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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Scratch that, I searched his posts and realized there are only 2 pages. Doing it now. Murderbush is still a terrible play toDay.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014

His throwing out a town read so easily on Murderbush here I doubt he does as partners. He was riding his coattails in a way that screams of them being unaligned.


Couple his "Oh, yeah, JeXs is just a noob" comments here with his inane questioning of the slot earlier in the game makes JeXs likely Town as well. I do not think Bunzy has much of a filter in the above observations.


There is definitely at least one scumbuddy in this post; these names were pretty unnecessary to bring up at the point. This should be our lynch pool.


Bringing up these posts for perspective. I guess people actually think Bunzy and I may have spent the entire game bussing each other other to the point that we did? Please.


BarDulL case that I do not think anyone actually read. Leaving it here for reference anyway.


Murderbush does not take his buddy's side on the fake cop claim so hard here. There is no subtlety to it.

There is not much else. Bunzy got away with asking worthless questions with no follow up to most of the slots [including his buddies] in this game so I would have to reread how other slots outside of my Town pool treated him to prune anything useful out of it. I do not know if I will actually have time to do that and will likely play it by ear.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Oh, I also noticed that Bunzy ignored Alakaslam/Potassium's slot for most of the game. I think he would try harder to interact with his partner. I think we would win if we lynched:

Arcane Inferno

I still think Arcane Inferno v. BarDulL was SvT.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
I'm very much inclined to knee-jerk read this whole thing and go for a dabuz / Bardull / murder scumteam tbh. The connections between them three are so easy to see that it seems almost too simple to be true but I definitely feel like that's the avenue we should pursue, especially because Bardull is so obviously scum. It's beyond me how he just seems to have dropped out of like everybody's scumpool all of sudden. What has he done that makes him town again? He has virtually done nothing except randomly throwing out ****ty reads. Does anybody actually read his posts at all? ScumDabuz faked a guilty on him but that doesn't mean **** tbh. Anybody who reads Bardull as town based on that can go back to newbie games and learn what WIFOM and distancing mean. Plays and gambits like that have become so standardized in the dGames metagame that I'm not gonne give a **** about it and rather stick to my read that is based on Bardull's EXCEEDINGLY SCUMMY PLAY. Everything else is unimportant.

I did not spend 50+ pages bussing Bunzy. Murderbush isn't scum just for light defending him. I have no idea what got into people's minds from that flip, or if paranoia is seeping in and people still have it in their minds that there is scum between me and him, but this is getting absurd with the amount of unlikely scenarios that are getting chased after when there's probably at least one more scum who fits the "sit back and watch Town implode" profile and I think it's Gova.
Kid, I've spent a whole game bussing Kantrip in Tranquility Mafia.

All you did was repeatedly say 'dabuz is scum' but I don't remember any major instance where you've actively tried to convince **** that he should be the #1 play and dug out quotes and **** or referred to any of his posts in specific. Anybody can do that tbh. I'm not suspicious of you right now [though you seriously need to provide some NA results soon ...] but saying that you two couldn't be scummates because of your play so far is quite a huge stretch. Especially since the way dabuz fought back was hardly credible.

Regarding murderbush, I feel like you're downplaying things a bit. He didn't just 'light defend' dabuz. Ami does have a point when he implies that murder might have chainsaw defended dabuz pretty hard. He *did* attack you pretty recklessly when D2 seemed to become a matter of either you, dabuz or Bardull getting lynched. Not only are you the least scummy of them three slots but you were also the only one who actively pushed for dabuz' lynch. Unlike some of Ami's other reads, this one is definitely not a stretch and would make perfect sense. Why you of all people don't have an issue with it is actually pretty weird to me. That disconnection between murder and dabuz you've linked to doesn't really tell me anything fwiw. Just because dabuz vaguely throws out a random town read on murder in the very early staged of Day 1 it's unlikely that they are scum together? Wtf? The only saving grace for him would be you flipping scum but I think it's more likely that he's scum than you.

