might be a mess up.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Slight town for Potato. I would consider him more upon a Levi scum flip. I also do think there was a possibility Levi bussed Dabuz from the beginning, simply because he pushed him earlier than Dabuz could show his scum. I think this is why Murder had a problem with him.

I am also concerned with you instantly buying Dabuz's claim. You were asking me my opinion of his claim, and I had responded, but you didn't respond to me. What did you think of my responses to you then?


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
It wasn't me buying dabuz's claim. It was me not wanting to risk a cop lynch, also coupled with the fact that his play did line up I was a little skeptical. Your response pretty much made it seem like you were confident he's scum and your thoughts on his claim were basically the opposite of mine.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Another thing that has me confused. Levi claimed early with an investigative role, while Dabuz then claimed with an investigative role. Obviously since Dabuz lied, this would most likely clear Levi, no? Yet I think it's possible Levi did this to clear one of Levi/Dabuz (if both are scum). This makes sense while Levi's actions have failed twice. When we massclaim, and another investigative claims, I would expect Levi to be the lying scum. Couple this along with Levi pushing Dabuz from very early on.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Here's something to note: Both Gova and Werekill pushed against Murderbush yesterday when he set off that counterclaim fiasco between his slot and mine yesterday. I severely doubt that both of those slots are Town. In fact, I remember disliking Gova being willing to vote me D1 and not pushing between him and J, or something along those lines. So those are two pushes on Gova's part that I dislike, but I really am not a fan of BarDulL either.

I think BarDulL and Gova are my top two right now.
good; glad you remember; please find the bolded for me because i couldnt;

also, i don't know who "him" is referring to in your post; im assuming it's murderbush and if it is; i didn't have a problem with him until that unvote which was at deadline and which i was not even here for; so there was no way i could have brought it up day 1;

also lets bring up that dichotomy you love so much again; you say that it's the kind of thing that scum love to take advantage of; yet you still find the person who set that very same dichotomy up as town; i know you already explained this but lets explore further;

you're also taking advantage of this dichotomy by using it to call me scum; and i guess you're also calling werekill scum too because of his play around murder's fakeclaim even though i don't see how he was apart of it; i dont ever recall him saying that ONE of you had to be scum; i dont recall saying that either but i'll have to go back and check

so now we have 4 people involved in this dichotomy; one of which is yourself and murderbush who you think is town; and you know your own alignment; then you're pushing werekill and i for taking part in it and calling us scum

how are you even doing this; at best this would be a null tell already but maybe in your world people get special exceptions and you get to take advantage of this dichotomy by using it to call me scum; and maybe my analogies are wrong but we had another dichotomy between dabuz and bardull; which would have and DID land us a scum; clearly scum was taking advantage of that obv

but what do i know; im obviously an idiot as has been implied by various people

Gova and MB are highly questionable at this point. Both of these slots were willing to dismiss Dabuz and look to alternative options beforehand.

what are you even talking about; you need to elaborate on this; im pretty sure murder was saying dabuz wasn't faking and i was skeptical of the claim;

What is going on with this game?

I did not spend 50+ pages bussing Bunzy. Murderbush isn't scum just for light defending him. I have no idea what got into people's minds from that flip, or if paranoia is seeping in and people still have it in their minds that there is scum between me and him, but this is getting absurd with the amount of unlikely scenarios that are getting chased after when there's probably at least one more scum who fits the "sit back and watch Town implode" profile and I think it's Gova.
im not sure what light defending is; but i think everytime someone asked murder about dabuz or to vote him he refused asking how that slot was scum; or saying he's town; hell his initial reason for voting you was cause of your push on dabuz; i can bring up quotes if necessary

also please do elaborate on how im sitting back and watching the town implode; i might as well be scum because im not active enough for you lool god forbid i get prodded; that would definitely comfirm that im scum obv;

and incase you can't tell that's an exaggeration; you can say im doing that all you want but you're not showing anything relevant about it

@ JeXs JeXs :
@ Gova Gova : Why didn't you yell at Murder for switching his read to J D1? (Since you disliked him D2 for that) Who is scum toDay?
see above; also my problem wasn't with his read on J; it was the fact that he unvoted his biggest scum read (leviathan) effectively ensuring that there was no chance for him to be lynched; and for what? to prevent a lynch hijacking according to him; who the hell cares if the lynch is hijacked if it gets your scum read lynched? all that shows me is that he wasn't invested in his scumread as he says he was;

im getting flashbacks from raz and f&l2 loool

as for scum; still murderbush; probably potassium/AI after that; i still dont get why everyone thinks werekill is scum; i must not be seeing something

i need to go back and re-read d1 with dabuz's flip

Can we all universally agree to lynch Levi toMorrow if his ability doesn't work, regardless of Bunzy's flip?

