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[M-1,7,15,18] PikMafia - The End! Scum Wins!


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
-Assumed some players alignments
I explained that I DID NOT, why are your notes incorrect? Please DO NOT skim.

-Wants to lynch a random lurker
I hate inactivity and am willing to put pressure on inactives -antitown move how? Side note I shared the same opinion as you, so you just accused yourself of scumminess.

-Severe lack of suspicion from most people, with regards to the early case on him. Only two people were willing to vote him, yet 5 (and 2 others) jumped at the chance of the Green wagon
Well, most people didn't think me suspicious when I said it....scummy how? (Most players here are also town)

-Buddying the **** out of Greenstreet
Explained already - amend your notes

-Unvoted Jungle once he got a response
It would be suspicious had I unvoted him when I HADN'T received a response - explain please.

-Says tan seems 'townie'
Your point?

Can you clarify the first sentence (do you mean deflecting attention away from Green?)

Please tell me how the things you highlighted are scummy.

I agree me defending Green could well be seen as such, but the points mentioned above ARE NOT scum tells. I do not agree with your points, I admit I have not been the perfect townie, especially if Green flips scum, but I honestly don't see any case on me.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@Riddle:- did you answer my question before? =? If so, I missed it! Why is Vanz considered town by many? Who represents 'many'?

@Those that don't understand the greenstreet wagon:- Greenstreet claims to want to go after an active. Where does he act on this claim? Is this an example of all-talk-no-walk? Afterall, we had quite a good 'cross-section' of active players at the time of his sayings. How many more active players does he need before he finally starts scumhunting? Finally, why does his current vote not reflect his want of an active lynch?

Those that oppose can answer these questions if they wish. Maybe even Greenstreet himself =p

@Swords:- Curiously, do you think Green/Swiss interaction consists of at least one scum amongst them?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
4th Vote Count!

Kirbyoshi- Greenstreet (

Riddle- Vanderzant, Swiss (

Junglefever- Zensei (

Greenstreet- Kirbyoshi, Tandora, Kataefi (

Swiss- Riddle (

With 12 Alive, it takes 7 to Lynch
Olimar checks his oxygen supplies,
You must return to the ship by the last moments of June 25th, 2010!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Kat, i'm thinking there is at least one scum among them, if they are not both scum.

but for now, i'm going to Vote: Greenstreet. Riddle sounds like a good lynch as well.


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
I haven't been able to get through the dense forest of this game yet, but from what I see so far, Vat has made a very hard push on Swiss for little reason in my opinion.

Greenstreet seems scummy but I hear there is a bandwagon on him, so I'm hesitant.

Zensei appears to be relatively town sided or neutral.

Swiss made a pretty decent defense, and though I agree with Vat's fos on him, I think Vat came on a little too strong, making Swiss overly defensive.

Will update more as I get through all of it. Lot to process.

fos Vat and Green


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Swiss: Understand that they are merely my observations through out the day. I made them as I saw them happen. Just because you explained some of them, doesn't mean that I didn't have them in the first place. I was referring to where you said

"I fail to see what I have done which is scummy"

I feel like you've acted odd in this game, and explaining away why you did or didn't do things isn't necessarily going to change that.

I agree me defending Green could well be seen as such, but the points mentioned above ARE NOT scum tells. I do not agree with your points, I admit I have not been the perfect townie, especially if Green flips scum, but I honestly don't see any case on me.
What case? I don't have a case on you right now. Riddle's voting you iirc. I'm just pointing out, like you admitted, that you definitely haven't played the perfect townie this game (REGARDLESS of green's flip), and shouldn't be excused from suspicion.

McCloud said:
Vat has made a very hard push on Swiss for little reason in my opinion.
I assume this is from #147 (as you talk about my FOS). I don't really think I pushed that hard. Be more specific.