Not seeing Gova as scum at all. He's actually the least likely slot in the game to be scum in my book. I think the way he argues his points toDay is pretty convincing and despite his lack of connections overall I can't think of a plausible scumteam that has Gova in it. Even Jexs and Werekill - whom I still can't read at all so far - make more sense as 'sleeper' slots in an assumed 3-player team than he does.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
I guess there are some contradictions to my reads yesterDay in it but **** it:

Most likely scum: Bardull, murder
Null: Jexs, Werekill, Kantrip
Town: Gova, ami

Levi is a bit of a special case and I can't really categorize him at all. At this point he'd still make sense to me with virtually every alignment but it'll depend on flips and connections more than anything else.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
Vote murderbush

I really, really hate not getting to push Bardull at this stage of the game and hope people will open up their minds on finally offing this atrociously scummy slot. But I think pushing murderbush toDay has more than enough merit. So much that his lynch should by all means be considered a legitimiate option.

But please guys, don't let me see the day where Bardullscum stays alive until the end and wins -.-

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
1.] Regarding murderbush, I feel like you're downplaying things a bit. He didn't just 'light defend' dabuz. Ami does have a point when he implies that murder might have chainsaw defended dabuz pretty hard. He *did* attack you pretty recklessly when D2 seemed to become a matter of either you, dabuz or Bardull getting lynched. Not only are you the least scummy of them three slots but you were also the only one who actively pushed for dabuz' lynch. Unlike some of Ami's other reads, this one is definitely not a stretch and would make perfect sense. Why you of all people don't have an issue with it is actually pretty weird to me. 2.] That disconnection between murder and dabuz you've linked to doesn't really tell me anything fwiw. Just because dabuz vaguely throws out a random town read on murder in the very early staged of Day 1 it's unlikely that they are scum together? Wtf? The only saving grace for him would be you flipping scum but I think it's more likely that he's scum than you.

3.] Not seeing Gova as scum at all. He's actually the least likely slot in the game to be scum in my book. I think the way he argues his points toDay is pretty convincing and despite his lack of connections overall I can't think of a plausible scumteam that has Gova in it. Even Jexs and Werekill - whom I still can't read at all so far - make more sense as 'sleeper' slots in an assumed 3-player team than he does.
1.] He does? From what I remember, the most he mentioned about Bunzy was asking why he was scum while pointing out Bunzy's points against my slot which is consistent with his push on me.

2.] I do not believe Bunzy has had much of a filter in his reads this game. The timing of that townread on Murderbush was when he still had thread power and people were following him on lynches; I think it was more of Bunzy riding his coattails and getting in good with him as opposed to calling his scumbuddy Town when the rest of the Town already felt that way.

3.] Is there anything in particular Gova has done outside of toDay that has you leaning Town on him? Or is it because he does not "fit the puzzle" of the scumteam? Also, why back off BarDulL if you are reading him as scum harder than you are Murderbush? I think his lynch is attainable this phase and I would happily join you to get rid of him.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York

(2) Gova - Potassium, Jex

(3) Murderbush - Admidamaru, Gova, Arcane Inferno,

(1) Bardull - Leviathan,

Not voting - , Werekill,Bardull,Murderbush,

with 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch
Deadline is August 8, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST
Last edited:


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Bardull, you are focusing on something that is irrelevant. That was not a stance from him. It was more of a retort towards Murder telling me it was stupid to lynch the claimed COP over the Neighbor. Now if there are other posts of gova related to this that shows he starts forcing a push towards you, then go ahead. But I don't see that. Also talk to me about the rest of Gova's play.
It is not irrelevant, and I dislike this interjection from your slot. Please don't try to make this any easier for other slots. >:[

I think there's a good chance that Gova is scum. I don't have the time to pursue him right this very minute though because I'm a little busy today and need to reread the whole game. But the long and short of it is that Gova has been in the background quite a bit and actually doesn't have many reads to give out to begin with. He hasn't really gotten his hands dirty and he 'believed' in Dabuz' claim *groan*, I mean he could very easily be scum who was trying to cater to Dabuz' claim.

Riddle me this: why is Gova Town?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
of course lynching you over leviathan would have better for town; that post was made to contrast murderbush's who wanted leviathan over dabuz;

it was about how i thought it was silly to not lynch between you two; if you didn't see the benefit to town for keeping the lynch between you two then i don't know what to tell you
If you didn't believe in the Dabuz claim then I don't get why you would want the lynch to be between myself and Levi. If Dabuz was in your lynch pool since D1 as you proclaim then I don't get why you are saying here that the lynch should have been between myself and Levi yesterDay. Like, I'm definitely not misreading this quote, right?

