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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Werekill also pushed Bardull after you pushed Bardull. You should vote Werekill instead.
I'm more open to it toDay. I feel like if there is one slot who was scum and buddying me, that it would probably be him. Like I said, I did not like him or Gova reacting to the claim dichotomy between me and Murderbush yesterDay the way they did.

I would not lynch JeXs, you, Murderbush, Arcane, or Potassium toDay in that order. That leaves the other three.

Vote: Gova


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I was going for something by asking Arcane and Gova if they'd join but then decided not to do it. I don't think Murder is a good vote, and him and Levi may very well be TvT.

Levi is the more likely scum between them, but I think the Gova/Arcane/Bardull/Werekill pool is more likely to hold the scum than Levi and murder.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Yeah but my problem is this lines up with your play yesterday. You call us concerning when we bring up 'claims' but when I say Levi should be the one you have concerns since he forced the situation, you get all "But shouldn't we let him have a night?" When Murder claims vig you use that to vote him.

See my concerrn?

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014

Random guy: Hey guys let's kill murder!
Pot: Ok sure!


Random guy: Let's kill Levi!
Pot: Well I'm not too sure about that... I have a crush on her. She so kawaii. Embarrass


That's how it comes off to me.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Murder and you are both still alive. Feel free to continue your #lynchLevi campaign. We lynched scum yesterDay. ToDay is not lylo. No deaths occurred last Night. Even better. We likely have a clear and when we massclaim we have a great boon there.

Do you think I'm being inconsistent by not pushing Levi, or do you just want to know where my head is at?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada

Random guy: Hey guys let's kill murder!
Pot: Ok sure!


Random guy: Let's kill Levi!
Pot: Well I'm not too sure about that... I have a crush on her. She so kawaii. Embarrass


That's how it comes off to me.
Are you worried about a potential connection between me and Levi?

Indy pair or something? I know you had indy Levi concerns.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
That's what I'm saying. Connection between you and Levi. You always seem down to say 'ami is concerning for telling these peeps to claim' and 'murder vig? nah that's a lie u scum' but when Levi is brought into the picture it's always 'yeah TvT' or 'We should give him a night'.

Pot, what is your read on JeX and Bardull right now?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
That's what I'm saying. Connection between you and Levi. You always seem down to say 'ami is concerning for telling these peeps to claim' and 'murder vig? nah that's a lie u scum' but when Levi is brought into the picture it's always 'yeah TvT' or 'We should give him a night'.

Pot, what is your read on JeX and Bardull right now?
Town and conflicted, respectively.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
That's what I'm saying. Connection between you and Levi. You always seem down to say 'ami is concerning for telling these peeps to claim' and 'murder vig? nah that's a lie u scum' but when Levi is brought into the picture it's always 'yeah TvT' or 'We should give him a night'.
So, you have put in effort into linking two living players whose alignment you don't know off weaksauce speculation, but not Bunzy the flipped scum?

What are you doing in this game?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
All I can say about the Levi thing is that with Levi's claim and his pushes/play I could see the possibility of honesty and wanted to give him the chance to prove his ability. You trying to get a bunch of people to out their roles did bug me, but it being concerning didn't make you scum. You're pretty solid town at this point. Murder's vig claim reeked of falsehood and desperation and I voted what I saw as a lie on impulse. Thinking about it is a good exercise for why LAL is not a good policy, and I saw then that scum Murder had nothing to gain from a move like that. I still think it's possible he was misguided with his Levi read and that the two of them are just in a TvT ego battle/power struggle.

Sure it bugs me that Levi threw a claim out there he couldn't prove, but again, where's the scum motive? Surely no one expects to last until LyLo going "I was roleblocked" every Night?

Levi isn't off the table by any means, but at present time I think Gova/Werekill are better avenues.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
I'm not using it as fuel to attack Pot. I'm just wondering why he always seems to back down when you become an option.

I'm going to let the thread breathe. Be back later.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm not using it as fuel to attack Pot. I'm just wondering why he always seems to back down when you become an option.

