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Mafia Sleepover: The Finale [ Town Wins - Pokemon Sight seeing]


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Seriously the bardull cop was a great choice and thanks for that.

Wish you had been here to push it but I also wish I hadn't voted you. **** happens I guess.

We'll body bardull and Levi, and I'll protect Murder every Night. Should give us victory


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Seriously the bardull cop was a great choice and thanks for that.

Wish you had been here to push it but I also wish I hadn't voted you. **** happens I guess.

We'll body bardull and Levi, and I'll protect Murder every Night. Should give us victory
Protect Murder every Night? What?


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Seriously the bardull cop was a great choice and thanks for that.

Wish you had been here to push it but I also wish I hadn't voted you. **** happens I guess.

We'll body bardull and Levi, and I'll protect Murder every Night. Should give us victory
you gonna explain this or what


Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2013
Sorry, but if he really is jailer he should claim when murder did. :p


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Not if he didn't believe Murder's claim and at that point even if he believe Murder, pushing away would make more sense at that moment. Even when Levi claimed, Pot as jailer would probs be better off just trying to push somewhere else and not jail Levi again.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
-dead- @ people thinking dabuz' claim isn't the most obvious BS. If he wasn't gonna push that one investigation result that told him that BARDULL IS SCUM then he would have at least dropped some sort of crumb so we'd be able to find something in case he flipped cop sooner than expected. Or he would've tried to like spot a connection between Levi [supposedly his main scumread] and Bardull but there was no such thing in dabuz' game at all. His claim makes literally ZERO sense and everybody who actually believes it is ****ing ******** lmao

The whole scenario looks ridiculously staged to me. Bardull dies toMorrow, dabuz being obvscum is the only reason why he's surviving this Day phase.

Arcane Inferno

Jul 13, 2014
Starting to become increasingly confused about murderbush's play. Did he try to defelct pressure from dabuz so blatantly and militantly because he's legit wrong about it or does he just want us to think so? At this point I cannot tell anymore and I think he'd make a great investigation target toNight.

Bardull dies toMorrow, after that it's likely between murderbush or Kantrip / some other 'sleeper' slot like Jexs. Gonna depend on what roles / alignments are revealed but I'll flip a ****ing table if dabuz and Bardull don't flip scum.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Throughout the day, there were people shifting blame to one another. Then everytime Rosalina quelled down the arguement, it only roared louder. And louder. The ladies were beginning to get more violent, as they were looking for the prepetrator for the killing. It was then that Ashley was going tired of their words.

"ENOUGH!" She shouted. At that instant, all were quiet. Not a single sound was made. All of their eyes focused on Ashley. "I grow tired of all of this babbling."

"I agree." Rachel said. "There's no need to be barbaric and lose our insanity. Only an idiot would use brute force to find the answers we seek."

"Then why don't you come up with an answer then, smartypants!?" Captain Syrup said directly.

"Why should I come up with a solution when that should be your bidding?" Rachel said while quickly sipping her tea. "You don't seem to be cut out for this security responsibility. Then again, why should we insure our safety with a pirate?"

"I do concure!" Nago said.

"What they said!" Gii said.

Captain Syrup then grabbed Gii and began squeezing him like a plushie. "What you say you little pipsqueek!?" Of course, Gii was being 'choked.' However, neither Rachel nor Nago did anything.

"Wait..." One of the girls spoke out. "How do we know YOU didn't do it?"

Rachel calmly sipped her tea before looking at the woman. "What if it was me?" The room, once again, fell silent. "What if I did murder Ashley?" They gave a gasp. "Ahem, sorry. 'Attempted' to murder Ashley." The most cruel thing about this is that she seem to say it so casually.

Rosalina, for the first time, looked angry. It was then she magically summoned her wand and with a simple flick of the wrist, a magical force pulled all tthe girls around Ashley away from her and behind Rosalina. Of course, many lost their balance at the sudden action. Captain Syrup, however, merely slid as she felt a bit more prepared. She looked at Rosalina, about to say something. However, the anger in Rosalina's eyes made her quiet. Ashley was a bit confused by this. It was then that Rosalina moved her wand hand a few motions. Suddenly, a black hole opened up over Ashley's head. Anything that wasn't nailed to the ground was sucked into the void. Ashley did her best to keep herself on the ground using her own powers, but that merely encouraged Rosalina to increase the power of the suction. Eventually, the power of the void was too much to bare and Ashley was sucked right into it. All they heard was a scream as the black hole closes to nothing.

Rachel (Bunzy), Mafia Flavor Cop, has been lynched

The room was a huge mess. The Lumas began to quietly pick up the peices. Some of them floated around her.

