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M.A.S. Bad Santa


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
Time for my stuff.

Thank you to all for coming out! Was a lot of fun. Things were a bit hectic in the beginning, with there being no TOs until after 11:30 and all...but I appreciate everyone's patience and cooperation throughout the day. Minus the time crunch for grand finals, everything went very smoothly, so thank you for that.

To those who complained about seeding...stop it. I did the best I could, but the fact of the matter is that this tournament had A LOT of quality players. Getting past the second round would be an achievement in itself. I apologize if you didn't like your seed, but that's how it turned out.

I had a ton of fun at this tourney. I was so busy the entire time I didn't get barely any time for friendlies, but the whole experience was so worth coming for...and my confidence leveled up a little bit as well. I'll definitely be making it out to more tournaments.

As for the grand finals misshap, I partially blame myself. I should've been more attentive to who was unplugging what when people were clearing. I deeply apologize to both Lain and Kain that their match was interrupted...I hope there are no hard feelings. Or you can just blame DLA like everyone else :p

And now, shoutouts:

1)Kain, what should have been:wolf: (130$) You are always so much fun to watch. Youve got that ICs matchup down so well. Just keep it up man, youre going places...just dont go losing to random bowsers :)
2)Lain, was getting *****:popo::metaknight::dedede: (130$) Good seeing you again. I appreciate your understanding that we REALLY needed to move things along toward the end.
3)Arty:falco:(29$) One of these days I'll take you down! You always seem to knock me out of bracket lol. Wish i couldve given you a better fight with Link, maybe next time.
4)Sammy Falcofingers:metaknight: Good stuff in teams. Didnt get to talk or play a lot though
5)Dragmire's pubes are as long as the hair on his head and dreadlocked:wario: Wish i got to play you...tourney or friendlies, its been so long! And thanks for the words of appreciation. It means a lot, no matter how small. Hope to see ya again.
5)Fatboy Buff:metaknight: So ****ing scary in teams. You guys seriously play like no other. Amazing stuff, you deserved that win hands down.
7)Nay-Nay:sheik::metaknight: Getting better i see. Now just work on your people skills and you'll be good! :p
7)Grimace:snake: Same as marshall, amazing stuff in teams. Soooooo good. Good seeing you again, hope you guys come out to more!
9)DLA:ganondorf: Congratulations on becoming the latest meme!
9)Kirk:link2::bowser2::ike::wolf::olimar: You dont play enough characters.
9)Akashi:marth: Fun times after the tourney. Now you know to be careful when bringing up particular topics of discusson lol.
9)Red Ryu:lucario: Nice placing dude! Didnt get to play though :\
13)Snookie(Kappy):kirby2: lol
13)Roller:popo::pikachu2: Good set we had. Thanks for coming out, it was fun.
13)Wafles:zerosuitsamus: Fun friendlies. Your zss is coming along, so much sideb :O
13)Scythe:lucario: We need to play in tourney!!! And holy **** volcano-powered hugs...I literally almost died.
17)Meneil:ike::falco: Falco jabs are cool.
17)Dragmire:ganondorf: GGs in tourney. Your melee ganon is sick!
17)King:pikachu2: You slept at my house. Hurray!
17)Diska:snake: I like to grab with olimar. Now you know :)
17)Dajayman:ness2: Pinch-hitting for CPU like a pro.
17)Spongejordan:metaknight::lucas: Cake was good.
17)The Situation:peach: Needs more bstick. Maybe gandouken.
17)Zwarm:rob::lucario: We all know you can place better. Just keep working on it, youre gettng there. Fun times after tourney too!
25)Justin:random: random is cool.
25)Umashi:link2: Link is cool i guess.
25)Yogehi:fox: Havent seen you in forever! Wasnt trying to be a **** about venue, i just needed to make sure the count was straight. Thanks for your cooperation.
25)Tony:random: random is cool
25)Neo:random: TvC is fuuunnn...should relearn to play that more lol

Oro - thanks for helping out with TO stuff. Good **** in teams, but we need some more practice!

Norm - ****ing norm...jk you know I. <3 you.

Webster - don't get sick again ****it lol. Good seeing you, can't wait for next month!


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2007
Waukesha, WI
I've only uploaded my videos so far.

I'll upload one set for anyone who wants to see their matches. It takes me like 20-30 minutes just to put one video up, so I'm not going to spend an entire day putting all of these matches up.

So just post if have a set on my setup that you want to see. Please don't ask unless you really really want to see it though.
My MK vs Zwarm's Lucario. Do it. Please?