I'm going to let the thread breathe. Be back later.
I'll try to put it simply.

I have a soft spot for Levi because I agree with so much of what he's saying and he's doing so many things right. I don't even remember what the original case on him was, but I don't think I see it. If the only thing standing in the way is the fact that he has claimed a role that has yet to work, I can push it back in my agenda. I think that's what's been happening.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
I'm not using it as fuel to attack Pot. I'm just wondering why he always seems to back down when you become an option.
Yes you are. You just alluded to him and I being Indy partners or some other stupid crackpot theory. If you aren't attacking him, then why pollute the thread with garbage that is not scumhunting?

The pool toDay is between BarDulL, Gova, and Werekill. That's it. If you want Werekill, no one is stopping you from putting out a case that does not revolve around assuming that he IP searched me. I'm going to keep calling you out on these dumb arguments until you stop flailing your arms everywhere and wake up and join the Town.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
And how did it go? Are you satisfied? Still concerned? Can I get you anything? Refreshments? A cold beverage? Somewhere to sit? There's a lovely spot on this Gova wagon.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
So, you have put in effort into linking two living players whose alignment you don't know off weaksauce speculation, but not Bunzy the flipped scum?

What are you doing in this game?
That's what I'm ****ing wondering. He's either crazy town or really good scum making me think he's crazy town, probably the former.

So you think the pool is between me, Gova, and Bardull? Bardull's quickhammer was weird as hell, but then again he could have just been all "hell no I'm not guilty" and saw him as scum because of it. I'm going to read both slots over again.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York

(1) Leviathan - Admidamaru

(2) Gova - Leviathan, Potassium,

Not voting - Jex,Gova, Werekill,Bardull,Arcane Inferno,Murderbush,

with 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch
Deadline is August 8, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST
Last edited:


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
There's a lot of speculating regarding my quickhammer, so I'm going to elaborate a bit to clear things up as well as push in a particular direction.

I'm honestly not sure where to go. His claim lines up with his early Day 2 play, he came straight into the Day and scum read bardull.
If you lynch the claimed cop over the claimed neighbor I'm going to kick you in the teeth.

I feel so good about this post.

This is way too consistently motivated to be fake.
if we lynch the claimed neighbor over the claimed guilty im going to kick YOU in the teeth
Oh he did push Bardull
This string of posts made me realize that I needed to knock off Dabuz or there was a good chance Town was going to swing towards me or someone else, when I knew Dabuz' claim was all kinds of wonky and I was pretty sure he was going to flip scum for several reasons. In the hypothetical scenario that myself and Dabuz were somehow both Town, the whole game was pretty much ****ed (if I flip Town, Town bodies Dabuz, if Dabuz flips Town, Town uses the guilty to lynch Dabuz), and I knew I was Town, which furthered me to take the chance. If I had died it would have been pretty bad and we'd be one mislynch away from probably GG. But since I did that, no funny business went down and we got a confirmed scum.

Anyway, onto my next point:

I am Maple from The Legend of Zelda, town odd night Cop. I copped Bardull N1 and got a guilty. I crumbed my role in post 343

I mentioned donuts because donuts and cops are correlated together, and the first letter of the first 3 paragraphs spell Cop, I specifically made those first 3 paragraphs in a different posting style from the rest just as a crumb
Vote: Dabuz

Hopefully that's hammer.
Just for clarity, I am linking these posts to exhibit that this wasn't some kind of scummy knee-jerk reaction that a lot of people think this was. There is a clear 20+ minutes where I was thinking about how to approach this situation, Lol. But once people were seeming willing to turn away from Dabuz and potentially turn towards me, I put my foot down because I knew if I didn't there'd be problems.

Anyway, JeXs seems like he literally took what Dabuz said at surface value and turned towards me without a second thought, but it wasn't scummy per se.


Gova and MB are highly questionable at this point. Both of these slots were willing to dismiss Dabuz and look to alternative options beforehand.