"Mama...? Are you alright?" One said.

"Please don't be angry, mama..."

Rosalina looked at the Lumas, no longer angry, but not really happy either. She merely gave the Lumas a small smile at them. "Mama's fine..." Rosalina said softly. "Mama's just tired...I'll be fine after a good rest."

Ashley, let out a small smile before she fell to the ground. Her power exceeded its limits.

Protean, the Relentless Townie, can now rest in peace and is officially dead.

Rosalina quietly began to walk off into another room. She needed time to rest. The rest of the girls, even Captain Syrup, were speechless. It was weird, but they felt bad for Rosalima. At night, they began to make a huge dinner in honor of their host, to which they hope she continues hosting this lovely sleepover. Rosalina never felt so moved.


It is now Night Phase. Night phase will last till July 31st, 2014 at 11:59 PM
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Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
A new morning rose over the Observatory. Despite yesterday's event, all the guest, including the co-hosts, were able to sleep soundly that night. Today, they planned on having a fresh start with this new day. And what better way then to have a lovely breakfast with the guests?

"Oh, this food is really delicious!" One of the guest gleefully said.

"Thank you!"

"Oh please...no need to thank me." Rosalina said calmly.

They decided to visit a nearby planet with aquatic creatures. Yes, there were a few islands, but they were just it: island. Most of the adventure was underwater. A few were a bit intimidated, as they were not the greatest of swimmers. Those that didn't want to swim were more then welcome to relax at the beach area.

The day start off with no deaths.


It is now Day 3. With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch

Deadline is August 8th, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST

UPDATE: Front page is updated with who's alive (though it looks bare bones). I'll update it with more cosmetic look to it whenever I get the chance.
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Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
What a pleasant turn of events.

So Levi, you get your ability off?

Hey Murder, wanna stop strong arming the thread and telling everyone to suck ****s when they're right?

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Hey Murder, wanna stop strong arming the thread and telling everyone to suck ****s when they're right?
Hey Potassium, wanna stop accusing Murder of strong arming the thread when you were one of the slots weak-minded enough to fall for his terrible direction thus granting him the power to do so in the first place?

Really poor taste with this post.

I was roleblocked again.

Vote: BarDulL


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The fact that I agreed with murder at some points doesn't change the ****ty way the slot treats anyone who doesn't.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Like I need to vote Werekill when I'm voting scumBunzy, right? I thought Murderbush was your savior; it certainly seemed that way when you were high-fiving him all D1.

Accept the fact that we are walking different paths and move on. It is going to take a lot more than "Murderbush was wrong" to convince me to vote him when I am much more interested in the pool I gave yesterday.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
Here's something to note: Both Gova and Werekill pushed against Murderbush yesterday when he set off that counterclaim fiasco between his slot and mine yesterday. I severely doubt that both of those slots are Town. In fact, I remember disliking Gova being willing to vote me D1 and not pushing between him and J, or something along those lines. So those are two pushes on Gova's part that I dislike, but I really am not a fan of BarDulL either.

I think BarDulL and Gova are my top two right now.

#HBC | Amidamaru

Jun 12, 2014
I lol'd at that. Never was Murder my savior. My problem with you is that you keep calling him town when there is not much reason to. I mean you force it to appeal to him. For example, calling him a 'machivillian manupulator' (sorry can't spell it) instead of straight calling him scum for it.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
A Bunzy scum flip changed after he claimed a guilty on bardull and Bardull quick hammered him. That's quite a bit if you ask me.

Now stop ****ing deflecting and explain why, at this point in time, you are voting bardull.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
I lol'd at that. Never was Murder my savior. My problem with you is that you keep calling him town when there is not much reason to. I mean you force it to appeal to him. For example, calling him a 'machivillian manupulator' (sorry can't spell it) instead of straight calling him scum for it.
...Because Townies cannot manipulate each other, right? I am not afraid of Murderbush nor feel the need to "appeal" to him in the slightest; if I was scum I imagine it would be easy to push against him right now with you, Potassium, Arcane (had doubts about him yesterDay), Gova, and Werekill all having problems with him lately and that flip making him look much worse. I think you are giving in to a knee jerk reaction.

What an awful argument. Yes Amidamaru, I am appealing to someone I have spent the entire game calling an idiot from the mountaintops.

#HBC | Leviathan

Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2014
A Bunzy scum flip changed after he claimed a guilty on bardull and Bardull quick hammered him. That's quite a bit if you ask me.

Now stop ****ing deflecting and explain why, at this point in time, you are voting bardull.
Because scum never distance.

I'm voting him for the same reasons I was yesterDay. Go find it yourself.
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