If yes, I'll vote Bunzy
what happened to this? i can't see the progression since there was a night phase and suddenly you're okay with leviathan?

Now I remember, he came into the day immediately getting on to bardull.
yeah; so i dont know what immediately means to you but the first thing he did was vote leviathan not bardull; i know he did vote bardull later; but i think that was after leviathan voted him; i can understand not wanting to lynch a claimed cop but this a little suspicious to me


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
He came into the thread with a suspicion on Bardull without Bardull doing much. That's pretty much it.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
if we lynch the claimed neighbor over the claimed guilty im going to kick YOU in the teeth
Gova how is this not you saying you'd sooner lynch me (and thus show trust in the Cop and his guilty) before lynching Leviathan? Rhetorical question so you're not really changing my mind on this =P.

I'm going to read over D1 Dabuz interactions and try to make sense of it.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Gova how is this not you saying you'd sooner lynch me (and thus show trust in the Cop and his guilty) before lynching Leviathan? Rhetorical question so you're not really changing my mind on this =P.

I'm going to read over D1 Dabuz interactions and try to make sense of it.
uh; i was confused at first because i thought you meant i would have lynched you over dabuz;


of course lynching you over leviathan would have better for town; that post was made to contrast murderbush's who wanted leviathan over dabuz;

it wasn't about believing the claim; it was about how i thought it was silly to not lynch between you two; if you didn't see the benefit to town for keeping the lynch between you two then i don't know what to tell you

also; that's not really what i meant by elaborating; is willing to believe dabuz's claim dismissing him? what were the "alternative" options? how are both of those things highly questionable


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Here's my problem: it feels like you were trying to force the lynch between either Leviathan or myself based on policy I guess? I mean, I was claimed to be guilty, and Leviathan was a claimed Neighbor whose ability wasn't working at all, ok fine, but I don't think you were necessarily scum reading either my slot or Leviathan's per se based on how you've responded so far. Another thing: Dabuz obviously could have been lying, but this didn't seem to be considered much on your end, or at least it was considerably less likely a possibility in comparison to myself or Leviathan flipping scum (moreso me because you were more inclined to lynch the guilty prior to lynching the claimed neighbor).

So what I want to know is what your reads were on myself, Levi, and Dabuz, prior to the Dabuz cop claim, and why you felt it would be better to lynch the guilty, or Leviathan I suppose, before lynching Dabuz. Why was Dabuz off the table at that point in time when he claimed Cop? Was it a believable claim? What about it was believable? Did you not find Dabuz suspicious prior to the Cop claim?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
just woke up vote murderbush

Here's my problem: it feels like you were trying to force the lynch between either Leviathan or myself based on policy I guess? I mean, I was claimed to be guilty, and Leviathan was a claimed Neighbor whose ability wasn't working at all, ok fine, but I don't think you were necessarily scum reading either my slot or Leviathan's per se based on how you've responded so far. Another thing: Dabuz obviously could have been lying, but this didn't seem to be considered much on your end, or at least it was considerably less likely a possibility in comparison to myself or Leviathan flipping scum (moreso me because you were more inclined to lynch the guilty prior to lynching the claimed neighbor).

