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[M-1/2/10/17/22] Oddworld Mafia -- END! Town won!


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Kata why'd you jump the gun on revealing the prank?

Also, should've talked to me about it first so we could've planned out one they'd believe.


Jul 16, 2005
Haha! Nice.
GG town. Almost perfect game.
Mad props to xatres my hydra partner in his first game ever.
Cello, it was fun.
Can't believe we saved J d1 and d2.
Can't believe we lynched scum 3 days out of 4.
Can't believe we got called guilty and STILL killed scum instead.
Freaking great game town.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I would have waited longer for the prank to play out but it's 1am over here =( so I thought I might as well get out the role PMs, Night actions and overall setup before I go bed. American timezones! =)



smargaret said:

Greetings! You are a trained slog, an inhabitant domesticated by the Industrial races. You are extremely loyal to your masters, but even more loyal to your baby sloggies. You are a Vanilla Townie!

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

X1-12 said:

Greetings! You are a slig, the backbone of Oddworld's industrial security. You are also the loyal henchman of the Glukkons, your superiors. You might have an itchy trigger finger with that gun, but deep down you’re a kind soul to others, unless they’re scum of course! You are a Vanilla Townie!

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Xastrn said:

Greetings! You are a fleech, a large, greenish leech-like worm. You have two heads, one on each end, and your mouths have long, sticky tongues, which can be used to trap, grab and draw in prey to devour. You are a Vanilla Townie!

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Cello_Marl said:

Greetings! You are Elum, one of the largest creatures in Oddworld, and one that’s rumoured to be very cooperative with other inhabitants. In reality, you are anything but! You prefer to laze around and, as such, are a plain ol’ Vanilla Townie!

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

EdreesesPieces said:

Greetings! You are Mollock the Glukkon, the boss of bosses. You own the merciless meat-processing factory known as RuptureFarms, and once owned Soulstorm Brewery. Your callous and ruthless leadership make you the Town Assist!

· Various results are automatically passed straight onto you as opposed to the corresponding roles they were destined for.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

GorditoBoy69 said:

Greetings! You are a wild scrab, a sacred animal of the ancient Mudanchee tribe. Scrabs are among the most feared predators in Oddworld. They are blind and said to rely on echolocation. You patrol your territory, sensing what is going on around you as the Town Voyeur!

· At Night, you may PM me the command Howl: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any living player in the game. You will learn what actions were used on that specific player that Night. However, you may or may not receive your result. You can target yourself.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Nicholas1024 said:

Greetings! Or maybe you should you be saying that to me! You are a greeter, otherwise described as a hot water heater on a unicycle. Originally designed as a self-promoting vending machine, you had a habit of electrocuting customers. The Industrial races have now embraced your homicidal tendencies and turned you into a Town Forensics Investigator!

· At Day, you may PM me the command Scan: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any dead player in the game. You will learn exactly who visited the dead player at the Night of their death immediately. However, you may or may not receive your result.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

J said:

Greetings! You are the Shrykull, god of the Mudokon race! The Shrykull’s appearance is a combination of many existing Oddworld inhabitants, and as a god you have the power to judge another’s alignment as the Town Sane Cop!

· At Night, you may PM me the command Investigate: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any living player in the game. You will learn that player’s alignment the following Day. However, you may or may not receive your result. You can investigate yourself.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

SummonerAU said:

Greetings! You are the “Guardian Angel”, arguably the prettiest mecha-angel in existence. You are an enigma – you only ever visit people in their sleep to remind them how depressing life really is. Consequently, this makes you the Town Doctor!

· At Night, you may PM me the command Protect: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any living player in the game. You cannot protect yourself.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



Swiss said:

Greetings! You are Abe, the happy-go-lucky soon-to-be saviour of an enslaved race of humanoid inhabitants otherwise known as the Mudokons. You are the Mafiosi Ninja! You make silent Night Kills – you will not be seen visiting dead players that you kill in the Night.

· You specifically make silent Night Kills, leaving no traces of evidence on the body of the victim you kill.

You are one part of the mafia, along with JoanBud (Mafiosi Watcher) and Mayling (Mafiosi Tailor).

You are allowed communication outside this thread amongst your fellow Mafiosi members. A quicktopic is also provided. Please post all outside communication (chat logs, PMs etc.) within the quicktopic. Feel free to keep me updated as to your plans and strategies!


You win when there are no longer anymore threats to the Mafia and your living players are greater than or equal to the living players of the town.