Kantrip I feel was leaving his options open by expressing that Dabuz' claim might be legit by pointing out that Dabuz DID vote for me earlier in the day, but left his vote on anyway in the same post. I don't think he's the play but this was a wonky decision considering he seems to be expressing open mindedness regarding the slot. >=/

Anyway, I GTG, but for people who are saying that Werekill/Dabuz are a scum team, do you guys think Dabuz/Werekill were intentionally trying to distance each other before the Dabuz lynch happened? Like Werekill's reaction to Dabuz' questioning was pretty intense and not really necessary, but IDK for sure if this is something Werekill would normally do.

Arcane is supreme whackness for saying I'm scum with Dabuz and that this was some SvS staged showdown LOL don't really know what to say about him yet.

I GTG so this post is going to be cut short but I will be pushing for someone toNight.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Levi: Claim results or claim your real role.

Answer it now. Also vote along with me.

Vote: MurderBrush
I was thinking, since there probably isn't a jailer, the fact that he got roleblocked AND survived a vig shot(which turned out to be fake) makes him look very suspicious.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Hey Potassium, wanna stop accusing Murder of strong arming the thread when you were one of the slots weak-minded enough to fall for his terrible direction thus granting him the power to do so in the first place?

Really poor taste with this post.

I was roleblocked again.

Vote: BarDulL
Who did you target and why?

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
I was thinking, since there probably isn't a jailer, the fact that he got roleblocked AND survived a vig shot(which turned out to be fake) makes him look very suspicious.
...surviving a fake vig shot, AKA one that doesn't exist meaning there's nothing to actually survive is suspicious?

Why the 180? You were all with me on Bunzy all game, he flipped scum, and now you think I spent 50+ pages in the game bussing him?

This game is a trip. Sometimes I think people are just trolling me with this nonsense.

I targeted Gova because I wanted to see how he would play with knowledge of my alignment.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
What is going on with this game?

I did not spend 50+ pages bussing Bunzy. Murderbush isn't scum just for light defending him. I have no idea what got into people's minds from that flip, or if paranoia is seeping in and people still have it in their minds that there is scum between me and him, but this is getting absurd with the amount of unlikely scenarios that are getting chased after when there's probably at least one more scum who fits the "sit back and watch Town implode" profile and I think it's Gova.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
...surviving a fake vig shot, AKA one that doesn't exist meaning there's nothing to actually survive is suspicious?

Why the 180? You were all with me on Bunzy all game, he flipped scum, and now you think I spent 50+ pages in the game bussing him?

This game is a trip. Sometimes I think people are just trolling me with this nonsense.

I targeted Gova because I wanted to see how he would play with knowledge of my alignment.
At that time I didn't know it was a fake claim.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
...surviving a fake vig shot, AKA one that doesn't exist meaning there's nothing to actually survive is suspicious?

Why the 180? You were all with me on Bunzy all game, he flipped scum, and now you think I spent 50+ pages in the game bussing him?

This game is a trip. Sometimes I think people are just trolling me with this nonsense.

I targeted Gova because I wanted to see how he would play with knowledge of my alignment.
I'm not scum reading you....

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Yes, but you know it is a fakeclaim now. There is no reason to use that as evidence against me when it has literally been verified as fake.


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Yes, but you know it is a fakeclaim now. There is no reason to use that as evidence against me when it has literally been verified as fake.
That was in response to gova's question from yesterDay. Which was why I said "I was thinking "

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
@ JeXs JeXs : Who is scum? (Put down your vote) Read on Potato/Levi?
@ Lore Lore : Same questions to you.
@Gova: Why didn't you yell at Murder for switching his read to J D1? (Since you disliked him D2 for that) Who is scum toDay?


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Scum lies between Gova,bardull and werekill. Possibly potato. Mostly due to the fact that I'm town reading the other slots.
Levi I want to say is town but his role failing again is suspicious, although this might confirm a scum roleblocker. I'm conflicted on potato as I have no idea how to read him lol. I don't like how he put bunzy right back to L-1 but his posts at the end did seem genuine.
Actually, you might want to flip bardull and potato around. Bardull might be town after bunzy's flip but he's still very possibly sum.
What's your read on potato and why?
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