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Lyn (Fire Emblem) Discussion Thread

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Oh... that's funny... for a second there I almost thought that this was the "Lyn (Fire Emblem) Discussion Thread"... I guess that I was wrong though.

The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
Yes, I can see it now how the stats of a fire emblem character like Lyn are going to decide if she makes it in or not:

Smash Brothers Brawl Video Game Headquarters

Developer 1: Hey why don't we include Lyn in the game. She has some fans in Japan and even more outside of the country. It would be a good character to please Fire Emblem fans everywhere. Plus, she's also hot.

Developer 2: Nope. We can't include her.

Developer 1: Why not?

Developer 2: Her stats are insignificantly lower then some of the other lords automatically making her not as good a candidate. Therefore we will ignore her and only consider other ones.

Develop 3: Hey guys, your not going to beleive this! There's an angry mob of thousands outside demanding that Lyn gets put into the game!

Developer 2: I already said No! And don't even think about suggesting Matthew since Legault is much better.

Shadow Calibur

Smash Ace
May 17, 2006
Warner Robins, Ga
Yes, I can see it now how the stats of a fire emblem character like Lyn are going to decide if she makes it in or not:

Smash Brothers Brawl Video Game Headquarters

Developer 1: Hey why don't we include Lyn in the game. She has some fans in Japan and even more outside of the country. It would be a good character to please Fire Emblem fans everywhere. Plus, she's also hot.

Developer 2: Nope. We can't include her.

Developer 1: Why not?

Developer 2: Her stats are insignificantly lower then some of the other lords automatically making her not as good a candidate. Therefore we will ignore her and only consider other ones.

Develop 3: Hey guys, your not going to beleive this! There's an angry mob of thousands outside demanding that Lyn gets put into the game!

Developer 2: I already said No! And don't even think about suggesting Matthew since Legault is much better.
It's a good thing FE stats don't matter much in Smash- if it did, we'd have a crapload of a game on our hands.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I'm not arguing the stats with relation to getting into Brawl.

Matthew is garbage, Legault is amazing. Matthew's 90% critical with a killing edge and full supports won't mean anything when the damage he's doing is a horrible 0-5, when Legault's doing more and surviving better.

Duessel and Bastion are awesome. Marcia and Makalov are lame, but Makalov's a Paladin and thus a solid unit. Dorcas is garbage due to only averaging 12 SPD. Bartre is good, though.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Replace Lyn's mob with Sigurds/Ikes mob

There wont be nob in japan if lyn isnt in, Sigurd/Ike on the other hand...


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
My point was that I hate those characters and actually killed some off just to see if cut scenes will be different. They were disgraceful people who were hideous, annoying, stupid, or a combination of any of those.

And I enjoyed playing with Matthew because I liked HIM, not his UNIT STATUS. So I loved it when he leveled or made a kill. That made the game more enjoyable. That's the point!
The Franchise: props man, props.


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2004
North NJ
I'm not arguing the stats with relation to getting into Brawl.

Matthew is garbage, Legault is amazing. Matthew's 90% critical with a killing edge and full supports won't mean anything when the damage he's doing is a horrible 0-5, when Legault's doing more and surviving better.

Duessel and Bastion are awesome. Marcia and Makalov are lame, but Makalov's a Paladin and thus a solid unit. Dorcas is garbage due to only averaging 12 SPD. Bartre is good, though.

Legault would be doing only a bit more damage and if you factor in maximum critical %, then technically Matthew does more damage on average. Because he WILL attack 2x and basically Will crit twice. Again you dont use theives and sins for "damage",they are to ko and steal stuff.


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2004
North NJ
They should give her 2 costumes... 1 with the lord/mani katti and blade lord/sol katti. There back on topic.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
How the hell do you people know who Japan likes or hates? Do you just make it up because you also hate the character.

Ike will proberly be in because I read somewhere he is Sakurai's new favourite lord, some how he gained world wide popularity. I still think he would be clone of Marth considering Sakurai never said there wouldn't be clones.