JoanBud said:

Greetings! You are a wild paramite, a sacred animal to the native Mudomo tribes of the wilderness. On their own, paramites are friendly, docile and very curious. In packs, they become aggressive. You are not in a pack and are consequently the Mafiosi Watcher!

· At Night, you may PM me the command Watch: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any living player in the game. You will learn who else targeted (or visited) that person on that same Night. You can watch yourself.

You are one part of the mafia, along with Swiss (Mafiosi Ninja) and Mayling (Mafiosi Tailor).

You are allowed communication outside this thread amongst your fellow Mafiosi members. A quicktopic is also provided. Please post all outside communication (chat logs, PMs etc.) within the quicktopic. Feel free to keep me updated as to your plans and strategies!


You win when there are no longer anymore threats to the Mafia and your living players are greater than or equal to the living players of the town.
Mayling said:

Greetings! You are The Brewmaster, the obsessive perfectionist and owner of Soulstorm Brewery. With half the heart, your products always deliver twice the flavour. You are the Mafiosi Tailor!

· At Night, you may PM me the command Spruce Up: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any living player in the game. That player will specifically look innocent to corresponding roles who might be particularly interested in their alignment. You can target yourself. Alternatively, at Night, you can use the command Reproach: Player A, replacing Player A with the name of any living player in the game. That player will specifically look guilty to corresponding roles who might be particularly interested in their alignment. You can only choose between one of these ablities per Night.

You are one part of the mafia, along with Swiss (Mafiosi Ninja) and JoanBud (Mafiosi Watcher).

You are allowed communication outside this thread amongst your fellow Mafiosi members. A quicktopic is also provided. Please post all outside communication (chat logs, PMs etc.) within the quicktopic. Feel free to keep me updated as to your plans and strategies!


You win when there are no longer anymore threats to the Mafia and your living players are greater than or equal to the living players of the town.



*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

[collapse=Tricks & Forensics]x4 Vanilla Townie
x1 Assist Townie [Relayed all results until death; at which point investigative roles are given their past results and will get all of their future results direct.]
x1 Town Voyeur [Results sent to Assist.]
x1 Town Paranoid Doctor [Told is regular Doctor; roleblocks all players protected. Cannot protect self.]
x1 Forensics Investigator [Investigates dead peoples; sees who visited them the night of their death. Results sent to Assist.]
x1 Town Sane Cop [Told is sane Cop. Results sent to Assist.]

x1 Mafiosi Watcher [Safe-claim bait; can find power-roles.]
x1 Mafiosi Tailor [Can make a mafiosi member innocent to Cop.]
x1 Mafiosi Ninja [Will not be seen visiting dead peoples to Forensics investigator.]

To explain the balance of this setup:

- Ninja negates Forensics Investigator. Produces the "???" Result.

- Tailor was designed to outmsart the Cop and Assist and cause major rifts for when the Assist finally comes out and establishes strong connections with others.

- Watcher was designed to out Town PRs in order to setup lynches and kill the appropriate targets.

- Voyeur was designed to spot more unsusual actions - Tailoring / Doc also roleblocking.

- Paranoid Doc was designed to suppress the amount of Town information flowing everywhere. It also worked well with the possession mechanic as it mindgames the scummies - "will he or won't he protect the possessor?" mentality.

- Vanillas were detrimental to the rest of the hammerers.

I'll bring up the Night actions and then get into more detail about the game itself. Town played super well.


Jul 16, 2005
Cello, you played well in a lot of ways, but if you had your way, town would have lost. Twice you tried to lynch cop. If you had lynched J d2 and copped us, I'm not sure you would have been able to flip to mayling.
You were hugely helpful with your general analysis of things and your experience helped like crazy. With that said, xatres and I were able to take your data and thoughts on the game design and combine it with our psychosocial analysis to redirect your focus onto the right targets. Props to you for getting us the info we needed to read people.
Mad props to xatres. Half of my posts were made with him sitting next to me. He was an AWESOME hydra partner, and didn't just pick up the game quickly, but honestly got PRO quickly. He's already got some games designed of his own.
Kat, well done on this game design.
*tips hat*


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008


  • Nich scans NPC // No result as there was no previous Night.
  • Cello possesses JoanBud and becomes watcher.