I don't feel like picking apart your whole gog damn post but you saying that you thought it was silly not to lynch between me and Levi IMPLIES that you wanted the lynch to be between me and Levi, or at least I know a good chunk of the roster agrees with me.

just woke up vote murderbush

i dont know what game you're reading but im pretty sure i didnt even push leviathan yesterday and i dont know what the hell gave you the idea that i was trying to force the lynch between you and leviathan; because that's simply just not true loool

like i said that post was made to contrast murderbushes lynching outside of you or dabuz would have been stupid

i considered dabuz was lying; that was my first impression and it didn't change; i will admit he handled the fake cop claim better this time compared to fire and lightning 2; so it was more believable and harder to tell

levi was null because his claim plus my change in read on murder;
dabuz was also null but was in my lynch pool from play during d1;

ok for real this **** needs to stop; no where did i say it would have been better to lynch leviathan over dabuz; i didnt say it would be better to lynch you over dabuz either; i also never said dabuz was off the table when he claimed cop;

wtf are you doing

the claim was more believable than his claim in FL2; the other game where he fake claimed cop as scum; i did find dabuz suspicious prior to the cop claim
The last statement in this quote implies that the claim is believable, so I don't get why you are saying now that "i never said I believed Dabuz' claim." Why else are you saying the claim was more believable?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Like, there's a lot of implied statements you're making, and then you're turning around and saying "I NEVER SAID THAT THOUGH!" Watdo? You're not trying to annoy me, are you?

Someone halp me understand Gova 'cause I'm:

1. Not really getting why he's Town
2. He's making a lot of implied statements and then turning around and saying "I NEVER SAID THAT!" Is he just trying to be fancy with word play or is he back pedaling or just making a bunch of statements that don't contextually make sense and saying they have no implications? Or am I just legit misinterpreting him (even though I really don't think I am but I suppose it's possible).


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
If you didn't believe in the Dabuz claim then I don't get why you would want the lynch to be between myself and Levi. If Dabuz was in your lynch pool since D1 as you proclaim then I don't get why you are saying here that the lynch should have been between myself and Levi yesterDay. Like, I'm definitely not misreading this quote, right?

I don't feel like picking apart your whole gog damn post but you saying that you thought it was silly not to lynch between me and Levi IMPLIES that you wanted the lynch to be between me and Levi, or at least I know a good chunk of the roster agrees with me.

The last statement in this quote implies that the claim is believable, so I don't get why you are saying now that "i never said I believed Dabuz' claim." Why else are you saying the claim was more believable?
okay; i see where the misunderstanding is coming from; when i said it was silly to not lynch between you two; i mean you and dabuz; that's my fault for not using his name; i did not want to lynch leviathan at that point, hence the if we lynch him over you i would kick murderbush in the teeth; there was never a time when leviathan should have been lynched after dabuz claimed; and since i didnt want leviathan lynched; there was no way i could keep the lynch between you two; which means that when i said that; it could only mean that it was you and dabuz

i said it was more believable because the last game i played dabuz was also scum and also fake claimed cop; i even brought that up;

just because something is more believable doesnt mean i believed it; that's now how it works; he fake claimed better this time which is why i said that

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
It is not irrelevant, and I dislike this interjection from your slot. Please don't try to make this any easier for other slots. >:[
*****. Don't make me slap you bardull. Alright. Tell me how Gova's statement allowed people to get on you instead of Dabuz. Then tell me how it actually matters. I'll get at you on town gova in a bit. (Eating)

@ Lore Lore :

Come on buddy. I hope you feel better, but if you can't contribute please replace out then.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
*****. Don't make me slap you bardull. Alright. Tell me how Gova's statement allowed people to get on you instead of Dabuz. Then tell me how it actually matters. I'll get at you on town gova in a bit. (Eating)

@ Lore Lore :

Come on buddy. I hope you feel better, but if you can't contribute please replace out then.
IF the ploy from Gova's end was to try and secure a BarDulL lynch (or at least between myself and Leviathan) then it matters because ScumGova would be trying to secure a mislynch from Dabuz's claim. *grumble grumble grumble*

And yes if you can elaborate on TownGova, I would appreciate it.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
You forgot to state the how. THE HOW man. How would Gova be 'securing' a lynch at all?