McCloud said:
Swiss made a pretty decent defense, and though I agree with Vat's fos on him, I think Vat came on a little too strong, making Swiss overly defensive.
How can a FOS be considered "too strong", especially if you agree with it in the first place?


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
No, this is actually the first time I've actually known you were a part of this game, vander. I was referring to Vat

How can a FOS be considered "too strong", especially if you agree with it in the first place?
Degrees are of utmost importance in reading people. There are nuances. There's a difference between making a legitimate fos (which he did) and keeping that up and eventually tunneling on Swiss. In my opinion, he made Swiss more defensive than he needed to be, which added to Swiss' suspicion.

Still, I'm only on like page four, so I have a ways to go with analysis.


Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
sorry for being fairly absent, on holidays atm. still plenty of hate on me i assume?

Regardless i'll be back up and running soon.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Unvote, Vote: Greenstreet

Deadline is tomorrow, greenstreet's flip will give us the most information.

Claim please greenstreet.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Tanny, which would you pin as the scum? Swiss or Riddle?

The exchange seemed almost "forced" to me. Could very well be Scum vs Scum
If I had to pick between the two, Swiss. As I've said before, Swiss and Green have been defending each other the whole game. Swiss' attack against Riddle reeks too much of deflecting attention off his scum partner.

I wish we were so lucky to get a S-v-S argument b/c that would mean town would get a win on lynching either.

sorry for being fairly absent, on holidays atm. still plenty of hate on me i assume?

Regardless i'll be back up and running soon.
This sort of post is why I'm focusing on Green. He has made mostly posts that promise info later while not giving any support currently. The few posts he has made with susbstance are full of "I don't see where you think that". His one campaign has been to go against a nameless active for a very long time, when he did finally post a dissection it was only against everyone who had voted on him ignoring all other players.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
If I had to pick between the two, Swiss. As I've said before, Swiss and Green have been defending each other the whole game. Swiss' attack against Riddle reeks too much of deflecting attention off his scum partner.
Would you please explain why I am not allowed to scum hunt for myself? And instead must just sit here ONLY defending against a stupid bandwagon that will probably get Green lynched. This 'Swiss made a case he must be scum deflecting attention away from another scum' would have been made on me regardless of who I made a case on.

So in essence, I am being penalised for scum hunting. That IS scummy, why should I not be allowed to scum hunt? Why are people worried about me finding Riddle scummy?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
hmmm... i need to review some things...

Riddle are you purposefully not answering my questions? I'm starting to detect a Riddle/Vanz connection here, if we had more time I'd be looking closely into you both.

Let's kill one of green/swiss, but if one flips town then I'll consider the other almost definitely town throughout, bluntly put. Who should we go for? Because for them to be interacting this way D1 is a no go from scum, imo. I agree Green is looking like the best lynch so far.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
It's exactly how I said it. I can't imagine an SvS interaction like this D1 that is so blatant. With past actions considered, and the fact you both have very blatantly interfered with each other's business, should one of you flip scum, I'll more than likely consider the other to be scum. However, should one pop up town, I'll reconsider that train of thought.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Well I'll be the one to point out the obvious.

Scum can't do anything this blatant - WIFOM argument, so that's exactly what me and Green do.

Plus you should NOT assume me to be town all the way through. I happen to know it would be ok in this game (I'm town lololololol) but if I were to be scum - imagine the consequences.

Just had to point that out - I know I basically refuted a point saying I'm town, but I do try to be a reasonable player ;)


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
, should one of you flip scum, I'll more than likely consider the other to be scum. However, should one pop up town, I'll reconsider that train of thought.
Oh, kk.

I thought you meant if Green flipped town you'd assume me town - which would be a catastrophically bad play.