  • smargaret is ninja killed by Swiss.
  • Mayling spruces up herself.
  • Cello watches himself // No result.
  • Summoner protects and roleblocks Cello.
  • J investigates Summoner // Innocent // Sent to Edrees
  • Gord howls on Cello // Cello was protected, roleblocked and watched [Voyeur sees all, so even though Cello was roleblocked, it still sees what happened to him.] // Sent to Edrees
  • Edrees receives Nightly report with results:
[collapse=Nightly Feed #N1: Edrees]
Nightly Feed said:

Chopped, Gutted, BONED
- Bonewerkz officially ruined -

Welcome to your exclusive nightly news roundup, Mollock the Glukkon.
Managing Director Phleg of Bonewerkz Factory was discovered to be dead this morning. His body (what's left of it) was recently found inside a poptart delicacy, one that is sold to consumers across Oddworld. His body was reported to have exploded upon contact with a tripwire, allegedly planted by Mudokon employee of the month, Abe. Phleg's exploded body pieces were reported to have dropped into a meat-processing drill, one that would go on to add his flavour to commercial food products. And that's what they call "the spice of life"!​

Now, in other news:

A cop investigation was carried out Night 1. A result was produced. SummonerAU was investigated and produced an innocent result.​

A voyeuristic investigation was carried out Night 1. A result was produced. Cello_Marl was investigated and the following Night actions targeted him:​

  • He was protected, roleblocked and watched.



  • Nich scans smargaret // ??? Result // Sent to Edrees
  • X1-12 possesses himself and becomes DEAD.
  • Edrees receives daily report with results:
[collapse=Daily Feed #D2: Edrees]

Daily Feed said:

How Un-fall-tunate

- Dropped 10000ft. Slog found dead! -

Witnesses report that the sound of a mechanical lever was heard followed by the roars of an adult slog as it fell 10000ft to its demise at Bonewerkz Factory. It is suggested that the lever triggered a hole in the floor where the slog was fast asleep. No sweet dreams there then! The forensics team is currently underway performing routine checks and operations.

Now, in other news:

A forensics investigation was carried out Day 2. A result was produced. smargaret was investigated and the following players targeted her on the Night of her death:

  • ???




  • Cello un-possesses Joanbud.
  • Summoner is ninja killed by Swiss
  • Summoner protects and roleblocks J // FAILED
  • Mayling reproaches Xastrn // SUCCESS
  • J investigates Xastrn // Guilty // Sent to Edrees
  • Gord howls on J // J was protected and roleblocked [FAILED] // Sent to Edrees
  • Edrees receives Nightly report with results:
[collapse=Nightly feed #N2: Edrees]

Nightly feed said:

Slig Protest!

- Do they deserve to be treated this way? -
- Have your say in our public poll! -

The Slig Barracks conducted a non-violent protest this morning and have put forward plans to assassinate General Dripik, their boss, due to the cruel treatment of a slig who was savagely cornered by a bunch of inhabitants and had no choice but to commit suicide. They found the slig's body inside a giant beehive after it has possessed itself. How tragic!

Now, in other news:

A cop investigation was carried out Night 2. A result was produced. Xastrn was investigated and produced a guilty result.​

A voyeuristic investigation was carried out Night 2. A result was produced. J was investigated and the following Night actions targeted him:

  • He was protected and roleblocked



  • Nich scans summoner // ??? result / Sent to Edrees
  • Cello possesses Mayling and becomes a Tailor.
  • Edrees receives Daily report with results:
[collapse=Daily Feed #D3: Edrees]

Daily feed said:


- Finally! -

The infamous Guardian Angel of Oddworld has now officially died. PARTY TIME! A minute in its company was enough to make anyone gouge their eyes out. Let us remember this Night passed as one of the most important Nights in Oddworld history.

Now, in other news:

A forensics investigation was carried out Day 3. A result was produced. SummonerAU was investigated and the following players targeted him on the Night of his death:

  • ???




  • Cello/Gord: no action.
  • J is ninja killed by Swiss
  • J investigates Swiss // FAILED
  • Edrees receives Nightly report with no results:
[collapse=Nightly feed #N3: Edrees]

Nightly feed said:

The End of SoulStorm Brewery?

- Brewmaster, dead! -

The Brewmaster was found possessed and later dead on a train carriage destined for Feeco Depot. What a terrible journey that must have been for him. The driver will surely be fired. No one appears to be around the scene of the crime, so stay tuned for updates.