Ran (I'm pretty sure it's Ran), ScumGova, by voicing that he thinks the lynch should be between me and Leviathan, could potentially SWAY PEOPLE AWAY FROM LYNCHING DABUZ. Catering to the likelihood of Dabuz's claim being legit would only further promote the idea that lynching Dabuz's would-be believable claim would not be a good idea. ScumGova profits from this as Dabuz's partner by securing a mislynch. =/


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It's the same with MB in the sense that MB was acknowledging the presumed 'consistency' of Dabuz's approach and how it couldn't be fake. Doing this would only promote a lynch between myself and Leviathan, which is why I'm also looking at MB with a very curious frown.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Bardull, so was Murder. The thing is you can't actually prove that that was Gova's intention from that statement. You say "Oh it's gova doing it subtely", but you can't know if he really was intending for you to die over Dabuz. Especially since it was in reply to this:

If you lynch the claimed cop over the claimed neighbor I'm going to kick you in the teeth.
On Gova town, I simply like the points he is bringing up. If YOU, Bardull, are worried about people trying to bring momemtum back to you, you should be looking at Murder and then Jex. That is another reason why I like Gova, He brings up that Jex came to the conclusion that Dabuz pushed you immediately (when it seems Dabuz didn't just go straight to you, which shows that Jex thinking this was convenient) to get off Dabuz and back to you. I also liked that he brought up Murder switching from his big push on Levi to J without actually trying to do as much as he did D2. I disliked his tone but overall he brought good points that made me think he was looking for scum (murder).

Right now I think your push on Gova's statement is a stretch, but if you feel the rest of his play is also suspicious, then please do continue. Yet let's focus on Murder now shall we, and if he's not scum, I'm down to listen to more Gova.

The only point I CAN give to you is that Gova doesn't just state "No this isn't happening, this is my stance" on people, so it's vague and this is why I feel you are making the stretch. The only thing we do know is that he was stating that 'are you guys blind, levi claimed 1 shot' and did nothing else to push Levi instead of Dabuz. So it's more of a nulling thing to me. I think his interactions with Murder is more telling than his interaction with you.

Basically, Gova is not a priority to me today. But upon Murder NOT flipping scum (which I doubt), I will consider him. So please dude. Be a bro, and join the murder murder wagon. Yes. WE SHALL MURDER, MURDER.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
I'll let you respond to him as well. No reason to continue our discussion here while dropping that one. But simply, I'm feeling more Murderbush than Gova. Be a bro, Bardull. Also, I'm beginning to think Levi is simply Indy who does not care to find scum anymore.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
I can't fall asleep.

@Potassium: Where you at? I need you to post a bit more for me. The pace of this town is too slow. This is ridiculous.
@ BarDulL BarDulL : How are you reading me/levi/jex/potassium? What do you think of his #2181?
@ JeXs JeXs : Tell me again how Murderbush not posting content/pushes at all today show frustrated TOWN? Isn't this a bit of a stretch?
@ Lore Lore : If you are going to say "Sorry I can't post today and tomorrow" again, please just replace out. Don't be dead weight please. If you can contribute, great, I want to see it.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Town in general. Does anyone feel like this may be a multi-ball game, or an indies vs scum game? To me I'm thinking 3v3 (indy v Scum). I continue to get the vibe that Levi is trying to throw the game for town. Then again, it's possible he is traitor, who just straight bussed Dabuz to be picked up by his team (via night). Anyways I feel that he does see scum in Murder yet just plays around him, therefore giving himself (and possibly his team) less priority for scum to kill.

Otherwise this may just be a lurkey town for no real reason or some whack reason. Get it together town if so. I don't want us to lose after we just got us a CHANCE after lynching Dabuz. We should also mass-claim tomorrow. There are many questions I have that a mass-claim can help solve.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
12 players

6 town
3 v 3 indy v scum (indy possibly can't kill)

Lynch > Nk > Lynch

4 town
3 v 2 (5) scum

Town: ami, gova, bardull, arcane inferno

Indy: potassium, levi, werekill (can't kill? [something to make it so town can still co-exist while there is less town])

Scum: Murder, Jex (Murder may have realized that indies have the upper hand, and has given up)

Or: Levi is being really anti-town. But this is my guess. Take it or leave it. May need to mass claim tomorrow after lynching Murder.