Lyn should be in because she is the most popular lord out of the people I know or as they refer to her "that green haired chick" and she seems to have a pretty big / scary fanbase on the internet (like FF7 but a bit smaller). Lyn also has a thin sword with fast strikes and she has a Bow meaning she would be more than just "another Sword weilder" plus she was the very first lord for non-japanese players which in my opinion should raise her chances. How ever people say that Japanese fans dislike her I don't know where they get it from but it's proberly true the japanese tend to reject good stuff (Rare's DK) and love crap stuff (Constant Pokemon)

Sigrud is Sakurai's former favourite lord and apparantly Japan's favourite lord. I played a little into his game, it's ok but I like the GBA ones better but that's only because I really got into them unlike the SNES ones I got. I don't think Sigrud will be in for two main reasons 1 he is mounted meaning his moveset would have to be made up from scratch and 2 he isn't a world wide lord meaning almost no one from outside Japan knows him, they know some fire emblem lords but Sigrud isn't one of them. It may have been the most imported game into the states for the SNES but who gives a **** about that, one country imported the game still most people will be clueless as to who he is. If they are going to add in any Japan exclusive characters it should be stafy and maybe Demiru.

Hector would be another great lord he uses an axe which no one in SSB uses so that would make him unique and he is from Fire Emblem 6 and 7 he would of course have his Fire Emblem 7 look but his 6 look as a costume. Hector is very important in chapters 11 onwards in Fire Emblem Blazing Sword and important for the first few chapters in Fire Emblem 6 until he is killed. Then his daughter Liliana becomes important, she by the way is a mage lord thingo so she would be unique too but I just hate her and for a Magic lord you need Mikaya.

I say Lyn and Hector for Brawl!


Smash Hero
Mar 13, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Meh, Lyn's really only popular in the U.S.; the lords in the Japanese FEs have a much larger fanbase in, you guessed it, Japan, and that's what really matters. Ike's probably going to be in Brawl since he's the lord for the only GC FE, and that's something unique. But I'd like for him to have a different playstyle than that of Marth's; but somehow, I envision him as somewhat of a Roy clone >_>

I'd like to see a FE lord that doesn't use a god**** sword. We have enough sword users as it is.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
How the hell do you know if Lyn is unpopular in Japan. I know she is popular in the Australian area because I am from here, you say she is popular in America because I assume you are from there unless there is a japanese nerd who trolls every single internet forum and says yeah all japanese people hate lyn or there is some sort of poll to show us the **** hate Lyn then how the hell do we know if they like her or not **** it.

Sakurai has said he is trying to appeal to outside of Japan as well so Japan isn't all that matters. Him saying that pretty much ruled out Sigrud and any other Japan only FE lords and made it harder for characters like Demiru and Stafy to get in which I am glad about, it also makes it harder for cutsey pokemon to get in because they are only popular over there, he knows that more than just japanese people buy this game so he is catering for that so it doesn't matter what the Japanese fans want because the European/Australian/American Market is vastly larger and from what I can tell they like Lyn.

The Franchise

Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2006
It's true that Japan isn't the only factor for a character but it is still a factor. If a character has popularity over here and Sakurai thinks that players will like them over here, even if we have nevered played with them befoe, they will proabily get in. That being said Ike does have a strong chance with having popularity both in and out of Japan.

As for Lyn, part of the reason why I think she's more popular outside of Japan is due to the fact she means more to us then those in Japan. For all of us, Lyn was the very first lord in the very first fire Emblem game released outside of Japn and hence she has significant meaning to us. As for Japan, she was just a character in the middle of 3 Fire Emblem games released for the GBA and therefore is not as important.

Ages ago on the forum, (can't remember who or where) someone posted a link to a japenese poll of Fire Emblem 7 characters rated by popularity. Lyn received 5th or 6th place overall being beaten out by the other lords and the most popular character Nino (who I actually do like but sadly wouldn't be suitable as a character).

As such Lyn doesn't have the greatest chances but she should still be supported anyway. Lyn for Brawl!!!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Xianfeng Lyn is the least liked lord in japanese FE history, she got #6 in a poll in japan, where lords usually get #1-3 she couldnt even make the top 5-_-

Lyn is disliked by too many people to be considetred popular.

"Sigrud is Sakurai's former favourite lord and apparantly Japan's favourite lord"

Sakurai never said Sigurd was his favorite, just he was going to include Sigurd in Melee if Roy didnt take his place.

" I don't think Sigrud will be in for two main reasons 1 he is mounted meaning his moveset would have to be made up from scratch"
uhhh...all of brawl is from scratch, sakurai already said character moves will be changed

"and 2 he isn't a world wide lord meaning almost no one from outside Japan knows him, they know some fire emblem lords but Sigrud isn't one of them"

FE4 is one of the highest imported games for the SNES -_- Also Sakurai already said it worked for FE so japan-only characters have just aas much chances as worldwide

"Rare's DK"
Elaborate, cause DK 1/2 sold million plus copies in japan -_-


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
See, the thing is Manashima, when Sakurai has satisfied his patriotism by puting in about 30 japan-only characters, he might finally look at the US, Europe, Australia, etc.