  • Xastrn possess Swiss // ENDGAME
  • Nich investigates J // ??? Result // Sent to Edrees
  • Edrees receives Daily report with results:
[collapse=Daily feed #D4: Edrees]

Daily Feed said:

SoulStorm Brewery plans World Domination

- oh dear... -

A letter was found contained within the Brewmaster's suit-jacket. It addressed his need to dominate Oddworld's commercial market by killing off the competiton... literally. The letter was addressed to Abe, and from our reports, Abe is still alive. Somewhere. Out there!

Now, in other news:

A forensics investigation was carried out Day 4. A result was produced. J was investigated and the following players targeted him on the Night of his death:

  • ???




*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Bit of a controversial game, this! I think the scummies hate me secretly =p Town played so well.

I originally thought EP's role was overpowered, but then reviewing the situations that occurred, I think the scummies need to consider just what would have happened had Joan stayed alive passed D1, or had Xastrn's lynch pulled through. With the latter, J/Edrees would have met possible jeopardy for lying [Xastrn mentioned them being the possible scum-team if their flip showed up vanilla and not miller, which it would have done], and still Cello wasn't cleared. Scum would have been entering Mylo situations with a bunch of suspect townies to work with.

From what I was told as to their strategies, scum intended for Swiss to die Day 3 if they couldn't secure the Xastrn lynch, and have Mayling clear herself as she was surely going to be investigated by J. This would have potentially lead to a Xastrn lynch the next Day, and subsequently a J/Edrees lynch following that, all with Mayling posing under the guise of an innocent townie. Unfortunately, the princess claim backfired =( Poor Swiss survived instead and was a deer in the headlights Day 4.

The Tailor's abilities in general [to be able to make someone guilty OR innocent] I felt was a powerful tool for scum and at its height could have caused significant rifts in the Edrees/Nich/Gord/J connection. Edrees coming out as the assist early on also provided the necessary information needed for the Tailor to make a calculated guess as to who to frame/clear, which is exactly what happened N2 and can be seen in the QT. Put simply, scum entered Day 3 with the tools to secure a Xastrn lynch, but were met with a strong Town energy, particularly from Cello/Xastrn who played strong Town games and were convincing enough to ruin the scum-plan and force the rest of Town not to take the bait. Town made every possible good play. The outcome of this game I believe rested on Day 3.

I hope you all had fun. [Mayling wants to digitally slap me.]

Possession mechanic: how did you all feel about this? It could have had a few interesting situations play out around it imo e.g. the preservation of Town [and also Scum] PRs, deciding who to reward/punish [having clears hammer PRs worth keeping or having suspect people hammer vanilla claims etc.] It also allowed Scummies the opportunity to hammer Town PRs make "pro-town" actions and also allowed the outrageously amazing scum Cop/Tailor combo =D Basically, this was introduced mainly as part of Oddworld flavour and to emphasise patterns in voting.

Edit/Scum QT: http://www.quicktopic.com/45/H/xqiyd3F4pSwa


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Heh, that was a really fun game. Cello for MVC, and Xastrn probably for MVNCP (most valuable non cello player. :p)

Also, fake endgames are awesome. :)


Jul 16, 2005
I'll be a **** and say we should be a shoe-in for mvp. Saved cop from cello twice. Convinced people we were town even after a guilty because of how pro-town we were. Cello's best play the whole game was believing us d3.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Sweet win guys! Town played really well, I can't decide if my role is overpowered or not. I just gotta give mad thanks to both Nich and Gordito for claiming what they did to allow me to claim and save J from lynch.

Cello - You are an insane player. While you were off track with J everything else you said, including Xastrn being miller, which basically was the right idea, was spot on excellent. i had suspicions you were indy because of how you played DBZ mafia but those were minor. Great great play

Dastrn - Dude, great play. Like you said in the other thread, I hope we play more games together in the same alignment. I think your style of play is similar to mine because I REALLY liked your play the whole time.

Gordito - gg's man. You claimed at just the right time to help save J. You voyeuring Cello night 1 also helped us verify that doctor was paranoid and helped the mechanics.

Swiss - Seriously thought u were town until X1 flipped town. The n0 cop thing was risky but did pretty good. You guys kind of undid yourselves when you tried so hard to go after dastrn, then again i'd probably the same in your position rather than decide to bus a scummate.