That's that. I'm going to try to sleep now. Again, I'm ok with mass-claiming if people feel the need to today, but we should definitely do it tomorrow.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Get your tinfoil hat off. I don't do give up. However, Raz has disappeared off the face of the Earth. I haven't seen him at all since this day phase started except for the one post he has in that thread where Zen copy-pasted my Calamity entry.

And holy ****, get your tinfoil hat off about a 3v3 multiscum game. I mean, holy ****. There are only twelve players and we're confirmed to have VTs for God's sake.

Also, I'm not scum. I'm still pretty much entirely convinced that Leviathan is scum because nothing about what I said has changed. Hey, maybe he's indy, but I cannot condone his actions.

Arcane Inferno I want to yell at and is probably scum.

I did not sign up to play this game alone and I will not. I will replace out if Raz does not show back up.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Ok, I have two flights today but should be able to be active in the mean time. Sorry for the last two days, but ugh.

I'll be actually posting today, just let me catch up and actually wake up, etc. No work today meant sleeping in, which is lovely.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
I have had enough of this foolery. It is time to set our sights on scum once again.

1.] @ JeXs JeXs @Potassium

Cooperation between our slots is pivotal towards these next two Days. Look at the state of the game right now and who is loud. We have Amidamaru having the worst reads humanly possible, posting stupid theories that do not make a lick of sense, and wants to lynch one of the most Town slots we have in this game in Murderbush. I refuse to let yet another person who is obviously aligned with the Town get lynched due to stupidity and incompetence like what happened on our First Day with J. First, we leave Gova be for now. Then, we need to vote and work together and focus our efforts between Arcane and BarDulL; their interactions are SvT and we need to figure out the S.

2.] @BarDulL

If you are Town, you need to understand that Arcane is scum.

3.] @ Dramatic Flair Dramatic Flair

If you get lynched toDay, Town has probably lost this game if Arcane is scum.

4.] It is telling that both Arcane and BarDulL have pulled 180s on their reads of Murderbush in light of Bunzy's flip. Bunzy's alignment has little bearing on Murderbush's for reasons I have already said; it is guaranteed that one of these two slots are taking advantage of the hole that Murderbush is in for a mislynch deprived of responsibility due to Town turning against the slot. One of these two need to be lynched toDay no questions asked; I will give a brief rundown on Arcane's abominable play soon.

5.] @ Gova Gova

Yes, that answers my question, thank you. You listed Arcane as your second suspect in an earlier post. Does this still apply? Who are you looking at if Murderbush gets lynched and flips Town?

6.] Unvote

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
Bardull, don't actually listen to Levi. He just wants to lynch you and arcane in order without really thinking you/him scum (as evident by him flipping between gova/you/arcane). If you are town please talk to me about what I was theorizing about. Someone at least bounce ideas with me. Also, if murder were town, he'd be in here pushing Levi. Jex can't even respond to my question anymore. I think it shows Jex's scum as well.

@ Arcane Inferno Arcane Inferno : Don't answer the question Levi just asked you. It's stupid and doesn't help find scum.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
Current read list:

Jex and Levi, town. Jex is still feeling new town to me in general, and my reasoning for Levi still stands. I guess I could be a bit more uneasy about him getting roleblocked again, but eh. His play is still very "town trying to forcefully lead town" to me.

Ami is either acting dumb/crazy or is scum pretending to act dumb to throw off suspicion. Most likely the former, I see no reason to belive the latter yet.

Gova is starting to be more active again, and I'm digging his posts. His reaction to the votes against him was nice.

Arcane seems to be taking a critical look whenever he posts, and his reasoning has generally been clearly laid out. I can certainly dig that so town barring flips making me think otherwise.

Bardull and Murder are the two slots I'm unsure about. I'm gonna do a closer read of toDay with an eye turned to these two and get back to you guys with my thoughts.
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