And do you know what he's gonna get when he does this? BOMBARDED with Lyn and Hector support. That's the key. Also Ike, but Japan likes him anyway. [grr...Ike sux]


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
My personal Support Conv. for Lyn is level S+5.
For Hector it's A. They are both worthy.

Come on, they all have a chance...They should all just have a great battle royale of the worthy FE characters and end the feud once and for all.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Winter Haven, Florida
Lyn would make a great new character...as of yet, we don't have a crapload of really speedy swordwielders, but if she had Marth's power and was even faster, then I think she would have to be buffed down a tad...

Sonic The Hedgedawg

Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2005
Xianfeng Lyn is the least liked lord in japanese FE history, she got #6 in a poll in japan, where lords usually get #1-3 she couldnt even make the top 5-_-

Lyn is disliked by too many people to be considetred popular.
I'm sorry, I was not aware that Japan was the only country in the world. She's #1 in america so far as I know. How about we use that instead since the point is no less valid.

Hatred from many doesn't decrease the popularity that she has from others


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
there were a good amount of unpopular characters in melee. oh and what did sakurai say?

"the fact that people only want popular characters doesn't get me excited." sooooooooo lol? stop with the popularity *****ing :D


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Basement Dweller speed is marths greatest asset in his game, why would Lyn be faster than him?

Also Lyn is not most popular in america, no evidence showing this. Cept fanboys

I would say Ike


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
I'm pretty sure no one said she was, she's one of the most popular mainly cause shes female. <_<


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
I think we come to an agreement

Ike for American audience

and if we needed another, Sigurd for Japan.

Everybody happy? Good. End of topic.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
No because if Sigrud is included in our version then that would suck. Sakurai said he isn't just appealing to a japanese audience and outside of japan no one knows who sigrud is that's why someone from Fire Emblem Blazing Sword should be in because to us they are symbolic.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
Why the hell is Ike so popular he has no defining qualities and he is exactly like Marth!
No because if Sigrud is included in our version then that would suck. Sakurai said he isn't just appealing to a japanese audience and outside of japan no one knows who sigrud is that's why someone from Fire Emblem Blazing Sword should be in because to us they are symbolic.

Mainly the hardcore FE'ers know Sigurd and other Japan-only characters because, guess what? Japan-only! [I know of him because of all the talk on these boards, otherwise I wouldn't, the same goes for a lot of people. I don't support him because again, I only know of him, no experience with him whatsoever.]

And Sakurai didn't exactly say he was going to 100% appeal to the US as well as Japan. What he said was that he wants to, but he thinks it might be challenging.

Now, this is BS, but it's still what he thinks.....Or at least thought around E3 time.

Lyn is highly popular in the US. Even if she's not #1, she's still exceptionally high on the list. People don't like her just because she's female; she is also unique, which is a quality Ike lacks SEVERELY. She is also fun to use, which again Ike lacks.

There is one more extremely important reason why she's wanted and popular, it also happens to be another quality Ike lacks quite a lot:

:chuckle: ~Lyn Is Hot~:chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Sep 29, 2005
Meant Ike, not Marth -_-

Ike for American audience where hes massiveley popular

and Sigurd for japan, vice-versa


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
^ Its pretty obvious he was just saying that just to say that. to actually take that as a legitmate reason is pretty ********. also WTF?! you almost have as many posts as me and its barely been 2 months Jesus christ Calm down on the posting.


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
This is the Lyn discussion. If you're not talking about how awesome it would be for Lyn to be in SSBB, please go away and make your own topic. :p

thang you.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
LOL Aiser. You're right, it was just one of those things.....about the hotness. And there is a reason for Dweller's high post count. He roams the boards just looking for idea's to bash, short and sweet. The whole process for one post is probably about 3.4 seconds. Multiply that by all the posts.....and there ya go.

Lyn is unique; there really is no denying that. By being so and certain other traits, it does give her a decent chance, that's all.


Smash Hero
Jan 13, 2006
Canberra, Australia
Meant Ike, not Marth -_-

Ike for American audience where hes massiveley popular

and Sigurd for japan, vice-versa
Manashima have you actually read our posts?

Sigrud's chances are considerably low now that Fire Emblem has been released world wide. Why? because only hard core fire emblem fans know who he is outside of japan, sakurai doesn't want this game to be just for the japanese people, he is doing something Nintendo has never done before trying to cater for the west as well (apart from Retro Studios) Sigrud would not be welcomed in the west, he is japanese only, we are not japanese.
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