J - you'd be a much better play if you were more active! Try to be there more often (= And hey, i was the first to believe in you being town when everyone was against you, even in Day 1 i said i preferred Joanbud lynch to you despite you having more votes at the time ;) nice playing with you

Smargaret - you were strong town and I started to sense it, which is why you prob got night killed. gg's

Summoner - Didn't talk with ya much but gg's

Mayling - Hey "princess" lol. gg's

Fake end game was too good. And I can't believe after all that if I died people would get their own results anyway. IMO that makes the role a bit over powered since there's no harm in dying. Either way I had a lot of fun this game.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
My face when I thought indie Nich won was....wow, I'm glad no-one saw it.

Cello for MVP. Played a fantastic game, even when his assumptions were wrong, what he was doing was still right. Thoroughly enjoyed playing with him.

Thought Xas played a good game, but a lot of the game was already set out to him, he knew who the scum team had to be etc etc cuz of te posititon we put him in. It was Cello that saved his life and by extension won town the game. Didn't stop the X1 lynch etc etc Plus several people stated to lynch Joan over J, not just you. AND started to believe me yesterDay. Still played a good game (lol looks like I'm slating him)

EP did the one thing he had to, props.

No-one played a bad game from town, but I think J got mad confused. Strong town all round.

At first I thought the mechanics screwed scum over worth EP claiming. But now I see they didn't really, if I'd been active D2 to stop y'all pro town moves properly, we'd hae done better. Pissed we had to bus Joan, but I couldn't let scummy actions of that magnitude slide, I reeeeally wanted to lynch J. None of you will ever know the pain I felt in trying to get myself lynched D3, me trying to look scummy almost broke my heart. When I saw I didn't get bussed/lynched I almost fell of my chair and cried.

EP - I had to go after the Xas lynch or my lynch, they were pretty much the only options at that point (Cuz we didn't manage [my fault for being inactive] to sew the seeds of discontent with all the role claiming). So I went mad hard after it hoping that if Xas didn't go, I would, dya see?

Gonna have to /confirm that I am the mafia shanker. Each night I stick it to a poor sod and take his beans.
Close enough.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
There needs to be a "Lynched by Cello's BS" Social Group.

Out of context, this quote is now hilarious.

Gordito said:
Ninja'd by Swiss... of course lol.
Xatres - I think you played particularly well. I remember thinking highly of green Xastrn's posts. Seeing that most of your posts were truly collaborations changes that a bit, but I think you should keep playing, whether as a hydra or alone. I know you'd do well.

Dastrn - Did you forget that J refused to counterclaim Swiss? I know that you didn't find that suspicious, but I still don't know why. If everything had gone the way it should have, then J would have been in the protected/roleblock loop, which would have lead to a clear/guilty on the Night of Summoner's death, I'd have died or been protected N1 and Nick or Gordito would have gotten whichever of Mayling or JoanBud had submitted the kill, based on whether I was alive or dead. At that point, EP would come forward with a "guilty", as neither JoanBud nor Mayling would have had a reasonable explanation for visiting me, and the information avalanche would have been triggered. Even though JoanBud was a Watcher, the fact that his results wouldn't have gone to the Analyst would make him look guilty had he submitted the kill. It would have just been a matter of time before the final scum was caught. (Sidenote: I would have investigated X1, not you. It was important that J have that information about you at that time, but I would have looked elsewhere)

J - No individual player is worth more catching scum. Activity doesn't mean anything to me as far as scumminess is concerned. A player being largely inactive just means that I have to exaggerate everything else that player does. The fact that you didn't counterclaim Swiss put me into the mindset that you valued your own life more than ending scum's, something that stuck with me throughout the whole game, as I'm sure you could tell. Also, you never posted your receipt. On a positive note, you did choose your investigation targets well. Summoner was often V/LA (or claimed to be), and few people had a good read on him. Xastrn/me were about even, so either would have been fine. Swiss killed you for the threat you posed, but you did choose to investigate him, so good call there.

Nick - I was never sure if you really thought I was town or not. Actually, I thought you were "using" me to root out scum, then going to try for my lynch if the game was still on.

Kataefi - *digital slap* Although, seriously, this game was far too glutted with information. Any time you include 'opposed' roles, you are effectively clearing the opposed town role if we manage to lynch the corresponding mafia player. Let's say the ninja were lynched. The forensic investigator is not only clear, but he can find every other mafia member from their Kills. He can't be roleblocked at Night, so his power always works. Even if paranoid Doctor's roleblocking power extends into the next Day, then the Forensic Investigator still gets one correct investigation when the Doctor is Night Killed (Watcher is innately suspicious because his investigation didn't go to the Analyst, and the Tailor has no obvious lie when asked what action he/she took). The death of the Tailor pretty much completely guarantees the legitimacy of the Cop, which is actually weaker than the FI in this set up, but I don't think any Town is going to complain about a clear Cop that will eventually get at least one guilty or clear. Finally, we saw what happened with the lynch of the Watcher. Everyone getting their information after EP's death just makes it even worse.