So what I want to know is what your reads were on myself, Levi, and Dabuz, prior to the Dabuz cop claim, and why you felt it would be better to lynch the guilty, or Leviathan I suppose, before lynching Dabuz. Why was Dabuz off the table at that point in time when he claimed Cop? Was it a believable claim? What about it was believable? Did you not find Dabuz suspicious prior to the Cop claim?
i dont know what game you're reading but im pretty sure i didnt even push leviathan yesterday and i dont know what the hell gave you the idea that i was trying to force the lynch between you and leviathan; because that's simply just not true loool

like i said that post was made to contrast murderbushes lynching outside of you or dabuz would have been stupid

i considered dabuz was lying; that was my first impression and it didn't change; i will admit he handled the fake cop claim better this time compared to fire and lightning 2; so it was more believable and harder to tell

levi was null because his claim plus my change in read on murder;
dabuz was also null but was in my lynch pool from play during d1;

ok for real this **** needs to stop; no where did i say it would have been better to lynch leviathan over dabuz; i didnt say it would be better to lynch you over dabuz either; i also never said dabuz was off the table when he claimed cop;

wtf are you doing

the claim was more believable than his claim in FL2; the other game where he fake claimed cop as scum; i did find dabuz suspicious prior to the cop claim

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Bardull, you are focusing on something that is irrelevant. That was not a stance from him. It was more of a retort towards Murder telling me it was stupid to lynch the claimed COP over the Neighbor. Now if there are other posts of gova related to this that shows he starts forcing a push towards you, then go ahead. But I don't see that. Also talk to me about the rest of Gova's play.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I think he is frustrated town. Him not posting only serves to reinforce this. Why is he scum?

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
He's scum for pushing Levi (a big Dabuz pusher) all day d1, dropping it for J, and ignoring Dabuz scum. Your additional reasoning is a stretch.

Why are you voting Gova (reasoning please)?


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I felt he was the most likely to be scum due to me having doubts on Bardull after bunzy's flip and me being unsure about Werekill.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Why though. Why is he most likely scum. Go into all the reasoning for your pool. Also didn't you scumread Murder yesterday? What happened to that?

@ Lore Lore : Talk to me about Murder. How are you feeling on him?


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I wasn't scum reading Murder? Werekill's just really null to me and I have no idea how to read him. I'm going to leave Bardull alone for a little. Gova is pretty much poe.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
I remember you voting him. Why just poe? I'm sure there is plenty to read off of Werekill/Bardull/Gova. I don't think Gova is a play today, actually. He's bringing up good points today. (The posts I liked)


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
I voted him because of his claim. It was mostly between murder/levi at a time and I thought a vig was less likely in a 12 man game.
I'll have to read through his posts lol(just woke up).

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
This is Raz. I haven't talked to Ryker, and I don't have a lot of time for this game right now, I'm buried in work and an upcoming exam.

We had our blinders on. We were so focused on Leviathan scum that we weren't concerned with even looking at Dabuz at all. Neither of us wanted to bother trying to read him because we're bad at it. I bought into his fakeclaim because it let me hear what I wanted to hear, because I still wanted a Leviathan lynch.

As of right now, I honestly don't know where I stand on Leviathan. I don't know what to think of this game right now.

Ami, honestly though. You cannot seriously think we're scum. We have been over MULTIPLE times how our claim makes no sense from a scum perspective. We outlined our ENTIRE THOUGHT PROCESS on basically ALL of our reads. And suddenly we're scum because we didn't want to read Dabuz? Give me a break, man. We were gunning for the lynch WE wanted the whole game, because we were confident in it. And now I don't know what to think.

You need to wake up and see the Govascum hopping on this wagon, though.

Maybe Ryker will post something later, but I have to work early and won't get to talk to him, so don't expect anything groundbreaking.

FWIW, I think Potato and Bardull are both Town after that flip. I think Gova's scum.

Leviathan I won't get to give you an answer on until at least tomorrow night after a detailed re-read. I'm struggling to come to terms with the fact that there's a decent chance we were actually just wrong, but I don't know if that's a matter of Levi cleaning up his play Day 3, or what.

Raz out.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Same as before? Was it on Day 2? If so, do you have any new reasoning? I'm asking these questions because I have no idea what you're thinking and I want to know.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
You know what I want and why I want it (Murder). Stop trying to distract from Murder. Reasoning on Levi was stated toDay, but it is irrelevant to my push. Most confident in Murder being the play. Get on it.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
@ JeXs JeXs

Ignore Amidamaru. Stop answering his questions. He is only interested in bullying you and everyone else into agreeing with him so we are going to take the same approach with his slot that I have been utilizing all game: We are going to work around him.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
@#HBC | Ryker

Wake up please.

BarDulL, if you plan on rereading, I would appreciate you sharing potential posts of interest with the rest of us. I have been meaning to do it myself but it is looking unlikely to happen with the schedule I have.
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