It is understandable that if Green flips scum - I'll look scummy as ****. But I hope I've made myself clear as to WHY I don't think he should be lynched.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Sorry for my absence yesterday and today. I'm not sure how much I will be on by the deadline (which is tomorrow). Right now I'm fine with either a Green or a Riddle lynch. Riddle seems pretty scummy to me, but I'd rather go with Green toDay. I agree with Tanny about the way he's been playing and avoiding the pressure put on him. Also I feel we can get some information from is flip based on all the connections that have been made with him, even if he does flip town. If he turns out town I would imagine that there was, at the very least, one scum member in on his wagon. If he turns out mafia I'm definitely going to be looking at Swiss for all the 'defending' each other. And the fact that Swiss is avoiding Green of all people and has suddenly been focusing on Riddle is suspicious to me.

Vote: Greenstreet


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Going to be looking at Kat if Green flips town..

pretty much seems like he just joined in on an easy wagon to me.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Ok that's L-1 I assume. I'd really prefer Swiss/Riddle, but what can you do.

NOBODY hammer. I want to have the pleasure of hammering green for myself. Deadline is in 24 hours. Give me until 9pm EST tomorrow, and if I haven't hammered by then, you can assume I'm dead or something, and someone else can.

Green, give us a full claim. Better still, if you're town also give us detailed thoughts/stances on everyone.

Zensei said:
Going to be looking at Kat if Green flips town..

pretty much seems like he just joined in on an easy wagon to me.
A lot of people jumped on it far too lightly for my liking as well.

Kat said:
Riddle are you purposefully not answering my questions? I'm starting to detect a Riddle/Vanz connection here, if we had more time I'd be looking closely into you both.
There's plenty of time Kat. Please elaborate on said connections, I don't see them.

Kat said:
Let's kill one of green/swiss, but if one flips town then I'll consider the other almost definitely town throughout, bluntly put. Who should we go for? Because for them to be interacting this way D1 is a no go from scum, imo. I agree Green is looking like the best lynch so far.
Kat that is an incredibly poor assumption to make. Swiss shouldn't be considered town if Green is. That goes against most of my opinions in this game.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Also, my thoughts in case I die.

If Green's Scum: Swiss, Jungle and Ermac are the only ones who didn't vote him (that would be such a lulzy scum team).

If Green's Town: Based on connections, Swiss bussed him so lynch him. Then lynch Riddle and Tanny in that order.

@MOD: You're probably already aware, but Jungle's last post was 9 days ago, and Ermac's last post was 8 days ago.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
@MOD: You're probably already aware, but Jungle's last post was 9 days ago, and Ermac's last post was 8 days ago.
Junglefever is V/LA and presumably returns either tonight or tomorrow night.

Dark_Ermac has been prodded. If he does not post before the deadline tomorrow, he will be replaced.​

5th Vote Count!

Kirbyoshi- Greenstreet (

Riddle- Vanderzant, Swiss (

Greenstreet- Kirbyoshi, Tandora, Kataefi, SwordsRBroken, Riddle, Zensei (

With 12 Alive, it takes 7 to Lynch
Olimar checks his oxygen supplies,
You must return to the ship by the last moments of June 25th, 2010!


je suis l'agent du chaos.
Jul 30, 2005
"So foul and f-air a day I have not seen.&quo
Ok, I am going to a concert tonight, and I do not want to hammer on greenstreet. I find him relatively scummy over the past couple days, but I think I'd rather vote Riddle.

Page 6 is full of Riddle making a heavy fos on Swiss that wasn't present before. He accuses him of buddying with zant? Wha?

I promise I'll have isos up soon as my reading of the thread is done, just need to go back through and pick out everything I want to talk about. Sorry for the delay all..


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Come on guys, wagon switch to Riddle! I'm 100% serious.

Also McCloud, in case you aren't up to my last post yet DON'T hammer green. I'll do it tomorrow at approx 9pm EST.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@Vanz: You impose an artificial deadline on Greenstreet when you'd rather be going other players instead? That's interesting... And as for elaborating on those connections, Riddle has yet to answer why you would be considered the most townie player here and who 'many' is. This is where my Riddle/Vanz connection is coming from. Is he ignoring this purposefully? Keep bussing him, maybe. In addition, what need is there to say this? At this point I believe no one should be considered townie, especially considering you've shown to dance around wagons, and, like I said to Swiss, keeping options open. There is little pointing to you being a surefire townie, which is why I found the statement very odd. Wouldn't you agree yourself?