Gordito - How was skipping RVS? I thought you did well, but I admit that I did want you to die due to the rift it seemed you were causing between by town reads. Be careful about your wording; I noticed that you said "howled" when you used your voyeur power on me. It didn't mean much here, but those sorts of slips prove to scum that your role is legitimate rather than a fakeclaim. (This is not an endorsement of fakeclaiming)

JoanBud - You doomed yourself. Next time, when someone's blood relative gives you advice about that person, you should take it. Heck, the fact that you were out of the metagame for over a year should have been enough for that. Also, your actions may have been how you would have played naturally, but who would have noticed? Even if someone had, how could they have refuted it? Still, you have guts, something that I decidedly lack as a scum player. I wonder how you would do as town nowadays?

X1 - Lynching you is always a good decision.

Swiss - It's the most frustrating thing in the world to argue against something that you know is wrong, isn't it? Especially when there is no reasonable explanation for knowing the truth or for searching for a counterpoint. That's why I hate playing as scum. But, you guys did great considering what you had to work with. I'm not just talking about the mechanics, either. Also, I appreciate the compliments. Scum should fear the next time we're both Town.

smargaret - I was sad to see that you had died Night 1; I could see that you had genuine interest in getting into my head on Day 1. I guess I don't need to tell you that you're a strong player, do I? Hope to see you around here in DGames more often.

EdreesesPieces - I have to admit that I get bored pretty easily when something seems clear to me. I was annoyed with your insistence on properly discussing every single thing, although that's not a critique. I just prefer to get on with the game. Also, I'm less paranoid that scum will manipulate people to their way of thinking the longer things drag out, as much as I am worried that information overload will break people's wills. Theoretically, 20 pages of information is great, right up until people start to forget the context in which people say certain things, what information was available at a given time, and even whole points that people make. Burn out is a townie's worst enemy. In my opinion, Days 1 and 2 are the only Days in which the game is played; after that, it's just breaking down that information and adjusting for events.

Summoner - Every time I play with you, it feels like a different person. I don't know if I like that, or not. Good job for this game though.

@adumbrodius and anyone following along: Thanks for watching! (and co-moding, if appropriate)


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
man, playing low-key as doc might be the best, but the shoutouts suck lol. The times I was V/LA, I was actually V/LA but I dragged it on as long as I could. Was trying to avoid looking town the whole game. Don't have anything to really say except

SummonerAU said:

Calling it now, Mayling is scum :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Me to Kat after Day 1 said:
Also I've been keeping up with Oddworld and town is doing well so far haha.

Cello and Nich look pretty obvtown to me. I got the same read on joan as they did earlier (i.e. trying to "win" the argument, not trying to find out if Cello was scum).

Gordorito is probably scum.

Swiss is probably the 3rd scum. His early argument with Joan reeked of scum distancing, and I could see him bussing. I haven't seen all his posts but his play style just reeks of him in Pikmafia. He ain't scum hunting, just asking questions :p.
I was a replacement, and Kat told me it was likely that someone would go inactive (but turns out I didn't have to) so I was watching the game from the sidelines :p.

Also let me know about this 'lynched by Cello BS group' XD.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
EdreesesPieces - I have to admit that I get bored pretty easily when something seems clear to me. I was annoyed with your insistence on properly discussing every single thing, although that's not a critique. I just prefer to get on with the game. Also, I'm less paranoid that scum will manipulate people to their way of thinking the longer things drag out, as much as I am worried that information overload will break people's wills. Theoretically, 20 pages of information is great, right up until people start to forget the context in which people say certain things, what information was available at a given time, and even whole points that people make. Burn out is a townie's worst enemy. In my opinion, Days 1 and 2 are the only Days in which the game is played; after that, it's just breaking down that information and adjusting for events.
I'll keep this in mind for future games, but if I was okay with quick lynching, I would have voted Xastrn based on the guilty result and he might have been quick lynched on Day 3. I see your point about not waiting too long, but I suppose there's a middle ground that's the best compromise between making a rash decision and waiting too long and losing your focus. (=


Jul 16, 2005
I'll keep this in mind for future games, but if I was okay with quick lynching, I would have voted Xastrn based on the guilty result and he might have been quick lynched on Day 3. I see your point about not waiting too long, but I suppose there's a middle ground that's the best compromise between making a rash decision and waiting too long and losing your focus. (=
I appreciated having someone else say "whoa, wait. Slow down."
Cello, in this game, we had some seemingly obvious information that led us to some seemingly obvious lynches, and me and Edreese were the ones who slowed down enough to spot the subtleties that I think won the game for us.