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
I've only uploaded my videos so far.

I'll upload one set for anyone who wants to see their matches. It takes me like 20-30 minutes just to put one video up, so I'm not going to spend an entire day putting all of these matches up.

So just post if have a set on my setup that you want to see. Please don't ask unless you really really want to see it though.
Grimace and I played a few $MMs there, Marth vs. Snake. Do you have those recorded? If so, PLEASE upload them. I would love to show the Marth boards for some critique. :) We played double or nothing, so if you see 6 matches in a row with us, those are them.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
Bourbonnais (hour S of Chicago)
Kirk said:
9)Akashi Fun times after the tourney. Now you know to be careful when bringing up particular topics of discusson lol.
Oh man, that giant tangent Zwarm had was pretty hilarious in retrospect. xD

edit: Huh, I thought I hit the edit button on my last post... oops.

double edit: If you can only upload 1 set, please upload the one in which I win (it ends on BF, I think the 2nd match was on Delfino maybe?).


Smash Hero
May 23, 2009
Geneva/Chicago, Illinois
I don't rage either, I just get dissapointed. But I always shake the persons hand and usually talk with them after the match about cps and how the match went.

However, I do rage in my head mid match, constantly swearing at myself and at my opponent lol.
Why do you rage and swear so much DIRECTLY at me then when we play? LOL! "**** WHY DIDN'T YOU ROLL THERE, EVERY BRAWL PLAYER ROLLS THERE!"
One thing to add...

Kain, at least once...we need to team and go double wolf. You've no idea how sexy that would be.
I will allow it. Teaming with Kain is awesome. Wish I didn't use my free team with Kain card when my Brawl Marth was hella bad otherwise we might've taken that ISA doubles event.


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
1)Kain, what should have been (130$) - Good **** as always on first! I want a MM next time I see you, I think I can do pretty well. :)
2)Lain, was getting ***** (130$) - Nice seeing you again! We never got to do that MM, next time though!
3)Arty(29$) - Thanks for the cake! :colorful: Also, thanks for suggesting I go Lucario against double MK, it seemed to work out better for me.
4)Sammy Falcofingers - We didn't talk too much at this, but nice seeing you again! We also play in tournament a lot, it seems. :/
5)Dragmire's pubes are as long as the hair on his head and dreadlocked - Nice to see you coming back to tournaments! I missed your awesome names.
5)Fatboy Buff - Nice to see you again. :D Good **** in dubs!
7)Nay-Nay - We didn't get to do that $5 MM, next time I see you though, we'll play.
7)Grimace - Grimace! I didn't see any of your matches, but I'm guessing you're still ****** with Snake. Good **** in dubs!
9)DLA - ****ing DLA. Why isn't there a :metaknight: next to your name?
9)Kirk - Play more characters, sir. I hope you enjoyed the cake. :D
9)Akashi - Don't worry, I know you didn't rage, Kenni's just lying. :)
9)Red Ryu - No johns from me, your Lucario is legit, and I underestimated it. Like I said before, don't feel like it's your fault I'm dropping Dedede, I was probably going to anyway. :p
13)Snookie(Kappy) - ****ing :metaknight:s. I'll place better next time, once I'm good with Lucario. We can work on Lucario/Kirby too, I think we can make it work.

13)Wafles - We never did get to play those friendlies.
13)Scythe - ****ing Lucario. Teach me the ditto!
17)Meneil - We didn't talk much at this, but thanks for holding the smashfest on Friday, it was a lot of fun. :)
17)King - Thank you for not sucking at jumping cars like everyone else apparently is. :p
17)Diska - You sure do like hogging Sponge's TV, don't you?
17)Dajayman - Your Ness is getting a lot better, dude. Next MM I won't try to shoot as many Aura Spheres to try to punish you healing, I've learned my lesson, haha.
17)Spongejordan - I am :rob:/:lucario: FEAR ME.
17)The Situation - Beach is amazing, Peach sucks.
17)Zwarm - Do better, scrub.
25)Umashi - Glad you could make it, and you're definitely improving, just keep working on Link and Falco! :)
25)Yogehi - So Ashley tells me you said you're gonna give me the Fox ****, but we didn't even play here. Guess we'll have to play some other time. :awesome:

Oro - <3

You guys know my sleep deprived tangent was amazing, although I was kinda annoying myself towards the end, so I stopped. :p


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Lol Oro, Arty thinks everybody is going to roll into his attacks. And the funny part is I actually tell him that I'll roll into his attack just for lulz and he still messes it up. :laugh:

Zwarm, you won't be Aura Sphering because you'll be using ROB. :3


Smash Champion
Feb 29, 2008
Chi-town, come at me
tough decision then

uh i take it you wouldnt be up for sending me the sets?

if not, then i guess my set with kappy for learning/confirming purposes if it so pleases you


Smash Champion
Nov 20, 2007
Kaukauna, Wisconsin
put kirby next to my name!

fun tourney guys. i dunno if i'll be coming back to this game for serious or not. we'll see.

edit: I hate that venue >.<. it's so bad. Just like arty's snake. Get 3 stocked in 40 seconds by kirby scrub. :colorful:

props to kirk/oro for stepping it up as the TO's.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Whatever dude!