Anyway, still wanting Greenstreet/Swiss gone for now, don't mind which, and either will be very informational!

@Zensei:- Would you consider your joining of green's wagon to be easy, considering your vote was after mine? 'Easy' implies I cruised along... but didn't I question Green extensively? And where are his answers, let alone any sort of defence? As such, my vote is not so much being 'easy', more to the point that there is no generated response from Green... whatsoever... which is why a wagon developed in the first place. I wouldn't call it an easy wagon.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Kat: Artificial deadline is such an ugly phrase. I'm merely trying to stop Green from being hammered before he has the chance to claim, and give us information if he's town.

I agree Riddle's said some odd stuff. I'm happy with lynching him, as I've made quite clear.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Also, my thoughts in case I die.

If Green's Scum: Swiss, Jungle and Ermac are the only ones who didn't vote him (that would be such a lulzy scum team).

If Green's Town: Based on connections, Swiss bussed him so lynch him. Then lynch Riddle and Tanny in that order.
I like how no matter what stance I took on the Green situation - I should be suspected. Reeks of tunneling to me.

Make a case on me or don't. DO NOT say that regardless of Green's flip, I should be looked at due to a generic reason. That is quite possibly the scummiest, most anti-town thing you could say.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
If Green's Town: Based on connections, Swiss bussed him so lynch him. Then lynch Riddle and Tanny in that order.

If Green is town I BUSSED him? Do you even know what bussing IS? Bussing is when one scum gets another lynched - you are saying that if Green flips TOWN then BOTH GREEN and I are SCUM.


If you can't provide an answer to this - you might as well be lynched now. You're either a pathetically bad tunneler or scum.

[Assuming Green as town flip]
I could understand if you said that I, as scum, defended Green in order to look townie. This would make sense and although would draw completely unnecessary attention to me, COULD be seen as a pro mafia move. What you said could NOT be more incorrect if you tried. Please explain PRECISELY what you meant.

If not I'm going to call for a Vanz wagon. Reeks of scum trying to find ANY reason to kill an active townie.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
**** Got 502'd...


If Green is town I BUSSED him? Do you even know what bussing IS? Bussing is when one scum gets another lynched - you are saying that if Green flips TOWN then BOTH GREEN and I are SCUM.


If you can't provide an answer to this - you might as well be lynched now. You're either a pathetically bad tunneler or scum.
Honest mistake on my part. I meant to say "buddying" instead of bussing. I get the two terms mixed up when I type fairly easily (kind of like saying lynching when I mean night killing). Pretty much, I want to let town know that I think you're scum, regardless of Green's flip. I'm not suggesting that the flip will make it any "clearer" that you are scum. I'm voicing my opinion in case I'm not around to do so tomorrow.

There seems to be a severe lack of support for you being scum, so I'll put up a case on you tomorrow if that's what I see to be the best lead.

Putting a case on you now would be contrary to Town getting a lynch (splitting up the suspicion), and I'm pretty heavily against a no lynch.

Swiss said:
[Assuming Green as town flip]
I could understand if you said that I, as scum, defended Green in order to look townie. This would make sense and although would draw completely unnecessary attention to me, COULD be seen as a pro mafia move. What you said could NOT be more incorrect if you tried. Please explain PRECISELY what you meant.
Yeah that's pretty much what I meant. But to reiterate, regardless of the flip I don't like you as being town aligned.

Swiss said:
If not I'm going to call for a Vanz wagon. Reeks of scum trying to find ANY reason to kill an active townie.
How am I trying to kill you? I had my vote on you for an incredibly short amount of time. I want Riddle lynched, but am settling for Green.