Scumteam, ya'll played well in the actual thread, and planned well in the quicktopic, but it seems like you just didn't translate between the two. As soon as the focus shifted on you D4, you should have thrown Swiss under the bus.

Swiss, that N0 Cop idea was sweet.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Xatres - I think you played particularly well. I remember thinking highly of green Xastrn's posts. Seeing that most of your posts were truly collaborations changes that a bit, but I think you should keep playing, whether as a hydra or alone. I know you'd do well.
Mad props to xatres. Half of my posts were made with him sitting next to me. He was an AWESOME hydra partner, and didn't just pick up the game quickly, but honestly got PRO quickly. He's already got some games designed of his own.
@Cello: Dastrn meant that many of HIS posts were collaborations, not mine. Most of Dast's big, long analysis posts at the end of a given day were written when we were home together and discussing things. Most of my longer posts were written when he was at work or asleep. Thanks for the props either way.

@Gord: Sorry for pushing you so hard. We didn't want to see J lynched and you were looking mad scummy.

@J: After you got over your activity problems, you turned out to be a pretty good player. I still think you should have investigated Cello instead of us N3, given that we saved your butt TWICE from him, but thankfully town managed to shake the false negative your investigation brought.

@Swiss/Mayling: Personally, I didn't suspect either of you at all until EP claimed. He just cleared so many people you were the only suspects left.

@Mayling: I think the princess claim was gutsy, but if you were town you wouldn't have done it. Mafia would have targeted you the next night regardless of who got lynched, and then all those terrible things still would have happened.

@Swiss: Ballsy move with the N0 cop claim. That actually made you look pretty town for those first two days. Sorry you had to bus yourself when no one lynched us.

@X1: Hopefully if we play together as town again, I won't think you look so scummy. You need to give more info when you post, man. At least we lynched Swiss, even if it was a day late.

@MVP Debate: I realize Cello is the more charismatic player and really drums up discussion, but I still think we are a strong candidate. The fact that the entire town was kissing Cello's feet was a BAD thing, despite his strong play. Cello gave the same reasons for us being Miller as we did, but it wasn't until he stated he believed us that town followed. Same went for believing J was town. We were (I think) the only ones besides EP that believed his claim. Town players should be following wherever logic and reason lead, not where the most charismatic player leads.

Also, @Cello: Remember what an *** you turned into about the J lynch D2? You were even threatening to lynch EP if he didn't "fall in line." :laugh:


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Oh yeah, @Dastrn: We rocked this game. Thanks for showing me the ropes of online mafia and for giving me mad props. I officially proclaim this game a Rice Brothers Victory. *sticks flag in ground*


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
So yeah. What's up with killing me night 1? I feel so unloved.

I don't ever want to be scum to Cello's town. There is no way I'm charismatic enough to stand up to that. However, the game was very useful as a learning tool, and kept my interest even after N1.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Cello: So it seems a little play I did is still in your head Cello :laugh: I guess I should tell you why I decided to not claim against Swiss's N0. At first I was full and ready to claim however something popped into my head. For one I knew this claim was fake and if he continued with it I would have done something about it. Look at it at my perspective. I was the literal n00b of this game. I had a PR. If I would have claimed the town would have lost a valuble thing that night. And the funny thing is, it wasn't me that would have been lost. Summoner would have saved me and Cello, you would have died. If not you, Xastrn or Edreese. The town would have lost one of it's most crucial leader's in discussion and scum-hunting. I had a town read on all three of you from the game beginning and it seems I was right <3. Anyways I am getting side-tracked. Cello, if I would have claimed against Swiss I would bet you would have died. If you would have died that early in the game and was such a strong player I really doubt we could have gotten away with it. I had to think of all scenarios and there were NO pluses to it. Swiss would have been able to talk his way out of it and since at the beginning was your right hand man would just put the town at a bad edge. I didn't have a read on Swiss. Overall you were a great player in this game however you were really convinced I was scum which I found incredibly funny. You even went after me AFTER I claimed. xD If Dastrn, Edreese, Gordito, AND Nich hadn't taken up for me you would have killed me. When Edreese defended me you threatened to kill him. ;3c Really fun and I would love to play with ya again sometime ^_^ Next time i'll be more active and maybe you won't mind me scummy. Btw that is still great what you said about me being the second most scummiest player back here. ;D