That's like the only matchup I hate with Snake which is why I never MM Kappy.

Next time, pick a different char and be ready to lose some money! :)


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2006
Chicago/Ann Arbor
I should make a shoutout thing.

0)CPU Lv9:luigi2::peach: ($500) - Thanks a lot for your efforts in doubles, but you just weren't what I was looking for. Hope to team with you at future tourneys, though!
1)Kain:wolf: (130$) - You almost lost to a Bowser. I will never let you live this down.
2)Lain:popo::metaknight::dedede: (130$) - MI REP
3)Arty:falco:(29$) - I hope that pizza was delicious.
4)Sammy Falcofingers:metaknight: - :samus:
5)Hunger:wario: - You should just enter tournaments for the sake of your amazing names.
5)Fatboy Buff:metaknight: - Next time I'll know better than to keep using Peach when I can feel my nerves limit being passed.
7)Nay-Nay:sheik::metaknight: - Take a chill pill, and throw out those ******** glasses.
7)Grimace:snake: - It feels rare that I don't play your Snake at some point the few times I do go to a tournament.
9)DLA:ganondorf: - You're ****ing awesome, DLA.
9)Kirk:link2::bowser2::ike::wolf::olimar: - Gandouken with Solimar next time, maybe you'll win.
9)Akashi:marth: - Close set! Next time I'll just go to Smashville and we can have a hype all-SV set.
9)Red Ryu:lucario: - We still haven't played yet.
13)Snookie(Kappy):kirby2: - How's your eye? I hear you got punched. (also those cookie matches should be mandatory)
13)Roller:popo::pikachu2: - I knew you looked familiar the whole time. Once I found out you were Roller, I was like ohhhh, that guy.
13)Wafles:zerosuitsamus: - Good to see ZSS rep, MW needs it.
13)Scythe:lucario: - I demand a MM.
17)Meneil:ike::falco: - Brawl has decided that your main should be Ness.
17)Dragmire:ganondorf: - Hunger likes your hair.
17)King:pikachu2: - You should hide your controller in tournaments as well as you do at Kirk's. People won't be able to handle that mindgame.
17)Diska:snake: - DISKOBRA
17)Dajayman:ness2: - Get closer to that Shaky status every day!
17)Spongejordan:metaknight::lucas: - Cake is amazing.
17)The Situation:peach: - You're almost as cool as that B-Sticking Peach guy in the hoodie.
17)Zwarm:rob::lucario: - Don't quit ROB, darn it!
25)Umashi:link2: - Needs more jab canceling!
25)Neo:random: - Remember, be campy and don't do all of the jabs, since the second and third aren't as useful as tilts.


Smash Hero
Nov 9, 2008
Mount Prospect, IL
I'm not dropping ROB! You guys are making a bigger deal about it than when I actually WAS dropping him. :p

Btw, did you start watching Clannad yet Jared?

Edit: Hi Chris, I see you down there. :3

Edit2: The first edit was made before he posted, I was talking about the people viewing the thread on the bottom. :)


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
How did your edit end up going below my post? Odd...

I didn't end up watching Clannad yet, been busy doing Christmas stuff, I'll probably start watching it later tonight, maybe. I still have an interesting ecchi to read and I'm almost done with it.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I've only uploaded my videos so far.

I'll upload one set for anyone who wants to see their matches. It takes me like 20-30 minutes just to put one video up, so I'm not going to spend an entire day putting all of these matches up.

So just post if have a set on my setup that you want to see. Please don't ask unless you really really want to see it though.
Just my set against Wafles and Grimace.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
instead of writing 'kennispam' on my glasses, at the next tourney ill write it on my arms

i hope it doesnt bleed much



"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
I have everyone's vids, I was quite busy today though so I didn't upload anything. I'll get them all up by the end of the week, probably.


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
So not only did a Ganon place top 10, but he also unplugged the power during GFs.

GG, tournament.
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