Also, I'll wait a little bit longer before hammering, deadlines in just over 3 hours. But I don't really want to leave it to the last minute.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Day 1 Ends!

Final Day One Vote Count

Kirbyoshi- Greenstreet (

Riddle- Swiss, McCloud(

Greenstreet- Kirbyoshi, Tandora, Kataefi, SwordsRBroken, Riddle, Zensei, Vanderzant(

As Olimar wandered the Pikmin Planet, he saw scenes of horror and demise. His body chilled at the sight of the carnage. However, as night fell, he began to see the bodies of frustrated Pikmin disappear into the Onions and mosters began emerging from their hideaways. Captain Olimar stared at the night sky and remembered why he had originally returned to this horrid wasteland. It was.....his doing. Upon returning to his ship, Olimar blasted to hover in orbit above the dangerous nighttime of the Pikmin Planet.

Back on Planet Hocotate....

Tumbleweeds passed through the grounds of Hocotate Freight.
The President folds back into his comfy office chair and snickers. Despite years of constant pressure applied to his workers, he was finally back on top of the Space Freight business. Stocks were at an all-time high and business was booming. However, as Olimar had departed the day earlier, The President began to feel uneasy. How long would he stay on the top, and what of his Freight company rivals?

Suddenly, the door of his office broke in two as a herd of men dressed in black suits and dark sunglasses bursted into the room. The President was hoisted from his chair with a swift flick of a brute's wrist and thrust against the wall. One of the suited men held his neck back against the wall.

"Mr. President," said the suited man "as a representative of the HIRS, Hocotate Internal Revenue Service, we have been ordered to detain you at all costs for unpaid debts in the name of your company, Hocotate Freight".

The President's eyes bulged open. "W-w-what? I paid all 10,100 Pokos worth of the debt last month! What are you talking-"

With a swift crack, the President's neck was wrenched in twain. Blood fell down the red-stained walls behind his body, and the crumpled heap of the President's remains fell to the floor as the suited man released his grip.

The suited men snickered and smiled evily. The man stood upon the carcass of the President and muttered only a few words.

"Oh, I know, Mr. President. We aren't from the HIRS."

Greenstreet, the President, the Independent Stalker has been lynched!

It is now NIGHT ONE. Please send all night actions to me via Private Message. There is to be no posting in the thread during the night for ANY purpose.

Olimar checks the status of the Pikmin Planet.

It will be safe to return to the Pikmin Planet on Monday, June 28th, 2010 or When All Night Actions have been Submitted (if an earlier time)



So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Via request.

<object width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value=""http://www.youtube.com/v/_mjUe4vYbVA&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/_mjUe4vYbVA&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Night 1 Ends/Day 2 Begins!

As morning rolled around on the Pikmin planet, Olimar arose to make his usual morning coffee, listen to 95.3 PIK radio, and read the Hocotate Today. Upon sitting down to enjoy the typical morning routine, Captain Olimar heard a huge screech. Several alarms went off, and the ship fell from the sky. Olimar looks desperately to find the source that would keep him alive...

But as the ship crashed down, he though "Well, wasn't this nice."

Upon retentering the Pikmin biosphere, the ship caught ablaze. Olimar was entirely consumed by a violently white fire and let out a shriek of terror. Upon striking the ground, Olimar and the rest of his ship was entirely obliterated, sending shrapnel across the landscape.

Upon commencement of the horrible wreck, among all the debris, scrap metal, and carnage, was a helmet with a red antenna sitting on top of the pile.

And yet, a helmet with a blue antenna was also found within the kitchen compartment debris. ....Louie?

vanderzant, Captain Olimar, the Town Mason/Switch has been killed during Night One

Kataefi, Captain Louie, the Town Mason has been killed during Night One.

ChacoTaco replaces Dark_Ermac
Day 2 Begins! With 9 Alive, it takes 5 to Lynch!
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