@Edreese: DUUUDE! You have no clue how much I went back and forth thinking that your role was too perfect for us but I knew you were town. It liked tied everything up in a bow. You played a great game ;D Thanks for defending me when the town was against me ;3c Hope I can repay the favor some day. Don't worry that inactivity thing was one time thing and will most likely NEVER happen again.

@Xastrn: Alright now I did want to explain to you why I investigated you two over Cello. So at first I was like "wtf WHY did you guys end the day without consulting me first T_T". It got me completely confused and nervous as to who I should look into. I did about 5 re-reads of that day. I knew if I did not investigate either of you two Cello would have rung me out to dry <3. When re-reading I just kept thinking who would be the less mad at what I did. I thought both of you were town so I was drived into the hole. Also I thought Cello would've been alot mad that I investigated him. However with your investigation we got Mayling to be lynched. I could not believe when it came up guilty and I knew it was wrong. That's why I took a stand and said I was not voting for you no matter what and Cello was saying the same. Both of you were really great! Seriously good job hydraing ;D

@Gordito: Good game =P You were like the middle-man of the town. Not too town to be NKed and not too scummy to be lynched. You also had a cool PR ;O Ripping into me D1 with Cello made me look worse but it was understandable ^.^

@Mayling: Reading that quicktopic was hilarious xD Man for some reason I just had a feeling you weren't scum. Good thing I went against it. Also wow now that I know you were a tailor if you would have survived then you would have made yourself innocent when I announced I was investigating you..........Oh wellz you played good scum ;D had me fooled

@Nich: Maaaaan i am so sorry I hit you hard on the last day. T~T It was just the bandwagoning got me a bit and reminded me of wagoners causing my last town to lose the game. Also your role didn't help my opinion of you because it always came back "???". It would've been helpful if it wasn't for the Ninja thing. Good game ;D

@Joanbud: Wow lucky scum lynch that saved me ;D Didn't really get to play much with you but good game nonetheless ;3

@Smargaret: ;O I was shocked when you died and surprised too. It was a random NK it seemed but you were a good town player. Also sorry for mis-understanding what you were saying at first ^^" good game ;D

@Summoner: Since of the V/LA and just something was that brought me to think you were scummy. Wow though Paranoid Doctor ;O how different of a PR and it's nice you worked with it for the time you had. Good game though we really didn't get to play much ;D

@X1-12: Why the heck did we lynch you again? If I was actually there I probably would have said something plus choose my investigation choice more wisely. I kindof had a null-read on you though =x. Sorry you got thrown under instead of me that day. Hey though! You were right Swiss was scum and we got it right....eventually xD Good game ;o

@Swiss: If i didn't over analyze things you probably would have gotten called on that N0. Man it you did well sticking to Cello at the beginning of D1. You definetely played good scum and made a good call NKing me. If you hadn't you would have been lynched even faster <3 Good game ^_^

@Katefi: Thank you for answering my questions when I had them. I really liked this set-up and it was so unique. Also the fake ending was too great xD.

@MVP Debate: Vote: Xastrn x3 Overall i think they played the best game. Cello would def be a close second but as where he took command of the town i think he lost sight a bit and started throwing out who he thought was scum a bit mehish against me and then attacking Edreese. However he made up for that with helping me try and get Xastrn cleared. Overall it would be whoever I just think Xastrn, myself, did the best.

Yay that was so much fun ;3c Go town ^_^P I had fun playing my first PR ;o


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
My role was really just uber-broken despite the ninja. As soon as the ninja died, town would have the game in the bag. Still though, Swiss died last, so it's all ok. :)


Jul 16, 2005
Lmao if Swiss died D1 :p.

Still, almost worked out for scum, despite town's near perfect game. Us/Me dying D3 would have made the game hard to win for town. And we could EASILY have been lynched by worse towns.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
im annoyed that i reviewed this setup and failed to fix it

any disdain for katae due to the setup oughta be redirected at me and i accept any meanness/criticism/whatnot as a result. im sorry. specially to the scumteam
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